607 resultados para leprosis mite


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The objective of this work was to compare the oribatid mite and springtail communities in three plots with different soil use - Coffee (CP), secondary vegetation or fallow fields (acahual, A) and a cloud mountain forest (CMF) - within a coffee plantation located in Santa Maria Huatulco, Oaxaca State, Mexico. In each plot 20 samples (10 of soil, 10 of litter) were taken and processed in Berlese funnels. The extracted fauna was preserved in 70% ethanol. A total of 3,031 oribatid mites belonging to 33 species, and 1,177 specimens of springtails belonging to 43 species, were collected. The number of species recorded was: 27 at CP (14 oribatids; 13 springtails), 44 at A (19 oribatids; 25 springtails) and 62 at CMF (32 for each group). A total of 26 oribatid and 27 springtail species was found in the soil, and 25 oribatid and 32 springtail species were found in the litter. The most abundant species were the oribatids Rostroztes foveolatus (Haplozetidae), Tectocepheus sp. (Tecocepheidae), Karenella sp. (Oppidae), Atropacarus (Hoplophorella) cf. fonseciai (Phthiracaridae), Epilohmannia pallida americana (Epilohmannidae), and the springtails Ceratophysella cf. gibbosa (Hypogastruridae), Mesaphorura sp. (Tullbergidae) and Proisotoma cf. minuta (Isotomidae). Fourteen families and 18 species of Oribatida species and 5 families and 34 species of Collembola were recorded for the first time for the State.


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Capítol 4 del llibre 'Josep Carner: l'exili del mite (1945-1970)', sobre la poesia publicada per Carner durant la seva llarga estada a Bèlgica.


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Capítol 12 de 'Josep Carner: l'exili del mite (1945-1970)', sobre el llibre pòstum de refranys i aforismes 'Proverbis d'ací i d'allà' (1974).


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The objective of this work was to produce a polyclonal antiserum against the coat protein (CP) of Papaya lethal yellowing virus (PLYV) and to determine its specificity and sensibility in the diagnosis of the virus, as well as to evaluate the genetic resistance to PLYV in papaya (Carica papaya) accessions and to investigate the capacity of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae to acquire and transmit PLYV to the plants. Sixty-five papaya accessions were evaluated. For each accession, ten plants were mechanically inoculated using PLYV-infected plant extracts, and three plants were mock inoculated with phosphate buffer alone and used as negative controls. Ninety days after inoculation, newly-emerging systemic leaves were collected from the inoculated plants, and viral infection was diagnosed by indirect Elisa, using polyclonal antiserum sensible to the in vitro-expressed PLYV CP. Viral transmission by T. urticae was evaluated in greenhouse. The experiments were repeated twice. Polyclonal antiserum recognized the recombinant PLYV CP specifically and discriminated PLYV infection from infections caused by other plant viruses. Out of the 65 papaya accessions evaluated, 15 were considered resistant, 18 moderately resistant, and 32 susceptible. The two-spotted spider mite T. urticae was capable of acquiring PLYV, but not of transmitting it to papaya.


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Durante el periodo 2001-2003 se evaluó la importancia patológica del mosaico de la higuera en el cultivo de la higuera (Ficus carica L.) en la zona este de España. Para ello se muestrearon aleatoriamente un total de 70 campos distribuidos en dos zonas: Lleida y Alicante. Se evaluó la cantidad de enfermedad en varias colecciones de variedades y se siguió el desarrollo de la enfermedad durante este tiempo en varios campos. Los resultados mostraron que el mosaico de la higuera es una enfermedad ampliamente extendida aunque con una progresión limitada. La incidencia media fue del 95% y la severidad media del 13%. La máxima expresión de la enfermedad se observó en primavera reduciéndose considerablemente la severidad en verano. Asimismo se observó una gran variabilidad en la cantidad de síntomas según el genotipo de la planta. Las variedades más extendidas en Lleida 'Cuello de dama negro' y en Alicante 'Colar' presentaron un severidad alta y mediana, respectivamente. El ácaro transmisor de la enfermedad Aceria ficus Cotte se identificó en todas las muestras con síntomas analizadas.


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O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis é uma das principais pragas dos citros por ser vetor do "Citrus Leprosis Virus" (CiLV), agente causal da leprose, uma das mais graves doenças da citricultura. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito tóxico de produtos à base de abamectina sobre o ácaro B. phoenicis. Foram realizados um experimento de ação direta e três de ação residual no Laboratório de Acarologia do Departamento de Proteção de Plantas (Fitossanidade) da FCAV - UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP. O delineamento adotado nos bioensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado, onde 10 tratamentos foram repetidos 7 vezes, sendo cada repetição composta por um fruto de laranja. Os tratamentos estudados (mL p.c./100 L de água) foram: Acaramik a 20; 30; 40 e 50 mL; Vertimec a 30 e 40 mL; Abamectin Nortox a 30 e 40 mL; Tricofol a 77 mL e uma testemunha sem aplicação. Utilizaram-se frutos com presença de verrugose, que foram lavados e parcialmente parafinados, deixando-se uma área sem parafina, que foi circundada com cola entomológica para contenção dos ácaros. Transferiram-se 20 ácaros adultos B. phoenicis para cada fruto. No bioensaio de ação direta, a transferência foi realizada antes das aplicações e, nos bioensaios de ação residual, aos 5; 10 e 15 dias após a aplicação dos produtos. A aplicação dos produtos sobre os frutos foi realizada em Torre de Potter. Os resultados obtidos nos bioensaios evidenciaram que os melhores tratamentos foram: Tricofol a 77 mL, Acaramik a 40 e 50 mL e Vertimec a 40 mL. De forma geral, os produtos testados podem ser utilizados no controle do ácaro B. phoenicis.


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Despite the importance of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in Rio Grande do Sul, little is known about mites fluctuation population considered important to this crop. The objective of this study was to know the population diversity and fluctuation of mite species associated with Premier and Eldorado varieties in Roca Sales and Venâncio Aires counties, Rio Grande do Sul. The study was conducted from July 2008 to June 2009 when 15 plants were randomly chosen in each area. The plants were divided in quadrants and from each one a branch was chosen from which three leaves were removed: one collected in the apical region, another in the medium and the other in the basal region, totalizing 180 leaves/area. Five of the most abundant associated plants were collected monthly in enough amounts for the screening under the stereoscopic microscope during an hour. A total of 1,124 mites were found belonging to 14 families and 28 species. Tetranychus ludeni Zacher, 1913, Panonychus ulmi (Koch, 1836) and Mononychellus planki (McGregor, 1950) were the most abundant phytophagous mites, whereas Typhlodromalus aripo Deleon, 1967 and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks, 1904) the most common predatory mites. The period of one hour under stereoscopic microscope was enough to get a representative sample. In both places evaluated the ecologic indices were low, but little higherin Premier (H' 0.56; EqJ: 0.43) when compared to Eldorado (H' 0.53; EqJ 0.40). In Premier constant species were not observed and accessory only Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), T. ludeni and T. aripo. Higher abundance was observed in December and January and bigger amount in April. Already in Eldorado, T. ludeni and P. ulmi were constants. Greater abundance was observed in November and December, whereas grater richness in December and January. In both orchards were not found mites in buds. Tetranychus ludeni is the most abundant phytophagous mites with outbreak population in November, December and January and high predator diversity was observed on associated plants and on peach plants, indicating the existence of species mobility in peach orchard.


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Los griegos crearon su religión con tanta riqueza imaginativa que los mitos que la forman se han convertido en uno de los pilares fundamentales de nuestra cultura; se han recreado en todas las artes y seguirá haciéndose...


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El mite de l'adolescència en obres com: 'Aloma' de Mercé Rodoreda i 'Nada' de Carmen Laforet


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[cat] Les traduccions dels primers capítols del llibre VII de la República de Plató on apareix la famosa imatge de la caverna, εἰκών, presenten una sorprenent i intrigant varietat interpretativa: “al·legoria”, “mite”, “faula”, “paràbola”, “símil”, “comparació”... Aquest article, prenent com a exemple la notable fidelitat al text del traductor victorià de Plató, B. Jowett, i mitjançant una anàlisi rigorosa dels termes que acompanyen la imatge, manté la necessitat de no interpretar ni corregir en aquest cas el gran filòsof idealista o “ideocèntric”, assenyalant alhora, si el capteniment filològic és un altre, les contradiccions resultants i l’ús d’algun terme aliè al lèxic platònic com ara “al·legoria”.


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Why Bernardo Bertolucci, when adapting as a film Alberto Moravia’s novel Il conformista, introduced into its homonymous The Conformist the Platonic image of the cave? The article is to give an answer to this question by analysing Moravia’s work in search of “cave images”, which would justify Bertolucci’s decision.


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[spa] ¿Por qué Bernardo Bertolucci, al adaptar cinematográficamente la novela de Alberto Moravia Il conformista, introdujo en The Conformist la imagen platónica de la caverna? Este artículo preende dar respuesta a esta pregunta mediante el análisis de una parte considerable de la obra de Moravia.


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[cat] Per què Bernardo Bertolucci, en fer l’adaptació cinematogràfica de la novel·la d’Alberto Moravia Il conformista, introduí a The Conformist la imatge platònica de la caverna? Hom pretén donar resposta a aquesta pregunta mitjançant l’anàlisi de bona part de l’obra de Moravia.


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The fundamental debt of E. O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author’s hypothesis, O’Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader’s right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O’Neill’s work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author’s article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O’Neill’s drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.


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La tesina analitza com Anne Brontë desafia el mite del casament romàntic a la novel·la The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Argumento que aquesta crítica es fa mostrant les conseqüències nefastes d’un matrimoni (entre l’Arthur i l’Helen) basat en l’atracció i en la idea que una dona pot salvar un home de mala vida. Malgrat que la novel·la acaba amb un altre casament (entre l’Helen i en Gilbert), si s’analitza en detall es pot veure que presenta elements subversius. Per exemple, la seva unió està basada en igualtat intel·lectual i compatibilitat de caràcters, enlloc d’igualtat econòmica i social