Incidencia del mosaico de la higuera en dos zonas del este de España

Autoria(s): Segarra Bofarull, Joan; Juárez Sanz, Margarita; Castellvell, D.; Achón Samá, Mª Ángeles; Medina Piles, Vicente



Durante el periodo 2001-2003 se evaluó la importancia patológica del mosaico de la higuera en el cultivo de la higuera (Ficus carica L.) en la zona este de España. Para ello se muestrearon aleatoriamente un total de 70 campos distribuidos en dos zonas: Lleida y Alicante. Se evaluó la cantidad de enfermedad en varias colecciones de variedades y se siguió el desarrollo de la enfermedad durante este tiempo en varios campos. Los resultados mostraron que el mosaico de la higuera es una enfermedad ampliamente extendida aunque con una progresión limitada. La incidencia media fue del 95% y la severidad media del 13%. La máxima expresión de la enfermedad se observó en primavera reduciéndose considerablemente la severidad en verano. Asimismo se observó una gran variabilidad en la cantidad de síntomas según el genotipo de la planta. Las variedades más extendidas en Lleida 'Cuello de dama negro' y en Alicante 'Colar' presentaron un severidad alta y mediana, respectivamente. El ácaro transmisor de la enfermedad Aceria ficus Cotte se identificó en todas las muestras con síntomas analizadas.

Fig (Ficus carica L.) stands were sampled during 2001-2003 period in the East of Spain to evaluate the pathological importance of fig mosaic disease. A total of 70 fields were sampled randomly in two zones: Lleida and Alicante. Disease severity were also assessed in different genotype collections and epidemic development was followed in several fields. The results shown that fig mosaic is a very extended disease in the region but severity development is low. Average incidence was 95% and the resulting average severity was around 13%. The maximum expression of the disease was observed in spring. On the other hand, it was detected a high variability of disease severity between host genotypes. The fig varieties more extended in Lleida 'Cuello de dama negro' and in Alicante 'Colar' shown a high and medium severity, respectively. The vector mite Acería ficus Cotte was identified in all analysed diseased samples.

Fig (Ficus carica L.) stands were sampled during 2001-2003 period in the East of Spain to evaluate the pathological importance of fig mosaic disease. A total of 70 fields were sampled randomly in two zones: Lleida and Alicante. Disease severity were also assessed in different genotype collections and epidemic development was followed in several fields. The results shown that fig mosaic is a very extended disease in the region but severity development is low. Average incidence was 95% and the resulting average severity was around 13%. The maximum expression of the disease was observed in spring. On the other hand, it was detected a high variability of disease severity between host genotypes. The fig varieties more extended in Lleida 'Cuello de dama negro' and in Alicante 'Colar' shown a high and medium severity, respectively. The vector mite Acería ficus Cotte was identified in all analysed diseased samples.





Espanya. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino


Reproducció del document publicat a

Boletín de sanidad vegetal. Plagas, 2005, vol. 31, núm. 3, p. 407-415


open access

(c) Espanya. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, 2005

Palavras-Chave #Ficus carica L. #Aceria ficus Cotte #Virus #Epidemiología #Figuera -- Malalties i plagues
