572 resultados para lectin


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Forty-six lectin domains which have homologues among well established eukaryotic and bacterial lectins of known three-dimensional structure, have been identified through a search of 165 archeal genomes using a multipronged approach involving domain recognition, sequence search and analysis of binding sites. Twenty-one of them have the 7-bladed -propeller lectin fold while 16 have the -trefoil fold and 7 the legume lectin fold. The remainder assumes the C-type lectin, the -prism I and the tachylectin folds. Acceptable models of almost all of them could be generated using the appropriate lectins of known three-dimensional structure as templates, with binding sites at one or more expected locations. The work represents the first comprehensive bioinformatic study of archeal lectins. The presence of lectins with the same fold in all domains of life indicates their ancient origin well before the divergence of the three branches. Further work is necessary to identify archeal lectins which have no homologues among eukaryotic and bacterial species. Proteins 2016; 84:21-30. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Leukocytes roll along the endothelium of postcapillary venules in response to inflammatory and thrombotic processes. The rolling under hydrodynamic shear forces is a first step in directing leukocytes out of the blood stream into sites of inflammation and is mediated by the selectins, a family of extended, modular, and calcium-dependent lectin receptors. The interactions between P-, E-or L-selectins and their count.


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Selectin-ligand interactions are crucial to such biological processes as inflammatory cascade or tumor metastasis. How transient formation and dissociation of selectin-ligand bonds in blood flow are coupled to molecular conformation at atomic level, however, has not been well understood. In this study, steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations were used to elucidate the intramolecular and intermolecular conformational evolutions involved in forced dissociation of three selectin-ligand systems: the construct consisting of P-selectin lectin (Lec) and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains (P-LE) interacting with synthesized sulfoglycopeptide or SGP-3, P-LE with sialyl Lewis X (sLeX), and E-LE with sLeX. SMD simulations were based on newly built-up force field parameters including carbohydrate units and sulfated tyrosine(s) using an analogy approach. The simulations demonstrated that the complex dissociation was coupled to the molecular extension. While the intramolecular unraveling in P-LESGP-3 system mainly resulted from the destroy of the two anti-parallel sheets of EGF domain and the breakage of hydrogen-bond cluster at the Lec-EGF interface, the intermolecular dissociation was mainly determined by separation of fucose (FUC) from Ca2+ ion in all three systems. Conformational changes during forced dissociations depended on pulling velocities and forces, as well as on how the force was applied. This work provides an insight into better understanding of conformational changes and adhesive functionality of selectin-ligand interactions under external forces.


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P-selectin, a 70-nm-long cellular adhesive molecule, possesses elastic and extensible properties when neutrophils roll over the activated endotheliam of blood vessel in inflammatory reaction. Transient formation and dissociation of P-selectin/ligand bond on applied force of blood flow induces the extension of P-selectin and relevant ligands. Steered molecular dynamics simulations were performed to stretch a single P-selectin construct consisting of a lectin (Lec) domain and an epithelial growth factor (EGF)-like domain, where P-selectin construct was forced to extend in water with pulling velocities of 0.005-0.05 nm/ps and with constant forces of 1000-2500 pN respectively. Resulting force-extension profiles exhibited a dual-peak pattern on various velocities, while both plateaus and shoulders appeared in the extension-time profiles on various forces. The force or extension profiles along stretching pathways were correlated to the conformational changes, suggesting that the structural collapses of P-selectin Lec/EGF domains were mainly attributed to the burst of hydrogen bonds within the major beta sheet of EGF domain and the disruptions of two hydrophobic cores of Lee domain. This work furthers the understanding of forced dissociation of P-selectin/ligand bond.


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Fucose-α(1-2)-galactose (Fucα(1-2)Gal) carbohydrates have been implicated in cognitive functions. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that govern these processes are not well understood. While significant progress has been made toward identifying glycoconjugates bearing this carbohydrate epitope, a major challenge remains the discovery of interactions mediated by these sugars. Here, we employ the use of multivalent glycopolymers to enable the proteomic identification of weak affinity, low abundant Fucα(1-2)Gal-binding proteins (i.e. lectins) from the brain. End-biotinylated glycopolymers containing photoactivatable crosslinkers were used to capture and enrich potential Fucα(1-2)Gal-specific lectins from rat brain lysates. Candidate lectins were tested for their ability to bind Fucα(1-2)Gal, and the functional significance of the interaction was investigated for one such candidate, SV2a, using a knock-out mouse system. Our results suggest an important role for this glycan-lectin interaction in facilitating synaptic changes necessary for neuronal communication. This study highlights the use of glycopolymer mimetics to discover novel lectins and identify functional interactions between fucosyl carbohydrates and lectins in the brain.


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Mannose receptor (MR) is widely expressed on macrophages, immature dendritic cells, and a variety of epithelial and endothelial cells. It is a 180 kD type I transmembrane receptor whose extracellular region consists of three parts: the amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain (Cys-MR); a fibronectin type II-like domain; and a series of eight tandem C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs). Two portions of MR have distinct carbohydrate recognition properties: Cys-MR recognizes sulfated carbohydrates and the tandem CRD region binds terminal mannose, fucose, and N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc). The dual carbohydrate binding specificity allows MR to interact with sulfated and nonsulfated polysaccharide chains, and thereby facilitating the involvement of MR in immunological and physiological processes. The immunological functions of MR include antigen capturing (through binding non-sulfated carbohydrates) and antigen targeting (through binding sulfated carbohydrates), and the physiological roles include rapid clearance of circulatory luteinizing hormone (LH), which bears polysaccharide chains terminating with sulfated and non-sulfated carbohydrates.

We have crystallized and determined the X-ray structures of unliganded Cys-MR (2.0 Å) and Cys-MR complexed with different ligands, including Hepes (1.7 Å), 4SO_4-N-Acetylgalactosamine (4SO_4-GalNAc; 2.2 Å), 3SO_4-Lewis^x (2.2 Å), 3S04-Lewis^a (1.9 Å), and 6SO_4-GalNAc (2.5 Å). The overall structure of Cys-MR consists of 12 anti-parallel β-strands arranged in three lobes with approximate three fold internal symmetry. The structure contains three disulfide bonds, formed by the six cysteines in the Cys-MR sequence. The ligand-binding site is located in a neutral pocket within the third lobe, in which the sulfate group of ligand is buried. Our results show that optimal binding is achieved by a carbohydrate ligand with a sulfate group that anchors the ligand by forming numerous hydrogen bonds and a sugar ring that makes ring-stacking interactions with Trpll7 of CysMR. Using a fluorescence-based assay, we characterized the binding affinities between CysMR and its ligands, and rationalized the derived affinities based upon the crystal structures. These studies reveal the mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR and facilitate our understanding of the role of Cys-MR in MR recognition of its ligands.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential in order to combat invading viruses and trigger antiviral responses. Paradoxically, in the case of HIV-1, DCs might contribute to viral pathogenesis through trans-infection, a mechanism that promotes viral capture and transmission to target cells, especially after DC maturation. In this review, we highlight recent evidence identifying sialyllactose-containing gangliosides in the viral membrane and the cellular lectin Siglec-1 as critical determinants for HIV-1 capture and storage by mature DCs and for DC-mediated trans-infection of T cells. In contrast, DC-SIGN, long considered to be the main receptor for DC capture of HIV-1, plays a minor role in mature DC-mediated HIV-1 capture and trans-infection.


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A leishmaniose visceral (LV) ou calazar é uma doença endêmica, crônica, grave e de alta letalidade se não tratada. Os estudos apontam a proteína Lectina Ligante de Manose (MBL), codificada pelo gene MBL2, como uma peça-chave na imunidade inata, dada a sua função no reconhecimento microbiano, na eliminação, inflamação e morte celular. Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo do tipo caso-controle que teve como objetivo investigar a associação entre variantes no gene MBL2 e a suscetibilidade à LV em indivíduos residentes em áreas endêmicas da Ilha de São Luís-MA. A amostra foi constituída por 322 indivíduos, sendo 161 casos com LV, não aparentados, de ambos os sexos, residentes em áreas endêmicas da doença na Ilha de São Luís e 161 controles saudáveis, não infectados e não aparentados da mesma região. A identificação dos casos de LV se deu por meio do contato constante com os principais hospitais e ambulatórios de referência para a doença na cidade. Também foram feitas buscas de pacientes com LV em ambiente domiciliar, a partir de registros da FUNASA-MA. A análise molecular consistiu na genotipagem de 6 variantes localizadas na região promotora [posições -550 (C>G), -221(G>C), +4(C>T)] e codificadora [códons 52 (C>T), 54 (G>A) e 57 (G>A)] do gene MBL2, através da reação em cadeia da polimerase e sequenciamento automático. A dosagem da proteína MBL no soro foi realizada pelo teste de ELISA. Verificamos que os fenótipos MBL dependem do conjunto de alelos presentes no gene MBL2, sendo nítido o efeito que as variantes defectivas causam nos níveis da proteína. Não encontramos diferença significativa entre casos e controles em relação à distribuição dos genótipos MBL2 e dos níveis séricos de MBL. As frequências alélicas das variantes exônicas na amostra total mostram que o alelo A é o mais comum (74,8%) e que os alelos defectivos (B, C e D) se encontram principalmente em heterozigose (36,6%), o que reforça a ideia de que alelos MBL2 defectivos são mantidos na população por conferirem vantagem seletiva aos heterozigotos. Em relação aos 3 principais polimorfismos existentes na região promotora, verificamos ser a variante -221G (Y) a mais frequente (88%) seguida de +4C (P) (73%) e de -550C (L) (67%). Identificamos oito haplótipos em MBL2 num total de 644 cromossomos avaliados, em 30 combinações diferentes, sendo HYPA e LYQA os mais frequentes e HYPD e HYPB os mais raros. Todos os portadores de combinações de haplótipos homozigotos para alelos defectivos apresentaram níveis séricos de MBL indetectáveis. Os genótipos LYQA/LYQA e HYPA/HYPA apresentaram as maiores concentrações médias de MBL no soro. A combinação entre SNPs no éxon 1 e na região promotora do gene MBL2 resulta em grande variação nas concentrações de MBL em indivíduos saudáveis. Consideramos que o conjunto de dados gerados é uma contribuição valiosa que poderá ser expandida para outros cenários.


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植物血红蛋白在共生固氮根瘤中主要是对固氮酶进行嫌氧保护,确保固氮酶活性,在植物根中协助氧的运输或作为感觉氧压的信号分子.豆科植物凝集素功能之一是对相应专一的根瘤菌有识别作用,并有利于根瘤菌的聚集和侵染。本论文将非豆科结瘤植物Parasponia andersonii血红蛋白基因及豌豆凝集索基因转入水稻,目的是此二基因表达后,豌豆凝集素可聚集、识别豌豆根瘤菌,并有助于它们的侵染,血红蛋白则可对根瘤菌固氮酶进行嫌氧保护,保障其发挥固氮作用,从而为实现水稻结瘤和固氮打下初步基础。 本论文将带有Parasponia血红蛋白基因的pL305质粒,带有潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因及Parasponia血红蛋白基因的农杆菌双元载体质粒pLX412-Hb用花粉管通道法转化水稻l用pLX412-Hb和带有Bar基因、豌豆凝集素基因、Parasponia血红蛋白基因的质粒pLHB用基因枪法转化水稻幼胚及愈伤组织,带有pLX412-Hb的Agrobactmum tumefaciens LBA4404转化烟草,得到如下结果: 1.用pL305质粒花粉管通道法转化水稻,运作1512朵花,得到707粒种子.将230粒种子萌发,发芽220粒;白化苗4株,成苗206株;计发芽率96%,白化苗率1.7%,成苗率90%。取120株提取DNA以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行点杂交,有6株为阳性结果,阳性率5%.再取4株DNA点杂交阳性植株DNA,以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行Southem杂交,有3株有阳性结果,阳性率为75%,照此推算转化植株约占总植株的4%.目前,这些转基因植株已开花结实。 2.用pLX412-Hb质粒花粉管通道法转化水稻,运作743朵花,得到340粒种子。将120粒种子萌发,发芽117粒,白化苗3株,成苗111株;计发芽率97. 5%,白化苗率2. 5%,成苗率92. 5%.取30株提取DNA以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行点杂交,有4株为阳性结果,阳性率13%。再取4株DNA点杂交呈阳性的植株DNA,以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行Southern杂交,有2株有阳性结果,阳性率为50%,照此推算转化植株约占总植株的7%。目前部分转基因植株巳开花结实. 3.用pLX412 - Hb质粒基因枪法转化水稻幼胚及愈伤组织,抗性筛选得到15株再生植株,以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行点杂交,有14株为阳性结果,阳性率93%.取7株DNA点杂交呈阳性的植株DNA,以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行Southern杂交,都为阳性结果,阳性率为100%,照此推算转化植株约占总植株的93%.目前,部分转基因植株已开花结实. 4.用pLX412 -Hb质粒通过Agrobacterrum tumeFaciens LBA4404转化烟草,抗性筛选得到的再生植株以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针进行Southern杂交,结果为阳性. 5.用pLHB基因枪法转化的愈伤组织,抗性筛选得到已分化出绿芽点的愈伤组织,以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针或以豌豆凝集素基因为探针进行Southern杂交,杂交结果均为阳性. 6.最近国外巳发现大麦有血红蛋白基因.本论文以大麦血红蛋白cDNA为探针对未转基因的水稻进行Southern杂交,结果有阳性带。说明水稻有与大麦血红蛋白基因高度同源序列。以Parasponia血红蛋白基因为探针时杂交结果为阴性,说明水稻血红蛋白基因与Parasponiaa血红蛋白基因核苷酸序列相差较大. 7.提取Southern杂交证明有Parasponia血红蛋白基因整合的水稻根及叶总RNA,以Parasponia血红蛋白基因cDNA为探针进行RNA点杂交,结果根总RNA为阳性,叶总RNA为阴性。初步证明Parasponia血红蛋白基因在水稻根中表达。 8.提取未转基因的水稻根及叶RNA,以大麦血红蛋白基因cDNA为探针进行RNA点杂交,结果:根总RNA为阳性结果,叶总RNA为阴性结果.初步证明水稻血红蛋白基因在水稻根中表达。 总之,本论文证明已将Parasponia血红蛋白基因整合进水稻植株染色体,将豌豆凝集素基因、Parasponia血红蛋白基因整合进水稻愈伤组织染色体,初步证明水稻有血红蛋白基因,内外源血红蛋白基因都有组织特异性表达,从而为本研究的战略设想奠定初步基础。


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本文通过根农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumfaciens)介导法分别将Signal和KDEL修饰的豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂(Cowpea trypsin inhibitor, CpTI)基因、豌豆外源凝集素(Pea lectin, P-Lec)和大豆Kunitz型胰蛋白酶抑制剂(Soybean Kunitz typsin inhibitor, SKTI)双价抗虫基因、雪花莲外源凝集素(Galanthus nivals agglutinin, GNA)基因以及高效复合启动子OM控制的苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis, B.t.)杀虫毒蛋白基因导入了陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)栽培品种新陆早1号、新陆中2号、晋棉7号、冀合321、辽9和晋棉12号,并获得了大批转基因再生植株。 实验中对影响棉花转化和再生的一些条件进行了研究,从根农杆菌培养、棉花无菌苗的制备、转化操作和共培养等方面对转化条件进行了探讨;从激素配化、植物表达载体、外植体类型、基因型等方面对抗性愈伤组织的诱导进行了摸索;从激素、从碳源、培养容器、pH值、抗褐化剂及固化剂的选择等方面对影响植株再生的条件进行了优化。 本文开创性地采用嫁接代替移栽,从而极大地提高了转化植株定植成活率,缩短了缓苗时间并增加了转化植株当代的繁殖系数。 在建立了一套较为高效的陆地棉转化及再生系统基础上,本文还进行了其它转化方式和转化体系的初步探讨。利用棉花幼嫩种子无菌苗下胚轴作为外植体,通过改变愈伤组织诱导培养基配方面提高胚性愈伤组织的诱导频率,进而得到更多的体细胞胚状和再生植株,缩短再生周期;尝试用胚性愈伤组织作为外植体的根农杆菌介导法转化,确定了一些与转化有关的条件;建立了一套棉花茎尖培养程序,为运用基因枪法轰击棉花茎尖分生组织或用根农杆菌直接转化茎尖分生组织,以克服根农杆菌转化棉花时体胚发生的基因型局限开辟了一条新途径。 本文还建立了一种快速鉴定转化植株后代的方法。这一简便方法还有助于进行转基因棉纯合系的筛选以及外源基因的遗传稳定性研究。 转基因植株经Npt-II ELISA、PCR、PCR Southern 检测证明外源抗虫基因CpTI、SKTI、P-lec、GNA以及B.t.基因已存在于转化植株基因组内。修饰的CpTI转基因植株抗棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera Hubner)试验结果表明,其杀虫效果显著优于前期未修饰的CpTI转化植株。P-lec和SKTI双价转基因植株抗棉铃虫试验结果表明,转基因植株对棉铃虫幼虫具有较强的杀虫活力。 目前,已获得转以上抗虫基因棉花T1代植株。为今后进一步将植物基因工程技术应用于棉花遗传改良打下了基础。


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豆科植物凝集素基因和血红蛋白基因在对根瘤菌的识别作用和类菌体在低氧分压下的共生固氮中起重要作用。本文的目的是试图将这两个基因转移到非豆料植物烟草和水稻,使其能识别根瘤菌,探讨非豆科植物的共生和联合固氮的可能性。 构建了含有豌豆凝集素(P-Lec)基因、Parasponia andersonii血红蛋白基因、gus基因及植物选择标记潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(hpt)的两个植物表达载体pCBHL和pCBHUL;同时,还构建了含有P-Lec基因、gus基因及植物选择标记PPT乙酰转移酶基因(bar)的植物表达载体pBBUL。在pCBHL中,CaMV35S启动子调控P-Lec基因的表达,而在pCBHUL和pBBUL中,该基因由玉米Ubiquitin 1启动子调控。 用农杆菌法将pCBHL导入烟草,得到53株再生植株,PCR检测表明转化频率为88%。用基因枪法分别将pCBHUL和pBBUL导入水稻幼胚或幼胚诱导的愈伤组织。转pCBHUL的材料共得到40株再生植株,经分子检测有18株分转基因植株,转化频率为0.9%。转pBBUL的幼胚愈伤组织经PPT筛选,只得到能分化出小芽的抗性愈伤组织。 PCR检测、Southern杂交表明P-Lec基因和Paraspoina血红蛋白基因都已经整合到转基因烟草及水稻的基因组中,转基因水稻植株中两个外源目的基因的拷贝数较高。Western杂交分析转基因植物中P-Lec基因的表达情况,结果表明该基因在转基因的烟草和水稻叶片中得到正确地表达。同时,GUS组织化学染色表明转基因烟草的嫩茎和幼根,转基因水稻的嫩叶和幼根中都有gus基因的表达。转基因烟草中外源基因的表达频率高于转基因水稻。T1代转基因烟草幼根的蛋白原位免疫杂交显示P-Lec正确定位于正在生长的幼根根毛的顶端,与对照豌豆中的P-Lec基因表达部位相一致。关于Parasponia血红蛋白基因,以前本实验室对转基因烟草和水稻的研究表明有转录水平的表达,国外实验室证实转基因烟草中有转译表达。 上述结果有可能为进一步研究转基因非豆科植物与根瘤菌的相互作用奠定一定的基础。


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该文用根据瘤菌合成血红素基因hemA,根瘤菌固氨氮酶调节基因nifA,固氮酶结构基因nifKDH,nifH的启动子与lacZ基因融合的质粒,通过三亲交配法将其思入豌豆根据瘤菌.接种烟草发根、烟草植株和水稻。结果表明β-半乳糖苷酶有不同强度的组织化学染色反应,hemA染色最强,其它次之。显微镜观察表明在烟草发根据的维管束中柱鞘细胞、水稻根皮层细胞内和细胞间隙有根瘤菌存在.从根中分离纯化细菌,LacZ染色,再回接豌豆结瘤和根瘤的LacZ染色,证明是LacZ标记基因的豌豆根据瘤菌。由此说明根瘤菌可以侵染非豆科植物烟草和水稻。除了对烟草、水稻根进行LacZ染色外,还对其茎、叶进行了染色,结果也有正反应现象,说明根瘤菌有可能由根向上部分移动。另一方面,说明根瘤蓖的nifA、nifKDH、 nifH的启动子在植物组织也可能起起动作用表达lacZ基因。用上述不同启动子-LacZ标记的豌豆根瘤菌接种烟草,有促进生长发育和提前开花的现象。 对豌豆凝集素基因转烟草的发根,用蛋白免疫原位杂交检测,表明该基因 的转译产物定位在根毛顶端。对发根接种豌豆根瘤菌、菜豆根瘤菌,结果只有 接种豌豆根瘤菌的发根出现瘤状物的结构。对其切片显微镜观察,可见细胞内 和细胞间隙有细菌颗粒存在。由于豌豆凝集素被认为是豌豆植物对其相应的豌 豆根瘤菌的识别因子,本结果初步表明有可能是转基因发根产生的豌豆凝集素 因子识别豌豆根瘤菌的结果。如果进一步得到证明,这一结果才具有重要的科 学意义,表明今后用基因工程的方法有可能扩大根瘤菌的宿主范围,使非豆科 植物有结瘤和固氮的可能性。


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细胞分裂素(cytokinin,CTK)是五大类植物激素之一,它参与了植物许多生理过程与代谢的调控,主要有促进细胞的分裂和扩大,诱导芽、根和叶绿体的分化,促进种子与果实的发育,解除顶端优势,延缓叶片衰老及增强植物胁迫抗性,调节叶绿体发育基因、营养代谢基因及其它功能基因的表达,调控营养物质的运输和分配等。其调节的植物生理过程也受到其他不同因素的影响。细胞分裂素也是参与植物信号途径间相互作用的一类重要激素。 早期有关细胞分裂素生理作用的研究是基于外源激素的施用来进行的。由于通过外源施用细胞分裂素,其在植物体内的吸收,转运及代谢过程的复杂性和未知性,使得实验研究的因果关系难以确定。随着分子生物学的发展和植物转基因技术的日趋成熟,采用基因工程的方法来研究和探讨细胞分裂素对植物生长发育的调节作用及作用机理是近年来研究的热点,同时也为应用植物激素进行遗传育种提供了广阔的前景。 近年来,越来越多的真核生物启动子的分离克隆,促进了细胞分裂素基因工程的发展。利用具有组织特异性、发育特异性的启动子调控ipt基因,可使ipt基因在植物的特定组织或某一发育阶段进行表达。从而可根据不同的研究目的调控植物转化体中细胞分裂素合成的部位、时间和表达水平。尽管应用一些组织特异启动子融合ipt基因进行了一些细胞分裂素有关生理作用的研究,但是,有关细胞分裂素在胚和种子发育过程中的细胞学方面的研究还很少。 为研究ipt基因在种子发育过程中的作用,我们用大豆种子特异启动子-lectin融合ipt基因转化烟草,获得再生烟草植株。从生理学和细胞学上分析了ipt基因在lectin启动子的控制下的基因表达对种子生长发育的影响。发现在转基因烟草中,lectin-ipt基因的表达促进了种子胚及胚乳的细胞分裂,促使种子胚的生长加快,种子胚的增大为物质的贮存提供了条件,使营养物质更多的向种子运输,主要是可溶性蛋白质含量增加。由此进一步提高了转基因烟草种子干重的增加,种子的萌发与幼苗生长的加快,幼苗鲜重增加。


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茉莉酸是植物信号传递以及诱导植物产生防御反应的关键诱导激素之一,广泛存在于高等植物中,并在植物病虫害防御的信号传导通路中起着重要的作用。茉莉酸可以诱导植物抗性基因表达,产生茉莉酸调节蛋白来抵御病虫害。在禾本科的大麦中发现了一个分子量在32kDa茉莉酸调节蛋白家族(JPR-32),但其功能一直没有深入的研究。 木菠萝素是从桂木属木菠萝的种子中分离的一种可以和半乳糖或甘露糖特异结合的凝集素。近来的研究表明,植物的凝集素具有多种功能,主要有:可作为储存蛋白,对储存物质进行包装、运输;作为植物细胞的有丝分裂因子,参与细胞壁的延伸;生长调节及运输碳水化合物;具有酶的功能;参与豆科植物感染结瘤;协同其它防御蛋白参与植物防御反应。植物凝集素的功能复杂各异,对木菠萝素的功能研究更是相对较少。 本文在小麦中克隆出的cDNA(本文命名为Ta-JA1基因),该基因cDNA全长1158bp,编码304个氨基酸,分子量32.7kDa,与JPR-32蛋白质家族的基因序列具有很高的同源性。从蛋白结构分析中显示,Ta-JA1基因有两个典型的功能结构域:N末端的茉莉酸诱导的防御反应结构域和C末端的木菠萝素相关结构域。为我们研究这个新的蛋白家族的功能提供了一个典型的模式蛋白。本文即从Ta-JA1基因出发来研究这一类蛋白的相关功能。在此,我们构建了Ta-JA1基因的pBI121表达载体,并通过农杆菌介导叶圆片法转化烟草,成功获得转基因植株。通过硫酸铵盐析法获得了植物Ta-JA1蛋白粗提品,效率在0.01%左右。使用蛋白粗提物进行凝血效应分析,转基因植株的蛋白粗样品可以凝集新鲜的兔血,说明Ta-JA1蛋白具有植物凝集素的基本性质。选取烟草上典型的三类病原体:烟草花叶病毒,烟草黑胫病菌和烟草野火病菌。分别对转基因烟草进行侵染,并观察统计其抗病性,发现转基因烟草对烟草花叶病毒和烟草黑胫病具有显著的抗性,对烟草野火病也具有一定的抑制作用。通过与野生型烟草在抗盐,抗旱,抗虫和生长发育等方面的统计比较与分析,可以看出,基因烟草在抗逆性上也有了显著的提高,虽然Ta-JA1的过量表达没有影响转基因烟草的整体生长进程,开花期和结实情况与对照烟草相比也无明显变化,但是转基因烟草的种子在萌发时间上有了显著提高,一定数量上还表现出愈合的花冠筒上出现不同程度开裂,花冠筒上有附生舌状花瓣,及带有花瓣状颜色的花萼等异常花表型。


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A blood coagulation factor IX-binding protein (TSV-FIX-BP) was isolated from the snake venom of Trimeresurus stejnegeri. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, TSV-FIX-BP showed a single band with an apparent molecular weight of 23,000 under non-reducing conditions. and two distinct bands with apparent molecular weights of 14,800 and 14,000 under reducing conditions. cDNA clones containing the coding sequences of TSV-FIX-BP were isolated and sequenced to determine the structure of the precusors of TSV-FIX-BP subunits. The deduced amino acid sequences of two subunits of TSV-FIX-BP were confirmed by N-terminal protein sequencing and trypsin-digested peptide mass fingerprinting. TSV-FIX-BP was a nonenzymatic C-type lectin-like anti-coagulant. The anti-coagulant activity of TSV-FIX-BP was mainly caused by its dose dependent interaction with blood coagulation factor IX but not with blood coagulation factor X. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.