986 resultados para grafene , fermioni , dirac , meccanica quantistica , ASPEC
Bi dimentsiotako materialetan presente diren propietate elektroniko bereziek betidanik piztu izan dute komunitate zientifikoaren interesa. Idealki atomo bakarreko lodierako materialak diren hauek hasiera batean joku teoriko huts zirela uste bazen ere, A.K. Geim eta K.S. Novoselov-ek kontrakoa frogatu zuten lehenengo aldiz grafenoa sintetizatuz[1]. Grafitoa osatzen duen geruzetako bakoitza den grafenoak guztiz anomaloak diren pro- pietate elektronikoak dauzka, Dirac-en motako sei puntuz besterik ez osatutako Fermi gainazala duelarik. Honen ondorioz, eroapen elektroiak masa gabekoak balira bezala higitzen dira mobilitate elektronikoa areagotuz. Propietate berezi hauetaz baliatuko liratekeen aplikazio teknologiko posibleek[2] material honekiko interesa egun arlo zienti- fikotik at ere hedatzea eragin du. Grafenoaren sintesiaren errekonozimendu gisa Geim eta Novoselov-ek 2010ean fisikaren Nobel saria lortu zuten. Hala ere, grafenoa ez da sintetiza daitekeen material bidimentsional bakarra. Grafenoa lortzeko teknika bera erabiliz (banantze mikromekanikoa), Geim eta Novoselov-ek zu- zendutako taldeak M oS2 eta N bSe2 sintetizatzea lortu zuen[3]. Konkretuki, M oS2 mo- nogeruza erdieroalea izanik transistoreak minimizatzeko prozesuan silizioaren ordezkari gisa jarduteko hautagaia da. Hala ere, hau egin ahal izateko bere propietate elektro- nikoak sakonkiago aztertzea komeni da. Gradu amaierako lan honetan material honen egitura elektronikoaren eta magnetikoaren karakterizazio teorikoan aurrerapauso txiki bat egitea izan dugu helburu. Horrez gain, W S2 materiala ere era berean landu da, tungsteno atomoa pisutsuagoa izatean, spin-orbita elkarrekintzaren eragina nabariagoa izatea espero baita. Modu honetan, lan hau hiru atal nagusitan banatzen da. Lehenengoa teoriari dago- kio, DF T (Dentsitatearen Funtzionalaren Teoria) inplementatzeko oinarri teorikoa lan- du delarik. Magnetizazioa aztertzeko ezinbestekoa den espina inplementatzeko modua ere aztertu da, eta baita egin beharreko hurbilketen eta pseudopotentzialen metodoaren azalpen bat eman ere. Bigarren atalean QuantumEspresso kodea erabiliz burututako ab-initio kalkuluen deskripzio eta emaitzak aurkeztu dira, azkenei dagokien interpreta- zioa eginez. Bertan M oS2 -n bolumenetiketik monogeruzara pasatzeak egitura elektroni- koan duen eragina aztertu da, ondoren M oS2 eta W S2 monogeruzen banda egitura eta magnetizazioan analisi sakonagoa eginez. Azkenengo atalean ateratako ondorioak idatzi dira, etorkizunerako lanetarako ateak zabalduz.
We present a scheme for simulating relativistic quantum physics in circuit quantum electrodynamics. By using three classical microwave drives, we show that a superconducting qubit strongly coupled to a resonator field mode can be used to simulate the dynamics of the Dirac equation and Klein paradox in all regimes. Using the same setup we also propose the implementation of the Foldy-Wouthuysen canonical transformation, after which the time derivative of the position operator becomes a constant of the motion.
We present a novel account of the theory of commutative spectral triples and their two closest noncommutative generalisations, almost-commutative spectral triples and toric noncommutative manifolds, with a focus on reconstruction theorems, viz, abstract, functional-analytic characterisations of global-analytically defined classes of spectral triples. We begin by reinterpreting Connes's reconstruction theorem for commutative spectral triples as a complete noncommutative-geometric characterisation of Dirac-type operators on compact oriented Riemannian manifolds, and in the process clarify folklore concerning stability of properties of spectral triples under suitable perturbation of the Dirac operator. Next, we apply this reinterpretation of the commutative reconstruction theorem to obtain a reconstruction theorem for almost-commutative spectral triples. In particular, we propose a revised, manifestly global-analytic definition of almost-commutative spectral triple, and, as an application of this global-analytic perspective, obtain a general result relating the spectral action on the total space of a finite normal compact oriented Riemannian cover to that on the base space. Throughout, we discuss the relevant refinements of these definitions and results to the case of real commutative and almost-commutative spectral triples. Finally, we outline progess towards a reconstruction theorem for toric noncommutative manifolds.
This thesis introduces fundamental equations and numerical methods for manipulating surfaces in three dimensions via conformal transformations. Conformal transformations are valuable in applications because they naturally preserve the integrity of geometric data. To date, however, there has been no clearly stated and consistent theory of conformal transformations that can be used to develop general-purpose geometry processing algorithms: previous methods for computing conformal maps have been restricted to the flat two-dimensional plane, or other spaces of constant curvature. In contrast, our formulation can be used to produce---for the first time---general surface deformations that are perfectly conformal in the limit of refinement. It is for this reason that we commandeer the title Conformal Geometry Processing.
The main contribution of this thesis is analysis and discretization of a certain time-independent Dirac equation, which plays a central role in our theory. Given an immersed surface, we wish to construct new immersions that (i) induce a conformally equivalent metric and (ii) exhibit a prescribed change in extrinsic curvature. Curvature determines the potential in the Dirac equation; the solution of this equation determines the geometry of the new surface. We derive the precise conditions under which curvature is allowed to evolve, and develop efficient numerical algorithms for solving the Dirac equation on triangulated surfaces.
From a practical perspective, this theory has a variety of benefits: conformal maps are desirable in geometry processing because they do not exhibit shear, and therefore preserve textures as well as the quality of the mesh itself. Our discretization yields a sparse linear system that is simple to build and can be used to efficiently edit surfaces by manipulating curvature and boundary data, as demonstrated via several mesh processing applications. We also present a formulation of Willmore flow for triangulated surfaces that permits extraordinarily large time steps and apply this algorithm to surface fairing, geometric modeling, and construction of constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces.
We report measurements of the proton form factors, G^p_E and G^p_M, extracted from elastic electron scattering in the range 1 ≤ Q^2 ≤ 3 (GeV/c)^2 with uncertainties of <15% in G^p_E and <3% in G^p_M. The results for G^p_E are somewhat larger than indicated by most theoretical parameterizations. The ratio of Pauli and Dirac form factors, Q^2(F^p_2/F^p_1), is lower in value and demonstrates less Q^2 dependence than these parameterizations have indicated. Comparisons are made to theoretical models, including those based on perturbative QCD, vector-meson dominance, QCD sum rules, and diquark constituents to the proton. A global extraction of the form factors, including previous elastic scattering measurements, is also presented.
In this study, by adopting the ion sphere model, the self-consistent. field method is used with the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and the Dirac equation to calculate the ground-state energies of H-like Ti at a plasma electron density from 10(22) cm(-3) to 10(24) cm(-3) and the electron temperature from 100 eV to 3600 eV. The ground-state energy shifts of H-like Ti show different trends with the electron density and the electron temperature. It is shown that the energy shifts increase with the increase in the electron density and decrease with the increase in the electron temperature. The energy shifts are sensitive to the electron density, but only sensitive to the low electron temperature. In addition, an accurately fitting formula is obtained to fast estimate the ground-state energies of H-like Ti. Such fitted formula can also be used to estimate the critical electron density of pressure ionization for the ground state of H-like Ti.
Faz-se uma revisão do problema da dimensionalidade do espaço entendido como um problema de Física, enfatizando que algumas leis físicas dependem fortemente deste parâmetro topológico do espaço. Discute-se o que já foi feito tanto no caso da equação de Schrödinger quanto na de Dirac. A situação na literatura é bastante controversa e, no caso específico da equação de Dirac em D dimensões, não se encontra nenhum trabalho na literatura científica que leve em conta o potencial de intera coulombiana corretamente generalizado quando o número de dimensões espaciais é maior do que três. Discute-se, portanto, o átomo de hidrogênio relativístico em D dimensões. Novos resultados numéricos para os níveis de energia e para as funções de onda são apresentados e discutidos. Em particular, considera-se a possibilidade de existência de átomos estáveis em espaços com dimensionalidade 6= 3.
We propose the analog-digital quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi and Dicke models using circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). We find that all physical regimes, in particular those which are impossible to realize in typical cavity QED setups, can be simulated via unitary decomposition into digital steps. Furthermore, we show the emergence of the Dirac equation dynamics from the quantum Rabi model when the mode frequency vanishes. Finally, we analyze the feasibility of this proposal under realistic superconducting circuit scenarios.
170 p.
An acoustic plasmon is predicted to occur, in addition to the conventional two-dimensional (2D) plasmon, as the collective motion of a system of two types of electronic carriers coexisting in the same 2D band of extrinsic (doped or gated) graphene. The origin of this novel mode stems from the anisotropy present in the graphene band structure near the Dirac points K and K'. This anisotropy allows for the coexistence of carriers moving with two distinct Fermi velocities along the Gamma K and Gamma K' directions, which leads to two modes of collective oscillation: one mode in which the two types of carriers oscillate in phase with one another (this is the conventional 2D graphene plasmon, which at long wavelengths (q -> 0) has the same dispersion, q(1/2), as the conventional 2D plasmon of a 2D free electron gas), and the other mode found here corresponds to a low-frequency acoustic oscillation (whose energy exhibits at long-wavelengths a linear dependence on the 2D wavenumber q) in which the two types of carriers oscillate out of phase. This prediction represents a realization of acoustic
Transport phenomena still stand as one of the most challenging problems in computational physics. By exploiting the analogies between Dirac and lattice Boltzmann equations, we develop a quantum simulator based on pseudospin-boson quantum systems, which is suitable for encoding fluid dynamics transport phenomena within a lattice kinetic formalism. It is shown that both the streaming and collision processes of lattice Boltzmann dynamics can be implemented with controlled quantum operations, using a heralded quantum protocol to encode non-unitary scattering processes. The proposed simulator is amenable to realization in controlled quantum platforms, such as ion-trap quantum computers or circuit quantum electrodynamics processors.