895 resultados para error estimate
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El presente trabajo, continuando la línea investigadora acerca de las nociones derazón, conciencia y subjetividad en Descartes, tal como se ha defendido en otros artículos ya publicados, aporta un nuevo argumento a una línea de trabajo previamente iniciada, poniendo de relieve que el problema gnoseológico del error viene condicionado por la misma noción cartesiana de racionalidad, y que ésta dista mucho de lo que tradicionalmente se ha entendido como una racionalidad abstracta y formal, libre de los imperativos humanos. Por otro lado, y a la inversa, también se intenta mostrar como el hecho del error contribuye, cartesianamente hablando, a definir un modelo de racionalidad profundamentehumanizada. El artículo, tras una introducción, se propone analizar las relaciones entre los conceptos básicos de racionalidad, dogma, y naturaleza, lo que permitirá a continuación dejar constancia de la copertenencia entre racionalidad y error, para acabar viendo como la libertad humana es la vez, y para ambos, su fundamento último.
This paper focused on four alternatives of analysis of experiments in square lattice as far as the estimation of variance components and some genetic parameters are concerned: 1) intra-block analysis with adjusted treatment and blocks within unadjusted repetitions; 2) lattice analysis as complete randomized blocks; 3) intrablock analysis with unadjusted treatment and blocks within adjusted repetitions; 4) lattice analysis as complete randomized blocks, by utilizing the adjusted means of treatments, obtained from the analysis with recovery of interblock information, having as mean square of the error the mean effective variance of this same analysis with recovery of inter-block information. For the four alternatives of analysis, the estimators and estimates were obtained for the variance components and heritability coefficients. The classification of material was also studied. The present study suggests that for each experiment and depending of the objectives of the analysis, one should observe which alternative of analysis is preferable, mainly in cases where a negative estimate is obtained for the variance component due to effects of blocks within adjusted repetitions.
Introducción. El concepto de comorbilidad en trastornos del neurodesarrollo como el autismo resulta, en ocasiones, ambiguo. La coocurrencia entre ansiedad y autismo es clínicamente signifi cativa; sin embargo, no siempre es fácil diferenciar si se trata de una comorbilidad"real", donde las dos condiciones comórbidas son fenotípica y etiológicamente idénticas a lo que supondría dicha ansiedad en personas con un desarrollo neurotípico; si se trata de una ansiedad fenotípicamente alterada por los procesos patogénicos de los trastornos del espectro autista, resultando en una variante específica de éstos, o si partimos de una comorbilidad falsa derivada de diagnósticos diferenciales poco exactos. Desarrollo. El artículo plantea dos hipótesis explicativas de dicha coocurrencia, que se retroalimentan entre sí y que no dejan de ser una refl exión en voz alta partiendo de las evidencias científi cas con las que contamos. La primera es la hipótesis del"error social", y considera que el desajuste en el comportamiento social de las personas con autismofruto de alteraciones en los procesos de cognición social contribuye a exacerbar la ansiedad en el autismo. La segunda hipótesis, la de la carga alostática, defi ende que la ansiedad es la respuesta a un estrés crónico, al desgaste o agotamiento que produce la hiperactivación de ciertas estructuras del sistema límbico. Conclusiones. Las manifestaciones prototípicas de la ansiedad presentes en la persona con autismo no siempre se relacionan con las mismas variables biopsicosociales evidenciadas en personas sin autismo. Las evidencias apuntan a respuestas hiperreactivas de huida o lucha (hipervigilancia) cuando la persona se encuentra fuera de su zona de confort, y apoyan la hipótesis del"error social" y de la descompensación del mecanismo de alostasis que permite afrontar el estrés.
When researchers introduce a new test they have to demonstrate that it is valid, using unbiased designs and suitable statistical procedures. In this article we use Monte Carlo analyses to highlight how incorrect statistical procedures (i.e., stepwise regression, extreme scores analyses) or ignoring regression assumptions (e.g., heteroscedasticity) contribute to wrong validity estimates. Beyond these demonstrations, and as an example, we re-examined the results reported by Warwick, Nettelbeck, and Ward (2010) concerning the validity of the Ability Emotional Intelligence Measure (AEIM). Warwick et al. used the wrong statistical procedures to conclude that the AEIM was incrementally valid beyond intelligence and personality traits in predicting various outcomes. In our re-analysis, we found that the reliability-corrected multiple correlation of their measures with personality and intelligence was up to .69. Using robust statistical procedures and appropriate controls, we also found that the AEIM did not predict incremental variance in GPA, stress, loneliness, or well-being, demonstrating the importance for testing validity instead of looking for it.
" Has comes un error" . " Estas en un error" . " És un error votar aquest parti!" . " És un error votar" . " És un error afirmar que 2 + 3 = 9" . " És un error afirmar que és un error afirmar que 2 + 3 = 5" . " És un error afirmar que, quan dividim, sempre obtenim un nombre més petit" . " És un error que l'existencia precedeixi l'essencia" . " És un error que vulguis enganyar-me" . " És un error afirmar que a = a" ... i així fins a acomplir les il'limitades possibilitats del llenguatge. Qualsevol judici, en la mesura que té un significat, en la mesura que és assertori, és susceptible de ser erroni, de ser fals. Peró, l'error té sempre la mateixa qualitat? Us hem proposat un reguitzell d'exemples. És obvi (si excloem la mentida, que no és error, sinó mentida) que el significat d'" error" (o el seu valor) no és identic en tots els casos.
This work proposes a parallel architecture for a motion estimation algorithm. It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great numbers of data-pixel. One of the solutions to estimate motions involves detection of the correspondences between two images. Due to its regular processing scheme, parallel implementation of correspondence problem can be an adequate approach to reduce the computation time. This work introduces parallel and real-time implementation of such low-level tasks to be carried out from the moment that the current image is acquired by the camera until the pairs of point-matchings are detected
Testing weather or not data belongs could been generated by a family of extreme value copulas is difficult. We generalize a test and we prove that it can be applied whatever the alternative hypothesis. We also study the effect of using different extreme value copulas in the context of risk estimation. To measure the risk we use a quantile. Our results have motivated by a bivariate sample of losses from a real database of auto insurance claims. Methods are implemented in R.
This study aimed to use the plantar pressure insole for estimating the three-dimensional ground reaction force (GRF) as well as the frictional torque (T(F)) during walking. Eleven subjects, six healthy and five patients with ankle disease participated in the study while wearing pressure insoles during several walking trials on a force-plate. The plantar pressure distribution was analyzed and 10 principal components of 24 regional pressure values with the stance time percentage (STP) were considered for GRF and T(F) estimation. Both linear and non-linear approximators were used for estimating the GRF and T(F) based on two learning strategies using intra-subject and inter-subjects data. The RMS error and the correlation coefficient between the approximators and the actual patterns obtained from force-plate were calculated. Our results showed better performance for non-linear approximation especially when the STP was considered as input. The least errors were observed for vertical force (4%) and anterior-posterior force (7.3%), while the medial-lateral force (11.3%) and frictional torque (14.7%) had higher errors. The result obtained for the patients showed higher error; nevertheless, when the data of the same patient were used for learning, the results were improved and in general slight differences with healthy subjects were observed. In conclusion, this study showed that ambulatory pressure insole with data normalization, an optimal choice of inputs and a well-trained nonlinear mapping function can estimate efficiently the three-dimensional ground reaction force and frictional torque in consecutive gait cycle without requiring a force-plate.
Gait analysis methods to estimate spatiotemporal measures, based on two, three or four gyroscopes attached on lower limbs have been discussed in the literature. The most common approach to reduce the number of sensing units is to simplify the underlying biomechanical gait model. In this study, we propose a novel method based on prediction of movements of thighs from movements of shanks. Datasets from three previous studies were used. Data from the first study (ten healthy subjects and ten with Parkinson's disease) were used to develop and calibrate a system with only two gyroscopes attached on shanks. Data from two other studies (36 subjects with hip replacement, seven subjects with coxarthrosis, and eight control subjects) were used for comparison with the other methods and for assessment of error compared to a motion capture system. Results show that the error of estimation of stride length compared to motion capture with the system with four gyroscopes and our new method based on two gyroscopes was close ( -0.8 ±6.6 versus 3.8 ±6.6 cm). An alternative with three sensing units did not show better results (error: -0.2 ±8.4 cm). Finally, a fourth that also used two units but with a simpler gait model had the highest bias compared to the reference (error: -25.6 ±7.6 cm). We concluded that it is feasible to estimate movements of thighs from movements of shanks to reduce number of needed sensing units from 4 to 2 in context of ambulatory gait analysis.
The past actual tax receipts and future estimates of the General Fund used by the Revenue Estimating Conference to project incoming revenue to be used in future state budgeting.
The past actual tax receipts and future estimates of the General Fund used by the Revenue Estimating Conference to project incoming revenue to be used in future state budgeting.
The past actual tax receipts and future estimates of the General Fund used by the Revenue Estimating Conference to project incoming revenue to be used in future state budgeting.
The past actual tax receipts and future estimates of the General Fund used by the Revenue Estimating Conference to project incoming revenue to be used in future state budgeting.