830 resultados para blended workflow


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Online-Meetings in Echtzeit oder auch Webinare sind eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, mit den Gruppen auf virtuellem Wege kommunizieren zu können. Dieser Aspekt beinhaltet ein enormes Potential für die internationale und nationale Zusammenarbeit von unterschiedlichen Bildungsanbietern. Während Online-Konferenzen in der Geschäftswelt bereits zum Alltag gehören, ist man im Bildungsbereich noch weit davon entfernt Webinare als integrativen Bestandteil der Lehre anzusehen. Eingebunden in ein "Blended Learning"-Szenario erwiesen sich Webinare als ein effizientes Tool für die transnationale Kooperation von Gruppen. Sogar Großveranstaltungen können als Online-Event durchgeführt werden. Es bedarf jedoch einer sorgfältigen Planung und Inhaltserstellung, um aus einem Webinar eine attraktive Lehrveranstaltung für die Lernenden werden zu lassen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This chapter analyses a Portuguese HEI’s first experience with blended learning. Focusing on the Master in Innovative Tourism Development currently being held at the Superior School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, it presents the institutional background and rationale behind the course’s implementation, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas of potential development. Based on an evaluation research carried out throughout the course’s first three editions and that involved students, faculty and institutional leaders, it summarizes the main results of a long term-study, putting forth a set of recommendations for improvements and defining potential areas of intervention in future editions of the course.


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WiBA-Net ist ein Lernnetzwerk zum Thema „Werkstoffe im Bauwesen“ und wird in der universitären Ausbildung von Bauingenieuren und Architekten verwendet. Dieser Aufsatz soll das Konzept von WiBA-Net vorstellen und zeigen, wie neue Technologien und didaktische Konzepte überzeugend angewendet werden können, um „Blended Learning“ umzusetzen und damit den Hochschulalltag sowohl von Studierenden als auch von Professoren zu erleichtern.(DIPF/Orig.)


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In diesem Beitrag geht es um das Projekt E-Lernen auf der ILIAS-Plattform an der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (E-L I-P UniBwH). Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Präsenzlehre mit dem Einsatz elektronischer Medien zu unterstützen. Im Beitrag werden Ansatzpunkte dargestellt, die die Lehrenden zum Gebrauch der E-Lernplattform motivieren. Es werden Bedarfsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt, für die eine E-Lernplattform eine mögliche Lösung sein kann, sowie die Rahmenbedingungen benannt, unter denen sie eingesetzt wird. Ziel ist es, die Nachhaltigkeit des E-Lernens an der UniBwH zu fördern.(DIPF/Orig.)


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014


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Part 20: Health and Care Networks


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Atas das II Jornadas Ensino do Empreendedorismo, realizadas em Coimbra, a 6 setembro 2016


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O Projeto ‘CINet – Redes para o empreendedorismo nas indústrias criativas’ (Programa Leonardo DaVinci) baseia-se na experiência de Lace Market em Nottingham, uma comunidade de empreendedores criativos independentes que tem crescido significativamente devida à forte dinâmica das suas redes de colaboração. Neste sentido, o projeto começou por identificar as vertentes-chave de transferência de inovação com base no ambiente de aprendizagem formal e informal local, com o intuito de desenvolver uma rede de empreendedores criativos, adaptada à realidade encontrada nos países participantes: Portugal, Espanha e Grécia. Com esta base foi possível conceber e implementar o “Programa CINet de aceleração em rede do Empreendedorismo nas Indústrias Criativas” que foi promovido através do lançamento de uma formação desenvolvida na plataforma Moodle da Universidade Aberta, e assente na modalidade de blended-learning (bLearning). Consideramos que a experiência obtida com a conceção e desenvolvimento deste programa apresentou importantes desafios e traduziu-se em significativas vantagens cujo relato e sistematização permitirão enriquecer modelos pedagógicos de aprendizagem centrados nos formandos e nas comunidades colaborativas. A disponibilidade de recursos vídeo e de texto simples de apreender e virados para a prática e a dinamização de fora assíncronos possibilita aos formandos tirar partido da flexibilidade espácio-temporal do eLearning. A possibilidade de partilhar informação e experiências com os colegas, bem como de clarificar dúvidas nos fora permitiu uma experiência da aprendizagem colaborativa em ambiente Moodle. As sessões presenciais neste particular constituíram um complemento útil ao eLearning na medida em que permitiram apresentar o guia de curso, explicar o modelo pedagógico, marcar o ritmo do curso, esclarecer dúvidas relativas os objectivos de cada atividade em cada módulo, contactar de forma síncrona com empreendedores das indústrias criativas de outros países e com empreendedores incubados na DNA Cascais e refletir de forma crítica sobre vertentes-chave específicas do modelo de negócio dos formandos. Neste sentido, elas foram um dos elementos cruciais do desenvolvimento da rede, até porque, a ambientação à plataforma Moodle e a ‘apreensão’ e ‘absorção’ do modelo pedagógico afigura-se como um dos principais desafios, face a formandos que estão habituados a ambientes presenciais de aprendizagem. A ligação deste tipo de cursos a instituições vocacionadas para o apoio a empreendedores revela-se crucial dado que na construção do projeto empresarial deve ser incutida logo de início a predisposição para a ligação ao mercado e às diversas dimensões do ecossistema empreendedor.


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Part 14: Interoperability and Integration


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Digital rock physics combines modern imaging with advanced numerical simulations to analyze the physical properties of rocks -- In this paper we suggest a special segmentation procedure which is applied to a carbonate rock from Switzerland -- Starting point is a CTscan of a specimen of Hauptmuschelkalk -- The first step applied to the raw image data is a nonlocal mean filter -- We then apply different thresholds to identify pores and solid phases -- Because we are aware of a nonneglectable amount of unresolved microporosity we also define intermediate phases -- Based on this segmentation determine porositydependent values for the pwave velocity and for the permeability -- The porosity measured in the laboratory is then used to compare our numerical data with experimental data -- We observe a good agreement -- Future work includes an analytic validation to the numerical results of the pwave velocity upper bound, employing different filters for the image segmentation and using data with higher resolution


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"Though olive oil is a perishable product, there is not a European regulation for maximum consumption time after production, in part because its durability depends on the storage conditions. The main objectives of this study were to compare the influence of the type of storage on changes of Portuguese virgin olive oils and to verify whether the addition of Catostylus tagi could increase the oxidative stability of olive oil. Over 12 months, the conservation status of monovarietal and blended olive oils in four contexts possible to be used by the consumer was monitored. The analyzed parameters were chlorophyll content, free acidity, peroxide value, specific extinction coefficients at 232 and 270 nm and delta K. Spaced determinations of iodine index and total tocopherol contents complemented the study. Results showed that at Mediterranean temperatures and normal storage procedure, the mean time to reach maximum peroxides value was 12–13 months. At artificial light storage, C. tagi was effective in reducing peroxides evolution by 11 %."


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Current workplace demands newer forms of literacies that go beyond the ability to decode print. These involve not only competence to operate digital tools, but also the ability to create, represent, and share meaning in different modes and formats; ability to interact, collaborate and communicate effectively using digital tools, and engage critically with technology for developing one’s knowledge, skills, and full participation in civic, economic, and personal matters. This essay examines the application of the ecology of resources (EoR) model for delivering language learning outcomes (in this case, English) through blended classroom environments that use contextually available resources. The author proposes the implementation of the EoR model in blended learning environments to create authentic and sustainable learning environments for skilling courses. Applying the EoR model to Indian skilling instruction contexts, the article discusses how English language and technology literacy can be delivered using contextually available resources through a blended classroom environment. This would facilitate not only acquisition of language and digital literacy outcomes, but also consequent content literacy gain to a certain extent. This would ensure satisfactory achievement of not only communication/language literacy and technological literacy, but also active social participation, lifelong learning, and learner autonomy.


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Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a challenging area that is attracting growing attention from the software industry and the research community. A landscape of languages and techniques for EAI has emerged and is continuously being enriched with new proposals from different software vendors and coalitions. However, little or no effort has been dedicated to systematically evaluate and compare these languages and techniques. The work reported in this paper is a first step in this direction. It presents an in-depth analysis of a language, namely the Business Modeling Language, specifically developed for EAI. The framework used for this analysis is based on a number of workflow and communication patterns. This framework provides a basis for evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of EAI languages with respect to recurrent problems and situations.