UJI Navigation Network, Development of a pedestrian spatial network within the University Jaume I of Castellón (Spain)

Autoria(s): Martí, Roberto Mediero

Zuluaga, Andrés Muñoz

Romero, Francisco Ramos

Henriques, Roberto André Pereira






Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.

The author of this document has been working in a project called “UJI SPATIAL NETWORK”. It consists of the development of a Pedestrian Navigation Network within the campus of the University Jaume I of Castellón (Spain), combining an Outdoor Network and an Indoor Network of the pedestrian navigable routes. A spatial network offers a huge amount of possibilities of study within a determined area, such as studies of service areas, route calculations, finding closest facilities and studies about location-allocation of new facilities. The main objective of this project is to publish geoprocessing services into the ArcGIS server of the university to solve network problems such as routes, service areas, closest facilities and location\allocation. These services are offered to developers of web mapping and mobile applications for solving network problems on their futures works. A project called ViscaUJI, which consists in the development of a mobile application employing Smart City features offering a wealth of facilities to the university community inside of the campus, is carrying out. This thesis could give an useful and great service to the developers of this Smart Campus. During the report, the author exposes a brief literature review about spatial networks. The motivation and objectives of this project are explained. Also, the author talks about the research of resources and technologies used and the workflow followed to achieve the final services.






Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies;TGEO0106



Palavras-Chave #Spatial Network #Pedestrian Network Navigation #Geographical Information Systems #ESRI’S ArcGIS 10.1 Software #Network Analyst extension of ESRI #3D Analyst extension of ESRI #Geoprocessing services #Routing #Service Area #Closest Facilities #Location-Allocation
