992 resultados para Support operations
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
OBJECTIVE To analyze whether the level of institutional and matrix support is associated with better certification of primary healthcare teams.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated two kinds of primary healthcare support – 14,489 teams received institutional support and 14,306 teams received matrix support. Logistic regression models were applied. In the institutional support model, the independent variable was “level of support” (as calculated by the sum of supporting activities for both modalities). In the matrix support model, in turn, the independent variables were the supporting activities. The multivariate analysis has considered variables with p < 0.20. The model was adjusted by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.RESULTS The teams had institutional and matrix supporting activities (84.0% and 85.0%), respectively, with 55.0% of them performing between six and eight activities. For the institutional support, we have observed 1.96 and 3.77 chances for teams who had medium and high levels of support to have very good or good certification, respectively. For the matrix support, the chances of their having very good or good certification were 1.79 and 3.29, respectively. Regarding to the association between institutional support activities and the certification, the very good or good certification was positively associated with self-assessment (OR = 1.95), permanent education (OR = 1.43), shared evaluation (OR = 1.40), and supervision and evaluation of indicators (OR = 1.37). In regards to the matrix support, the very good or good certification was positively associated with permanent education (OR = 1.50), interventions in the territory (OR = 1.30), and discussion in the work processes (OR = 1.23).CONCLUSIONS In Brazil, supporting activities are being incorporated in primary healthcare, and there is an association between the level of support, both matrix and institutional, and the certification result.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Masters degree in Computer Science
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether the support offered by maternity hospitals is associated with higher prevalences of exclusive and predominant breastfeeding. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study including a representative sample of 916 infants less than six months who were born in maternity hospitals, in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, 2011. The maternity hospitals were evaluated in relation to their fulfillment of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Data were collected regarding breastfeeding patterns, the birth hospital and other characteristics. The individualized effect of the study factor on exclusive and predominant breastfeeding was analyzed using Poisson multiple regression with robust variance. RESULTS Predominant breastfeeding tended to be more prevalent when the number of fulfilled steps was higher (p of linear trend = 0.057). The step related to not offering artificial teats or pacifiers to breastfed infants and that related to encouraging the establishment of breastfeeding support groups were associated, respectively, to a higher prevalence of exclusive (PR = 1.26; 95%CI 1.04;1.54) and predominant breastfeeding (PR = 1.55; 95%CI 1.01;2.39), after an adjustment was performed for confounding variables. CONCLUSIONS We observed a positive association between support offered by maternity hospitals and prevalences of exclusive and predominant breastfeeding. These results can be useful to other locations with similar characteristics (cities with hospitals that fulfill the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding) to provide incentive to breastfeeding, by means of promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding in maternity hospitals.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Purpose: Pressure ulcers are a high cost, high volume issue for health and medical care providers, having a detrimental effect on patients and relatives. Pressure ulcer prevention is widely covered in the literature, but little has been published regarding the risk to patients in the radiographical setting. This review of the current literature is to identify findings relevant to radiographical context. Methods: Literature searching was performed using Science Direct and Medline databases. The search was limited to articles published in the last ten years to remain current and excluded studies containing participants less than 17 years of age. In total 14 studies were acquired; three were excluded as they were not relevant. The remaining 11 studies were compared and reviewed. Discussion: Eight of the studies used ‘healthy’ participants and three used symptomatic participants. Nine studies explored interface pressure with a range of pressure mat technologies, two studies measured shear (MRI finite element modelling, and a non-invasive instrument), and one looked at blood flow and haemoglobin oxygenation. A range of surfaces were considered from trauma, nursing and surgical backgrounds for their ability to reduce pressure including standard mattresses, high specification mattresses, rigid and soft layer spine boards, various overlays (gel, air filled, foam). Conclusion: The current literature is not appropriate for the radiographic patient and cannot be extrapolated to a radiologic context. Sufficient evidence is presented in this review to support the need for further work specific to radiography in order to minimise the development of PU in at risk patients.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
The aim of this study is to assess the levels of airborne ultrafine particles emitted in welding processes (tungsten inert gas [TIG], metal active gas [MAG] of carbon steel, and friction stir welding [FSW] of aluminum) in terms of deposited area in pulmonary alveolar tract using a nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) analyzer. The obtained results showed the dependence of process parameters on emitted ultrafine particles and demonstrated the presence of ultrafine particles compared to background levels. Data indicated that the process that resulted in the lowest levels of alveolar deposited surface area (ADSA) was FSW, followed by TIG and MAG. However, all tested processes resulted in significant concentrations of ultrafine particles being deposited in humans lungs of exposed workers.
The advantages of networking are widely known in many areas (from business to personal ones). One particular area where networks have also proved their benefits is education. Taking the secondary school education level into account, some successful cases can be found in literature. In this paper we describe a particular remote lab network supporting physical experiments accessible to students of institutions geographically separated. The network architecture and application examples of using some of the available remote experiments are illustrated in detail.
Este trabalho teve como principal objectivo optimizar um equipamento de produção de perfis pultrudidos já existente na empresa ALTO – PERFIS PULTRUDIDOS, Lda. O trabalho surgiu na sequência de um Projecto financiado pelo Programa QREN – Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional, determinadas debilidades identificadas no processo de pultrusão, principalmente ao nível da eficiência térmica na fieira e de alguma falta de produtividade devida às diversas operações necessárias à mudança da fieira consoante o tipo de perfil a produzir. Após um levantamento prévio da situação e uma adequada segmentação da máquina nas diferentes partes que a constituem e que contribuem activamente para o processo de produção dos perfis, foi elaborada uma lista de prioridades e foram sendo procuradas as soluções mais adequadas para cada caso, sempre com a participação activa da empresa, com vista à sua implementação final. A metodologia adoptada passou sempre por uma reunião inicial com os representantes da empresa e com os orientadores, efectuando-se a tradicional “tempestade de ideias”. Depois da correspondente maturação, desenvolvimento e aprovação prévia, por parte da empresa, as ideias foram desenvolvidas e até implementadas na sua maioria. O saldo poderá considerar-se extremamente positivo, tanto para a empresa que, ao implementar as soluções, as validou e ganhou competitividade, como para as pessoas envolvidas neste projecto, através da enorme aprendizagem adquirida.
A área da simulação computacional teve um rápido crescimento desde o seu apareciment, sendo actualmente uma das ciências de gestão e de investigação operacional mais utilizadas. O seu princípio baseia-se na replicação da operação de processos ou sistemas ao longo de períodos de tempo, tornando-se assim uma metodologia indispensável para a resolução de variados problemas do mundo real, independentemente da sua complexidade. Das inúmeras áreas de aplicação, nos mais diversos campos, a que mais se destaca é a utilização em sistemas de produção, onde o leque de aplicações disponível é muito vasto. A sua aplicação tem vindo a ser utilizada para solucionar problemas em sistemas de produção, uma vez que permite às empresas ajustar e planear de uma maneira rápida, eficaz e ponderada as suas operações e os seus sistemas, permitindo assim uma rápida adaptação das mesmas às constantes mudanças das necessidades da economia global. As aplicações e packages de simulação têm seguindo as tendências tecnológicas pelo que é notório o recurso a tecnologias orientadas a objectos para o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Este estudo baseou-se, numa primeira fase, na recolha de informação de suporte aos conceitos de modelação e simulação, bem como a respectiva aplicação a sistemas de produção em tempo real. Posteriormente centralizou-se no desenvolvimento de um protótipo de uma aplicação de simulação de ambientes de fabrico em tempo real. O desenvolvimento desta ferramenta teve em vista eventuais fins pedagógicos e uma utilização a nível académico, sendo esta capaz de simular um modelo de um sistema de produção, estando também dotada de animação. Sem deixar de parte a possibilidade de integração de outros módulos ou, até mesmo, em outras plataformas, houve ainda a preocupação acrescida de que a sua implementação recorresse a metodologias de desenvolvimento orientadas a objectos.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré-escolar e nos 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores