909 resultados para Substance use disorders


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Objectives: The purpose of this meta analysis was to examine the moderating impact of substance use disorder as inclusion/exclusion criterion as well as the percentage of racial/ethnic minorities on the strength of the alliance-outcome relationship in psychotherapy. It was hypothesized that the presence of a dsm axis i substance use disorders as a criterion and the presence of racial/ethnic minority as a psychosocial indicator are confounded client factors reducing the relationship between alliance and outcome. Methods: A random effects restricted maximum-likelihood estimator was used for omnibus and moderator models (k = 94). results: the presence of (a) substance use disorder and, (b) racial/ethnic minorities (overall and specific to african americans) partially moderated the alliance-outcome correlation. The percentage of substance use disorders and racial/ethnic minority status was highly correlated. Conclusions: Socio-cultural contextual variables should be considered along with dsm axis i diagnosis of substance use disorders in analyzing and interpreting mechanisms of change.


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Auf der Grundlage von Metaanalysen und umfassenden Überblicksarbeiten werden Schlussfolgerungen über eine wirksame psychosoziale Behandlung von Patienten mit einer Komorbidität von psychischen Störungen und Sucht (Doppeldiagnosen) gezogen. Dabei wird näher auf die Studienergebnisse zu schweren und zu leichten Formen von Doppeldiagnosen eingegangen. Die Heterogenität der Patienten-, Behandlungs-, Settings- und Ergebnismerkmale erschweren allgemeingültige Schlussfolgerungen über die Wirksamkeit psychosozialer Behandlungen. Integrative, gestufte Behandlungsprogramme, die störungsspezifische Interventionen kombinieren und motivierende Gesprächsführung, kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Interventionen, suchtmittelreduzierende Interventionen wie Rückfallprävention oder Kontingenzmanagement und/oder Familieninterventionen enthalten, sind Kontrollgruppen (z.B. Wartegruppen, Standardbehandlungen) meistens, anderen aktiven Behandlungen (z.B. Psychoedukation) manchmal in den drei Ergebnisbereichen (Sucht, psychische Störung und Funktionsniveau) überlegen.


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Results on the effectiveness of psychosocial treatments for patients with comorbid psychiatric and substance use disorders (dual disorders) will be discussed based on relevant meta-analyses and comprehensive reviews. Findings pertaining to severe (e.g., schizophrenia) and mild to moderate (e.g., anxiety disorders) dual disorders will be presented. The heterogeneity in patient characteristics, treatments, settings, and measured outcomes within the studies hinders the extraction of simple conclusions regarding how to effectively integrate psychiatric and addiction-oriented services into one psychosocial treatment. However, promising treatment strategies and interventions include integrative programs that comprise motivational interviewing; disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral interventions; substance use reduction interventions such as relapse prevention or contingency management; and/or family interventions. Such programs are generally superior to control groups (e.g., waiting list, treatment as usual) and are sometimes superior to other active treatments (e.g., skills training) in outcomes of substance use, psychiatric disorders, and social functioning.


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Das pantheoretische Konzept der Arbeitsallianz stellt die kollaborative Qualität der an der Therapie beteiligten Personen (i. e. zumeist der Patient und der Therapeut) in den Mittelpunkt. Die Arbeitsallianz ist die weltweit am besten untersuchte Prozessvariable in der Psychotherapie. Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet einen Überblick über den aktuellen metaanalytischen Wissensstand. Basierend auf 200 Primärstudien mit 14.000 teilnehmenden Patienten wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsallianz und Therapieerfolg metaanalytisch untersucht. Die Arbeitsallianz erweist sich als äußerst robuster Prädiktor, der moderate 8 % der Varianz des Therapieerfolgs erklärt. Der Zusammenhang über die verschiedenen Psychotherapietraditionen hinweg zeigte sich sowohl unter randomisierten kontrollierten, manualisierten Studienbedingungen als auch unter naturalistischen Voraussetzungen. Der Effekt fand sich zudem in den störungsspezifischen Erfolgseinschätzungen und den generelleren Erfolgsmaßen. Die moderaten Therapeuteneffekte in den Primärstudien konnten metaanalytisch bestätigt werden. Soziokulturelle Aspekte wie Substanzmissbrauch und ethnische Minoritäten moderieren den Einfluss zwischen Arbeitsallianz und Therapieerfolg. Die Nähe der Forscher zum Allianzkonzept („allegiance“) beeinflusst die Vorhersagekraft der frühen Allianz zwar statistisch bedeutsam, jedoch nicht substanziell.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Background. Whether current criteria used to define nicotine dependence are informative for genetic research is an important empirical question. The authors used items of the DSM-IV and of the Heaviness of Smoking Index to characterize the nicotine dependence phenotype and to identify salient symptoms in a genetically informative community sample of Australian young adult female and mate twins. Method. Phenotypic and genetic factor analyses were performed on nine dependence symptoms (the seven DSM-IV substance dependence criteria and the two Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI) items derived from the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire, time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day). Phenotypic and genetic analyses were restricted to ever smokers. Results. Phenotypic nicotine dependence symptom covariation was best captured by two factors with a similar pattern of factor loadings for women and men. In genetic factor analysis item covariation was best captured by two genetic but one shared environmental factor for both women and men; however, item factor loadings differed by gender. All nicotine dependence symptoms were substantially heritable, except for the DSM-IV criterion of 'giving up or reducing important activities in order to smoke', which was weakly familial. Conclusions. The salient behavioral indices of nicotine dependence are similar for women and men. DSM-IV criteria of tolerance, withdrawal, and experiencing difficulty quitting and HSI items time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day may represent the most highly heritable symptoms of nicotine dependence for both women and men.


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Background. Genetic influences have been shown to play a major role in determining the risk of alcohol dependence (AD) in both women and men; however, little attention has been directed to identifying the major sources of genetic variation in AD risk. Method. Diagnostic telephone interview data from young adult Australian twin pairs born between 1964 and 1971 were analyzed. Cox regression models were fitted to interview data from a total of 2708 complete twin pairs (690 MZ female, 485 MZ male, 500 DZ female, 384 DZ male, and 649 DZ female/male pairs). Structural equation models were fitted to determine the extent of residual genetic and environmental influences on AD risk while controlling for effects of sociodemographic and psychiatric predictors on risk. Results. Risk of AD was increased in males, in Roman Catholics, in those reporting a history of major depression, social anxiety problems, and conduct disorder, or (in females only) a history of suicide attempt and childhood sexual abuse; but was decreased in those reporting Baptist, Methodist, or Orthodox religion, in those who reported weekly church attendance, and in university-educated males. After allowing for the effects of sociodemographic and psychiatric predictors, 47 % (95 % CI 28-55) of the residual variance in alcoholism risk was attributable to additive genetic effects, 0 % (95 % CI 0-14) to shared environmental factors, and 53 % (95 % CI 45-63) to non-shared environmental influences. Conclusions. Controlling for other risk factors, substantial residual heritability of AD was observed, suggesting that psychiatric and other risk factors play a minor role in the inheritance of AD.


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Background: The DSM-IV definition of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) widened the stressor criterion to include objective (A1) and subjective (A2) components. The prevalence of Criterion A2, and its association with traumatic memory and psychopathology, was examined in a large community sample. Method: The presence of Criterion A2 and traumatic memories, as well as DSM-IV anxiety, affective and substance use disorders, were examined in a community sample of 6104 adults with a history of traumatic exposure. Results: Most individuals met Criterion A2 (76%), with higher prevalence in females (81%) than males (69%). A2 was more common following certain traumas (such as assaultive violence). Excluding those people with PTSD, prevalence of most psychiatric disorders was higher in those who met Criterion A2 than in those who only met Criterion A1. Only 3% of those who did not meet A2 went on to suffer persistent traumatic memories. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was higher in those with A2 and traumatic memories than in those with A2 and no traumatic memories. Limitations: The retrospective nature of the data raises the potential for reporting biases. The data set allowed only one of several possible predictors of posttraumatic adjustment to be examined and only 12-month, and not lifetime, prevalence of psychiatric conditions was available. Conclusions: The experience of powerful emotions at the time of traumatic exposure is common and is associated with increased prevalence not only of PTSD, but also of a range of other psychiatric conditions. Traumatic memories may mediate this association. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study describes Australian media portrayal of mental illnesses, focusing on depression. A random sample of 1,123 items was selected for analysis from a pool of 13,389 nonfictional media items about mental illness collected between March 2000 and February 2001. Depression was portrayed more frequently than other mental illnesses. Items about depression, eating disorders, and substance use disorders most commonly described policies or programs, whereas items about schizophrenia most frequently portrayed individuals or symptoms and treatment. A minority of items about depression presented information about symptoms, causes, treatment, or prognosis. Although such information was generally accurate, a proportion of items conveyed misleading messages. There is therefore scope for increasing the level of accurate information provided about depression in the Australian media. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This article applies methods of latent class analysis (LCA) to data on lifetime illicit drug use in order to determine whether qualitatively distinct classes of illicit drug users can be identified. Self-report data on lifetime illicit drug use (cannabis, stimulants, hallucinogens, sedatives, inhalants, cocaine, opioids and solvents) collected from a sample of 6265 Australian twins (average age 30 years) were analyzed using LCA. Rates of childhood sexual and physical abuse, lifetime alcohol and tobacco dependence, symptoms of illicit drug abuse/dependence and psychiatric comorbidity were compared across classes using multinomial logistic regression. LCA identified a 5-class model: Class 1 (68.5%) had low risks of the use of all drugs except cannabis; Class 2 (17.8%) had moderate risks of the use of all drugs; Class 3 (6.6%) had high rates of cocaine, other stimulant and hallucinogen use but lower risks for the use of sedatives or opioids. Conversely, Class 4 (3.0%) had relatively low risks of cocaine, other stimulant or hallucinogen use but high rates of sedative and opioid use. Finally, Class 5 (4.2%) had uniformly high probabilities for the use of all drugs. Rates of psychiatric comorbidity were highest in the polydrug class although the sedative/opioid class had elevated rates of depression/suicidal behaviors and exposure to childhood abuse. Aggregation of population-level data may obscure important subgroup differences in patterns of illicit drug use and psychiatric comorbidity. Further exploration of a 'self-medicating' subgroup is needed.


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Background: Cannabis use appears to exacerbate psychotic symptoms and increase risk of psychotic relapse. However, the relative contribution of cannabis use compared with other risk factors is unclear. The influence of psychotic symptoms on cannabis use has received little attention. Aims: To examine the influence of cannabis use on psychotic symptom relapse and the influence of psychotic symptom severity on relapse in cannabis use in the 6 months following hospital admission. Method: At baseline, 84 participants with recent-onset psychosis were assessed and 81 were followed up weekly for 6 months, using telephone and face-to-face interviews. Results: A higher frequency of cannabis use was predictive of psychotic relapse, after controlling for medication adherence, other substance use and duration of untreated psychosis. An increase in psychotic symptoms was predictive of relapse to cannabis use, and medication adherence reduced cannabis relapse risk. Conclusions: The relationship between cannabis use and psychosis may be bidirectional, highlighting the need for early intervention programmes to target cannabis use and psychotic symptom severity in this population. Declaration of interest: None. Funding detailed in Acknowledgements.


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Antecedentes: la ansiedad y depresión son desórdenes mentales frecuentes en adolescentes con trastornos por consumo de sustancias, siendo crónicos y resistentes al tratamiento, asociándose a una morbilidad significativa. Objetivo general: determinar el nivel de ansiedad y depresión en adolescentes varones con trastornos por consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el Centro de Adicciones Hogar Crecer. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal, se recolectó información de 291 historias clínicas, desde el 01 de junio 2011 al 31 de diciembre 2015. La información se registró en un formulario pre-elaborado que incluye: datos sociodemográficos, patrón de consumo y resultados del test de Hamilton para ansiedad y depresión. Los datos se analizaron con el software SPSS 15.0, en las variables cuantitativas y cualitativas se obtuvo frecuencia y porcentaje. Resultados: de las 291 historias clínicas, 230 (79%) adolescentes tenían entre 15 a 19 años y 61 (21%) entre 10 a 14; según el patrón de consumo, 243 (83,5%) presentaron policonsumo. Presentaron ansiedad 263 (90,3%), de los cuales: 51,2% ansiedad leve, 27,8% ansiedad moderada y el 11,3% ansiedad grave, mientras que la depresión se presentó en 271 (93,1%), de los cuales: 32,6% depresión leve, 36,1% depresión moderada, 17,9% depresión grave y 6,5% depresión muy grave. Conclusiones: - La mayoría de los adolescentes eran estudiantes. - Los adolescentes presentaron principalmente policonsumo. - Se encontró una alta frecuencia de ansiedad y depresión. - El nivel de ansiedad que con mayor frecuencia se presentó fue ansiedad leve, mientras que para depresión, el nivel que mayormente se presentó fue depresión moderada


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AIMS: To contrast functional connectivity on ventral and dorsal striatum networks in cocaine dependence relative to pathological gambling, via a resting-state functional connectivity approach; and to determine the association between cocaine dependence-related neuroadaptations indexed by functional connectivity and impulsivity, compulsivity and drug relapse. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of 20 individuals with cocaine dependence (CD), 19 individuals with pathological gambling (PG) and 21 healthy controls (HC), and a prospective cohort study of 20 CD followed-up for 12 weeks to measure drug relapse. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: CD and PG were recruited through consecutive admissions to a public clinic specialized in substance addiction treatment (Centro Provincial de Drogodependencias) and a public clinic specialized in gambling treatment (AGRAJER), respectively; HC were recruited through community advertisement in the same area in Granada (Spain). MEASUREMENTS: Seed-based functional connectivity in the ventral striatum (ventral caudate and ventral putamen) and dorsal striatum (dorsal caudate and dorsal putamen), the Kirby delay-discounting questionnaire, the reversal-learning task and a dichotomous measure of cocaine relapse indicated with self-report and urine tests. FINDINGS: CD relative to PG exhibit enhanced connectivity between the ventral caudate seed and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, the ventral putamen seed and dorsomedial pre-frontal cortex and the dorsal putamen seed and insula (P≤0.001, kE=108). Connectivity between the ventral caudate seed and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex is associated with steeper delay discounting (P≤0.001, kE=108) and cocaine relapse (P≤0.005, kE=34). CONCLUSIONS: Cocaine dependence-related neuroadaptations in the ventral striatum of the brain network are associated with increased impulsivity and higher rate of cocaine relapse.


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This paper describes the development of a novel integrative self-directed treatment tool which uses cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to reduce anxiety symptoms in patients presenting to treatment for alcohol-related problems. More specifically, the purpose of this paper is to explore patient and health practitioner perceptions of the booklet, in order to determine its suitability and utility in the context of existing alcohol treatment services. The extent of cross-informant agreement between patient and health practitioner responses is also examined. – This research utilises a cross-sectional qualitative research design using semi-structured interview methods with patients presenting to hospital for alcohol-related diseases/illnesses/accidents/injuries (n=15) and practitioners (n=10) working at inpatient, outpatient and residential substance treatment facilities. – The present study found that the majority of patients (80 per cent) and practitioners (90 per cent) expressed a motivation to utilise the proposed booklet, agreeing that the booklet was a practical, achievable and educational resource for patients suffering from co-occurring anxiety symptoms in substance abuse facilities. Participants outlined limitations of the resource, suggesting that the booklet would be most suitable for patients with moderate to high cognitive ability, who also exhibit a motivation to change alcohol consumption and have access to additional support. – Findings from the present study suggest that the booklet may be most effective in improving treatment accessibility and patient treatment seeking behaviours; rather than reducing practitioner-patient contact. – This paper focuses on the development and utility of a novel resource suitable for substance abuse treatment facilities. The findings and feedback produced from the present study can assist with modifications of the intervention and in improving the effectiveness of future trials.


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Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue describir estadísticamente las etapas de cambio comportamental frente al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas –SPA– (alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilegales) en escolares entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá- Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal en 6.965 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá - Colombia. La medición de los procesos de cambio propuestos por el Modelo Transteórico (MTT), aplicados al consumo de drogas, tabaco y alcohol se aplicaron de manera auto-diligenciada mediante un cuestionario estructurado. Resultados: De la muestra evaluada, el 58,4% fueron mujeres con un promedio de edad 12,74 ± 2.38 años. En la población en general, frente al consumo de drogas, el 6% de los escolares se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 44 % en contemplación; 30% en preparación/acción, 20% en mantenimiento. Con relación al consumo de alcohol, el 5% de los niños y adolescentes se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 36 % en contemplación; 12% en preparación/acción, 46% en mantenimiento. Frente al tabaco, el 4% de los niños y adolescentes se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 33 % en contemplación; 12% en preparación/acción, 51% en mantenimiento. Conclusiones: En los escolares evaluados, un importante porcentaje se ubica en la etapa de mantenimiento frente a la intención de consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Frente al consumo de drogas ilegales los niños y adolescentes están en la etapa de contemplación. Se requieren esfuerzos mayores para fomentar programas preventivos que enseñen sobre el riesgo del abuso/dependencia de este tipo de sustancias psicoactiva sobre la salud; dándole prioridad en las agendas y políticas públicas dentro del ámbito escolar.