868 resultados para Semiotics and tasks exploratory-investigative
Industrially developed countries are able to absorb modern techniques of science and technology quite readily; this is not the case for less-developed countries. Attempts made by developing countries have been ineffective due to factors not readily admitted. This thesis highlights the areas that need to be developed by under-developed countries, and covers economic, scientific and technological, and social aspects as well as technology transfer. Economic areas considered acknowledge that within any one country there should be proper procedures for planning economic and industrial projects (plant design) supported by efficient economic development strategy. Scientific and technological factors considered include the major areas that need to be developed in order to produce and/or deal with scientific and technological issues for the interest of the national development. Technology transfer areas considered include the necessity of building up a national body (system) responsible for dealing with activities and tasks of transferring foreign-made technology so that it can be employed effectively within the environment of the country. Social factors considered include the need to develop human resources which can be employed efficiently into the whole process of development, and particularly for the above proposed systems. Education and training are the major elements that ought to be tackled to produce skilled manpower and to overcome the social and cultural values and traditions that are inherited by the society. This thesis highlights the above areas in an attempt to plan and organise the development of science and technology, and their implementation into the development as a whole. Whilst recognising the problems of creating this sort of development in developing countries, the author considers the benefits to be obtained are much greater in the long run.
The thesis investigates the ocular response to silicone-hydrogel (SiH) contact lens wear, a relatively new contact lens material that has a higher modulus of rigidity and different surface coating than used in conventional hydrogel materials. The properties of SiH materials differ significantly from conventional hydrogels and, using subjective and objective means of assessment, the thesis examines how these properties affect reflection and biometry, ocular physiology, tear film characteristics, symptomatology, adverse events and complications. A range of standard and newly designed investigative techniques were employed, and latter involving novel imaging techniques, for the objective assessment of physiological changes which occur with contact lens wear. The study is the first to combine these techniques with biochemical analyses of the tear film composition. Forty-seven subjects were fitted with SiH lenses and randomly allocated to one of the two materials currently on the market (Lotrafilcon A or Balafilcon A) on an either daily or continuous wear basis. An additional control group of 14 age-matched non-contact lens wearers were monitored over the same period. Measurements were taken before and 1, 3, 6, 12 and 18 months after initial fitting. The findings reported in this thesis will enable contact lens practitioners and manufacturers to understand further the optical, physiological and biochemical nature of the ocular response to SiH contact lenses and hence facilitate the development of this important generation of contact lens material.
Binary distributed representations of vector data (numerical, textual, visual) are investigated in classification tasks. A comparative analysis of results for various methods and tasks using artificial and real-world data is given.
Healthy brain functioning depends on efficient communication of information between brain regions, forming complex networks. By quantifying synchronisation between brain regions, a functionally connected brain network can be articulated. In neurodevelopmental disorders, where diagnosis is based on measures of behaviour and tasks, a measure of the underlying biological mechanisms holds promise as a potential clinical tool. Graph theory provides a tool for investigating the neural correlates of neuropsychiatric disorders, where there is disruption of efficient communication within and between brain networks. This research aimed to use recent conceptualisation of graph theory, along with measures of behaviour and cognitive functioning, to increase understanding of the neurobiological risk factors of atypical development. Using magnetoencephalography to investigate frequency-specific temporal dynamics at rest, the research aimed to identify potential biological markers derived from sensor-level whole-brain functional connectivity. Whilst graph theory has proved valuable for insight into network efficiency, its application is hampered by two limitations. First, its measures have hardly been validated in MEG studies, and second, graph measures have been shown to depend on methodological assumptions that restrict direct network comparisons. The first experimental study (Chapter 3) addressed the first limitation by examining the reproducibility of graph-based functional connectivity and network parameters in healthy adult volunteers. Subsequent chapters addressed the second limitation through adapted minimum spanning tree (a network analysis approach that allows for unbiased group comparisons) along with graph network tools that had been shown in Chapter 3 to be highly reproducible. Network topologies were modelled in healthy development (Chapter 4), and atypical neurodevelopment (Chapters 5 and 6). The results provided support to the proposition that measures of network organisation, derived from sensor-space MEG data, offer insights helping to unravel the biological basis of typical brain maturation and neurodevelopmental conditions, with the possibility of future clinical utility.
Sokoldalú nemzetközi megállapodások és programok foglalkoznak a hulladékok keletkezésének és az országhatárokon átterjedő hatásainak problémájával, a nemzetközi együttműködést szükségessé tevő megoldásokkal. A leginkább átfogó megközelítést a probléma hajtóerőinek szentelt globális programok tartalmazzák, de a fenntarthatóság alapelveire támaszkodó termelési eljárásokra és fogyasztási szokásokra, a zöld gazdaságra való áttérést szorgalmazó dokumentumok nem tartalmaznak számon kérhető kötelezettségeket. A konkrétabb hulladékkeletkezési és hatásterjedési ügyekben – mindenekelőtt a veszélyes hulladékok és a nemzeti fennhatóság alá nem tartozó területekre eljutó vagy ott keletkező hulladékok esetében – jóval konkrétabb nemzetközi megállapodások és programok léteznek. Ezek szabályozási, szakpolitikai, technológiai célokat, feladatokat határoznak meg az országok és az érintett ágazati szereplők szintjén is. Egyes problémák kapcsán és egyes térségekben a hulladékgazdálkodás jelentős eredményeket tud felmutatni, de általában véve a nemzetközi megállapodások hatékony végrehajtásával komoly gondok vannak. Továbbá a meglévő nemzetközi eszközök összességükben még teljes körű végrehajtásuk esetén sem lennének képesek ellensúlyozni a hulladékprobléma globális szintű növekedését. Következésképpen további erőfeszítésekre van szükség – minden kormány, érintett nem-kormányzati szervezet és az ágazatok részéről – különösen a megelőzés vonatkozásában. ____ Various multilateral agreements and programmes deal with the problems of waste generation and its transboundary impacts, and those solutions, which necessitate international co-operation. Those global programmes include the most comprehensive approach, which are dedicated to the drivers of these problems, however, these documents promoting the transition to sustainable production and consumption, or to the green economy do not consist of binding commitments. In case of more concrete issues of waste generation and transboundary impacts there are much more concrete international agreements and programmes, especially, for the hazardous waste streams and the waste transmitted to and/or generated in areas outside national jurisdiction. These determine regulatory, policy, technological goals and tasks for the participating countries and the relevant sectors. Significant progress is demonstrated for some specific problems and in certain regions, but in general, there are serious concerns about the efficient implementation of the international agreements in their entirety. Moreover, even if those were fully accomplished, the existing set of the international instruments would be unable to counterweigh the global increase of the waste problem. Consequently, further efforts are needed by all countries, the relevant non-governmental organisations and sectors, primarily in order to prevent the further global escalation of the problem.
A minőségügy egyik kulcsfeladata, hogy azonosítsa az értékteremtés szempontjából kritikus tényezőket, meghatározza ezek értékét, valamint intézkedjen negatív hatásuk megelőzése és csökkentése érdekében. Az értékteremtés sok esetben folyamatokon keresztül történik, amelyek tevékenységekből, elvégzendő feladatokból állnak. Ezekhez megfelelő munkatársak kellenek, akiknek az egyik legfontosabb jellemzője az általuk birtokolt tudás. Mindezek alapján a feladat-tudás-erőforrás kapcsolatrendszer ismerete és kezelése minőségügyi feladat is. A komplex rendszerek elemzésével foglalkozó hálózatkutatás eszközt biztosíthat ehhez, ezért indokolt a minőségügyi területen történő alkalmazhatóságának vizsgálata. Az alkalmazási lehetőségek rendszerezése érdekében a szerzők kategorizálták a minőségügyi hálózatokat az élek (kapcsolatok) és a csúcsok (hálózati pontok) típusai alapján. Ezt követően definiálták a multimodális (több különböző csúcstípusból álló) tudáshálózatot, amely a feladatokból, az erőforrásokból, a tudáselemekből és a közöttük lévő kapcsolatokból épül fel. A hálózat segítségével kategóriákba sorolták a tudáselemeket, valamint a fokszámok alapján meghatározták értéküket. A multimodális hálózatból képzett tudáselem-hálózatban megadták az összefüggő csoportok jelentését, majd megfogalmaztak egy összefüggést a tudáselem-elvesztés kockázatának meghatározására. _______ The aims of quality management are to identify those factors that have significant influence on value production, qualify or quantify them, and make preventive and corrective actions in order to reduce their negative effects. The core elements of value production are processes and tasks, along with workforce having the necessary knowledge to work. For that reason the task-resource-knowledge structure is pertinent to quality management. Network science provides methods to analyze complex systems; therefore it seems reasonable to study the use of tools of network analysis in association with quality management issues. First of all the authors categorized quality networks according to the types of nodes (vertices) and links (edges or arcs). Focusing on knowledge management, they defined the multimodal knowledge network, consisting of tasks, resources, knowledge items and their interconnections. Based on their degree, network nodes can be categorized and their value can be quantified. Derived from the multimodal network knowledge-item network is to be created, where the meaning of cohesive subgroups is defined. Eventually they proposed a formula for determining the risk of knowledge loss.
While the robots gradually become a part of our daily lives, they already play vital roles in many critical operations. Some of these critical tasks include surgeries, battlefield operations, and tasks that take place in hazardous environments or distant locations such as space missions. ^ In most of these tasks, remotely controlled robots are used instead of autonomous robots. This special area of robotics is called teleoperation. Teleoperation systems must be reliable when used in critical tasks; hence, all of the subsystems must be dependable even under a subsystem or communication line failure. ^ These systems are categorized as unilateral or bilateral teleoperation. A special type of bilateral teleoperation is described as force-reflecting teleoperation, which is further investigated as limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation. ^ Teleoperation systems configured in this study are tested both in numerical simulations and experiments. A new method, Virtual Rapid Robot Prototyping, is introduced to create system models rapidly and accurately. This method is then extended to configure experimental setups with actual master systems working with system models of the slave robots accompanied with virtual reality screens as well as the actual slaves. Fault-tolerant design and modeling of the master and slave systems are also addressed at different levels to prevent subsystem failure. ^ Teleoperation controllers are designed to compensate for instabilities due to communication time delays. Modifications to the existing controllers are proposed to configure a controller that is reliable in communication line failures. Position/force controllers are also introduced for master and/or slave robots. Later, controller architecture changes are discussed in order to make these controllers dependable even in systems experiencing communication problems. ^ The customary and proposed controllers for teleoperation systems are tested in numerical simulations on single- and multi-DOF teleoperation systems. Experimental studies are then conducted on seven different systems that included limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation to verify and improve simulation studies. ^ Experiments of the proposed controllers were successful relative to the customary controllers. Overall, by employing the fault-tolerance features and the proposed controllers, a more reliable teleoperation system is possible to design and configure which allows these systems to be used in a wider range of critical missions. ^
This dissertation is one of the earliest to systematically apply and empirically test the resource-based view (RBV) in the context of nascent social ventures in a large scale study. Social ventures are entrepreneurial ventures organized as nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid organizations whose primary purpose is to address unmet social needs and create social value. Nascent social ventures face resource gaps and engage in partnerships or alliances as one means to access external resources. These partnerships with different sectors facilitate social venture innovative and earned income strategies, and assist in the development of adequate heterogeneous resource conditions that impact competitive advantage. Competitive advantage in the context of nascent social ventures is achieved through the creation of value and the achievement of venture development activities and launching. The relationships between partnerships, heterogeneous resource conditions, strategies, and competitive advantage are analyzed in the context of nascent social ventures that participated in business plan competitions. A content analysis of 179 social venture business plans and an exploratory follow-up survey of 72 of these ventures are used to analyze these relationships using regression, ANOVA, correlations, t-tests, and non-parametric statistics. The findings suggest a significant positive relationship between competitive advantage and partnership diversity, heterogeneous resource conditions, social innovation, and earned income. Social capital is the type of resource most significantly related to competitive advantage. Founder previous start-up experience, client location, and business plan completeness are also found to be significant in the relationship between partnership diversity and competitive advantage. Finally the findings suggest that hybrid social ventures create a greater competitive advantage than nonprofit or for-profit social ventures. Consequently, this dissertation not only provides academics further insight into the factors that impact nascent social value creation, venture development, and ability to launch, but also offers practitioners guidance on how best to organize certain processes to create a competitive advantage. As a result more insight is gained into the nascent social venture creation process and how these ventures can have a greater impact on society.
With the downsizing of hotel companies in the 1980s and 1990s. internships became a way of supplementing staff during peak seasons and auditioning students for full-time positions upon graduation. The authors surveyed corporate directors of human resources on specific activities and tasks associated with experiential learning in the guest services areas of hotels.
While the robots gradually become a part of our daily lives, they already play vital roles in many critical operations. Some of these critical tasks include surgeries, battlefield operations, and tasks that take place in hazardous environments or distant locations such as space missions. In most of these tasks, remotely controlled robots are used instead of autonomous robots. This special area of robotics is called teleoperation. Teleoperation systems must be reliable when used in critical tasks; hence, all of the subsystems must be dependable even under a subsystem or communication line failure. These systems are categorized as unilateral or bilateral teleoperation. A special type of bilateral teleoperation is described as force-reflecting teleoperation, which is further investigated as limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation. Teleoperation systems configured in this study are tested both in numerical simulations and experiments. A new method, Virtual Rapid Robot Prototyping, is introduced to create system models rapidly and accurately. This method is then extended to configure experimental setups with actual master systems working with system models of the slave robots accompanied with virtual reality screens as well as the actual slaves. Fault-tolerant design and modeling of the master and slave systems are also addressed at different levels to prevent subsystem failure. Teleoperation controllers are designed to compensate for instabilities due to communication time delays. Modifications to the existing controllers are proposed to configure a controller that is reliable in communication line failures. Position/force controllers are also introduced for master and/or slave robots. Later, controller architecture changes are discussed in order to make these controllers dependable even in systems experiencing communication problems. The customary and proposed controllers for teleoperation systems are tested in numerical simulations on single- and multi-DOF teleoperation systems. Experimental studies are then conducted on seven different systems that included limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation to verify and improve simulation studies. Experiments of the proposed controllers were successful relative to the customary controllers. Overall, by employing the fault-tolerance features and the proposed controllers, a more reliable teleoperation system is possible to design and configure which allows these systems to be used in a wider range of critical missions.
This thesis, part of the research line "Work, Society and Education" analyzes, in a dialectical perspective, in the light of Tragtenberg´s studies, the conception of subject of schoolwork, considering the organization and the complexity of this context and inviting the investigative gaze. Our hypothesis is that the workers of education have, in the schoolwork, a fragile politicization field and overcoming the installed model, accepting themselves as executers with self-organizing difficulties, distanced from the effective participation, autonomy and self-management. We consider studies on the logic of the work, believing that the understanding of schoolwork is constitute into the current societal model, in whom its bureaucratic and hierarchical matrix, linked to articulated / articulators of the dominant socio-economic class interests. Scholars such as Braverman, Frigotto and Tragtenberg, among others, are important contributions to this reflection. We have analyzed the logic of the work also in dialogue with pedagogies differentiated, among them, the Libertarian defended by Tragtenberg, aiming to understand the conceptions and practices of the subjects involved. We accomplished a bibliographical critical analysis, in a dialectical character, focusing on the categories: work, schoolwork, control, autonomy and self-management, in order to understand the complexity of the praxis in study, dialoguing with the pillars categories historicity, contradiction and totality, which transversalize the developed analysis. The consideration of these concepts allows us to uncover the dominant bureaucratic structure and its possible overcoming fields. We believe contribute to problematizing and proposers studies, reflections and discussions, strengthening debates, deconstructing naturalizations and contributing to the political process of the subjects.
Este artículo analiza las estatuas-menhir noroccidentales que se distribuyen en el área comprendida entre los valles del río Duero y el río Miño, pero que descubrimientos recientes han extendido a regiones fuera de este área nuclear. Partiendo de tres aspectos claves para su interpretación (la cronología, su relación con el paisaje y su sentido iconográfico), se examinan las relaciones entre estas formas materiales y un paisaje socio-material de acción específico (las formas socio-materiales de interacción propias del Bronce final atlántico). Para ello, se tiene en cuenta diferentes conexiones materiales (presencia, encuentro, coexistencia, hibridación, etc.) que permiten contextualizar las estatuasmenhir dentro de un proceso histórico particular: la integración del noroeste de la península Ibérica en un contexto de relaciones mediterráneo-atlánticas, en la segunda mitad del II milenio a.C.
En este trabajo se discuten los aportes de la teoría sociológica contemporánea al debate filosófico y científico de la ontología, para ello son cotejados los componentes ontológicos de la Teoría General de Sistemas Sociales de Niklas Luhmann, lla Teoría de la Acción Comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas y la Actor-Network Theory de Bruno Latour.
The first theme of the book is ‘Directions’. This theme concerns the present and potential future expectations that L&D professionals may face in their practice. Chapter 1 is about ‘Developing professional practice in L&D’. In the first section, I discuss what is ‘professionalism’ and what it means for L&D professionals in terms of their development. In this chapter, I argue that expectations of L&D from senior management are growing. L&D professionals need to be able demonstrate ability to influence decision making by developing new competencies that enable them to provide senior management with new insight, which in turn increases L&D’s strategic credibility. In examining the diverse activities and tasks that L&D professionals currently, and may be expected to undertake in the future, four roles emerge; capacity and capability builders, boundary spanners, consultants and change agents. Capacity building primarily concerns creating space, time, and cultivating the right environment for the workforce to develop, which can be a challenge given how fire-fighting appears to be prevalent in many organizations today. Capability building involves enhancing knowledge, developing skills and competencies of the workforces, whilst boundary spanning involves networking and growing partnerships within and outside the organization. ‘Being a consultant’ is briefly touched upon as it is further discussed in Chapter 5, whilst the role of a change agent involves instigating and managing change. This chapter concludes with a discussion of twelve important knowledge, skill and capability areas that L&D professionals must develop to advance their practice.
No trabalho de investigação que agora se apresenta, procurámos a compreensão dos processos criativos utilizados por profissionais no mundo da publicidade. Após revisão bibliográfica, onde foram analisados os dados disponíveis sobre a criatividade e o seu conceito geral e publicitário, o conceito de ideia, o processo criativo, a publicidade e as agências praticantes de publicidade, procedeu-se à realização de um trabalho empírico. Com o estudo, de caráter quantitativo e intenção exploratória, pretendemos perceber o fenómeno do processo criativo e as técnicas de estimulação de criatividade utilizadas. Para a investigação deste tema, utilizou-se o questionário como instrumento de recolha de dados. Após a análise de dados, verificamos que cada pessoa tem um processo criativo único, no entanto é possível verificar semelhanças e afirmar que a teoria se espelha na realidade. No entanto, quanto à utilização de técnicas de estimulação de criatividade, já se verifica que são muito poucas as técnicas utilizadas.