980 resultados para Schumann, Harald: Globalisaatioloukku


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INTRODUCCIÓN: El 80% de los niños y adolescentes con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) presenta algún trastorno del sueño, en cuya génesis al parecer intervienen alteraciones en la regulación de la melatonina. El objetivo de este metaanálisis fue determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la melatonina para el manejo de ciertos trastornos del sueño en niños con TEA. MÉTODOS: Tres revisores extrajeron los datos relevantes de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados doble ciego de alta calidad publicados en bases de datos primarias, de ensayos clínicos, de revisiones sistemáticas y de literatura gris; además se realizó búsqueda en bola de nieve. Se analizaron los datos con RevMan 5.3. Se realizó un análisis del inverso de la varianza por un modelo de efectos aleatorios para las diferencias de medias de los desenlaces propuestos: duración del tiempo total, latencia de sueño y número de despertares nocturnos. Se evaluó la heterogeneidad interestudios con el parámetro I2 RESULTADOS: La búsqueda inicial arrojó 355 resultados, de los cuales tres cumplieron los criterios de selección. La melatonina resultó ser un medicamento seguro y eficaz para aumentar la duración total del sueño y disminuir la latencia de sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA; hasta el momento la evidencia sobre el número de despertares nocturnos no es estadísticamente significativa. DISCUSIÓN: A la luz de la evidencia disponible, la melatonina es una elección segura y eficaz para el manejo de ciertos problemas del sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA. Es necesario realizar estudios con mayores tamaños muestrales y comparados con otros medicamentos disponibles en el mercado.


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El artículo del profesor Mario Caciagli es un aporte pertinente al estudio de las instituciones electorales comparadas, tanto por el segmento temporal de su estudio —cuyo punto de partida es el hecho histórico de la caída del muro de Berlín, evento importante no solo para el mundo alemán, sino también para Occidente— como por la exposición sistemática de los diferentes frentes de valoración de la actividad partidista y del comportamiento de las agrupaciones políticas alemanas en los comicios ocurridos desde la unificación. Las referencias a los antecedentes inmediatos —esto es, la compleja recomposición de Alemania como país después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial— aparecen como complemento y soporte ineludible, pero en una discreta penumbra que no resta luz al período de análisis."-- Roballo Lozan, Julio


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Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen en castelllano e inglés


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Se transcribe la conferencia titulada Tendencias y problemas de la Enseñanza de nivel medio en la Europa de hoy, pronunciada en la Reunión del Profesorado de Granada por el Profesor Otto Ángel, en abril de 1968. Se habla en primer lugar del espíritu de unión europeo y de las figuras que lo han impulsado, como Adenauer, De Gasperi y Schumann. Posteriormente se adentra en la cuestión de la educación secundaria en Europa. Se destaca como del 20 al 28 de abril de 1967 se celebró en Málaga, una Semana de estudios, organizada por el Gobierno español bajo los auspicios del Consejo de Europa cuyo tema fue La actitud humanista en la enseñanza secundaria para la Europa del mañana. Se precisó como el humanismo no se reduce a las llamadas humanidades de los tiempos pasados, es decir al estudio de las lenguas y literaturas griega y latina, sino que todas las asignaturas tienen un núcleo humanístico. Pero el núcleo central lo integran los siguientes temas: las organizaciones europeas de cooperación pedagógica, las cuestiones de orientación escolar concernientes a la enseñanza secundaria y los métodos de enseñanza contrapuestos. Para terminar se señala que otro tipo de actividad pedagógica moderna lo constituye la llamada forma social-integradora, en la que el profesor da una visión general del trabajo proyectado. Este proyecto es sometido a discusión y a decisión por grupos de alumnos estimulados por el profesor.


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Se estudian las manifestaciones sociales y políticas de la diversidad cultural y su interrelación con la igualdad y la integración social. Se propone el aprendizaje de lenguas como vehículo de integración e instrumento de comunicación, indicando los factores que intervienen en el aprendizaje y la adquisición de la lengua según distintas teorías: la teoría afectiva de Schumann, la cognitivista de Rosansky, los puntos de vista de Naiman, Vihman y Arnberg o la teoría biológica de Penfield. Por último se indican las posibilidades y limitaciones del aprendizaje de lenguas y su repercusión en la integración escolar.


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Urban flood inundation models require considerable data for their parameterisation, calibration and validation. TerraSAR-X should be suitable for urban flood detection because of its high resolution in stripmap/spotlight modes. The paper describes ongoing work on a project to assess how well TerraSAR-X can detect flooded regions in urban areas, and how well these can constrain the parameters of an urban flood model. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1-in-150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK , in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SETES SAR simulator was used in conjunction with LiDAR data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and vegetation. An algorithm for the delineation of flood water in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs.


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Flooding is a major hazard in both rural and urban areas worldwide, but it is in urban areas that the impacts are most severe. An investigation of the ability of high resolution TerraSAR-X Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to detect flooded regions in urban areas is described. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1 in 150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK, in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SAR End-To-End simulator (SETES) was used in conjunction with airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and taller vegetation. A semi-automatic algorithm for the detection of floodwater in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs. 76% of the urban water pixels visible to TerraSAR-X were correctly detected, with an associated false positive rate of 25%. If all urban water pixels were considered, including those in shadow and layover regions, these figures fell to 58% and 19% respectively. The algorithm is aimed at producing urban flood extents with which to calibrate and validate urban flood inundation models, and these findings indicate that TerraSAR-X is capable of providing useful data for this purpose.


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Flooding is a major hazard in both rural and urban areas worldwide, but it is in urban areas that the impacts are most severe. An investigation of the ability of high resolution TerraSAR-X data to detect flooded regions in urban areas is described. An important application for this would be the calibration and validation of the flood extent predicted by an urban flood inundation model. To date, research on such models has been hampered by lack of suitable distributed validation data. The study uses a 3m resolution TerraSAR-X image of a 1-in-150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK, in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SETES SAR simulator was used in conjunction with airborne LiDAR data to estimate regions of the TerraSAR-X image in which water would not be visible due to radar shadow or layover caused by buildings and taller vegetation, and these regions were masked out in the flood detection process. A semi-automatic algorithm for the detection of floodwater was developed, based on a hybrid approach. Flooding in rural areas adjacent to the urban areas was detected using an active contour model (snake) region-growing algorithm seeded using the un-flooded river channel network, which was applied to the TerraSAR-X image fused with the LiDAR DTM to ensure the smooth variation of heights along the reach. A simpler region-growing approach was used in the urban areas, which was initialized using knowledge of the flood waterline in the rural areas. Seed pixels having low backscatter were identified in the urban areas using supervised classification based on training areas for water taken from the rural flood, and non-water taken from the higher urban areas. Seed pixels were required to have heights less than a spatially-varying height threshold determined from nearby rural waterline heights. Seed pixels were clustered into urban flood regions based on their close proximity, rather than requiring that all pixels in the region should have low backscatter. This approach was taken because it appeared that urban water backscatter values were corrupted in some pixels, perhaps due to contributions from side-lobes of strong reflectors nearby. The TerraSAR-X urban flood extent was validated using the flood extent visible in the aerial photos. It turned out that 76% of the urban water pixels visible to TerraSAR-X were correctly detected, with an associated false positive rate of 25%. If all urban water pixels were considered, including those in shadow and layover regions, these figures fell to 58% and 19% respectively. These findings indicate that TerraSAR-X is capable of providing useful data for the calibration and validation of urban flood inundation models.


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Two-dimensional flood inundation modelling is a widely used tool to aid flood risk management. In urban areas, where asset value and population density are greatest, the model spatial resolution required to represent flows through a typical street network (i.e. < 10m) often results in impractical computational cost at the whole city scale. Explicit diffusive storage cell models become very inefficient at such high resolutions, relative to shallow water models, because the stable time step in such schemes scales as a quadratic of resolution. This paper presents the calibration and evaluation of a recently developed new formulation of the LISFLOOD-FP model, where stability is controlled by the Courant–Freidrichs–Levy condition for the shallow water equations, such that, the stable time step instead scales linearly with resolution. The case study used is based on observations during the summer 2007 floods in Tewkesbury, UK. Aerial photography is available for model evaluation on three separate days from the 24th to the 31st of July. The model covered a 3.6 km by 2 km domain and was calibrated using gauge data from high flows during the previous month. The new formulation was benchmarked against the original version of the model at 20 m and 40 m resolutions, demonstrating equally accurate performance given the available validation data but at 67x faster computation time. The July event was then simulated at the 2 m resolution of the available airborne LiDAR DEM. This resulted in a significantly more accurate simulation of the drying dynamics compared to that simulated by the coarse resolution models, although estimates of peak inundation depth were similar.