914 resultados para Reestruturação do habitus


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Os espaços de desindustrialização objetos da pesquisa mostram o movimento de passagem de lugares produzidos no processo de industrialização para lugares de expansão do mercado imobiliário. Estamos diante da produção de novas centralidades em lugares já constituídos da cidade, transformando a paisagem e a vida social desses lugares. Essa incorporação dos espaços de desindustrialização pelas atividades mais dinâmicas da economia produz uma transformação radical dos lugares, produzindo uma valorização do espaço, que induz um aprofundamento da segregação sócio-espacial na cidade, pois destitui os próprios moradores de seus lugares habituais de sociabilidade e mobiliza as classes empobrecidas para lugares distantes do centro, mais desprovidos de infra-estrutura. Por outro lado, a vida proposta pelos novos equipamentos que se instalam nos lugares (condomínios verticais fechados e espaços de consumo voltados para classes com maior poder de consumo) se fecham à cidade, colocando a auto-segregação como uma solução dos problemas urbanos (violência, trânsito, falta de espaços de lazer, falta de espaços verdes, etc.), naturalizando a segregação. Nossa reflexão sobre a reestruturação de espaços de desindustrialização nos coloca diante da necessidade de pensar a orientação do processo de produção do espaço hoje, implicando uma preocupação sobre a vida urbana concreta dos habitantes da cidade.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a reestruturação da produção agrícola na organização do espaço agrário brasileiro. O encaminhamento metodológico utilizado na elaboração deste trabalho foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e busca de informações e dados junto ao Ministério da Integração Nacional referentes à Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional. O espaço agrário brasileiro tem passado por constantes transformações espaciais decorrentes da territorialização do capital, à luz do agronegócio da commodity soja, assim como tem ocorrido implicações decorrentes da reestruturação produtiva conformando e consolidando regiões. Tal situação é resultante de um conjunto de ações de gestores públicos, agroindústrias, produtores e empresas que prestam serviços à cadeia produtiva do agronegócio para garantir a materialidade da produção, circulação e venda da commodity soja.


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Relatar algumas das transformações produtivas e de consumo, ocorridas no estado de São Paulo, através das reestruturações nos sistemas de movimento, de logística e de normas e tributação, como também os impactos nos espaços urbanos, através das novas dinâmicas econômicas, impostas pelas demandas corporativas, é o objetivo desse artigo. A desconcentração produtiva e de consumo rumo ao interior só foi possível pela combinação ordenada e hierarquizada de alguns elementos básicos, como as inovações tecnológicas (meios e vias de transportes) e organizacionais (logística, normas e tributação) que otimizaram a fluidez territorial no estado de São Paulo. Destaca-se, portanto: 1) o aprimoramento da logística enquanto estratégia, planejamento e gestão de transportes, armazenamento e comunicações (inclusive na concessão de serviços públicos à iniciativa privada); 2) o aprimoramento tecnológico e a expansão dos sistemas de movimento (infraestruturas, meios de transportes) e; 3) os sistemas de normas e tributação que através das regulações e desregulamentações interferem no sistema circulatório de um determinado espaço. Assim, ambos os sistemas tem como objetivo desembaraçar os fluxos econômicos (bens, serviços, informações, capitais e pessoas) e propiciar uma maior fluidez territorial. Os impactos no território paulista, principalmente através da sua dinâmica econômica, revertem-se positivamente e negativamente, mudando a forma como se pensa e se realiza o ordenamento do território.


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If our only sources of information were the newspapers and the television, the available evidence would suggest that youth is a terrible problem. Not only would we be convinced that most crime is committed by the social category of youth, but that young people are running out of control, that the streets are no longer safe, that all manner of standards are dropping, that the schools are in chaos, and that, as a consequence of these facts, society faces ruin. Fortunately, there is a considerable body of academic literature which rebuts these assertions, and via a more rigorous and objective analysis of society, it has sought to explain the practices, cultures and circumstances through and by which contemporary youth is formed.


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In contrast to most previous research in the field, this paper argues that the concept of 'youth' is best understood as an example of the governmental formation of a specific type of person. It is constructed at the intersection of a variety of diverse problematisations, being produced by the processes of individuation/ normalisation and the regulation of relations of time. Within programs such as those pertinent to the management of sex, an array of technologies structure the practices by which individuals pattern their own conduct - thereby fashioning a kind of habitus. This forms part of a general strategy of enrolling the objects of these programs in their own self-reformation. Consequently, `youth' can be understood as `the doing of specific types of work on the self'. By utilising this framework, the paper not only seeks to identify and better understand some of the sexual subjectivities associated with the construction of youth, it also seeks to offer some new directions for research in the area.


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This paper has argued that subcultural social formations, such as the Gothics, did not evolve as resistance to a dominant culture. Instead, they are a response to the governmental construction of youth as an object of knowledge—the by-product of particular forms of government, generated by specific power/knowledge relations. Accordingly, attempts to account for the phenomenon of ‘subcultures’ should begin, not with notions of a shared, resistant class/generational consciousness, but rather with detailed investigations of specific forms of government, such as those involving conventions and customs within the fashion and music industries, the distribution of technologies of marketing and consumption, the adoption of various techniques of self-shaping, the prevalence of different journalistic practices, routines of policing, and so on. ‘Subcultural style’ is not an expression of relationship between a given social class, its material conditions and its economic and cultural aspirations. Rather, it constitutes the construction of particular habitus, shaped by fashion and leisure activities, through which certain youthful personae are given their form.


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How social class factors into linguistic practices and use, language change and loss has been a major theme in postwar sociolinguistics and ethnography of communication, language planning and sociology of language. Key foci of linguistic and sociological research include the study of social class in everyday language use, media and institutional texts. A further concern is to understand the relationship between social class stratification, intergenerational social reproduction, and language variation. Bourdieu’s model of linguistic habitus and cultural capital offers a broad theoretical template for examining these relations, even as they are complicated by forces of economic and cultural globalization, new media and identity formations.


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As militarization of bodies politic continues apace the world over, as military organizations again reveal themselves as primary political, economic and cultural forces in many societies, we argue that the emergent and potentially dominant form of political economic organization is a species of neo-feudal corporatism. Drawing upon Bourdieu, we theorize bodies politic as living habitus. Bodies politic are prepared for war and peace through new mediations, powerful means of public pedagogy. The process of militarization requires the generation of new, antagonistic evaluations of other bodies politic. Such evaluations are inculcated via these mediations, the movement of meanings across time and space, between formerly disparate histories, places, and cultures. New mediations touch new and different aspects of the body politic: its eyes, its ears, its organs, but they are consistently targeted at the formation of dispositions, the prime movers of action.


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Credentials are a salient form of cultural capital and if a student’s learning and productions are not assessed, they are invisible in current social systems of education and employment. In this field, invisible equals non-existent. This paper arises from the context of an alternative education institution where conventional educational assessment techniques currently fail to recognise the creativity and skills of a cohort of marginalised young people. In order to facilitate a new assessment model an electronic portfolio system (EPS) is being developed and trialled to capture evidence of students’ learning and their productions. In so doing a dynamic system of arranging, exhibiting, exploiting and disseminating assessment data in the form of coherent, meaningful and valuable reports will be maintained. The paper investigates the notion of assessing development of creative thinking and skills through the means of a computerised system that operates in an area described as the efield. A model of the efield is delineated and is explained as a zone existing within the internet where free users exploit the cloud and cultivate social and cultural capital. Drawing largely on sociocultural theory and Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus and capitals, the article positions the efield as a potentially productive instrument in assessment for learning practices. An important aspect of the dynamics of this instrument is the recognition of teachers as learners. This is seen as an integral factor in the sociocultural approach to assessment for learning practices that will be deployed with the EPS. What actually takes place is argued to be assessment for learning as a field of exchange. The model produced in this research is aimed at delivering visibility and recognition through an engaging instrument that will enhance the prospects of marginalised young people and shift the paradigm for assessment in a creative world.


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Intimate partner abuse and control is one of the most common forms of violence against women, and is considered an international problem of social, political, legal and human rights significance. Yet few studies have attempted to understand this problem from the perspective of male perpetrators. This gap is addressed by conducting in-depth interviews with 16 able-bodied men of white European ancestry born and educated in New Zealand or Australia, who have been physically violent and/or emotionally, intellectually, sexually or financially controlling of a live-in female partner. This thesis extends and deepens the dominant ways of thinking about men’s intimate partner abuse by utilising a new theoretical framework compatible with contemporary feminist scholarship. A synthesis of Connell’s theory of masculinities and Bourdieu’s field theory is utilised for the purpose of exploring more nuanced, complex understandings of manliness and men’s relationships with men, women and social structures. Through such an analysis, this thesis finds that men’s perpetration of power and control over women is driven by a need to avoid the stigma of appearing weak. As a consequence, their desire and ability to show love, care and empathy is suppressed in favour of a presumed honourable manliness, and their female partners are used as weapons in the pursuit of symbolic capital in the form of recognition, prestige and acceptance from real and/or imagined men. This research also uncovers the complex interplay between masculine practices and particular social contexts. For example, the norms of practice encountered from those in authority, such as teachers, sports coaches, police, court judges and workplace management, influences the decision making of the men in this study, to use, or not to use, physical violence, psychological abuse and structural control. The principal conclusion is that there is a repertoire of paradoxical masculinities and contradictory social messages available to the men in this study. But gender policing by other men, complicit women and those in authority provides little room for legitimate complexity in masculine practices. Perpetrators in this study reconcile these conflicts of interest by generally avoiding subordinated masculinity and possible ostracism, and instead practicing more heroic hegemonic masculinities by abusing and controlling women and particular other men. This thesis concludes that for intimate partner abuse and control to cease, changes in power structures have to occur at all levels of society.


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Este texto hace un acercamiento sociológico al análisis de la raza y la lengua en la formación de programas de educación en idiomas. Este enfoque usa los modelos de Bourdieu de habitus y campo social, los cuales enmarcan la raza y la lengua como elementos variables en el cambio educativo y pedagógico, que están, a la vez, sujetos a la agenciamiento de profesores y estudiantes. El enfoque sugiere que una política de educación en lenguas para la justicia social puede concentrarse no sólo en el cambio y el desarrollo del sujeto humano, sino también en cambio sistemático de los campos sociales del currículo.


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This chapter explores the role of the built environment in the creation, cultivation and acquisition of a knowledge base by people populating the urban landscape. It examines McDonald’s restaurants as a way to comprehend the relevance of the physical design in the diffusion of codified and tacit knowledge at an everyday level. Through an examination of space at a localised level, this chapter describes the synergies of space and the significance of this relationship in navigating the global landscape.


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This paper examines the issues surrounding the successful design and development of tangible technology for optimal engagement in playful activities. At present there is very little data on how, and in what contexts, tangible interactions with technology promote lasting engagement and immersion. The framework at the core of this paper has been designed to guide the effective design of tangible technology for immersive interaction. The paper investigates the relationship between tangible user interfaces (TUI) characteristics of representation and control, and immersive flow experiences produced through balancing skill and challenge in user interaction.