971 resultados para Red Empresarial
En el siguiente trabajo se lleva a cabo un análisis de las cuentas anuales de tres empresas del sector de las telecomunicaciones, concretamente del balance de situación y de la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias, al ser estas las estudiadas en el Grado en Economía. La finalidad es conocer cuál es la situación de cada una de estas empresas en términos de solvencia, para ello se combinan diferentes métodos de análisis.
El presente TFG he decidido eleborar un plan de negocio, evaluando los actores involucrados en el proyecto y validando su oportunidad de inversión. La temática escogida para tal propósito supone evaluar la posibilidad de creación de un fondo de inversión que posibilite la inversión en complejos hoteleros en Grecia.
En este informe se analiza y comprueba la viabilidad económico-financiera de un proyecto empresarial para la prestación de un servicio de transporte fluvial de personas por la ría de Bilbao. Este proyecto consiste en el transporte de personas a lo largo de la ría del Nervión utilizando dos buques. El recorrido abarca desde el Casco Viejo de Bilbao hasta la terminal de cruceros de Las Arenas.
El presente trabajo trata de analizar y explicar la relación entre el comportamiento de los individuos en las empresas y la consecución de los objetivos establecidos a través de la aplicación práctica de diferentes teorías de liderazgo y motivación en una empresa real como es Iberdrola. Debido a las dimensiones de la empresa y a la complejidad a la hora de obtener información relevante para el proyecto, centraremos nuestro análisis únicamente en el departamento de Compras y Seguros. Consideramos que las personas son el activo más valioso de las empresas ya que, al fin y al cabo, son el único factor diferenciador de las empresas, es el factor que puede distinguir entre una compañía competitiva de otra que no lo es. Por ello, creemos que es imprescindible analizar el comportamiento de los componentes de una empresa para identificar posibilidades de mejora, con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos establecidos. El proyecto tal y como hemos mencionado, principalmente se centra en el análisis del liderazgo y la motivación existente en el equipo de Compras y Seguros de Iberdrola S.A. Con los resultados obtenidos en el análisis se realizará una propuesta de valor con el fin de aportar diferentes alternativas que, acorde con algunas teorías organizacionales, puedan beneficiar a la empresa a la hora de conseguir sus diferentes metas en función de la situación en la que esté la empresa, las cualidades y comportamientos de todos sus componentes.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar un comparativo estudio de la implantación de un plan de pensiones de jubilación por parte de la empresa demandante GEMASA a favor de sus empleados. Para ello, con base en un análisis del colectivo trabajador así como del plan de pensiones diseñado específicamente para la empresa, se medirá la capacidad de motivación de los empleados y su capacidad de generación de beneficios ante mejoras salariales. Mediante la creación de diferentes escenarios, se llevará a cabo un análisis financiero de las cuenta de la compañía.
En la actualidad, el éxito de los establecimientos hoteleros está influido por numerosos factores que hacen del hotel un negocio difícil de gestionar. Nos encontramos en un sector, el turístico, en el que la demanda aumenta año tras año en San Sebastián y el principal inconveniente es la competencia del sector. Una competencia feroz. Nos enfrentamos ante una estructura de empresa muy costosa y difícil de gestionar en la que el capital humano es el activo más importante. El valor añadido es una de las ventajas competitivas más destacadas de este negocio y la calidad de los servicios prestados es la clave del éxito. El objetivo del presente trabajo de fin de grado, se centra en analizar la situación por la que atraviesa el sector turístico en la capital guipuzcoana, y conocer y examinar la gestión diaria de un establecimiento hotelero para realizar una previsión fiable. Básicamente, se trata de estudiar la viabilidad de un nuevo hotel boutique en el casco histórico de San Sebastián.
Red bream (Beryx decadactylus) is a commercially important deep-sea benthopelagic fish with a circumglobal distribution on insular and continental slopes and seamounts. In the United States, small numbers are caught incidentally in the wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) fishery which operates off the southeastern coast, but no biological information exists for the management of the U.S. red bream population. For this study, otoliths (n=163) and gonads (n=161) were collected from commercially caught red bream between 2003 and 2008 to determine life history parameters. Specimens ranged in size from 410 to 630 mm fork length and were all determined to be mature by histological examination of the gonads. Females in spawning condition were observed from June through September, and reproductively active males were found year-round. Sectioned otoliths were difficult to interpret, but maximum age estimates were much higher than the 15 years previously reported for this species from the eastern North Atlantic based on whole-otolith analysis. Estimated ages ranged from 8 to 69 years, and a minimum lifespan of 49 years was validated by using bomb radiocarbon dating. Natural mortality was estimated at 0.06/yr. This study shows that red bream are longer lived and more vulnerable to overfishing than previously assumed and should be managed carefully to prevent overexploitation.
We used 25 years of conventional tagging data (n= 6173 recoveries) and 3 years of ultrasonic telemetry data (n=105 transmitters deployed) to examine movement rates and directional preferences of four age classes of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in estuarine and coastal waters of North Carolina. Movement rates of conventionally tagged red drum were dependent on the age, region, and season of tagging. Age-1 and age-2 red drum tagged along the coast generally moved along the coast, whereas fish tagged in oligohaline waters far from the coast were primarily recovered in coastal regions in fall months. Adult (age-4+) red drum moved from overwintering grounds on the continental shelf through inlets into Pamlico Sound in spring and summer months and departed in fall. Few tagged red drum were recovered in adjacent states (0.6% of all recoveries); however, some adult red drum migrated seasonally from overwintering grounds in coastal North Carolina northward to Virginia in spring, returning in fall. Age-2 transmitter-tracked red drum displayed seasonal emigration from a small tributary, but upstream and downstream movements within the tributary were correlated with fluctuating salinity regimes and not season. Large-scale conventional tagging and ultrasonic telemetry programs can provide valuable insights into the complex movement patterns of estuarine fish.
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
In this note, we document polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) primer pairs for 101 nuclear-encoded microsatellites designed and developed from a genomic library for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Details of the genomic library construction, the sequencing of positive clones, primer design, and PCR protocols may be found in Karlsson et al. (2008). The 101 microsatellites (GENBA NK Accession Numbers EU015882-EU015982) were amplified successfully and used to genotype 24 red drum obtained from Galveston Bay, Texas (Table 1). A total of 69 of the microsatellites had an uninterrupted (perfect) dinucleotide motif, and 30 had an imperfect dinucleotide motif; one microsatellite had an imperfect tetranucleotide motif, and one had an imperfect and compound motif (Table 1 ). Sizes of the cloned alleles ranged from 84 to 252 base pairs. A ‘blast’ search of the GENBANK database indicated that all of the primers and the cloned alleles were unique (i.e., not duplicated).
The red deepsea crab (Chaceon quinquedens (Smith, 1879)) has supported a commercial fishery off the coast of New England since the 1970s (Wigley et al., 1975) and has had annual harvests from 400 metric tons (t) (1996) to 4000 t (2001) (NEFMC, 2002). In 2002, a fishery management plan for the northeast fishery on the Atlantic coast was implemented and total allowable catch was reduced to approximately 2500 t (NEFMC, 2002). Although there are management plans for the golden crab (C. fenneri) and the red deep sea crab for Atlantic coast regions, there is no fishery management plan for red deepsea crabs in the Gulf of Mexico. Successful management for sustainable harvests should be based on a knowledge of the life history of the species, but C. quinquedens has been a difficult species for which to obtain life history and abundance information because of its deep distribution.
We compared the capture efficiency and catch dynamics of collapsible square and conical pots used in resource assessment and harvesting of red king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus [Tilesius, 1815]) in the Barents Sea. After two days of soaking, square pots caught three times as many crabs as conical pots, and their catches consisted of a higher proportion of male crabs and male crabs larger than 160 mm carapace length compared to the catches in the conical pots. Catches in the square pots did not increase as soak times were increased beyond two days, which indicates equilibrium between the rate of entries into and the rate of exits from the pots. Catches in conical pots, however, increased with increasing soak times up to eight days, the longest soak time examined in this study. These findings demonstrate the higher efficiency of square pots and the importance of understanding catch dynamics when making population assessments based on catchper-unit-of-effort data. The favorable catch characteristics and handling properties of the collapsible square pot may make this pot design suitable for other crab fisheries, as well.
Most fisheries select the size of fish to be caught (are size selective), and many factors, including gear, market demands, species distributions, fishery laws, and the behavior of both fishermen and fish, can contribute to that selectivity. Most fishing gear is size-selective and some, such as gill nets, are more so than others. The targeting behavior of fishermen is another key reason commercial and recreational fisheries tend to be size-selective. The more successful fishermen constantly seek areas and methods that yield larger or more profitable sizes of fish. Fishery regulations, especially size limits, produce size-selective harvests. Another factor with the potential to cause selectivity in a hook-and-line fishery is the different behavioral responses of fish to the bait or lure, whether the different responses arise among different fish sizes or between the sexes.