962 resultados para Preface


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Les références proviennent du Centre des archives diplomatiques de Nantes (France)


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Le Cycle de Kraven de Xavier Mauméjean met en place un réseau référentiel qui repose sur le recyclage systématique d’éléments historiques et littéraires. Afin de bien saisir le fonctionnement de ce cycle narratif, il importe de se pencher sur cette dynamique référentielle exacerbée relevant d’une poétique du recyclage (au sens de réutilisation) qui se manifeste par l’emprunt de nombreux référents historiques et littéraires, que le récit modifie à divers degrés. Au moyen de la notion de recyclage, des travaux sur la récupération de l’Histoire par l’uchronie et d’études sur le steampunk, esthétique dont relève le Cycle de Kraven, ce mémoire examine les effets de ce recyclage sur le fonctionnement du récit, mais aussi sur le lecteur. En effet, par un imposant mélange de références authentiques et fictives, le Cycle de Kraven cherche à mystifier le lecteur qui se trouve au centre d’un fourmillement intertextuel brouillant les frontières entre Histoire et fiction. Une réflexion sur le paratexte vient compléter l’analyse du Cycle de Kraven, puisque préface, notes en bas de page, liste de livres et bon de commande contribuent grandement à la création d’un effet de mystification.


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En aras de contener el comunismo y expandir la cultura norteamericana y los valores de democracia y libertad, Estados Unidos lanzó una estrategia de política exterior denominada la Diplomacia del Jazz, que consistía en promocionar internacionalmente el jazz mediante dos artificios: primero, la celebración de conciertos de los intérpretes más representativos de este género en diferentes partes del mundo; y segundo, la trasmisión de programas radiales sobre jazz en emisoras de difusión internacional y así poder mostrar la “superioridad” cultural de su país en detrimento de la otra superpotencia, la Unión Soviética. De este modo, la presente monografía tiene como fin estudiar de qué manera se instrumentalizó dicha estrategia como un medio para proyectar positivamente la imagen de los EEUU durante la Guerra Fría, concretamente entre 1954 y 1968, a partir de la teoría del realismo progresivo de Joseph Nye.


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La sigla LGBT se puede comprender como una articulación de elementos discursivos sobre el género y la sexualidad. En Colombia, dicha categoría se ha desarrollado en buena medida de parte de los movimientos sociales. El objetivo central del trabajo de grado es analizar algunos significados sobre el género y la sexualidad que se articulan bajo dicho significante, reconociendo que no son unívocos y que a un mismo significante se le pueden atribuir significados que pueden llegar a ser incluso contradictorios. Para esto, analicé cómo a partir de algunas formas de acción colectiva se han articulado distintos entendimientos del género y la sexualidad como campos de subjetivación. El primer capítulo consiste en un repaso histórico por algunos movimientos sociales de género y sexualidad en Colombia, valiéndome de fuentes secundarias. La segunda y la tercera presentan relatos individuales y grupales de dos organizaciones en Bogotá: el Colectivo León Zuleta y la Colectiva Lobas Furiosas. A partir de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con integrantes de cada colectivo, examiné cómo algunos de los significados construidos colectivamente sobre el género y la sexualidad de acercan a algunos significados articulados bajo la categoría LGBT, pero cómo otros también se alejan, tensionan o cuestionan.


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Desde finales de los 70 la piratería se convirtió en un problema para Nigeria. Con el tiempo adquirió características del crimen organizado y en 2010 se transformó en un problema transnacional, afectando a Estados del golfo de Guinea. Así, a través de una base conceptual, el estudio de caso concluyó que los factores internos –como la pobreza, debilidad estatal y marginalización- y externos –siendo ellos la falta de políticas internas destinadas a las aguas y la ausencia de estrategias marítimas en la región- de la piratería, crearon una dinámica para que dicha actividad se convirtiera en una amenaza a la seguridad marítima del golfo de Guinea, tomando como referencia a Benín y Togo. Siguiendo la línea argumentativa, se demuestra que la búsqueda de una solución a la delincuencia marítima ha generado interacciones de seguridad que sugieren las primeras fases de un posible complejo de seguridad regional.


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El interés de este trabajo de investigación es explicar el tema del control geopolítico de los recursos naturales en Colombia en el periodo 2002-2011. Se analiza y explica cómo a partir del control territorial y el régimen de extracción desarrollados por la Drummond Company Inc. en el Departamento del Cesar se puede establecer su índice de poder geopolítico. Siguiendo los postulados de Michael Klare, respecto al desarrollo de una carrera internacional por los recursos energéticos mundiales, y los postulados de Kepa Sodupe, respecto a la posibilidad de reconfigurar los métodos de cálculo del poder, se avanza hacia los resultados de la investigación. Estos resultados permiten identificar de forma documentada el índice de poder geopolítico de una multinacional extranjera en el territorio colombiano.


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La computación evolutiva y muy especialmente los algoritmos genéticos son cada vez más empleados en las organizaciones para resolver sus problemas de gestión y toma de decisiones (Apoteker & Barthelemy, 2000). La literatura al respecto es creciente y algunos estados del arte han sido publicados. A pesar de esto, no hay un trabajo explícito que evalúe de forma sistemática el uso de los algoritmos genéticos en problemas específicos de los negocios internacionales (ejemplos de ello son la logística internacional, el comercio internacional, el mercadeo internacional, las finanzas internacionales o estrategia internacional). El propósito de este trabajo de grado es, por lo tanto, realizar un estado situacional de las aplicaciones de los algoritmos genéticos en los negocios internacionales.


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Aquesta tesi doctoral com diu el seu títol es centra en analitzar la construcció de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona al segle XIV a través de l'anàlisi dels llibres d'obra conservats a l'Arxiu Diòcesa de Girona. Aquesta tesi doctoral esta dividida en quatre parts. En la primera part s'analitza la historiografia de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona des del segle XVII fins a l'actualitat. Dins d'aquest apartat s'analitzen les notícies que aporten els diferents autors i es situa el context historiogràfic de cadascun dels segles. S'ha realitzat un estudi molt exhaustiu en les darreres publicacions del segle XX i inicis del segle XXI. Un cop analitzades aquestes fonts - secundàries -, dins d'aquesta primera part del treball s'ha passat a analitzar els llibres d'obra del segle XIV. S'analitzaràn els aspectes formals i els diferents escrivans encarregats de realitzar aquests llibres d'obra. Aquesta serà la documentació bàsica per realitzar aquesta tesi doctoral. En la segona part del treball es procedirà a analitzar la gestió i el finançament de l'Obra. Es tracta d'una anàlisi, bàsicament dels ingressos, per veure quines són les estratègies que es duen a terme per aconseguir el màxim de recursos per la construcció i per les necessitats "litúrgiques" de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona. En aquest apartat s'ha analitzat l'Obra com a entitat amb les persones que formen part d'ella i el paper que correspon a cadascuna d'elles (l'obrer, l'escrivà, el mestre d'obres, el questor). També s'han analitzat els promotors i aquells ingressos que, pel seu volum, subministren el nombre més gran de diners a l'Obra ("annates", bacins, etc.). La tercera part ha consistit en l'elaboració de la cronologia constructiva de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona partint de la informació obtinguda en els llibres d'obra corresponent a les despeses. S'han analitzat totes aquelles obres, tant pel que fa a la construcció de l'edifici com pel que fa a reparacions i manteniment, que tenen lloc entre l'any 1349 (data del primer llibre d'obra de despeses) i l'any 1391. En aquesta part no s'ha entrat a analitzar de forma exhaustiva les figures que fan possible la construcció de l'església al segle XIV ja que això pertany al contingut de la darrera part del nostre treball. La darrera part del treball correspon a l'execució de les obres. En aquesta part trobem quatre grans capítols: els mestres d'obra, la mà d'obra, els materials i els mitjans auxiliars. En cadascun d'aquests capítols s'ha incidit sobre el rol dels diferents treballadors durant la construcció del temple, els materials utilitzats i les seves característiques (pedra, fusta, aglomerants, etc.) i els mitjans auxiliars utilitzats per col.locar aquests materials en obra. S'han separat els mestres d'obres de la resta de treballadors ja que els primers juguen un rol diferenciat dels segons. S'ha intentat analitzar en ambdós casos els seus sous i les tasques de cadascun d'ells. Pel que fa als materials també s'ha procedit a analitzar d'on s'extreuen, com han arribat a peu d'obra i on s'emmagatzemen i manipulen o transformen abans d'ésser col.locats en obra. Dels mitjans auxiliars s'ha intentat analitzar les funcions per la qual es fan servir les eines (apareixen totes les de l'ofici de pedrer), els enginys (elevar pesos), les bastides (poder treballar en alçada) i el encofrats (garantir la resistència inicial dels elements constructius). Evidentment s'han establert unes conclusions de cadascuna de les parts i unes conclusions finals. La tesi també inclou els agraïments corresponents, el prefaci i la bibliografia.


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The thesis which follows, entitled ''The Postoccidental Deconstruction and Resignification of 'Modemity': A Critical Analysis", is an exposition and criticism of the critique of occidental modemity found in a group of writings which identify their critique with a "postoccidental" point of view with respect to postcolonial studies. The general problem ofthe investigation concems the significance and reach ofthis critique of modemity in relation to the ongoing debate, in Latín American studies, about the historical relationship between Latín America, as a mu1ticultural/ structurally heterogeneous region, and the industrial societies of Euro pe and North America. A brief Preface explains the genealogy of the author's ideas on this subject Following this preface, the thesis proceeds to analyze the writings in this corpus through an intertextual, schematic approach which singles out two rnajor elements of the postoccidental critique: "coloniality" and "eurocentrism". These two main elements are investigated in the Introduction and Chapters One and Two, in terms of how they distinguish postoccidental analysis from other theoretical tendencias with which it has affinities but whose key concepts it reformu1ates in ways that are key to the unique approach which postoccidental analysis takes to modemity, the nature of the capitalist world system, colonialism, subaltemization, center/periphery and development . Chapter Three attempts a critical analysis of the foregoing postoccidentalist deconstruction according to the following question: to what extent does it succeed in deconstructing "modernity" as a term which refers to a historically articulated set of discourses whose underlying purpose has been to justify European and North American hegemony and structural asymmetries vis-a-vis the peripheries of the capitalist world system, based on an ethnocentric, racialist logic of exploitation and subalternization of non-European peoples? A Conclusion follows Chapter Three.


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Preface. Iron is considered to be a minor element employed, in a variety of forms, by nearly all living organisms. In some cases, it is utilised in large quantities, for instance for the formation of magnetosomes within magnetotactic bacteria or during use of iron as a respiratory donor or acceptor by iron oxidising or reducing bacteria. However, in most cases the role of iron is restricted to its use as a cofactor or prosthetic group assisting the biological activity of many different types of protein. The key metabolic processes that are dependent on iron as a cofactor are numerous; they include respiration, light harvesting, nitrogen fixation, the Krebs cycle, redox stress resistance, amino acid synthesis and oxygen transport. Indeed, it is clear that Life in its current form would be impossible in the absence of iron. One of the main reasons for the reliance of Life upon this metal is the ability of iron to exist in multiple redox states, in particular the relatively stable ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) forms. The availability of these stable oxidation states allows iron to engage in redox reactions over a wide range of midpoint potentials, depending on the coordination environment, making it an extremely adaptable mediator of electron exchange processes. Iron is also one of the most common elements within the Earth’s crust (5% abundance) and thus is considered to have been readily available when Life evolved on our early, anaerobic planet. However, as oxygen accumulated (the ‘Great oxidation event’) within the atmosphere some 2.4 billion years ago, and as the oceans became less acidic, the iron within primordial oceans was converted from its soluble reduced form to its weakly-soluble oxidised ferric form, which precipitated (~1.8 billion years ago) to form the ‘banded iron formations’ (BIFs) observed today in Precambrian sedimentary rocks around the world. These BIFs provide a geological record marking a transition point away from the ancient anaerobic world towards modern aerobic Earth. They also indicate a period over which the bio-availability of iron shifted from abundance to limitation, a condition that extends to the modern day. Thus, it is considered likely that the vast majority of extant organisms face the common problem of securing sufficient iron from their environment – a problem that Life on Earth has had to cope with for some 2 billion years. This struggle for iron is exemplified by the competition for this metal amongst co-habiting microorganisms who resort to stealing (pirating) each others iron supplies! The reliance of micro-organisms upon iron can be disadvantageous to them, and to our innate immune system it represents a chink in the microbial armour, offering an opportunity that can be exploited to ward off pathogenic invaders. In order to infect body tissues and cause disease, pathogens must secure all their iron from the host. To fight such infections, the host specifically withdraws available iron through the action of various iron depleting processes (e.g. the release of lactoferrin and lipocalin-2) – this represents an important strategy in our defence against disease. However, pathogens are frequently able to deploy iron acquisition systems that target host iron sources such as transferrin, lactoferrin and hemoproteins, and thus counteract the iron-withdrawal approaches of the host. Inactivation of such host-targeting iron-uptake systems often attenuates the pathogenicity of the invading microbe, illustrating the importance of ‘the battle for iron’ in the infection process. The role of iron sequestration systems in facilitating microbial infections has been a major driving force in research aimed at unravelling the complexities of microbial iron transport processes. But also, the intricacy of such systems offers a challenge that stimulates the curiosity. One such challenge is to understand how balanced levels of free iron within the cytosol are achieved in a way that avoids toxicity whilst providing sufficient levels for metabolic purposes – this is a requirement that all organisms have to meet. Although the systems involved in achieving this balance can be highly variable amongst different microorganisms, the overall strategy is common. On a coarse level, the homeostatic control of cellular iron is maintained through strict control of the uptake, storage and utilisation of available iron, and is co-ordinated by integrated iron-regulatory networks. However, much yet remains to be discovered concerning the fine details of these different iron regulatory processes. As already indicated, perhaps the most difficult task in maintaining iron homeostasis is simply the procurement of sufficient iron from external sources. The importance of this problem is demonstrated by the plethora of distinct iron transporters often found within a single bacterium, each targeting different forms (complex or redox state) of iron or a different environmental condition. Thus, microbes devote considerable cellular resource to securing iron from their surroundings, reflecting how successful acquisition of iron can be crucial in the competition for survival. The aim of this book is provide the reader with an overview of iron transport processes within a range of microorganisms and to provide an indication of how microbial iron levels are controlled. This aim is promoted through the inclusion of expert reviews on several well studied examples that illustrate the current state of play concerning our comprehension of how iron is translocated into the bacterial (or fungal) cell and how iron homeostasis is controlled within microbes. The first two chapters (1-2) consider the general properties of microbial iron-chelating compounds (known as ‘siderophores’), and the mechanisms used by bacteria to acquire haem and utilise it as an iron source. The following twelve chapters (3-14) focus on specific types of microorganism that are of key interest, covering both an array of pathogens for humans, animals and plants (e.g. species of Bordetella, Shigella, , Erwinia, Vibrio, Aeromonas, Francisella, Campylobacter and Staphylococci, and EHEC) as well as a number of prominent non-pathogens (e.g. the rhizobia, E. coli K-12, Bacteroides spp., cyanobacteria, Bacillus spp. and yeasts). The chapters relay the common themes in microbial iron uptake approaches (e.g. the use of siderophores, TonB-dependent transporters, and ABC transport systems), but also highlight many distinctions (such as use of different types iron regulator and the impact of the presence/absence of a cell wall) in the strategies employed. We hope that those both within and outside the field will find this book useful, stimulating and interesting. We intend that it will provide a source for reference that will assist relevant researchers and provide an entry point for those initiating their studies within this subject. Finally, it is important that we acknowledge and thank wholeheartedly the many contributors who have provided the 14 excellent chapters from which this book is composed. Without their considerable efforts, this book, and the understanding that it relays, would not have been possible. Simon C Andrews and Pierre Cornelis


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This preface outlines the reasons for undertaking the special issue, comments on the review process that was used, provides a brief summary of the papers included and discusses some of the implications of these papers on in vitro gas technique methodology and its applications.


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This edited collection provides ideas and support for ways of 'bringing poetry alive' in the classroom at Key Stages 1,2 and 3, drawing on what is known to work and also exploring fresh thinking. It is designed to help both new and experienced teachers approach poetry teaching with greater imagination and confidence. The book is edited and introduced by Michael Lockwood and features chapters by experts who have taught poetry in different settings for many years, including contributions from poets Michael Rosen and James Carter. Professor Morag Styles of Cambridge University has provided a Preface. All the contributors have a connection with the University of Reading as lecturers, external examiners, current or former graduate students. The book includes the following sections: Introduction: Developments in Poetry Teaching 1: Reflections on Being Children’s Laureate – Michael Rosen 2: Teaching Poetry in the Early Years - Margaret Perkins 3: Actual Poems, Possible Responses - Prue Goodwin 4: Making Poetry - Catriona Nicholson 5: The role of the poet in primary schools -James Carter 6: Cross-Curricular Poetry Writing - Eileen Hyder 7: Teaching Poetry to Teenagers - Lionel Warner 8: Watching the Words: Drama and Poems - Andy Kempe 9: Literary Reading - Andy Goodwyn The book is intended for teacher educators,teachers and trainee teachers working with children aged 5 to 14 years.


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This thesis aims to investigate the development and functions of public libraries in Rome and the Roman world. After a preface with maps of libraries in Rome, Section I discusses the precursors for public library provision in the private book collections of Republican Rome, and their transfer into the public domain with the first public libraries of Asinius Pollio and Augustus. Section II contains three 'case studies' of public libraries' different roles. The Augustan library programme is used in Ch.II.l to examine the role of imperial public libraries in literary life and the connections between Rome's libraries and those of Alexandria. Chapter II.2 concentrates on the libraries of Trajan's Forum to explore the intersection of imperial public libraries and monumental public architecture. This chapter responds to an important recent article by arguing for the continued identification of the Forum's libraries with twin brick buildings at its northern end, and suggests a series of correspondences between these libraries and its other monumental components. The conclusions of this chapter are important when considering the public libraries of the wider empire, several of which seem to have been inspired by the Trajanic libraries. Chapter II.3 considers imperial public libraries and leisure by looking at the evidence for libraries within bath-house complexes, concluding that their presence there is consistent with the archaeological and epigraphic evidence and fits in well with what we know of the intellectual and cultural life of these structures. Section III examines various aspects of the practical function of Roman public libraries: their contents (books and archives), division into Latin and Greek sections, provisions for shelving and cataloguing, staff, usership, architectural form, decoration, and housing of works of art. The picture that emerges is of carefully designed and functional buildings intended to sustain public, monumental, and practical functions. Section IV uses a variety of texts to examine the way in which libraries were viewed and used. Ch. IV. 1 discusses the evidence for use of libraries by scholars and authors such as Gellius, Galen, Josephus, and Apuleius. Ch. IV.2 examines parallels between library collections and compendious encyclopaedic elements within Roman literature and considers how library collections came to be canon-forming institutions and vehicles for the expression of imperial approval or disapproval towards authors. The channels through which this imperial influence flowed are investigated in Ch. IV.3, which looks at the directors and staff of the public libraries of Rome. The final section (V) of the thesis concerns public libraries outside the city of Rome. Provincial libraries provide a useful case study in 'Romanisation': they reveal a range of influences and are shown to embody local, personal, and metropolitan imperial identities. There follows a brief conclusion, and a bibliography. There are also five appendices of numismatic and epigraphic material discussed in the text. This material has not been adequately or completely gathered elsewhere and is intended to assist the reader; where appropriate it includes illustrations, transcriptions, and translations.


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This essay considers the interest shared by William Hogarth and Charles Dickens on the idea of instrumentality in the art of realism. Taking his cue from eighteenth-century epistemological philosophy, Hogarth developed an idea of beauty and realism as insisting upon the need for human subjectivity or perspective. Naïve realism was a style that troubled both Hogarth and Dickens and both men developed forms in which caricature, melodrama and exaggeration is crucial to the development of verisimilitude. Considering the progress pieces and the writings of Hogarth as a preface to the style of Dickens, I argue that Nicholas Nickleby developed an extraordinary self-reflexivity. Both Nicholas and his uncle Ralph form part of a narrative study of the implications of filtering perception through the distorting lens of the individual.