921 resultados para Polished surfaces
The representation of interfaces by means of the algebraic moving-least-squares (AMLS) technique is addressed. This technique, in which the interface is represented by an unconnected set of points, is interesting for evolving fluid interfaces since there is]to surface connectivity. The position of the surface points can thus be updated without concerns about the quality of any surface triangulation. We introduce a novel AMLS technique especially designed for evolving-interfaces applications that we denote RAMLS (for Robust AMLS). The main advantages with respect to previous AMLS techniques are: increased robustness, computational efficiency, and being free of user-tuned parameters. Further, we propose a new front-tracking method based on the Lagrangian advection of the unconnected point set that defines the RAMLS surface. We assume that a background Eulerian grid is defined with some grid spacing h. The advection of the point set makes the surface evolve in time. The point cloud can be regenerated at any time (in particular, we regenerate it each time step) by intersecting the gridlines with the evolved surface, which guarantees that the density of points on the surface is always well balanced. The intersection algorithm is essentially a ray-tracing algorithm, well-studied in computer graphics, in which a line (ray) is traced so as to detect all intersections with a surface. Also, the tracing of each gridline is independent and can thus be performed in parallel. Several tests are reported assessing first the accuracy of the proposed RAMLS technique, and then of the front-tracking method based on it. Comparison with previous Eulerian, Lagrangian and hybrid techniques encourage further development of the proposed method for fluid mechanics applications. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We study properties of finitely determined corank 2 quasihomogeneous map germs f: (C(2), 0) -> (C(3), 0). Examples and counter examples of such map germs are presented.
The electrostatic geodesic mode oscillations are investigated in rotating large aspect ratio tokamak plasmas with circular isothermal magnetic surfaces. The analysis is carried out within the magnetohydrodynamic model including heat flux to compensate for the non-adiabatic pressure distribution along the magnetic surfaces in plasmas with poloidal rotation. Instead of two standard geodesic modes, three geodesic continua are found. The two higher branches of the geodesic modes have a small frequency up-shift from ordinary geodesic acoustic and sonic modes due to rotation. The lower geodesic continuum is a newzonal flowmode (geodesic Doppler mode) in plasmas with mainly poloidal rotation. Limits to standard geodesic modes are found. Bifurcation of Alfven continuum by geodesic modes at the rational surfaces is also discussed. Due to that, the frequency of combined geodesic continuum extends from the poloidal rotation frequency to the ion-sound band that can have an important role in suppressing plasma turbulence.
We have formed and characterized polycrystalline diamond films with surfaces having hydrogen terminations, oxygen terminations, or fluorine terminations, using a small, simple and novel plasma gun to bombard the diamond surface, formed by plasma assisted CVD in a prior step, with ions of the wanted terminating species. The potential differences between surface regions with different terminations were measured by Kelvin Force Microscopy (KFM). The highest potential occurred for oxygen termination regions and the lowest for fluorine. The potential difference between regions with oxygen terminations and hydrogen terminations was about 80 mV, and between regions with hydrogen terminations and fluorine terminations about 150 mV. Regions with different terminations were identified and imaged using the secondary electron signal provided by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). since this signal presents contrast for surfaces with different electrical properties. The wettability of the surfaces with different terminations was evaluated, measuring contact angles. The sample with oxygen termination was the most hydrophilic, with a contact angle of 75 degrees. hydrogen-terminated regions with 83 degrees, and fluorine regions 93 degrees, the most hydrophobic sample. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The control of morphology and coating of metal surfaces is essential for a number of organic electronic devices including photovoltaic cells and sensors. In this study, we monitor the functionalization of gold surfaces with 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA, HS(CH(2))(10)CO(2)H) and cysteamine, aiming at passivating the surfaces for application in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors. Using polarization-modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), cyclic voltammetry, atomic force microscopy and quartz crystal microbalance, we observed a time-dependent organization process of the adsorbed MUA monolayer with alkyl chains perpendicular to the gold surface. Such optimized condition for surface passivation was obtained with a systematic search for experimental parameters leading to the lowest electrochemical signal of the functionalized gold electrode. The ability to build supramolecular architectures was also confirmed by detecting with PM-IRRAS the adsorption of streptavidin on the MUA-functionalized gold. As the approaches used for surface functionalization and its verification with PM-IRRAS are generic, one may now envisage monitoring the fabrication of tailored electrodes for a variety of applications.
In this paper we show the fabrication of hydrophobic polymeric surfaces through laser microstructuring. By using 70-ps pulses from a Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm, we were able to produce grooves with different width and separation, resulting in square-shaped pillar patterns. We investigate the dependence of the morphology on the surface static contact angle for water, showing that it is in agreement with the Cassie-Baxter model. We demonstrate the fabrication of a superhydrophobic polymeric surface, presenting a water contact angle of 157 degrees. The surface structuring method presented here seems to be an interesting option to control the wetting properties of polymeric surfaces. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Near Guarau Ceramic, localized southwest of Salto city in the State of Sao Paulo, two granite outcrops, distant some tens of meters from each other, display Neopaleozoic striated surfaces. These surfaces are in contact with diamictites from the Itarare Subgroup. The striae correspond to sub parallel grooves with millimetric spacing and depth, oriented about N48E and dipping 12 degrees to 42 degrees towards SE. Observed features and association with diamictites indicate an origin by glacial abrasion due to ice movement from southeast towards northwest. About 1.8 km east of Salto, unconsolidated material containing flat-iron-shaped and striated clasts was found on top of granite outcrops, interpreted as clasts pavement remains.
It is very common in mathematics to construct surfaces by identifying the sides of a polygon together in pairs: For example, identifying opposite sides of a square yields a torus. In this article the construction is considered in the case where infinitely many pairs of segments around the boundary of the polygon are identified. The topological, metric, and complex structures of the resulting surfaces are discussed: In particular, a condition is given under which the surface has a global complex structure (i.e., is a Riemann surface). In this case, a modulus of continuity for a uniformizing map is given. The motivation for considering this construction comes from dynamical systems theory: If the modulus of continuity is uniform across a family of such constructions, each with an iteration defined on it, then it is possible to take limits in the family and hence to complete it. Such an application is briefly discussed.
We provide a characterization of the Clifford Torus in S(3) via moving frames and contact structure equations. More precisely, we prove that minimal surfaces in S(3) with constant contact angle must be the Clifford Torus. Some applications of this result are then given, and some examples are discussed.
We solve the Bjorling problem for timelike surfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski space through a split-complex representation formula obtained for this kind of surface. Our approach uses the split-complex numbers and natural split-holomorphic extensions. As applications, we show that the minimal timelike surfaces of revolution as well as minimal ruled timelike surfaces can be characterized as solutions of certain adequate Bjorling problems in the Lorentz-Minkowski space. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Given an oriented Riemannian surface (Sigma, g), its tangent bundle T Sigma enjoys a natural pseudo-Kahler structure, that is the combination of a complex structure 2, a pseudo-metric G with neutral signature and a symplectic structure Omega. We give a local classification of those surfaces of T Sigma which are both Lagrangian with respect to Omega and minimal with respect to G. We first show that if g is non-flat, the only such surfaces are affine normal bundles over geodesics. In the flat case there is, in contrast, a large set of Lagrangian minimal surfaces, which is described explicitly. As an application, we show that motions of surfaces in R(3) or R(1)(3) induce Hamiltonian motions of their normal congruences, which are Lagrangian surfaces in TS(2) or TH(2) respectively. We relate the area of the congruence to a second-order functional F = f root H(2) - K dA on the original surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we study and present a complete classification of spacelike surfaces with degenerate Gauss map in the Lorentz-Minkowski space L(4).
We get a continuous one-parameter new family of embedded minimal surfaces, of which the period problems are two-dimensional. Moreover, one proves that it has Scherk`s second surface and Hoffman-Wohlgemuth`s example as limit-members.
Let M be a compact, connected non-orientable surface without boundary and of genus g >= 3. We investigate the pure braid groups P,(M) of M, and in particular the possible splitting of the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence 1 -> P(m)(M \ {x(1), ..., x(n)}) hooked right arrow P(n+m)(M) (P*) under right arrow P(n)(M) -> 1, where m, n >= 1, and p* is the homomorphism which corresponds geometrically to forgetting the last m strings. This problem is equivalent to that of the existence of a section for the associated fibration p: F(n+m)(M) -> F(n)(M) of configuration spaces, defined by p((x(1), ..., x(n), x(n+1), ..., x(n+m))) = (x(1), ..., x(n)). We show that p and p* admit a section if and only if n = 1. Together with previous results, this completes the resolution of the splitting problem for surface pure braid groups. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For an embedded singly periodic minimal surface (M) over tilde with genus rho >= 4 and annular ends, some weak symmetry hypotheses imply its congruence with one of the Hoffman-Wohlgemuth examples. We give a very geometrical proof of this fact, along which they come out many valuable clues for the understanding of these surfaces.