796 resultados para Perturbed time-delay systems


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Seismic structural design is essentially the estimation of structural response to a forced motion, which may be deterministic or stochastic, imposed on the ground. The assumption that the same ground motion acts at every point of the base of the structure (or at every support) is not always justifiable; particularly in case of very large structures when considerable spatial variability in ground motion can exist over significant distances example long span bridges. This variability is partly due to the delay in arrival of the excitation at different supports (which is called the wave passage effect) and due to heterogeneity in the ground medium which results in incoherency and local effects. The current study examines the influence of the wave passage effect (in terms of delay in arrival of horizontal ground excitation at different supports and neglecting transmission through the structure) on the response of a few open-plane frame building structures with soil-structure interaction. The ground acceleration has been modeled by a suitably filtered white noise. As a special case, the ground excitation at different supports has also been treated as statistically independent to model the extreme case of incoherence due to local effects and due to modifications to the ground motion resulting from wave reflections and refractions in heterogeneous soil media. The results indicate that, even for relatively short spanned building frames, wave passage effect can be significant. In the absence of soil-structure interaction, it can significantly increase the root mean square (rms) value of the shear in extreme end columns for the stiffer frames but has negligible effect on the flexible frames when total displacements are considered. It is seen that pseudo-static displacements increasingly contribute to the rms value of column shear as the time delay increases both for the stiffer and for the more flexible frames. When soil-structure interaction is considered, wave passage effect (in terms of total displacements) is significant only for low soil shear modulus, G. values (where soil-structure interaction significantly lowers the fundamental frequency) and for stiff frames. The contribution of pseudo-static displacement to these rms values is found to decrease with increase in G. In general, wave passage effect for most interactive frames is insignificant compared to the attenuating effect a decrease in G, has on the response of the interactive structure to uniform support excitation. When the excitations at different supports are statistically independent, it is seen that for both the stiff and flexible frames, the rms value of the column shear in extreme end columns is several times larger (more for the stiffer frames) than the value corresponding to uniform base excitation with the pseudo-static displacements contributing over 99% of the rms value of column shear. Soil-structure interaction has an attenuating effect on the rms value of the column shear, the effect decreasing with increase in G,. Here too, the pseudo-static displacements contribute very largely to the column shear. The influence of the wave passage effect on the response of three 2-bay frames with and without soil-structure interaction to a recorded horizontal accelerogram is also examined. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO observations of propagating disturbances detected in coronal lines in inter-plume and plume regions of a polar coronal hole. The observation was carried out on 2007 November 13 as part of the JOP196/HOP045 program. The SUMER spectroscopic observation gives information about fluctuations in radiance and on both resolved (Doppler shift) and unresolved (Doppler width) line-of-sight velocities, whereas EIS 40 `'wide slot images detect fluctuations only in radiance but maximize the probability of overlapping field of view between the two instruments. From distance-time radiance maps, we detect the presence of propagating waves in a polar inter-plume region with a period of 15-20 minutes and a propagation speed increasing from 130 +/- 14 km s(-1) just above the limb to 330 +/- 140 km s(-1) around 160 `' above the limb. These waves can be traced to originate from a bright region of the on-disk part of the coronal hole where the propagation speed is in the range of 25 +/- 1.3 to 38 +/- 4.5 km s(-1), with the same periodicity. These on-disk bright regions can be visualized as the base of the coronal funnels. The adjacent plume region also shows the presence of propagating disturbances with the same range of periodicity but with propagation speeds in the range of 135 +/- 18 to 165 +/- 43 km s(-1) only. A comparison between the distance-time radiance map of the two regions indicates that the waves within the plumes are not observable (may be getting dissipated) far off-limb, whereas this is not the case in the inter-plume region. A correlation analysis was also performed to find out the time delay between the oscillations at several heights in the off-limb region, finding results consistent with those from the analysis of the distance-timemaps. To our knowledge, this result provides first spectroscopic evidence of the acceleration of propagating disturbances in the polar region close to the Sun (within 1.2 R/R-circle dot), which provides clues to the understanding of the origin of these waves. We suggest that the waves are likely either Alfvenic or fast magnetoacoustic in the inter-plume region and slow magnetoacoustic in the plume region. This may lead to the conclusion that inter-plumes are a preferred channel for the acceleration of the fast solar wind.


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Anderson localised states in the bulk of a disordered medium appear as sharp resonances near the surface. The resonant backscattering leads to an energy-dependent random time delay for an incident electron. We derive an analytic expression for the delay-time probability distribution at a given energy. This is shown to give a 1/f noise for the surface currents in general.


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Kirjallisuusosa: Alzheimerin taudin hoitoon olisi tarvetta uusille taudinkulkuun vaikuttaville lääkeaineille. Niiden kehittämiseksi tarvitaan eläinmalleja, joissa esiintyy taudin patofysiologisia piirteitä. Rottamalleista vanhemmat skopolamiini- tai MK-801-häirintä sekä ikääntyneiden rottien käyttö eivät kovin hyvin vastaa taudin patofysiologiaa, vaikka niissä eläimen muisti käyttäytymiskokeissa onkin heikentynyt. Uudemmat transgeeniset rottamallit ja mallit, joissa annetaan Aβ:a aivoihin, ilmentävät huomattavasti paremmin Alzheimerin taudin kaltaista tilaa aivoissa ainakin Aβ:n osalta. Taupatofysiologiaa ei silti kummassakaan näistä malleista juuri esiinny. Toisaalta Aβ:lla näyttäisi olevan huomattavasti tau:ta suurempi rooli taudissa, joten sen ilmeneminen mallissa onkin keskeisempi tekijä. Nämä mallit ilmentävät melko suurelti osin yhtä hyvin Alzheimerin taudin patofysiologiaa. Aβ:n antaminen on hieman yksinkertaisempi suorittaa käytännössä, sillä siinä ei tarvitse luoda transgeenista kantaa. Toisaalta transgeenisessa mallissa Aβ-patofysiologia syntyy enemmän Alzheimerin taudin kaltaisesti solujen sisällä eikä valmiita aggregoituvia Aβ-peptidejä anneta ulkopuolelta aivoihin. Molemmat mallit ovat kuitenkin käyttökelpoisia, ja soveltuvat erityisesti Aβ:an vaikuttavien lääkeaineiden kehittämiseen. Kokeellinen osa: Kokeen tarkoituksena oli validoida kohotettu ristikko-sokkelo (elevated plus-maze, EPM) hiirillä kognitiomallina. Kokeessa käytettiin kahden koekerran (trial, T) menetelmää, jossa koekertojen pituus oli viisi minuuttia. Näin saatiin useita oppimista kuvaavia parametreja. Hiirille yritettiin saada muistihäiriö aikaviiveen avulla (koekertojen väli 1-18 vrk) tai antamalla muskariinireseptoriantagonistia skopolamiinia (0,1-0,8 mg/kg i.p.) 30 minuuttia ennen T1:tä. Nämä kokeet suoritettiin sekä C57BL/6J- että ICR:(CD-1)-hiirillä. Aikaviivekokeissa ainut ryhmä, jolla oli viitettä unohtamisesta, oli ICR:(CD-1)-hiirien 18 vrk:n ryhmä. Tämän perusteella tutkittiin vielä 21 vuorokauden aikaväli, mutta selvää muistihäiriötä ei esiintynyt. Skopolamiini ei häirinnyt muistia ICR:(CD-1)-hiirillä, mutta C57BL/6J-hiirillä 0,2 mg/kg:n annoksesta ylöspäin merkitsevä muistihäiriö esiintyi. Näin ollen jatkokokeissa käytettäväksi valittiin skopolamiinin annos 0,2 mg/kg C57BL/6J-hiirillä, ja siinä tutkittiin donepetsiilin (0,3, 0,8 ja 1,5 mg/kg s.c), memantiinin (5,0 ja 10,0 mg/kg s.c) ja kokeellisen 5-HT6-antagonistin SB742457:n (1,5 ja 6,0 mg/kg s.c) muistia parantavia vaikutuksia. Tutkittavat lääkeaineet annettiin 40 minuuttia ennen T1:tä ja skopolamiini 30 minuuttia ennen. Memantiinilla (5,0 mg/kg) oli selkeä skopolamiinin heikentämää kognitiota parantava vaikutus ja donepetsiilillakin (1,5 mg/kg) suuntaus tähän. Tulosten perusteella malli näyttäisi soveltuvan muisti- ja oppimisvaikutusten tutkimiseen käytettäväksi malliksi.


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Pyruvate conversion to acetyl-CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) multienzyme complex is known as a key node in affecting the metabolic fluxes of animal cell culture. However, its possible role in causing possible nonlinear dynamic behavior such as oscillations and multiplicity of animal cells has received little attention. In this work, the kinetic and dynamic behavior of PDH of eucaryotic cells has been analyzed by using both in vitro and simplified in vivo models. With the in vitro model the overall reaction rate (v(1)) of PDH is shown to be a nonlinear function of pyruvate concentration, leading to oscillations under certain conditions. All enzyme components affect v, and the nonlinearity of PDH significantly, the protein X and the core enzyme dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2) being mostly predominant. By considering the synthesis rates of pyruvate and PDH components the in vitro model is expanded to emulate in vivo conditions. Analysis using the in vivo model reveals another interesting kinetic feature of the PDH system, namely, multiple steady states. Depending on the pyruvate and enzyme levels or the operation mode, either a steady state with high pyruvate decarboxylation rate or a steady state with significantly lower decarboxylation rate can be achieved under otherwise identical conditions. In general, the more efficient steady state is associated with a lower pyruvate concentration. A possible time delay in the substrate supply and enzyme synthesis can also affect the steady state to be achieved and lead's to oscillations under certain conditions. Overall, the predictions of multiplicity for the PDH system agree qualitatively well with recent experimental observations in animal cell cultures. The model analysis gives some hints for improving pyruavte metabolism in animal cell culture.


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Several surfactant molecules self-assemble in solution to form long, flexible wormlike micelles which get entangled with each other, leading to viscoelastic gel phases. We discuss our recent work on the rheology of such a gel formed in the dilute aqueous solutions of a surfactant CTAT. In the linear rheology regime, the storage modulus G′(ω) and loss modulus G″(ω) have been measured over a wide frequency range. In the nonlinear regime, the shear stress σ shows a plateau as a function of the shear rate math above a certain cutoff shear rate mathc. Under controlled shear rate conditions in the plateau regime, the shear stress and the first normal stress difference show oscillatory time-dependence. The analysis of the measured time series of shear stress and normal stress has been done using several methods incorporating state space reconstruction by embedding of time delay vectors. The analysis shows the existence of a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, unambiguously implying that the dynamics of the observed mechanical instability can be described by that of a dynamical system with a strange attractor of dimension varying from 2.4 to 2.9.


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We investigate the problem of influence limitation in the presence of competing campaigns in a social network. Given a negative campaign which starts propagating from a specified source and a positive/counter campaign that is initiated, after a certain time delay, to limit the the influence or spread of misinformation by the negative campaign, we are interested in finding the top k influential nodes at which the positive campaign may be triggered. This problem has numerous applications in situations such as limiting the propagation of rumor, arresting the spread of virus through inoculation, initiating a counter-campaign against malicious propaganda, etc. The influence function for the generic influence limitation problem is non-submodular. Restricted versions of the influence limitation problem, reported in the literature, assume submodularity of the influence function and do not capture the problem in a realistic setting. In this paper, we propose a novel computational approach for the influence limitation problem based on Shapley value, a solution concept in cooperative game theory. Our approach works equally effectively for both submodular and non-submodular influence functions. Experiments on standard real world social network datasets reveal that the proposed approach outperforms existing heuristics in the literature. As a non-trivial extension, we also address the problem of influence limitation in the presence of multiple competing campaigns.


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Cellular networks played key role in enabling high level of bandwidth for users by employing traditional methods such as guaranteed QoS based on application category at radio access stratum level for various classes of QoSs. Also, the newer multimode phones (e.g., phones that support LTE (Long Term Evolution standard), UMTS, GSM, WIFI all at once) are capable to use multiple access methods simulta- neously and can perform seamless handover among various supported technologies to remain connected. With various types of applications (including interactive ones) running on these devices, which in turn have different QoS requirements, this work discusses as how QoS (measured in terms of user level response time, delay, jitter and transmission rate) can be achieved for interactive applications using dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes over cellular networks. In this work, we propose a dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for interactive multimedia applications with/without background load in the cellular networks. The system has been simulated for many application types running in parallel and it has been observed that if interactive applications are to be provided with decent response time, a periodic overhauling of policy at admission control has to be done by taking into account history, criticality of applications. The results demonstrate that interactive appli- cations can be provided with good service if policy database at admission control is reviewed dynamically.


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We present femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopic studies of a pseudogap (PG) along with the superconducting (SC) gap in an overdoped iron pnictide Ca(Fe0.927Co0.073)(2)As-2. It is seen that the temperature evolution of the photo-excited quasiparticle (QP) relaxation dynamics, coherently excited A(1g)-symmetric optical phonon and two acoustic phonon dynamics behave anomalously in the vicinity of the superconducting transition temperature T-c. A continuous change in the sign of the experimentally measured transient differential reflectivity Delta R/R signal at the zero time delay between the pump and probe pulses at a temperature of similar to 200K is inferred as an evidence of the emergence of the PG phase around that temperature. This behavior is independent of the pump photon energy and occurs for crystals without the spin density wave phase transition. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2014


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MELECON 2012 - 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2012, Túnez


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Real time monitoring allows the determination of the line state and the calculation of the actual rating value. The real time monitoring systems measure sag, conductor tension, conductor temperature or weather related magnitudes. In this paper, a new ampacity monitoring system for overhead lines, based on the conductor tension, the ambient temperature, the solar radiation and the current intensity, is presented. The measurements are transmitted via GPRS to a control center where a software program calculates the ampacity value. The system takes into account the creep deformation experienced by the conductors during their lifetime and calibrates the tension-temperature reference and the maximum allowable temperature in order to obtain the ampacity. The system includes both hardware implementation and remote control software.


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We experimentally demonstrate the generation of an extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) supercontinuum in argon with a two-color laser field consisting of an intense 7 fs pulse at 800 nm and a relatively weak 37 fs pulse at 400 nm. By controlling the relative time delay between the two laser pulses, we observe enhanced high-order harmonic generation as well as spectral broadening of the supercontinuum. A method to produce isolated attosecond pulses with variable width and intensity is proposed. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Nonlinear Thomson backscattering of an intense Gaussian laser pulse by a counterpropagating energetic electron is investigated by numerically solving the electron equation of motion taking into account the radiative damping force. The backscattered radiation characteristics are different for linearly and circularly polarized lasers because of a difference in their ponderomotive forces acting on the electron. The radiative electron energy loss weakens the backscattered power, breaks the symmetry of the backscattered-pulse profile, and prolongs the duration of the backscattered radiation. With the circularly polarized laser, an adjustable double-peaked backscattered pulse can be obtained. Such a profile has potential applications as a subfemtosecond x-ray pump and probe with adjustable time delay and power ratio. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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High-order harmonics and single attosecond pulse generation by using an infrared laser pulse combined with attosecond pulse trains (APT) interacting with He+ have been investigated. We show that the ionization for different instant time intervals can be controlled by altering the time delay between the APT and the infrared pulse. Consequently, APT can be used as a tool to control the efficiency of high-order harmonics emitted at different times. By choosing appropriate APT and time delay, the driving pulse width for single attosecond pulse generation can be extended up to six optical cycles. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.