893 resultados para Personal Debt
This study compared the 7-item Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) with two other versions which include the domains “Spirituality” and “Religion”, separately, in a sample of Brazilian (n = 1.047) and Chilean (n = 1.053) adolescents. A comparison of psychometric properties between the PWI versions was carried out through multigroup confi rmatory factor analysis showing adequate adjustments (CFI > .95, RMSEA < .08), whereas the item spirituality presented better performance. For the analysis of the differential contribution of each domain to the notion of global satisfaction, a regression on the item Overall Life Satisfaction (OLS) was applied using structural equations. It isrecommended the inclusion of the item spirituality in the original scale, considering the importance of such domain in both cultures
Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y las características de la conductade fumar y la distribución por estadios de abandono del tabaquismoentre el personal de la Universidad de Girona.Pacientes y método: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal.Para ello se realizó una entrevista sobre la conducta de fumar a una muestrarepresentativa de los 941 miembros del personal de la Universidadde Girona en el segundo semestre de 1999.Resultados: De los 281 participantes en el estudio, 77 (27,4%) eranfumadores, 67 (23,9%) exfumadores y 137 (48,7%) no fumadores. PorFacultades, la mayor prevalencia de fumadores se encontró en: Letras:38,9%; Ciencias de la Educación: 31% y Enfermería: 28,3%. La distribuciónde los sujetos por etapas de abandono fue la siguiente: precontemplación:36,8%; contemplación: 13,2%; preparación: 3,5%; acción:3,5% y mantenimiento: 43%. El consumo de tabaco light fue del49,1% en precontemplación, 47,1% en contemplación y 33,3% en preparación.Respondieron haber recibido consejo médico para dejar de fumar:precontemplación: 35,8%; contemplación: 52,6%, preparación:60%, acción: 20% y mantenimiento: 24,2%.Conclusiones: 1. Las Facultades relacionadas con el ámbito de lasalud, Ciencias de la Educación y Enfermería son, junto con las de Letraslas que presentan mayor consumo de tabaco. 2. Los fumadores en precontemplación,en comparación con los sujetos en contemplación y preparación,informan con mayor frecuencia de consumir tabaco bajo ennicotina y de no haber recibido consejo médico
Selling is much maligned, often under-valued subject whose inadequate showing in business schools is in inverse proportion to the many job opportunities it offers and the importance of salespeople bringing incomes to companies. The purpose of this research is to increase the understanding of customer-oriented selling and examine the influence of customer-oriented philosophy on selling process, the applicability of selling techniques to this philosophy and the importance of them to salespeople. The empirical section of the study is two-fold. Firstly, the data of qualitative part was collected by conducting five thematic interviews among sales consultants and case company representatives. The findings of the study indicate that customer-oriented selling requires the activity of salespeople. In the customer-oriented personal selling process, salespeople invest time in the preplanning, the need analysis and the benefit demonstration stages. However, the findings propose that salespeople today must also have the basic capabilities for executing the traditional sales process, and the balance between traditional and consultative selling process will change as the duration of the relationship between the salesperson and customer increases. The study also proposes that selling techniques still belong to the customer-oriented selling process, although their roles might be modest. This thesis mapped 75 selling techniques and the quantitative part of the study explored what selling techniques are considered to be important by salespeople in direct selling industry when they make sales with new and existing customers. Response rate of the survey was 69.5%.
Prostate cancers form a heterogeneous group of diseases and there is a need for novel biomarkers, and for more efficient and targeted methods of treatment. In this thesis, the potential of microarray data, RNA interference (RNAi) and compound screens were utilized in order to identify novel biomarkers, drug targets and drugs for future personalized prostate cancer therapeutics. First, a bioinformatic mRNA expression analysis covering 9873 human tissue and cell samples, including 349 prostate cancer and 147 normal prostate samples, was used to distinguish in silico prevalidated putative prostate cancer biomarkers and drug targets. Second, RNAi based high-throughput (HT) functional profiling of 295 prostate and prostate cancer tissue specific genes was performed in cultured prostate cancer cells. Third, a HT compound screen approach using a library of 4910 drugs and drug-like molecules was exploited to identify potential drugs inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth. Nine candidate drug targets, with biomarker potential, and one cancer selective compound were validated in vitro and in vivo. In addition to androgen receptor (AR) signaling, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function, arachidonic acid (AA) pathway, redox homeostasis and mitosis were identified as vital processes in prostate cancer cells. ERG oncogene positive cancer cells exhibited sensitivity to induction of oxidative and ER stress, whereas advanced and castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) could be potentially targeted through AR signaling and mitosis. In conclusion, this thesis illustrates the power of systems biological data analysis in the discovery of potential vulnerabilities present in prostate cancer cells, as well as novel options for personalized cancer management.
Suomessa sähkönjakelu on säännelty monopoli. Energiamarkkinavirasto tuottaa ohjeistuksen sekä mallin yritysten ansaintamahdollisuuksille. Karkeasti sanottuna tulomalli on sijoitetun pääoman ja pääoman painotetun kustannuksen tulo. Pääoman painotettu kustannus koostuu useista parametreista kuten beta ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemio. Näiden parametrien taso ja määrittämisajankohta perustuvat subjektiivisiin näkemyksiin, kun objektiivista parametrien määrittämismenetelmää tulisi käyttää. Nykyiset beta ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemio perustuvat energiamarkkinaviraston ja asiantuntijoiden lausuntoihin. Aihealuetta on tutkittu erittäin vähän, mikä johtunee pääasiassa siitä, ettei ole olemassa listautuneita puhtaita jakeluverkkoyhtiöitä. Betan nykytaso on 0.529 ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemio on 1.0 %. Tässä pro gradu –työssä määritetään markkinaperusteisesti betan ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemion nykytaso. Tässä työssä esiteltävä määrittämismalli perustuu puhtaasti markkinadataan eikä sen soveltamisessa käytetä subjektiivisia mielipiteitä. Markkinaehtoisia tietoja käyttäen betan pitäisi olla tasolla 0.525 ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemion tasolla 1.34 %. Nämä luvut, mikäli ne otettaisiin käyttöön, vaikuttaisivat suoraan ja positiivisesti jakeluverkkoyhtiöiden sallittuun tuottoon Suomessa.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how services can be developed and how the voice of the customer can be incorporated to the strategic planning of services. Furthermore, the objective is to investigate the methods of customer need analysis and service bundling. The data is collected from secondary and primary sources by reviewing the existing academic literature and by conducting in-depth interviews and surveys. The main findings of this research indicate that the service development in personal security service industry should be conducted through a formalized process and the process should begin with setting the strategic objectives. Moreover, the voice of the customer should be incorporated into all stages of the development process, especially into the front-end of the process. Furthermore, the information on customer needs should be gathered in a manner tailored for the purposes of service development.
OBJETIVO: traduzir e adaptar culturalmente o Short Personal Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ) para a língua portuguesa, no Brasil, em mulheres climatéricas. MÉTODOS: a versão original do questionário, em inglês, proveniente da Universidade de Melbourne (Austrália), inicialmente foi traduzida para a língua portuguesa e retraduzida ao inglês. Procedeu-se, então, à adaptação sociocultural do vocabulário e da construção linguística para melhor compreensão. O questionário foi então aplicado para pré-teste em 50 mulheres, em etapas sucessivas, até que não houvesse mais dúvidas. A versão final do instrumento adaptado foi utilizada em estudo de base populacional, autorrespondido anonimamente por 378 mulheres pesquisadas, entre 40 e 65 anos e com 11 anos ou mais de escolaridade, nascidas no Brasil. Foi aplicada uma análise de confiabilidade (consistência interna, pelo alfa de Cronbach), uma análise de validade do construto (correlação de pares de itens que compõem o SPEQ e cada um destes com os quatro fatores obtidos e com o escore total), e uma análise de validade de critério (correlação entre os quatro fatores obtidos com o escore de classificação geral da vida sexual). RESULTADOS: cento e oitenta mulheres responderam a todas as perguntas do SPEQ e foram incluídas na análise. A consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach) para os nove itens do SPEQ situou-se entre 0,55 e 0,77 e o alfa geral foi 0,68. Na análise de validade do construto, a maioria dos coeficientes de correlação se mostrou significativo (valores p<0,005). A análise de validade de critério mostrou coeficientes de correlação significativos em sua maior parte. CONCLUSÕES: a versão em português do instrumento SPEQ, após processo de adaptação, mostrou-se útil e adequada para levantar informações relativas à função sexual e dispareunia em mulheres brasileiras entre 40 e 65 anos e com 11 anos ou mais de escolaridade.
As traditional advertising is losing its value in corporations’ marketing, new and growing social media marketing channels are increasing their importance. The growing interest in the media and the lack of research on the subject create a clear need for this study. The objectives are to increase understanding about product placement in personal blogs and examine the benefits as well as the downsides created by this marketing channel and present the requirements for success. The study also takes a stand on what kind of things a successful product placement strategy in personal blogs includes and what points should be considered when creating a strategy. The study’s empirical part consists of seven thematic interviews with case companies’ representatives and one agent. The study’s personal blogs were delimited to consist only lifestyle and fashion blogs. The results show that product placement on personal lifestyle and fashion blogs is a strongly growing marketing channel and it is best suited to reach young women. It is also a very good channel to change and improve brand image. Via personal blogs it is possible to reach a large number of consumers with a very cost-efficient manner. Thus utilizing the channel is suitable for all companies regardless of the size of the marketing budget. Of course, companies have to consider the suitability of their product to the themes of blogs. Executing a successful campaign in this media requires good relationship management skills and understanding of this particular media as the final content is not in advertiser’s hands. As a marketing channel, personal blogs differ highly from traditional marketing channels because of their constantly changing nature and multidirectional quality where several parties are in interaction.
A major challenge faced by companies today is the engagement gap at the workplace and how to motivate employees to engage in less intrinsically motivating work activities that are valuable for the organization. The objective of this study is to investigate gamification as a means for employee motivation and personal engagement that result in behavioral outcomes from the gamification developers’ perspective. Theories of work motivation and engagement are viewed in relation to gamification. The empirical part conducts a qualitative multiple-case study. The data is analyzed with the CAQDAS NVivo. The empirical findings suggest that gamification can enhance employee motivation, but careful consideration of extrinsic motivators is necessary to avoid their detrimental effect on intrinsic motivation. Employee self-determination is built through internalization of gamified system’s goals reaching autonomous motivation to engage in the target behavior. Employee engagement is built by fulfilling the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability. The results suggest that gamification can build employee motivation and engagement leading to behavior change if designed with the business objectives in mind. Moreover, the gamified system needs to be renewed to address the changes in the business environment and reflect them in the employee behavior.
Finanssi-instrumentin hinta määräytyy sen fundamenttitekijöiden perusteella, eikä päinvastoin. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että myös instrumentin hinta voi vaikuttaa fundamenttitekijöihin. Yhteys havainnollistetaan tapaustukimuksella Kreikan velkakriisistä. Hinnan ja fundamenttien välistä yhteyttä arvioidaan ja käänteisen kausaliteetin olemassaolo testataan. Tulokset tukevat ajatusta, jonka mukaan tarvitsemme dynaamisempia valuaatiomenetelmiä, jotka ottavat huomioon myös mahdolliset itseään vahvistavat hintakierteet.
The goal of this study was to explore and understand the definition of technical debt. Technical debt refers to situation in a software development, where shortcuts or workarounds are taken in technical decision. However, the original definition has been applied to other parts of software development and it is currently difficult to define technical debt. We used mapping study process as a research methodology to collect literature related to the research topic. We collected 159 papers that referred to original definition of technical debt, which were retrieved from scientific literature databases to conduct the search process. We retrieved 107 definitions that were split into keywords. The keyword map is one of the main results of this work. Apart from that, resulting synonyms and different types of technical debt were analyzed and added to the map as branches. Overall, 33 keywords or phrases, 6 synonyms and 17 types of technical debt were distinguished.