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Temporal changes in the prevalence of antigenic variants in Plasmodium falciparum populations have been interpreted as evidence of immune-mediated frequency-dependent selection, but evolutively neutral processes may generate similar patterns of serotype replacement. Over 4 years, we investigated the population dynamics of P. falciparum polymorphisms the community level by using 11 putatively neutral microsatellite markers. Plasmodium falciparum Populations were less diverse than sympatric P. vivax isolates, with less multiple-clone infections, lower number of alleles per locus and lower Virtual heterozygosity, but both species showed significant multilocus linkage disequilibrium. Evolutively neutral P. falciparum polymorphisms showed a high turnover rate, with few lineages persisting for several months in the population. Similar results had previously been obtained, in the same community, for sympatric P. vivax isolates. In contrast, the prevalence of the 2 dimorphic types of a major antigen, MSP-2, remained remarkably stable throughout the Study period. We Suggest that the relatively fast turnover of parasite lineages represents the typical population dynamics of neutral polymorphisms in small populations, with clear implications for the detection of frequency-dependent selection of polymorphisms.


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Immune evasion by Plasmodium falciparum is favored by extensive allelic diversity of surface antigens. Some of them, most notably the vaccine-candidate merozoite surface protein (MSP)-1, exhibit a poorly understood pattern of allelic dimorphism, in which all observed alleles group into two highly diverged allelic families with few or no inter-family recombinants. Here we describe contrasting levels and patterns of sequence diversity in genes encoding three MSP-1-associated surface antigens of P. falciparum, ranging from an ancient allelic dimorphism in the Msp-6 gene to a near lack of allelic divergence in Msp-9 to a more classical multi-allele polymorphism in Msp-7 Other members of the Msp-7 gene family exhibit very little polymorphism in non-repetitive regions. A comparison of P. falciparum Msp-6 sequences to an orthologous sequence from P. reichenowi provided evidence for distinct evolutionary histories of the 5` and 3` segments of the dimorphic region in PfMsp-6, consistent with one dimorphic lineage having arisen from recombination between now-extinct ancestral alleles. In addition. we uncovered two surprising patterns of evolution in repetitive sequence. Firsts in Msp-6, large deletions are associated with (nearly) identical sequence motifs at their borders. Second, a comparison of PfMsp-9 with the P. reichenowi ortholog indicated retention of a significant inter-unit diversity within an 18-base pair repeat within the coding region of P. falciparum, but homogenization in P. reichenowi. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Little follow-up data on malaria transmission in communities originating from frontier settlements in Amazonia are available. Here we describe a cohort study in a frontier settlement in Acre, Brazil, where 509 subjects contributed 489.7 person-years of follow-up. The association between malaria morbidity during the follow-up and individual, household, and spatial covariates was explored with mixed-effects logistic regression models and spatial analysis. Incidence rates for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria were 30.0/100 and 16.3/100 person-years at risk, respectively. Malaria morbidity was strongly associated with land clearing and farming, and decreased after five years of residence in the area, suggesting that clinical immunity develops among subjects exposed to low malaria endemicity. Significant spatial clustering of malaria was observed in the areas of most recent occupation, indicating that the continuous influx of nonimmune settlers to forest-fringe areas perpetuates the cycle of environmental change and colonization that favors malaria transmission in rural Amazonia.


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In this paper we present a hierarchical Bayesian analysis for a predator-prey model applied to ecology considering the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. We consider the introduction of a random effect in the model and the presence of a covariate vector. An application to ecology is considered using a data set related to the plankton dynamics of lake Geneva for the year 1990. We also discuss some aspects of discrimination of the proposed models.


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This paper is concerned with singular perturbations in parabolic problems subjected to nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions. We consider the case for which the diffusion coefficient blows up in a subregion Omega(0) which is interior to the physical domain Omega subset of R(n). We prove, under natural assumptions, that the associated attractors behave continuously as the diffusion coefficient blows up locally uniformly in Omega(0) and converges uniformly to a continuous and positive function in Omega(1) = (Omega) over bar\Omega(0). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work we continue the analysis of the asymptotic dynamics of reaction-diffusion problems in a dumbbell domain started in [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria, J. Differential Equations 231 (2) (2006) 551-597]. Here we study the limiting problem, that is, an evolution problem in a ""domain"" which consists of an open, bounded and smooth set Omega subset of R(N) with a curve R(0) attached to it. The evolution in both parts of the domain is governed by a parabolic equation. In Omega the evolution is independent of the evolution in R(0) whereas in R(0) the evolution depends on the evolution in Omega through the continuity condition of the solution at the junction points. We analyze in detail the linear elliptic and parabolic problem, the generation of linear and nonlinear semigroups, the existence and structure of attractors. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we conclude the analysis started in [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria, J. Differential Equations 231 (2006) 551-597] and continued in [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains II. The limiting problem, J. Differential Equations 247 (1) (2009) 174-202 (this issue)] concerning the behavior of the asymptotic dynamics of a dissipative reaction-diffusion equation in a dumbbell domain as the channel shrinks to a line segment. In [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho. G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria, J. Differential Equations 231 (2006) 551-597], we have established an appropriate functional analytic framework to address this problem and we have shown the continuity of the set of equilibria. In [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz. Dynamics in dumbbell domains II. The limiting problem, J. Differential Equations 247 (1) (2009) 174-202 (this issue)], we have analyzed the behavior of the limiting problem. In this paper we show that the attractors are Upper semicontinuous and, moreover, if all equilibria of the limiting problem are hyperbolic, then they are lower semicontinuous and therefore, continuous. The continuity is obtained in L(p) and H(1) norms. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study generalized viscous Cahn-Hilliard problems with nonlinearities satisfying critical growth conditions in W-0(1,p)(Omega), where Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R-n, n >= 3. In the critical growth case, we prove that the problems are locally well posed and obtain a bootstrapping procedure showing that the solutions are classical. For p = 2 and almost critical dissipative nonlinearities we prove global well posedness, existence of global attractors in H-0(1)(Omega) and, uniformly with respect to the viscosity parameter, L-infinity(Omega) bounds for the attractors. Finally, we obtain a result on continuity of regular attractors which shows that, if n = 3, 4, the attractor of the Cahn-Hilliard problem coincides (in a sense to be specified) with the attractor for the corresponding semilinear heat equation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A temporally global solution, if it exists, of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation need not be periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic when the forcing term is periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic, respectively. An alternative class of functions extending periodic and almost periodic functions which has the property that a bounded temporally global solution solution of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation belongs to this class when the forcing term does is introduced here. Specifically, the class of functions consists of uniformly continuous functions, defined on the real line and taking values in a Banach space, which have pre-compact ranges. Besides periodic and almost periodic functions, this class also includes many nonrecurrent functions. Assuming a hyperbolic structure for the unperturbed linear equation and certain properties for the linear and nonlinear parts, the existence of a special bounded entire solution, as well the existence of stable and unstable manifolds of this solution are established. Moreover, it is shown that this solution and these manifolds inherit the temporal behaviour of the vector field equation. In the stable case it is shown that this special solution is the pullback attractor of the system. A class of infinite dimensional examples involving a linear operator consisting of a time independent part which generates a C(0)-semigroup plus a small time dependent part is presented and applied to systems of coupled heat and beam equations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electronic properties of liquid hydrogen fluoride (HF) were investigated by carrying out sequential quantum mechanics/Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. The structure of the liquid is in good agreement with recent experimental information. Emphasis was placed on the analysis of polarisation effects, dynamic polarisability and electronic excitations in liquid HF. Our results indicate an increase in liquid phase of the dipole moment (similar to 0.5 D) and isotropic polarisability (5%) relative to their gas-phase values. Our best estimate for the first vertical excitation energy in liquid HF indicates a blue-shift of 0.4 +/- 0.2 eV relative to that of the gas-phase monomer (10.4 eV). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study a stochastic process describing the onset of spreading dynamics of an epidemic in a population composed of individuals of three classes: susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered (R). The stochastic process is defined by local rules and involves the following cyclic process: S -> I -> R -> S (SIRS). The open process S -> I -> R (SIR) is studied as a particular case of the SIRS process. The epidemic process is analyzed at different levels of description: by a stochastic lattice gas model and by a birth and death process. By means of Monte Carlo simulations and dynamical mean-field approximations we show that the SIRS stochastic lattice gas model exhibit a line of critical points separating the two phases: an absorbing phase where the lattice is completely full of S individuals and an active phase where S, I and R individuals coexist, which may or may not present population cycles. The critical line, that corresponds to the onset of epidemic spreading, is shown to belong in the directed percolation universality class. By considering the birth and death process we analyze the role of noise in stabilizing the oscillations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and elastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering techniques were used to investigate the high-pressure-induced changes on interactions, the low-resolution structure and the dynamics of lysozyme in solution. SAXS data, analysed using a global-fit procedure based on a new approach for hydrated protein form factor description, indicate that lysozyme completely maintains its globular structure up to 1500 bar, but significant modi. cations in the protein-protein interaction potential occur at approximately 600-1000 bar. Moreover, the mass density of the protein hydration water shows a clear discontinuity within this pressure range. Neutron scattering experiments indicate that the global and the local lysozyme dynamics change at a similar threshold pressure. A clear evolution of the internal protein dynamics from diffusing to more localized motions has also been probed. Protein structure and dynamics results have then been discussed in the context of protein-water interface and hydration water dynamics. According to SAXS results, the new configuration of water in the first hydration layer induced by pressure is suggested to be at the origin of the observed local mobility changes.


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We consider the dynamics of cargo driven by a collection of interacting molecular motors in the context of ail asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP). The model is formulated to account for (i) excluded-volume interactions, (ii) the observed asymmetry of the stochastic movement of individual motors and (iii) interactions between motors and cargo. Items (i) and (ii) form the basis of ASEP models and have already been considered to study the behavior of motor density profile [A. Parmeggiani. T. Franosch, E. Frey, Phase Coexistence in driven one-dimensional transport, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 086601-1-086601-4]. Item (iii) is new. It is introduced here as an attempt to describe explicitly the dependence of cargo movement on the dynamics of motors in this context. The steady-state Solutions Of the model indicate that the system undergoes a phase transition of condensation type as the motor density varies. We study the consequences of this transition to the behavior of the average cargo velocity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study opinion dynamics in a population of interacting adaptive agents voting on a set of issues represented by vectors. We consider agents who can classify issues into one of two categories and can arrive at their opinions using an adaptive algorithm. Adaptation comes from learning and the information for the learning process comes from interacting with other neighboring agents and trying to change the internal state in order to concur with their opinions. The change in the internal state is driven by the information contained in the issue and in the opinion of the other agent. We present results in a simple yet rich context where each agent uses a Boolean perceptron to state their opinion. If the update occurs with information asynchronously exchanged among pairs of agents, then the typical case, if the number of issues is kept small, is the evolution into a society torn by the emergence of factions with extreme opposite beliefs. This occurs even when seeking consensus with agents with opposite opinions. If the number of issues is large, the dynamics becomes trapped, the society does not evolve into factions and a distribution of moderate opinions is observed. The synchronous case is technically simpler and is studied by formulating the problem in terms of differential equations that describe the evolution of order parameters that measure the consensus between pairs of agents. We show that for a large number of issues and unidirectional information flow, global consensus is a fixed point; however, the approach to this consensus is glassy for large societies.


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A study of the kinematics of the alpha-d coincidences in the (6)Li + (59)Co system at a bombarding energy of E(lab) = 29.6MeV is presented. With exclusive measurements performed over different angular intervals it is possible to identify the respective contributions of the sequential and direct projectile breakup components. The angular distributions of both breakup components are fairly well described by the Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels framework (CDCC). Furthermore, a careful analysis of these processes using a semiclassical approach provides information on both their lifetime and their distance of occurrence with respect to the target. Breakup to the low-lying (near-threshold) continuum is delayed, and happens at large internuclear distances. This suggests that the influence of the projectile breakup on the complete fusion process can be related essentially to the direct breakup to the (6)Li high-lying continuum spectrum.