947 resultados para Materiali compositi, CFRP, Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method


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The development of novel strengthening techniques to address the seismic vulnerability of masonry elements is gradually leading to simpler, faster and more effective strengthening strategies. In particular, the use of fabric reinforced cementitious matrix systems is considered of great potential, given the increase of ductility achieved with simple and economic strengthening procedures. To assess the effectiveness of these strengthening systems, and considering that the seismic action is involved, one important component of the structural behaviour is the in-plane cyclic response. In this work is discussed the applicability of the diagonal tensile test for the assessment of the cyclic response of strengthened masonry. The results obtained allowed to assess the contribution of the strengthening system to the increase of the load carrying capacity of masonry elements, as well as to evaluate the damage evolution and the stiffness degradation mechanisms developing under cyclic loading.


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Doctoral Thesis Civil Engineering


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)


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AbstractBackground:Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) in patients not reaching 85% of the maximum predicted heart rate (MPHR) has reduced sensitivity.Objectives:In an attempt to maintain diagnostic sensitivity without losing functional exercise data, a new exercise and dipyridamole combined protocol (EDCP) was developed. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of this protocol and to compare its diagnostic sensitivity against standard exercise and dipyridamole protocols.Methods:In patients not reaching a sufficient exercise (SE) test and with no contraindications, 0.56 mg/kg of dipyridamole were IV administered over 1 minute simultaneously with exercise, followed by 99mTc-MIBI injection.Results:Of 155 patients, 41 had MPS with EDCP, 47 had a SE test (≥ 85% MPHR) and 67 underwent the dipyridamole alone test (DIP). They all underwent coronary angiography within 3 months. The three stress methods for diagnosis of coronary lesions had their sensitivity compared. For stenosis ≥ 70%, EDCP yielded 97% sensitivity, SE 90% and DIP 95% (p = 0.43). For lesions ≥ 50%, the sensitivities were 94%, 88% and 95%, respectively (p = 0.35). Side effects of EDCP were present in only 12% of the patients, significantly less than with DIP (p < 0.001).Conclusions:The proposed combined protocol is a valid and safe method that yields adequate diagnostic sensitivity, keeping exercise prognostic information in patients unable to reach target heart rate, with fewer side effects than the DIP.


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Protecting native biodiversity against alien invasive species requires powerful methods to anticipate these invasions and to protect native species assumed to be at risk. Here, we describe how species distribution models (SDMs) can be used to identify areas predicted as suitable for rare native species and also predicted as highly susceptible to invasion by alien species, at present and under future climate and land-use scenarios. To assess the condition and dynamics of such conflicts, we developed a combined predictive modelling (CPM) approach, which predicts species distributions by combining two SDMs fitted using subsets of predictors classified as acting at either regional or local scales. We illustrate the CPM approach for an alien invader and a rare species associated to similar habitats in northwest Portugal. Combined models predict a wider variety of potential species responses, providing more informative projections of species distributions and future dynamics than traditional, non-combined models. They also provide more informative insight regarding current and future rare-invasive conflict areas. For our studied species, conflict areas of highest conservation relevance are predicted to decrease over the next decade, supporting previous reports that some invasive species may contract their geographic range and impact due to climate change. More generally, our results highlight the more informative character of the combined approach to address practical issues in conservation and management programs, especially those aimed at mitigating the impact of invasive plants, land-use and climate changes in sensitive regions


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Ultrahochfester Beton (UHPC) ist ein sehr gefügedichter zementgebundener Werkstoff, der sich nicht nur durch eine hohe Druckfestigkeit, sondern auch durch einen hohen Widerstand gegen jede Form physikalischen oder chemischen Angriffs auszeichnet. Duktiles Nachbruchverhalten bei Druckversagen wird meist durch die Zugabe dünner kurzer Fasern erreicht. In Kombination mit konventioneller Betonstahl- oder Spannbewehrung ermöglicht UHPC die Ausführung sehr schlanker, weitgespannter Konstruktionen und eröffnet zugleich neue Anwendungsgebiete, wie zum Beispiel die flächenhafte Beschichtung von Brückendecks. Durch das Zusammenwirken kontinuierlicher Bewehrungselemente und diskontinuierlich verteilter kurzer Fasern ergeben sich unter Zugbeanspruchung Unterschiede gegenüber dem bekannten Stahl- und Spannbeton. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird hierzu ein Modell entwickelt und durch eine umfangreiche Versuchsreihe abgesichert. Ausgangspunkt sind experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zum Verbundverhalten von Stabstählen in einer UHPC-Matrix und zum Einfluss einer Faserzugabe auf das Reiß- und Zugtragverhalten von UHPC. Die Modellbildung für UHPC-Zugelemente mit gemischter Bewehrung aus Stabstahl und Fasern erfolgt auf der Grundlage der Vorgänge am diskreten Riss, die daher sehr ausführlich behandelt werden. Für den elastischen Verformungsbereich der Stabbewehrung (Gebrauchslastbereich) kann damit das Last-Verformungs-Verhalten für kombiniert bewehrte Bauteile mechanisch konsistent unter Berücksichtigung des bei UHPC bedeutsamen hohen Schwindmaßes abgebildet werden. Für die praktische Anwendung wird durch Vereinfachungen ein Näherungsverfahren abgeleitet. Sowohl die theoretischen als auch die experimentellen Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass der faserbewehrte UHPC bei Kombination mit kontinuierlichen Bewehrungselementen selbst kein verfestigendes Verhalten aufweisen muss, um insgesamt verfestigendes Verhalten und damit eine verteilte Rissbildung mit sehr keinen Rissbreiten und Rissabständen zu erzielen. Diese Beobachtungen können mit Hilfe der bisher zur Verfügung stehenden Modelle, die im Wesentlichen eine Superposition isoliert ermittelter Spannungs-Dehnungs-Beziehungen des Faserbetons und des reinen Stahls vorsehen, nicht nachvollzogen werden. Wie die eigenen Untersuchungen zeigen, kann durch ausreichend dimensionierte Stabstahlbewehrung zielgerichtet und ohne unwirtschaftlich hohe Fasergehalte ein gutmütiges Verhalten von UHPC auf Zug erreicht werden. Die sichere Begrenzung der Rissbreiten auf deutlich unter 0,1 mm gewährleistet zugleich die Dauerhaftigkeit auch bei ungünstigen Umgebungsbedingungen. Durch die Minimierung des Material- und Energieeinsatzes und die zu erwartende lange Nutzungsdauer lassen sich so im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit optimierte Bauteile realisieren.


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There is growing interest, especially for trials in stroke, in combining multiple endpoints in a single clinical evaluation of an experimental treatment. The endpoints might be repeated evaluations of the same characteristic or alternative measures of progress on different scales. Often they will be binary or ordinal, and those are the cases studied here. In this paper we take a direct approach to combining the univariate score statistics for comparing treatments with respect to each endpoint. The correlations between the score statistics are derived and used to allow a valid combined score test to be applied. A sample size formula is deduced and application in sequential designs is discussed. The method is compared with an alternative approach based on generalized estimating equations in an illustrative analysis and replicated simulations, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches are discussed.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A falta de consenso sobre os protocolos de rastreamento e diagnóstico do diabetes gestacional, associada às dificuldades na realização do teste oral simplificado do diabete gestacional (o teste de tolerância a 100 g de glicose, considerado padrão-ouro) justificam a comparação com alternativas. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar o teste padrão-ouro a dois testes de rastreamento: associação de glicemia de jejum e fatores de risco (GJ + FR) e o teste oral simplificado de tolerância a 50 g de glicose (TTG 50 g), com o teste de tolerância a 100 g de glicose (TTG 100 g). TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo de coorte longitudinal, prospectivo, realizado no Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. MÉTODOS: 341 gestantes foram submetidas aos três testes. Calcularam-se os índices de sensibilidade (S), especificidade (E), valores preditivos (VPP e VPN), razões de probabilidade (RPP e RPN) e resultados falsos (FP e FN), positivos e negativos da associação GJ + FR e do TTG 50 g em relação ao TTG 100 g. Compararam-se as médias das glicemias de uma hora pós-sobrecarga (1hPS) com 50 e 100 g. Na análise estatística, empregou-se o teste t de Student, com limite de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A associação GJ + FR encaminhou mais gestantes (53,9%) para a confirmação diagnóstica que o TTG 50 g (14,4%). Os dois testes foram equivalentes nos índices de S (86,4 e 76,9%), VPN (98,7 e 98,9%), RPN (0,3 e 0,27) e FN (15,4 e 23,1%). As médias das glicemias 1hPS foram semelhantes, 106,8 mg/dl para o TTG 50 g e 107,5 mg/dl para o TTG 100 g. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados da eficiência diagnóstica associados à simplicidade, praticabilidade e custo referendaram a associação GJ + FR como o mais adequado para o rastreamento. A equivalência das glicemias de 1hPS permitiram a proposição de um novo protocolo de rastreamento e diagnóstico do diabete gestacional, com menores custo e desconforto.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes a very simple and rapid quantitative reflectance spot test procedure for the determination of methyldopa in pharmaceutical formulations. This method is based on the complexation reaction of methyldopa with molybdate ions yielding a yellow stable complex on filter paper. Reflectance measurements were carried out at 410 nm. Under optimal conditions, the calibration graphs obtained for methyldopa by plotting the optical density of the reflectance signal (A R) vs. the log of the concentration were linear from 6.30 × 10 -3 to 1.89 × 10 -2 mol L -1, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998. The detection limit was 2.74 × 10 -3 mol L -1 (R.S.D. = 1.02%) for methyldopa. The common excipients used as additives in pharmaceuticals do not interfere in the proposed method. The method was applied to determine metyldopa in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method compare favorably with those obtained by an official procedure at 95% confidence level. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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This paper describes the development and application of a simple, cheap, and clean method for the quantification of furosemide in urine samples from athletes, to detect doping, using a combined spot test/diffuse reflectance spectroscopy procedure. The method is based on the complexation reaction of furosemide (5-(aminosulfonyl)-4-chloro-2-((furanylmethyl)amino)benzoic acid, dissolved in ethanol, with FeCl3 and the surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) in aqueous solution, yielding a colored compound on the surface of a filter paper. The reagent concentrations were optimized using a chemometric experimental design. The reflectometric measurements of the complex formed were carried out at 477nm. The linear range obtained was 1.65-9.00×10-3molL-1 of furosemide (R=0.997), and the detection and quantification limits were 4.9×10-4 and 1.62×10-3molL-1, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied in the analysis of furosemide in spiked urine, demonstrating that it is a reliable alternative method for the detection of furosemide doping in sport. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..


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The Cone Loading Test (CLT) consists of the execution of a load test on the piezocone probe in conjunction with the CPT test. The CLT yields the modulus ECLT, a parameter that can be used in the estimative of foundation settlement. It is also presented here the interpretation and the process to determine ECLT values from the stress-displacement curves obtained from cone loading tests. Several CLT tests were conducted at the experimental research site of São Paulo State University, Bauru-SP-Brazil. The geotechnical profile at the studied site is a brown to bright red slightly clayey fine sand, a tropical soil common to this region which is lateritic, unsaturated and collapsible. The results of CLT tests satisfactorily represent the behavior of the investigated soil. The penetrometric modulus ECLT for each depth was calculated considering the elastic behavior in the initial linear segment of the soil stress-strain curve. The ECLT moduli obtained for the various tests were compared to moduli obtained from PMT and DMT test results performed at same studied site. The shear modulus degradation curves obtained from the CLT tests are also presented. The comparison to PMT and DMT results indicates the CLT test is a viable complementary test to the CPT in the quest for better understanding stress-strain behavior of soils. Further, the CLT test provides a graphic visualization of the degradation of the shear modulus with increasing levels of strain. As a hybrid geotechnical test, CPT+CLT can be valuable in the investigation of non-conventional collapsible soils, whose literature lack reference parameters for the prediction of settlement in the design of foundations.


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Objective: To evaluate healing time before loading, areas compression and tension and location of insertion on mini-implant stability. Design: Six minipigs were used. Each animal received 3 mini-implants in each quadrant: 1 mini-implant was used as an unloaded control (G1, n = 24); the other 2 were loaded with 150 g-force at three time intervals (G2: immediate loading, G3: after 15 days and G4: after 30 days), with 16 mini-implant in each experimental group. After 120 days, tissue blocks of the areas of interest were harvested. Clinical analysis (exact Fisher test) determined the survival rate. Histological analysis (Kontron KS 300TM, Zeiss) quantified the fractional bone-toimplant contact (%BIC) and bone area (%BA) at each healing time point, areas of interest, and insertion site (ANOVA and t tests for dependent and independent samples). Results: The mini-implant survival rates were G1: 71%, G2: 50%, G3: 75% and G4: 63%, with no statistical differences between them. The groups presented similar %BIC and %BA. There were no differences between the compression and tension sides or maxillary and mandibular insertion sites. Conclusions: These results suggest that low-intensity immediate or early orthodontic loading does not affect mini-implant stability, because similar histomorphometric results were observed for all the groups, with partial osseointegration of the mini-implants present.