983 resultados para LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Im Kontext des Projekts „Entwicklung eines institutionellen Konzepts zum Forschungsdatenmanagement an der Leibniz Universität Hannover“ wurden 2015/16 eine universitätsinterne Online-Umfrage und ergänzende Interviews durchgeführt. Deren Ergebnisse ermöglichen einen Einblick in den derzeitigen Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und eine Abschätzung des Bedarfs an Beratung, Schulung und technischer Infrastruktur seitens des wissenschaftlichen Personals. In diesem Bericht werden die Daten präsentiert und ausgewertet.
Bericht über eine Fragebogenerhebung bei Seniorstudierenden und regulär Studierenden an den Universitäten Magdeburg und Hannover im Sommersemester 2014. Darstellung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Studien und Literatur zum Thema Bildung im Alter.
"Briefe zweener brüder Jesu in unserem kanon": p. [183]-211.
La historia mostrar? un panorama general cronol?gico referente a la iniciaci?n de la combinatoria que se ha clasificado por siglos, a conveniencia para exhibir momentos contundentes en la constituci?n de las ideas que se desarrollaron en el estudio de estructuras discretas y las relaciones a trav?s de sus operaciones. Las interrelaciones entre los elementos de un conjunto originan cambios en su estructura y es as? que se empieza a vislumbrar la estirpe, es decir, las ra?ces o naturaleza de la que gozan las combinaciones. Es desde oriente, a trav?s de la cultura china en tiempos legendarios que se encuentran las evidencias de elementos primigenios de la combinatoria con el primer cuadrado m?gico. Las reglas principales del c?lculo de permutaciones, variaciones y combinaciones est?n a cargo de los matem?ticos hind?es y jud?os. Pero el camino hacia el reconocimiento de la combinatoria como un campo digno de estudio formal lo preparan los matem?ticos Fermat y Pascal a trav?s de sus correspondencias buscando la soluci?n al problema del reparto. El punto c?spide se genera con las obras de Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz y Jacobo Bernoulli. El primero es el autor de Disertatio de arte combinatoria donde introduce el t?rmino ?Combinatoria? como actualmente se conoce. Adem?s, Leibniz realiza la construcci?n sistem?tica del conocimiento combinatorio que se hab?a obtenido hasta la ?poca. De otro lado, es la obra magna Ars Conjectandi (Arte de conjeturar) de Jacobo Bernoulli donde la combinatoria se vuelve la base para la resoluci?n de algunos problemas de probabilidad de aquel tiempo.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The digital humanities are growing rapidly in response to a rise in Internet use. What humanists mostly work on, and which forms much of the contents of our growing repositories, are digital surrogates of originally analog artefacts. But is the data model upon which many of those surrogates are based – embedded markup – adequate for the task? Or does it in fact inhibit reusability and flexibility? To enhance interoperability of resources and tools, some changes to the standard markup model are needed. Markup could be removed from the text and stored in standoff form. The versions of which many cultural heritage texts are composed could also be represented externally, and computed automatically. These changes would not disrupt existing data representations, which could be imported without significant data loss. They would also enhance automation and ease the increasing burden on the modern digital humanist.
This paper will examine the idea of the fold arid its assimilation into architecture through philosophy and mathematics. In all its iterations, the fold appears as two constitutive items: the fold as self-similarity, which implies recursion; the fold within the fold, and in turn, the fold as continuous discontinuity. The persistence of this conception of die fold will be demonstrated through a discussion of Leibniz's Monadology, Deleuze's Le Pli, and some mathematical ideas from catastrophe and chaos theory. This raises the issue of continuity between disciplines and thus the philosophical status this confers on the fold.
John Dewey’s pragmatist aesthetics is used as a conceptual basis for designing new technologies that support staff-members’ mundane social interactions in an academic department. From this perspective, aesthetics is seen as a broader phenomenon that encompasses experiential aspects of staffmembers’ everyday lives and not only a look-&-feel aspect.
This practice-led research project examined the audience experience of immersive environments in participatory performance. Drawing upon the work of artist Ilya Kabakov, Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space (1964) and Leibniz's theory of the monad, the study investigated how an immersive space can be constructed to evoke emotion and memory recall in participants. The research consisted of two cycles of creative experimentation resulting in the presentation of a final piece entitled Dulcet. The research contributes new terminology to the discourse surrounding the participant experience in immersive environments, specifically space-as-memory, the role of ambiguity in spatial design and the construct of the monadic environment.
Leeuwenhoekin kokeilut mikroskoopilla 1600-luvun lopulla olivat G. W. Leibnizille suuri innoituksen lähde. Monadologia-teoksessaan Leibniz hehkutti keksinnön merkitystä ja antoi ymmärtää, että sillä löydetyt pikkuruiset eliöt todistivat hänen metafyysisen pluralisminsa oikeaksi. Hänen mukaansa "huomataan, että pienimmässäkin osasessa ainetta on kokonainen elävien olioiden, eläinten, entelekhioiden ja sielujen maailma." Näin Leibnizin ajatus elämän jatkumosta sai uutta pontta. Keksinnön vaikutus näkyy myös Leibnizin teoksessa Uusia esseitä inhimillisestä ymmärryksestä, jossa hän esittelee pienet perseptiot, joita voidaan pitää tietoteoreettisena vastineena pieneliöille. Tarkastelen esitelmässäni Leibnizin reaktioita mikroskooppiin ja sen antamaan uuteen kuvaan elämästä ja keskustelen joistakin Leibnizin filosofian piirteistä, joissa voidaan huomata uuden keksinnön vaikutusta.
Mass spectrometry (MS) became a standard tool for identifying metabolites in biological tissues, and metabolomics is slowly acknowledged as a legitimate research discipline for characterizing biological conditions. The computational analyses of metabolomics, however, lag behind compared with the rapid advances in analytical aspects for two reasons. First is the lack of standardized data repository for mass spectra: each research institution is flooded with gigabytes of mass-spectral data from its own analytical groups and cannot host a world-class repository for mass spectra. The second reason is the lack of informatics experts that are fully experienced with spectral analyses. The two barriers must be overcome to establish a publicly free data server for MS analysis in metabolomics as does GenBank in genomics and UniProt in proteomics. The workshop brought together bioinformaticians working on mass spectral analyses in Finland and Japan with the goal to establish a consortium to freely exchange and publicize mass spectra of metabolites measured on various platforms computational tools to analyze spectra spectral knowledge that are computationally predicted from standardized data. This book contains the abstracts of the presentations given in the workshop. The programme of the workshop consisted of oral presentations from Japan and Finland, invited lectures from Steffen Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry), Matej Oresic (VTT), Merja Penttila (VTT) and Nicola Zamboni (ETH Zurich) as well as free form discussion among the participants. The event was funded by Academy of Finland (grants 139203 and 118653), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS Japan-Finland Bilateral Semi- nar Program 2010) and Department of Computer Science University of Helsinki. We would like to thank all the people contributing to the technical pro- gramme and the sponsors for making the workshop possible. Helsinki, October 2010 Masanori Arita, Markus Heinonen and Juho Rousu