932 resultados para Infant Motor Development


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Dans le but d’examiner les mécanismes qui sous-tendent le développement de la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant, Grossmann et al. (1999; 2008) proposent une perspective plus vaste de l’étude de l’attachement chez l’enfant, examinant les comportements parentaux pertinents aux deux côtés de l’équilibre entre le système d’attachement et le système d’exploration. La thèse se base sur cette approche pour explorer la relation entre la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant et deux comportements maternels, soit la sensibilité maternelle et le soutien à l’autonomie maternel, de même que la relation entre ces deux comportements et l’état d’esprit maternel face à l’attachement. Le premier article propose que la théorie de l’autodétermination, avec ses études empiriques portant sur les comportements parentaux liés à l’exploration, offre une perspective utile pour l’étude des comportements d’exploration dans le cadre de l’équilibre attachement/exploration. L’article présente une revue théorique et empirique des domaines de l’attachement et de la théorie de l’autodétermination et souligne des analogies conceptuelles et empiriques entre les deux domaines, en plus de décrire la façon dont ils se complètent et se complémentent. Le deuxième article étudie les liens entre la sensibilité maternelle, le soutien à l’autonomie maternel et la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant. Soixante et onze dyades ont participé à deux visites à domicile. La sensibilité maternelle a été évaluée lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 12 mois, alors que le soutien à l’autonomie maternel et la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant l’ont été lorsque les enfants avaient atteint l’âge de 15 mois. Les résultats indiquent que le soutien à l’autonomie maternel explique une portion significative de la variance de la sécurité d’attachement, et ce, après avoir contrôlé pour la sensibilité maternelle et le statut socio-économique. Le troisième article examine les relations entre deux dimensions de l’état d’esprit maternel face à l’attachement (esquivant et préoccupé/non-résolu), la sensibilité maternelle et le soutien à l’autonomie maternel. Soixante et onze dyades ont participé à trois visites à domicile. L’Entrevue d’Attachement Adulte (EAA) a été administrée lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 8 mois, la sensibilité maternelle a été évaluée alors qu’ils avaient atteint l’âge de 12 mois et le soutien à l’autonomie maternel, lorsqu’ils avaient 15 mois. Les résultats révèlent qu’après avoir contrôlé pour le statut socio-économique, la sensibilité maternelle est liée de façon négative à la dimension « esquivant » de l’EAA, alors que le soutien à l’autonomie maternel est lié de façon négative à la dimension « préoccupé/non-résolu ». Les résultats présentés dans le deuxième et le troisième article sont discutés, de même que de leurs répercussions théoriques et cliniques. Des questions susceptibles de guider des recherches futures sont proposées.


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A fundamental goal in neurobiology is to understand the development and organization of neural circuits that drive behavior. In the embryonic spinal cord, the first motor activity is a slow coiling of the trunk that is sensory-independent and therefore appears to be centrally driven. Embryos later become responsive to sensory stimuli and eventually locomote, behaviors that are shaped by the integration of central patterns and sensory feedback. In this thesis I used a simple vertebrate model, the zebrafish, to investigate in three manners how developing spinal networks control these earliest locomotor behaviors. For the first part of this thesis, I characterized the rapid transition of the spinal cord from a purely electrical circuit to a hybrid network that relies on both chemical and electrical synapses. Using genetics, lesions and pharmacology we identified a transient embryonic behavior preceding swimming, termed double coiling. I used electrophysiology to reveal that spinal motoneurons had glutamate-dependent activity patterns that correlated with double coiling as did a population of descending ipsilateral glutamatergic interneurons that also innervated motoneurons at this time. This work (Knogler et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2014) suggests that double coiling is a discrete step in the transition of the motor network from an electrically coupled circuit that can only produce simple coils to a spinal network driven by descending chemical neurotransmission that can generate more complex behaviors. In the second part of my thesis, I studied how spinal networks filter sensory information during self-generated movement. In the zebrafish embryo, mechanosensitive sensory neurons fire in response to light touch and excite downstream commissural glutamatergic interneurons to produce a flexion response, but spontaneous coiling does not trigger this reflex. I performed electrophysiological recordings to show that these interneurons received glycinergic inputs during spontaneous fictive coiling that prevented them from firing action potentials. Glycinergic inhibition specifically of these interneurons and not other spinal neurons was due to the expression of a unique glycine receptor subtype that enhanced the inhibitory current. This work (Knogler & Drapeau, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2014) suggests that glycinergic signaling onto sensory interneurons acts as a corollary discharge signal for reflex inhibition during movement. v In the final part of my thesis I describe work begun during my masters and completed during my doctoral degree studying how homeostatic plasticity is expressed in vivo at central synapses following chronic changes in network activity. I performed whole-cell recordings from spinal motoneurons to show that excitatory synaptic strength scaled up in response to decreased network activity, in accordance with previous in vitro studies. At the network level, I showed that homeostatic plasticity mechanisms were not necessary to maintain the timing of spinal circuits driving behavior, which appeared to be hardwired in the developing zebrafish. This study (Knogler et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2010) provided for the first time important in vivo results showing that synaptic patterning is less plastic than synaptic strength during development in the intact animal. In conclusion, the findings presented in this thesis contribute widely to our understanding of the neural circuits underlying simple motor behaviors in the vertebrate spinal cord.


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Au cours de la grossesse et dans les premières années de vie de l’enfant, plusieurs facteurs externes, tels que le stress maternel ou le lien maternel, peuvent interférer avec son développement et avoir des conséquences à court et à long terme. Bien que le stress maternel périnatal ait souvent été étudié, plusieurs facteurs pré et postnataux potentiellement confondants (comme le stress paternel, la dépression, la prise d’antidépresseurs, etc.) n’ont pas systématiquement été pris en compte. Comparativement à l’attachement de l’enfant (à sa mère), moins de recherches se sont intéressées au lien maternel, en particulier chez des femmes ayant un diagnostic de dépression et/ou d’anxiété et exposées à des antidépresseurs. Notre thèse visait donc à étudier ces deux facteurs et leur association avec le développement du jeune enfant âgé d’un an, dans un contexte où la santé mentale maternelle (présence ou non de troubles psychologiques) et de traitements pharmacologiques associés étaient aussi considérés. Afin d’améliorer le dépistage de retards développementaux, nous avons également évalué l’administration au téléphone de deux instruments de pré-dépistage et dépistage actuellement utilisés. Notre thèse était constituée de quatre phases dont les objectifs étaient: la détermination des propriétés psychométriques de l’échelle de stress perçu de quatre items (en français et en anglais) au sein de la population de femmes enceintes (première étude); évaluer l’effet du stress maternel prénatal et parental postnatal sur le développement de l’enfant âgé d’un an (deuxième étude); estimer l’association entre le lien maternel et le développement de l’enfant âgé d’un an, en stratifiant sur la prise maternelle d’antidépresseurs (troisième étude); et évaluer l’administration au téléphone du ″Ages and Stages Questionnaire″ (ASQ, version de 12 mois) et du ″Revised Pre-screening Denver Questionnaire″(R-PDQ, version de 9-24 mois),deux questionnaires utilisés pour le pré-dépistage et le dépistage du développement infantile (quatrième étude). Ce projet faisait partie d’une plus grande étude, nommée le projet OTIS (The″Organization of Teratology Information Specialists″ Antidepressant in Pregnancy cohort study), qui visait à évaluer l’impact de l’arrêt versus la continuation de la prise d’antidépresseurs au cours de la grossesse sur les comportements maternels et sur le développement de l’enfant âgé de un à trois ans. Ainsi, entre 2006 et 2010, la cohorte prospective OTIS de femmes enceintes a été construite et suivie jusqu’à trois ans postpartum. À partir de 2008, l’évaluation du stress et du lien maternel (thématiques de ce projet de thèse) a été incorporée au projet initial. Aussi, à partir de là, toute femme nouvellement recrutée pour la cohorte OTIS pouvait faire partie des études de cette thèse. Notre population source était composée des femmes enceintes ayant eu recours à un service nord-américain d’information sur les tératogènes ou ayant été suivies à la clinique d'obstétrique et de gynécologie du CHU Ste Justine. Pour être admissibles, les femmes devaient 1) être âgées d’au moins 18 ans, 2) être enceinte d’au maximum 14 semaines (le début de la grossesse étant défini comme étant le premier jour des dernières règles); 3) être exposées à un antidépresseur depuis au moins le premier jour de grossesse (pour le groupe exposé à un antidépresseur), 4) savoir lire et comprendre l’anglais ou le français. Pour les études deux, trois et quatre, les femmes devaient habiter dans un rayon de 250 km autour de Montréal pour recevoir notre visite à domicile, nécessaire à l’évaluation psychométrique du développement infantile. Les pères des enfants ont été recrutés à deux mois postpartum pour évaluer leur stress. Les données ont été collectées par entrevue téléphonique, auto-administration de questionnaires, et évaluation psychométrique du développement infantile. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, les femmes étaient suivies depuis le premier trimestre de grossesse jusqu’à un an postpartum. Les résultats de nos travaux démontrent que le recours à l’échelle de stress perçu de quatre items est une mesure fiable et valide pour mesurer le stress au cours de la grossesse (en recherche ou en clinique). Ensuite, le stress postnatal maternel et paternel serait défavorable au développement moteur et socio-émotionnel de l’enfant d’un an, respectivement. Par contre le stress maternel prénatal favoriserait le développement moteur. Un lien maternel optimal est associé à un meilleur développement socio-émotionnel à un an chez l’enfant, en particulier pour les femmes exposées à des antidépresseurs. Enfin, l’administration au téléphone de l’ASQ et des sous-échelles de langage, de motricité fine et motricité globale du R-PDQ serait une alternative possible au mode auto-administré pour dépister et pré-dépister les retards de développement chez les enfants.


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Many approaches to force control have assumed the ability to command torques accurately. Concurrently, much research has been devoted to developing accurate torque actuation schemes. Often, torque sensors have been utilized to close a feedback loop around output torque. In this paper, the torque control of a brushless motor is investigated through: the design, construction, and utilization of a joint torque sensor for feedback control; and the development and implementation of techniques for phase current based feedforeward torque control. It is concluded that simply closing a torque loop is no longer necessarily the best alternative since reasonably accurate current based torque control is achievable.


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Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2z channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2z and BK channels are coupled within distances of *20 nm (200 A˚). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2z and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a ‘‘locked-in’’ state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential- based value.


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Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2+, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2+, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2+ channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2+ and BK channels are coupled within distances of similar to 20 nm (200 parallel to). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2+ and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a "locked-in" state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential-based value.


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Information about organochlorine pesticides legislation in Venezuela was recovered, using the search engine Google. Progress and setbacks was analyzed, with information about imports, exports, inventories, storage sites, controls and actions taken for disposal and participation in international conventions. The country appears to have adequate legislation, however, greater consistency of laws and decrees are required. Update the technical rule is necessary and increases the capacity to monitoring, identification and elimination of organochlorine pesticides.


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Antecedentes El dolor en neonatos ha sido un problema poco explorado. Se ha propuesto el uso de las terapias no farmacológicas para su tratamiento, sin embargo existen pocas aproximaciones sistemáticas para la evaluación de su eficacia. Objetivos Determinar la eficacia de las terapias no farmacológicas en el manejo del dolor en neonatos pretérmino a través de una revisión sistemática. Metodología Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar la eficacia de las terapias no farmacológicas en el manejo del dolor en el recién nacido petérmino. La búsqueda se realizó a través de las bases de datos Embase, Cochrane, Bireme y Embase. Se identificaron estudios publicados inglés y español. Se realizó un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. Resultados Se incluyeron 10 ensayos clínicos. La solución de sacarosa administrada por vía oral mostró reducir la intensidad del dolor en el recién nacido. La intubación y toma de muestras facilitada por el cuidador mostró también reducir la intensidad del dolor. Conclusión Se recomienda la administración solución de sacarosa y acompañamiento del cuidador durante los procedimientos como medidas para reducir el dolor en el recién nacido pretérmino.


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Children may be at higher risk than adults from pesticide exposure, due to their rapidly developing physiology, unique behavioral patterns, and interactions with the physical environment. This preliminary study conducted in Ecuador examines the association between household and environmental risk factors for pesticide exposure and neurobehavioral development. We collected data over 6 months in the rural highland region of Cayambe, Ecuador (2003–2004). Children age 24–61 months residing in 3 communities were assessed with the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and the Visual Motor Integration Test. We gathered information on maternal health and work characteristics, the home and community environment, and child characteristics. Growth measurements and a hemoglobin finger-prick blood test were obtained. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted. Current maternal employment in the flower industry was associated with better developmental scores. Longer hours playing outdoors were associated with lower gross and fine motor and problem solving skills. Children who played with irrigation water scored lower on fine motor skills (8% decrease; 95% confidence interval 9.31 to 0.53), problem-solving skills (7% decrease; 8.40 to 0.39), and Visual Motor Integration test scores (3% decrease; 12.00 to 1.08). These results suggest that certain environmental risk factors for exposure to pesticides may affect child development, with contact with irrigation water of particular concern. However, the relationships between these risk factors and social characteristics are complex, as corporate agriculture may increase risk through pesticide exposure and environmental contamination, while indirectly promoting healthy development by providing health care, relatively higher salaries, and daycare options.


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To identify and describe the sociodemographic and nutritional characteristics associated with neurobehavioral development among young children living in three communities in the northeastern Andean region of Cayambe-Tabacundo, Ecuador. Women in the study communities who had a child 3 to 61 months of age completed a questionnaire about maternal and child health and sociodemographic characteristics. The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) was directly administered to 283 children by two trained interviewers. Growth measurements and a hemoglobin finger-prick blood test were obtained in 2003–2004. Prevalence of developmental delay was calculated, and associations between child development and maternal, child, and household characteristics were explored. High frequencies of developmental delay were observed. Children 3 to 23 months old displayed delay in gross motor skills (30.1%), and children 48 to 61 months old displayed delay in problem-solving skills (73.4%) and fine motor skills (28.1%). A high frequency of both anemia (60.4%) and stunting (53.4%) was observed for all age groups. Maternal educational level was positively associated with communication and problem-solving skills, and monthly household income was positively associated with communication, gross motor, and problem-solving skills. The results suggest a high prevalence of developmental delay and poor child health in this population. Child health status and the child’s environment may contribute to developmental delay in this region of Ecuador, but sociodemographic factors affecting opportunities for stimulation may also play a role. Research is needed to identify what is causing high percentages of neurobehavioral developmental delay in this region of Ecuador.


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Previous investigations comparing auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) to words whose meanings infants did or did not comprehend, found bilateral differences in brain activity to known versus unknown words in 13-month-old infants, in contrast with unilateral, left hemisphere, differences in activity in 20-month-old infants. We explore two alternative explanations for these findings. Changes in hemispheric specialization may result from a qualitative shift in the way infants process known words between 13 and 20 months. Alternatively, hemispheric specialization may arise from increased familiarity with the individual words tested. We contrasted these two explanations by measuring ERPs from 20-month-old infants with high and low production scores, for novel words they had just learned. A bilateral distribution of ERP differences was observed in both groups of infants, though the difference was larger in the left hemisphere for the high producers. These findings suggest that word familiarity is an important factor in determining the distribution of brain regions involved in word learning. An emerging left hemispheric specialization may reflect increased efficiency in the manner in which infants process familiar and novel words. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To examine the association between maternal post-natal depression and infant growth. Background: Infant growth has recently been shown, in two studies from South Asia, to be adversely affected by maternal depression in the early post-partum period. It is uncertain whether a similar association obtains in developing countries outside Asia. Method: A sample of 147 mother–infant dyads was recruited from a peri-urban settlement outside Cape Town and seen at 2 and 18 months post partum. Results: No clear effect of post-partum depression on infant growth was found. Although maternal depression at 2 months was found to be associated with lower infant weight at 18 months, when birthweight was considered this effect disappeared. Conclusions: Possible explanations for the non-replication of the South Asian findings are considered.


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A sample of 147 mother-infant dyads was recruited from a peri-urban settlement outside Cape Town and seen at 2- and 18-months postpartum. At 18 months, 61.9% of the infants were rated as securely attached (B); 4.1% as avoidant (A); 8.2% as resistant (C); and 25.8% disorganized (D). Postpartum depression at 2 months, and indices of poor parenting at both 2 and 18 months, were associated with insecure infant attachment. The critical 2-month predictor variables for insecure infant attachment were maternal intrusiveness and maternal remoteness, and early maternal depression. When concurrent maternal sensitivity was considered, the quality of the early mother-infant relationship remained important, but maternal depression was no longer predictive. Cross-cultural differences and consistencies in the development of attachment are discussed.


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A representative community sample of primiparous depressed women and a nondepressed control group were assessed while in interaction with their infants at 2 months postpartum. At 3 months, infants were assessed on the Still-face perturbation of face to face interaction, and a subsample completed an Instrumental Learning paradigm. Compared to nondepressed women, depressed mothers' interactions were both less contingent and less affectively attuned to infant behavior. Postnatal depression did not adversely affect the infant's performance in either the Still-face perturbation or the Instrumental Learning assessment. Maternal responsiveness in interactions at 2 months predicted the infant's performance in the Instrumental Learning assessment but not in the Still-face perturbation. The implications of these findings for theories of infant cognitive and emotional development are discussed.


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This paper considers possible problems researchers might face when interpreting the results of studies that employ variants of the preference procedure. Infants show a tendency to shift their preference from familiar to novel stimuli with increasing exposure to the familiar stimulus, a behaviour that is exploited by the habituation paradigm. This change in attentional preference with exposure leads us to suggest that researchers interested in infants' pre-experimental or spontaneous preferences should beware of the potentially confounding effects of exposing infants to familiarization trials prior to employing the preference procedure. The notion that infant attentional preference is dynamic also calls into question the use of the direction of post-familiarization preference per se when interpreting the knowledge or strategies available to infants. We look into the results of a cross-modal word learning study to show how the interpretation of results may be difficult when infants exhibit a significant preference in an unexpected direction. As a possible solution to this problem we propose that significant preferences in both directions should be sought at multiple intervals over time. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.