996 resultados para Gc-eag
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da estimulação tátil-cinestésica na evolução do padrão comportamental e clínico de recém-nascidos pré-termos (RNPT) durante o período de internação hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois RNPT, com peso ao nascimento inferior a 2.500 gramas, clinicamente estáveis e destituídos de asfixia perinatal importante foram divididos em 16 bebês do grupo controle (GC) e 16 do experimental (GE). Foram coletados dados da evolução clínica a partir dos registros hospitalares e da avaliação comportamental por meio de filmagens semanais de oito minutos, desde a inclusão do RNPT na amostra até a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Tendência a redução do tempo de internação hospitalar, aumento do ganho de peso diário e predominância de comportamentos auto-organizados (respiração regular, estado de alerta, tônus equilibrado, posturas mistas, movimentação coordenada, movimentos de mão na face, sucção, preensão, apoio) para os RNPT do GE. A análise comparativa das idades pós-conceptuais divididas em intervalos (I - 31 a 33 semanas 6/7; II - 34 a 36 semanas 6/7; e III - 37 a 39 semanas 6/7) ressaltou, no aspecto motor, um tônus equilibrado e movimentação voluntária coordenada para os três períodos, maior permanência em posturas mistas (intervalo I) ou em flexão (intervalo II) e a obtenção de respiração mais regular na faixa etária I do GE. CONCLUSÃO: Destaque da estimulação tátil-cinestésica como método de intervenção durante o período de internação hospitalar, contribuindo para a auto-organização e regulação comportamental de RNPT. Artigo registrado no Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) sob o número ACTRN12610000133033.
An analytical comparison of three different techniques for quantitative profile of esters in cachaça is reported. The Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) recommends the use of GC/FID or volumetry. Despite being laborious and lacking in chemical speciation, the volumetric technique for total ester content shows to be appropriate, reproducible, and accurate for the analysis of cachaça. However, the GC/FID suggested by MAPA, considering only ethyl acetate, shows inaccuracy, underestimating the total ester content by a median factor of 72%, mainly due to the absence of ethyl lactate analysis. On the other hand, the GC/MS technique that comprises the analysis and speciation of nine esters, including ethyl lactate, proved to be reproducible, simple, fast and accurate for the analysis of total ester content in cachaça. Thus, the total ester content results obtained using GC/FID must be considered with precaution.
Herein, we report the concentration of ethyl carbamate (EC) and copper in 380 samples of sugar-cane spirit and 45 samples of manioc spirit as determined by GC-MS and FAAS respectively. The cyanide content determined spectrophotometrically is reported for the manioc spirit. Sugar cane spirit produced by alembic distillation (70,0 µg L-1) shown a lower content of EC than samples produced by column distillation (270 µg L-1). No simple correlation between the content of EC and copper for sugar cane spirit as well among the concentration of EC, copper, and cyanide for manioc spirit could be observed.
The photocatalytic degradation of phenol in aqueous suspensions of TiO2 under different salt concentrations in an annular reactor has been investigated. In all cases, complete removal of phenol and mineralization degrees above 90% were achieved. The reactor operational parameters were optimized and its hydrodynamics characterized in order to couple mass balance equations with kinetic ones. The photodegradation of the organics followed a Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson lumped kinetics. From GC/MS analyses, several intermediates formed during oxidation have been identified. The main ones were catechol, hydroquinone, and 3-phenyl-2-propenal, in this order. The formation of negligible concentrations of 4-chlorophenol was observed only in high salinity medium. Acute toxicity was determined by using Artemia sp. as the test organism, which indicated that intermediate products were all less toxic than phenol and a significant abatement of the overall toxicity was accomplished, regardless of the salt concentration.
The essential oil of the leaves from Annona coriacea Mart., Annonaceae, was extracted by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger apparatus and analyzed by GC/MS and GC/FID. The oil yield was 0.05% m/m. Sixty compounds were identified, in a complex mixture of sesquiterpenes (76.7%), monoterpenes (20.0%) and other constituents (3.3%). Bicyclogermacrene was its major compound (39.8%) followed by other sesquiterpenes. Most of the monoterpenes were in low concentration (<1%). Only β-pinene and pseudolimonene presented the highest level of 1.6%. The volatile oil presented anti-leishmanial and trypanocidal activity against promastigotes of four species of Leishmania and trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, showing to be more active against Leishmania (L.) chagasi (IC50 39.93 µ g/mL) (95% CI 28.00-56.95 µ g/mL).
The chemical composition of volatile oils from two Myrtaceae species, Myrceugenia myrcioidesand Eugenia riedeliana, both native from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest, was analyzed by GC-MS. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity was colorimetrically evaluated for these oils. For M. myrcioides, monoterpene hydrocarbons represented the major class in the volatile oil, with α-pinene as the most abundant component and a weak inhibitory activity was observed, whilst for E. riedeliana sesquiterpenes were found in higher amounts, being valerianol the major compound, and this oil presented a strong acetylcholinesterase inhibition.
The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.
Solid-phase microextraction, using on-line bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide derivatisation, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry, was evaluated in the quantification of 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX) in water samples. Fibres encompassing a wide range of polarities were used with headspace and direct immersion sampling. For the immersion procedure, various parameters affecting MX extraction, including pH, salinity, temperature, and extraction time were evaluated. The optimised method (polyacrylate fibre; 20% Na2SO4; pH 2.0; 60 min; 20 °C) was applied for reservoir chlorinated water samples-either natural or spiked with MX (50 ng L-1 and 100 ng L-1). The recovery of MX ranged from 44 to 72%. Quantification of MX in water samples was done using external standard and the selected ion monitoring mode. Correlation coefficient (0.98%), relative standard deviation (5%), limit of detection (30 ng L-1) and limit of quantification (50 ng L-1) were obtained from calibration curve.
Organic markers, such as sterols and ketones, were used to assess sewage contamination in sediments from the Santos Bay, SP, and its continental shelf. These compounds were analyzed by GC/FID after soxhlet extraction, clean up and derivatization. The concentration of coprostanol and ratios between selected sterols were used to evaluate fecal contamination. The stations located in the mid-western part of the Santos Bay presented organic matter from sewage due to the input of fecal material from the city of Santos by submarine sewage outfall. Stations located at the continental shelf did not present fecal contamination. Coprostanol levels in sewage outfall stations were higher in comparison to other Brazilian coastal areas, except Guanabara Bay/RJ, and could be related to the fraction of the population without sewage treatment.
The volatile compounds of raw and extruded bovine rumen, extracted by dynamic headspace, were separated by gas chromatography and analyzed by GC-MS. Raw and extruded materials presented thirty-two volatile compounds. The following compounds were identified in raw bovine rumen: heptane, 1-heptene, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, toluene, hexanal, ethyl butyrate, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, heptanal, limonene, nonanal, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane and octadecane. The following compounds were identified in the extruded material: 1-heptene, 2,4-dimethylhexane, toluene, limonene, undecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane, octadecane and nonadecane. Mass spectra of some unidentified compounds indicated the presence of hydrocarbons with branched chains or cyclic structure.
OBJETIVOS: avaliar a prevalência de obesidade global e obesidade abdominal, em mulheres pós-menopausa, segundo o grau de instrução, nível de atividade física, uso de terapia hormonal na menopausa (THM) e paridade. MÉTODOS: foram entrevistadas 157 mulheres na pós-menopausa, atendidas em dois ambulatórios públicos da cidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. A obesidade foi determinada segundo o índice de massa corporal (IMC > 30,0) e segundo o percentual de gordura corporal (%GC > 37%). A obesidade abdominal foi determinada pela relação cintura-quadril (RCQ > 0,85). RESULTADOS: a prevalência de obesidade global foi 34,4% (segundo o IMC) e de 40,1% (segundo o %GC). A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi de 73,8%. Grande parte das entrevistadas referiu até sete anos de instrução formal (47,8%), foi considerada sedentária ou insuficientemente ativa (52,3%) e nunca tinha utilizado THM oral ou tinha utilizado por menos de 12 meses (72,0%). Foi constatada maior prevalência de obesidade global no grupo de mulheres sedentárias ou insuficientemente ativas e no grupo de não usuárias de THM (p<0,05). Quanto à obesidade abdominal, fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), apenas o grau de instrução mostrou-se associado à RCQ (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: mulheres após a menopausa, fisicamente ativas e usuárias de THM exibiram menor prevalência de obesidade global, porém a prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi alta e ainda maior nas mulheres com menor grau de instrução
Background: Brazilian propolis type 6 (Atlantic forest, Bahia) is distinct from the other types of propolis especially due to absence of flavonoids and presence of other non-polar, long chain compounds, but presenting good in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity. Several authors have suggested that fatty acids found in this propolis might be responsible for its antimicrobial activity; however, so far no evidence concerning this finding has been reported in the literature. The goals of this study were to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the main pure fatty acids in the ethanolic extract and fractions and elucidate the chemical nature of the bioactive compounds isolated from Brazilian propolis type 6. Methods: Brazilian propolis type 6 ethanolic extract (EEP), hexane fraction (H-Fr), major fatty acids, and isolated sub-fractions were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), high resolution gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (HRGC-FID), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Three sub-fractions of H-Fr were obtained through preparative HPLC. Antimicrobial activity of EEP, H-Fr, sub-fractions, and fatty acids were tested against Staphyloccus aureus ATCC 25923 and Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt 1600 using minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). Results: EEP and H-Fr inhibited the growth of the microorganisms tested; nevertheless, no antimicrobial activity was found for the major fatty acids. The three sub-fractions (1, 2, and 3) were isolated from H-Fr by preparative HPLC and only sub-fraction 1 showed antimicrobial activity. Conclusion: a) The major fatty acids tested were not responsible for the antimicrobial activity of propolis type 6; b) Sub-fraction 1, belonging to the benzophenone class, was responsible for the antimicrobial activity observed in the present study. The identification of the bioactive compound will improve the development of more efficient uses of this natural product.
The heartwood of candeia tree is a source of essential oil rich in alpha-bisabolol, a substance widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Bearing in mind the economic importance of alpha-bisabolol, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of tree age on the yield and content of alpha-bisabolol present in essential oil from candeia, considering two distinct reliefs and three diameter classes, in Aiuruoca region, south Minas Gerais state. The two distinct reliefs correspond respectively to one section of the stand growing at 1,000m of altitude (Area 1) and another section growing at 1,100m of altitude (Area 2). In each section, 15 trees were felled from among 3 different diameter classes. Discs were removed from the base of each tree to estimate their age by doing growth ring count. Soil samples were taken and Subjected to physical and chemical analysis. The logs were reduced into chips and random samples were taken for distillation to extract essential oil. The method used was steam distillation at a pressure of 2 kgf/cm(2)/2.5 h. The chemical analysis was performed in a gas chromatograph (GC) based on the alpha-bisabolol standard reference. The yield of essential oil from trees in Area I was higher than that from trees in Area 2, with the same pattern of influence for older trees. In Area 2, the alpha-bisabolol content was higher in younger trees. No differences were found between the relevant parameters in relation to diameter classes.
We described herein the use of imidazolium ionic liquids [bmim]PF(6) and [bmim]BF(4) in the selective, metal and catalyst-free synthesis of unsymmetrical diaryl selenides by electrophilic substitution in arylboron reagents with arylselenium halides (Cl and Br) at room temperature. This is a general substitution reaction and it was performed with arylboronic acids or potassium aryltrifluoroborates bearing electron-withdrawing or electron-donating groups, affording the corresponding diaryl selenides in good to excellent yields. The ionic liquid [bmim][PF(6)] was easily recovered and utilized for further substitution reactions.
The goal of the study was to evaluate the ability of filamentous fungi to biotransform the pentacyclic triterpene lupeol. The microbial transformations were carried out in shake flasks in different media. Experiments were also run with control flasks. Samples of each culture were taken every 24 hours, extracted with ethyl acetate, and analyzed by GC-MS. The biotransformation of lupeol by Aspergillus ochraceus and Mucor rouxii afforded two compounds in each culture, which were detected in the cultures developed for more than seven days only in the Koch's K1 medium. The obtained data demonstrated that A. ochraceus is a good biocatalyst to introduce double bonds in the lupeol structure, whereas M. rouxii exhibits ability to biocatalyze oxygen insertions in that pentacyclic triterpene. Mass spectrometry was demonstrated to be an efficient analytical method to select promising biocatalysts for the compound investigated in this study. The biotransformation processes were influenced by the culture medium and incubation period. The obtained results open the perspective of using A. ochraceus and M. rouxii in pentacyclic triterpene biotransformations.