826 resultados para Gadd, Pehr Adrian
Tachia sp. are used as antimalarials in the Amazon Region and in vivo antimalarial activity of a Tachia sp. has been previously reported. Tachia grandiflora Maguire and Weaver is an Amazonian antimalarial plant and herein its cytotoxicity and antimalarial activity were investigated. Spectral analysis of the tetraoxygenated xanthone decussatin and the iridoid aglyone amplexine isolated, respectively, from the chloroform fractions of root methanol and leaf ethanol extracts was performed. In vitro inhibition of the growth of Plasmodium falciparum Welch was evaluated using optical microscopy on blood smears. Crude extracts of leaves and roots were inactive in vitro. However, chloroform fractions of the root and leaf extracts [half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 10.5 and 35.8 µg/mL, respectively] and amplexine (IC50= 7.1 µg/mL) were active in vitro. Extracts and fractions were not toxic to type MRC-5 human fibroblasts (IC50> 50 µg/mL). Water extracts of the roots of T. grandiflora administered by mouth were the most active extracts in the Peters 4-day suppression test in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice. At 500 mg/kg/day, these extracts exhibited 45-59% inhibition five to seven days after infection. T. grandiflora infusions, fractions and isolated substance have potential as antimalarials.
The interaction of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase with supercoiled DNA was visualized by cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified samples and by classical electron microscopy methods. We observed that when E. coli RNA polymerase binds to a promoter on supercoiled DNA, this promoter becomes located at an apical loop of the interwound DNA molecule. During transcription RNA polymerase shifts the apical loop along the DNA, always remaining at the top of the moving loop. This relationship between RNA polymerase and the supercoiled template precludes circling of the RNA polymerase around the DNA and prevents the growing RNA transcript from becoming entangled with the template DNA.
This article analyzes if, and to what extent, the public service motivation (PSM) construct has an added value to explain work motivation in the public sector. In order to address the specificity of PSM when studying work motivation, the theoretical model underlying this empirical study compares PSM with two other explanatory factors: material incentives, such as performance-related pay, and team relations and support, such as recognition by superiors. This theoretical model is then tested with data collected in a national survey of 3,754 civil servants at the Swiss municipal level. Results of a structural equations model clearly show the relevance of PSM. They also provide evidence for the importance of socio-relational motivating factors, whereas material incentives play an anecdotal role.
Purpose: Invasion and migration are key processes of glioblastoma and are tightly linked to tumor recurrence. Integrin inhibition using cilengitide has shown synergy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy in vitro and promising activity in recurrent glioblastoma. This multicenter, phase I/IIa study investigated the efficacy and safety of cilengitide in combination with standard chemoradiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Patients and Methods: Patients (age >= 18 to >= 70 years) were treated with cilengitide (500 mg) administered twice weekly intravenously in addition to standard radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide. Treatment was continued until disease progression or for up to 35 weeks. The primary end point was progression-free survival (PFS) at 6 months. Results: Fifty-two patients ( median age, 57 years; 62% male) were included. Six- and 12-month PFS rates were 69% (95% CI, 54% to 80%) and 33% ( 95% CI, 21% to 46%). Median PFS was 8 months ( 95% CI, 6.0 to 10.7 months). Twelve- and 24-month overall survival ( OS) rates were 68% ( 95% CI, 53% to 79%) and 35% ( 95% CI, 22% to 48%). Median OS was 16.1 months ( 95% CI, 13.1 to 23.2 months). PFS and OS were longer in patients with tumors with O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation (13.4 and 23.2 months) versus those without MGMT promoter methylation (3.4 and 13.1 months). The combination of cilengitide with temozolomide and radiotherapy was well tolerated, with no additional toxicity. No pharmacokinetic interactions between temozolomide and cilengitide were identified. Conclusion: Compared with historical controls, the addition of concomitant and adjuvant cilengitide to standard chemoradiotherapy demonstrated promising activity in patients with glioblastoma with MGMT promoter methylation. J Clin Oncol 28:2712-2718. (C) 2010 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Ladam (Nicaise). Epistre de la cité de Rodes (1522)
Ladam (Nicaise). Epistel van de stadt van Rodes (1522)
We present a model of shadow banking in which financial intermediaries originate and trade loans, assemble these loans into diversified portfolios, and then finance these portfolios externally with riskless debt. In this model: i) outside investor wealth drives the demand for riskless debt and indirectly for securitization, ii) intermediary assets and leverage move together as in Adrian and Shin (2010), and iii) intermediaries increase their exposure to systematic risk as they reduce their idiosyncratic risk through diversification, as in Acharya, Schnabl, and Suarez (2010). Under rational expectations, the shadow banking system is stable and improves welfare. When investors and intermediaries neglect tail risks, however, the expansion of risky lending and the concentration of risks in the intermediaries create financial fragility and fluctuations in liquidity over time.
Cordiluroides Albuquerque is a genus of Neotropical Coenosiinae (Muscidae), known from six species. The genus is here recorded for the first time from Costa Rica, on the basis of three species: C. listrata Albuquerque, 1954, C. insularis (Willliston, 1896) and C. bistriata (Wulp, 1896) sp. rev.. We provide a key for the identification of these Costa Rican species, redescribe and illustrate their external morphological characters and terminalia. C. bistriata and C. vittifera (Stein, 1904) are both considered to be good species and are re-instated from the synonymy of C. insularis. The type material of C. listrata (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro), of C. insularis and C. bistriata (The Natural History Museum, London) and of C. vittifera (Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) has been examined.
The shape of supercoiled DNA molecules in solution is directly visualized by cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified samples. We observe that: (i) supercoiled DNA molecules in solution adopt an interwound rather than a toroidal form, (ii) the diameter of the interwound superhelix changes from about 12 nm to 4 nm upon addition of magnesium salt to the solution and (iii) the partition of the linking deficit between twist and writhe can be quantitatively determined for individual molecules.
Résumé : Le virus de la maladie de Carré (en anglais: canine distemper virus, CDV) qui est pathogène pour les chiens et autres carnivores, est très semblable au virus de la rougeole humaine (en anglais MV). Ces deux virus font partie du genre des Morbillivirus qui appartient à la famille des Paramyxoviridae. Ils induisent des complications dans le système nerveux central (SNC). Au stade précoce et aigu de l'infection du SNC, le CDV induit une démyélinisation (1). Ce stade évolue dans certains cas vers une infection chronique avec progression de la démyélinisation. Pendant le stade précoce, qui suit en général de trois semaines les premiers symptômes, le processus de démyélinisation est associé à la réplication du virus et n'est pas considéré comme inflammatoire (1). Par contre, au stade chronique, la progression des plaques de démyélinisation semble être plutôt liée à des processus immunogènes caractéristiques (2), retrouvés également dans la sclérose en plaques (SEP) chez les humains. Pour cette raison, le CDV est considéré comme un modèle pour la SEP humaine et aussi pour l'étude des maladies et complications induites par les Morbillivirus en général (3). Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons utilisé la souche A75/17-CDV, qui est considérée comme le modèle des souches neurovirulentes de CDV. Nous avons cherché en premier lieu à établir un système robuste pour infecter des cultures neuronales avec le CDV. Nous avons choisi les cultures primaires de l'hippocampe du nouveau-né de rat (4), que nous avons ensuite infecté avec une version modifiée du A75/17, appelée rgA75/17-V (5). Dans ces cultures, nous avons prouvé que le CDV infecte des neurones et des astrocytes. Malgré une infection qui se diffuse lentement entre les cellules, cette infection cause une mort massive aussi bien des neurones infectés que non infectés. En parallèle, les astrocytes perdent leur morphologie de type étoilé pour un type polygonal. Finalment, nous avons trouvé une augmentation importante de la concentration en glutamate dans le milieu de culture, qui laisse présumer une sécrétion de glutamate par les cultures infectées (6). Nous avons ensuite étudié le mécanisme des effets cytopathiques induits par le CDV. Nous avons d'abord démontré que les glycoprotéines de surface F et H du CDV s'accumulent massivement dans le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Cette accumulation déclenche un stress du RE, qui est caractérisé par une forte expression du facteur de transcription proapoptotique CHOP/GADD 153 et de le la calreticuline (CRT). La CRT est une protéine chaperonne localisée dans le RE et impliquée dans l'homéostasie du calcium (Ca2+) et dans le repliement des protéines. En transfectant des cellules de Vero avec des plasmides codant pour plusieurs mutants de la glycoprotéine F de CDV, nous avons démontré une corrélation entre l'accumulation des protéines virales dans le RE et l'augmentation de l'expression de CRT, le stress du RE et la perte de l'homéostasie du Ca2+. Nous avons obtenu des résultats semblables avec des cultures de cellules primaires de cerveau de rat. Ces résultats suggèrent que la CRT joue un rôle crucial dans les phénomènes neurodégénératifs pendant l'infection du SNC, notamment par le relazgage du glutamate via le Ca2+. De manière intéressante, nous démontrons également que l'infection de CDV induit une fragmentation atypique de la CRT. Cette fragmentation induit une re-localisation et une exposition sélective de fragments amino-terminaux de la CRT, connus pour êtres fortement immunogènes à la surface des cellules infectées et non infectées. A partir de ce résultat et des résultats précédents, nous proposons le mécanisme suivant: après l'infection par le CDV, la rétention dans le RE des protéines F et H provoque un stress du RE et une perte de l'homéostasie du Ca2+. Ceci induit la libération du glutamate, qui cause une dégénération rapide du SNC (sur plusieurs jours ou semaines) correspondant à la phase aiguë de la maladie chez le chien. En revanche, les fragments amino-terminaux de la CRT libérés à la surface des cellules infectées peuvent avoir un rôle important dans l'établissement d'une démyélinisation d'origine immunogène, typique de la phase chronique de l'infection de CDV. Summary : The dog pathogen canine distemper virus (CDV), closely related to the human pathogen measles virus (MV), belongs to the Morbillivirus genus of the Paramyxoviridae family. Both CDV and NIV induce complications in the central nervous system (CNS). In the acute early stage of the infection in CNS, the CDV infection induces demyelination. This stage is sometimes followed by a late persistent stage of infection with a progression of the demyelinating lesions (1). The acute early stage occurs around three weeks after the infection and demyelinating processes are associated with active virus replication and are not associated to inflammation (1). In contrast during late persistent stage, the demyelination plaque progression seems to be mainly due to an immunopathological process (2), which characteristics are shared in many aspects with the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). For these reasons, CDV is considered as a model for human multiple sclerosis, as well as for the study of Morbillivirus-mediated pathogenesis (3). In our laboratory, we used the A75/17-CDV strain that is considered to be the prototype of neurovirulent CDV strain. We first sought to establish a well characterized and robust model for CDV infection of a neuronal culture. We chose primary cultures from newborn rat hippocampes (4) that we infected with a modified version of A75/17, called rgA75/17-V (5). In these cultures, we showed that CDV infects both neurons and astrocytes. While the infection spreads only slowly to neighbouring cells, it causes a massive death of neurons, which includes also non-infected neurons. In parallel, astrocytes undergo morphological changes from the stellate type to the polygonal type. The pharmacological blocking of the glutamate receptors revealed an implication of glutamatergic signalling in the virus-mediated cytopathic effect. Finally, we found a drastic increase concentration of glutamate in the culture medium, suggesting that glutamate was released from the cultured cells (6). We further studied the mechanism of the CDV-induced cytopathic effects. We first demonstrated that the CDV surface glycoprotein F and H markedly accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This accumulation triggers an ER stress, which is characterized by increased expression of the proapoptotic transcription factor CHOP/GADD 153 and calreticulin (CRT). CRT is an ER resident chaperon involved in the Ca2+ homeostasis and in the response to misfolded proteins. Transfections of Vero cells with plasmids encoding various CDV glycoprotein mutants reveal a correlation between accumulation of viral proteins in the ER, CRT overexpression, ER stress and alteration of ER Ca2+ homeostasis. Importantly, similar results are also obtained in primary cell cultures from rat brain. These results suggest that CRT plays a crucial role in CNS infection, particularly due to CRT involvement in Ca2+ mediated glutamate releases, and subsequent neurodegenerative disorders. Very intriguingly, we also demonstrated that CDV infection induces an atypical CRT fragmentation, with relocalisation and selective exposure of the highly immunogenic CRT N-terminal fragments at the surface of infected and neighbouring non-infected cells. Altogether our results combined with previous findings suggest the following scenario. After CDV infection, F and H retention alter Ca2+ homeostasis, and induce glutamate release, which in turn causes rapid CNS degeneration (within days or a week) corresponding to the acute phase of the disease in dogs. In contrast, the CRT N-terminal fragments released at the surface of infected cells may rather have an important role in the establishment of the autoimmune demyelination in the late stage of CDV infection.
Travaux effectués dans le cadre de l'étude "Case Mix" menée par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne et le Service de la santé publique et de la planification sanitaire du canton de Vaud, en collaboration avec les cantons de Berne, Fribourg, Genève, Jura, Neuchâtel, Soleure, Tessin et Valais
This article examines the relationship between red tape, Public Service Motivation (PSM) and a particular work outcome labelled 'resigned satisfaction'. Using data from a national survey of over 3754 public servants working at the municipal level in Switzerland, this study shows the importance of looking more closely at the concept of work satisfaction and, furthermore, of thoroughly investigating the impact of the different PSM dimensions on work outcomes. Unsurprisingly, research findings show that red tape is the most important predictor of resignation. Nevertheless, when PSM dimensions are analysed separately, results demonstrate that 'commitment to public interest/civic duty' and, to a lesser extent, 'attraction to policy-making' decrease resignation, whereas 'compassion' and 'self-sacrifice' increase it. This study thus highlights some of the negative (or undesirable) effects of PSM that have not been previously addressed in PSM literature.