937 resultados para Expressões idiomaticas
Com o objetivo de indicar pesticidas que devem ser monitorados em frutas, foi estimado o fator de bioconcentração (BCF) de 36 pesticidas em maçã selecionados do sistema de produção integrada de maçã (PIM). O BCF é um indicador da afinidade de substâncias por organismos. Para estimar o BCF foi utilizado o modelo FTM-p (Fruit Tree Model to Pesticide) [PARAÍBA, L.C. Pesticide bioconcentration modelling for fruit trees. Chemosphere, v.66, p.1468-1475, 2007] e um cultivo hipotético de macieiras. No modelo FTM-p, o valor do BCF foi correlacionado com características fisiológicas da planta e com propriedades físico-químicas dos pesticidas. Na estimativa foram utilizados os tempos de meia-vida no solo e na planta de cada um dos pesticidas. Da planta foram utilizados a biomassa seca, a taxa de transpiração de água e o volume do fluxo de água necessário para produzir um quilo de fruta fresca por planta. O coeficiente de partição tronco-água e o fator de concentração no fluxo de transpiração foram calculados por meio de expressões que correlacionam cada um desses parâmetros com o coeficiente de partição octanol-água do pesticida.
A cultura da cana-de-açúcar vem sofrendo mudanças, de âmbitos tecnológicos e sociais, profundas nesta década, procurando se adaptar às demandas de produção com alta produtividade, competitividade e respeito ao meio ambiente. Apesar de o Brasil ser o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar, ainda pratica a queima da palha do canavial para facilitar a colheita, o que gera prejuízos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Sem essa queima (Decreto n.° 42056 do Estado de SP), a cobertura do solo pela palhada irá provocar significativas mudanças no manejo da cultura e na dinâmica do nitrogênio. Dada a complexibilidade do ciclo de nitrogênio no solo, seus vários caminhos de transformação, e as variações climáticas, é difícil a determinação do melhor manejo do nitrogênio em sistemas de cultivo, pois não há análise de solo para apoiar o agricultor no seu manejo. Modelos de Simulação que descrevem as transformações do nitrogênio do solo podem prever valores e direcionar o melhor manejo do nitrogênio, tanto do ponto de vista da produtividade da cana como da qualidade ambiental. Assim, o modelo preliminar proposto na Fase I deste estudo em Relatório Técnico 22, da Embrapa informática Agropecuária, foi, nesta Fase II do projeto, ajustado com valores para solos tropicais e reconstruído no software de Simulação STELLA, agregando-se todo o conhecimento disponível em expressões matemáticas sobre esse assunto. Procedendo-se a simulação numérica em situações usuais, geraram-se como resultados, cenários que permitiram discussões técnicas sobre o melhoria do manejo do fertilizante nitrogenado. Concluiu-se que, apesar da complexa dinâmica do nitrogênio no sistema solo-planta e das dificuldades inerentes à medida de formas disponíveis de N, o modelo ajustado apresentou-se como uma alternativa para pesquisadores, técnicos e produtores no entendimento dos processos que envolvem o nitrogênio no sistema, auxiliando na busca por soluções para o melhor manejo de fertilizantes nitrogenados à cultura da cana-de-açúcar para manutenção de produtividades adequadas.
Zwiększanie składu Parlamentu Europejskiego jest zjawiskiem zrozumiałym i związanym z rozszerzaniem się Unii o kolejne państwa. Zazwyczaj zwiększenie składu PE następuje wraz z rozpoczęciem nowej kadencji. Niniejszy artykuł omawia jednakże przypadek zwiększenia składu PE podczas trwającej kadencji. Konieczność zwiększenia liczby mandatów przypadających części państw wywołana została wejściem w życie Traktatu Lizbońskiego, przewidującego zwiększenie liczby mandatów do PE z 736 do 754. W Traktacie nie umieszczono przepisu wskazującego, że przepisy dotyczące składu PE wejdą w życie od nowej kadencji, co zrodziło szereg problemów związanych przede wszystkim z wyborem trybu obsady dodatkowych mandatów. Rada Europejska zaproponowała 3 sposoby obsady dodatkowych mandatów: na podstawie wyników wyborów z czerwca 2009 r., w drodze wyborów przeprowadzonych ad hoc, przez parlamenty narodowe spośród swych członków. Wszystkie państwa członkowskie, w tym Polska, zdecydowały się na wybór pierwszego ze wskazanych sposobów. Zdaniem autora, przyjęty w Polsce sposób obsady dodatkowego mandatu dokonany na podstawie przeprowadzonych już wyborów jest wątpliwy z punktu widzenia zgodności z Konstytucją RP.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Antropologia
Recent work has shown equivalences between various type systems and flow logics. Ideally, the translations upon which such equivalences are based should be faithful in the sense that information is not lost in round-trip translations from flows to types and back or from types to flows and back. Building on the work of Nielson & Nielson and of Palsberg & Pavlopoulou, we present the first faithful translations between a class of finitary polyvariant flow analyses and a type system supporting polymorphism in the form of intersection and union types. Additionally, our flow/type correspondence solves several open problems posed by Palsberg & Pavlopoulou: (1) it expresses call-string based polyvariance (such as k-CFA) as well as argument based polyvariance; (2) it enjoys a subject reduction property for flows as well as for types; and (3) it supports a flow-oriented perspective rather than a type-oriented one.
The differentiation of stem cells into multiple lineages has been explored in vascular regenerative medicine. However, in the case of smooth muscle cells (SMC), issues exist concerning inefficient rates of differentiation. In stem cells, multiple repressors potentially downregulate myocardin, the potent SRF coactivator induced SMC transcription including Krüppel like zinc finger transcription factor-4 (KLF4). This thesis aimed to explore the role of KLF4 in the regulation of myocardin gene expression in human smooth muscle stem/progenitor cells (hSMSPC), a novel circulating stem cell identified in our laboratory which expresses low levels of myocardin and higher levels of KLF4. hSMSPC cells cultured in SmGM2 1% FBS with TGF-β1 (5 ng/ml “differentiation media”) show limited SMC cell differentiation potential. Furthermore, myocardin transduced hSMSPC cells cultured in differentiation media induced myofilamentous SMC like cells with expression of SM markers. Five potential KLF4 binding sites were identified in silico within 3.9Kb upstream of the translational start site of the human myocardin promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays verified that endogenous KLF4 binds the human myocardin promoter at -3702bp with Respect to the translation start site (-1). Transduction of lentiviral vectors encoding either myocardin cDNA (LV_myocardin) or KLF4 targeting shRNA (LV_shKLF4 B) induced human myocardin promoter activity in hSMSPCs. Silencing of KLF4 expression in differentiation media induced smooth muscle like morphology by day 5 in culture and increased overtime with expression of SMC markers in hSMSPCs. Implantation of silastic tubes into the rat peritoneal cavity induces formation of a tissue capsule structure which may be used as vascular grafts. Rat SMSPCs integrate into, strengthen and enhance the SMC component of such tubular capsules. These data demonstrate that KLF4 directly represses myocardin gene expression in hSMSPCs, which when differentiated, provide a potential source of SMCs in the development of autologous vascular grafts in regenerative medicine.
Reflecting on Gus Van Sant’s films Gerry (2003) Elephant (2004) and Last Days (2005), the director’s long-term sound-designer Leslie Shatz observed that “You have to get into the totality of the experience and not just the dialogue”. Shatz’s comment expresses something fundamental about the experimental approach to cinema and to soundscapes undertaken by Van Sant in these three films, unofficially known as the “Death Trilogy”. This thesis contends that Van Sant makes deliberate aesthetic choices which do indicate a distinctly “auteurist” leaning. However, I also argue that intertextual elements, prior knowledge, and audience participation in meaningmaking enhance the experience of, and reveal the nuances in, the soundtracks themselves. This thesis aims to contribute to a growing body of work within filmmusic scholarship concerned with resisting a traditional bias in the field: that film music should be understood as a means of characterisation and as emotional signifier. The films of the “Death Quartet”, which includes Paranoid Park (2007), I believe, offer fertile ground on which to explore these new approaches. It is my contention that these films deconstruct the traditional approach to soundtracking and the relationship between soundtrack and character, and that only an approach sensitive to the aesthetic and philosophical functions of music and sound can adequately acknowledge their unique cinematic qualities.
The child is the most precious asset and the focal point of development for any country. However, unless children are brought up in a stimulating and conducive environment getting the best possible care and protection, their physical, mental, emotional and social development is susceptible to permanent damage. Ethiopia, being one of the least developed countries of the world due to interrelated and complex socio-economic factors including man-made and natural calamities, a large portion of our population - especially children - are victimized by social evils like famine, disease, poverty, mass displacement, lack of education and family instability. Owing to the fact that children are the most vulnerable group among the whole society and also because they constitute half of the population it is evident that a considerable number of Ethiopian children are living under difficult circumstances. Therefore, as in a number of other third world countries there are many poor, displaced, unaccompanied and orphaned children in our country. A considerable proportion of these children work on the street with some even totally living on the street without any adult care and protection. These children are forced to the streets in their tight for survival. They supplement their parents meagre income or support themselves with the small incomes they earn doing menial jobs. In doing this, street children face the danger of getting into accidents and violence, they get exploited and abused, many are forced to drop out of school or never get the chance to be enroled at all and some drift into begging or petty crime. This study is undertaken mainly for updating the findings of previous studies, monitoring changing trends, examining new facts of the problem and getting a better understanding of the phenomenon in the country by covering at least some of the major centres where the problem is acute. Thus, the outcome of this research can be useful in the formation of the social welfare programme of the country. Finally, in recognition of the urgency of the problem and the limited resources available, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs expresses appreciation to all agencies engaged in the rehabilitation of street children and prevention of the problem. The Ministry also calls for more co-operation and support between concerned governmental and non-governmental organizations in their efforts for improving the situation of street children and in curbing the overwhelming nature of the problem.
The novel immune-type receptors (NITRs), which have been described in numerous bony fish species, are encoded by multigene families of inhibitory and activating receptors and are predicted to be functional orthologs to the mammalian natural killer cell receptors (NKRs). Within the zebrafish NITR family, nitr9 is the only gene predicted to encode an activating receptor. However, alternative RNA splicing generates three distinct nitr9 transcripts, each of which encodes a different isoform. Although nitr9 transcripts have been detected in zebrafish lymphocytes, the specific hematopoietic lineage(s) that expresses Nitr9 remains to be determined. In an effort to better understand the role of NITRs in zebrafish immunity, anti-Nitr9 monoclonal antibodies were generated and evaluated for the ability to recognize the three Nitr9 isoforms. The application of these antibodies to flow cytometry should prove to be useful for identifying the specific lymphocyte lineages that express Nitr9 and may permit the isolation of Nitr9-expressing cells that can be directly assessed for cytotoxic (e.g. NK) function.
Transsynaptic tracing has become a powerful tool used to analyze central efferents that regulate peripheral targets through multi-synaptic circuits. This approach has been most extensively used in the brain by utilizing the swine pathogen pseudorabies virus (PRV)(1). PRV does not infect great apes, including humans, so it is most commonly used in studies on small mammals, especially rodents. The pseudorabies strain PRV152 expresses the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) reporter gene and only crosses functional synapses retrogradely through the hierarchical sequence of synaptic connections away from the infection site(2,3). Other PRV strains have distinct microbiological properties and may be transported in both directions (PRV-Becker and PRV-Kaplan)(4,5). This protocol will deal exclusively with PRV152. By delivering the virus at a peripheral site, such as muscle, it is possible to limit the entry of the virus into the brain through a specific set of neurons. The resulting pattern of eGFP signal throughout the brain then resolves the neurons that are connected to the initially infected cells. As the distributed nature of transsynaptic tracing with pseudorabies virus makes interpreting specific connections within an identified network difficult, we present a sensitive and reliable method employing biotinylated dextran amines (BDA) and cholera toxin subunit b (CTb) for confirming the connections between cells identified using PRV152. Immunochemical detection of BDA and CTb with peroxidase and DAB (3, 3'-diaminobenzidine) was chosen because they are effective at revealing cellular processes including distal dendrites(6-11).
BACKGROUND: Most individuals infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not develop tuberculosis (TB) and can be regarded as being protected by an appropriate immune response to the infection. The characterization of the immune responses of individuals with latent TB may thus be helpful in the definition of correlates of protection and the development of new vaccine strategies. The highly protective antigen heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) induces strong interferon (IFN)- gamma responses during latent, but not active, TB. Because of the recently recognized importance of CD8(+) T lymphocytes in anti-TB immunity, we characterized the CD8(+) T lymphocyte responses to HBHA in subjects with latent TB. RESULTS: HBHA-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes expressed memory cell markers and synthesized HBHA-specific IFN- gamma .They also restricted mycobacterial growth and expressed cytotoxicity by a granule-dependent mechanism. This activity was associated with the intracellular expression of HBHA-induced perforin. Surprisingly, the perforin-producing CD8(+) T lymphocytes were distinct from the IFN- gamma -producing CD8(+) T lymphocytes. CONCLUSION: During latent TB, the HBHA-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte population expresses all 3 effector functions associated with CD8(+) T lymphocyte-mediated protective immune mechanisms, which supports the notion that HBHA may be protective in humans and suggests that markers of HBHA-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte responses may be useful in the monitoring of protection.
Interactions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with macrophages have long been recognized to be crucial to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis. The role of non-phagocytic cells is less well known. We have discovered a M. tuberculosis surface protein that interacts specifically with non-phagocytic cells, expresses hemagglutination activity and binds to sulfated glycoconjugates. It is therefore called heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA). HBHA-deficient M. tuberculosis mutant strains are significantly impaired in their ability to disseminate from the lungs to other tissues, suggesting that the interaction with non-phagocytic cells, such as pulmonary epithelial cells, may play an important role in the extrapulmonary dissemination of the tubercle bacillus, one of the key steps that may lead to latency. Latently infected human individuals mount a strong T cell response to HBHA, whereas patients with active disease do not, suggesting that HBHA is a good marker for the immunodiagnosis of latent tuberculosis, and that HBHA-specific Th1 responses may contribute to protective immunity against active tuberculosis. Strong HBHA-mediated immuno-protection was shown in mouse challenge models. HBHA is a methylated protein and its antigenicity in latently infected subjects, as well as its protective immunogenicity strongly depends on the methylation pattern of HBHA. In both mice and man, the HBHA-specific IFN-gamma was produced by both the CD4(+) and the CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, the HBHA-specific CD8(+) T cells expressed bactericidal and cytotoxic activities to mycobacteria-infected macrophages. This latter activity is most likely perforin mediated. Together, these observations strongly support the potential of methylated HBHA as an important component in future, acellular vaccines against tuberculosis.
The PEA3 group members PEA3, ER81 and ERM, which are highly conserved transcription factors from the Ets family, are over-expressed in metastatic mammary tumors. In the current study, we present the characterization of a transgenic mouse strain which over-expresses ER81 in the mammary gland via the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus (LTR-MMTV). Although six genotypically positive transgenic lines were identified, only one expressed the ectopic transcript with an exclusive expression in the lactating and late-pregnancy (18th day) mammary glands. No mammary tumor or mammary deregulation appeared after 2 years of ectopic ER81 expression following lactation. We then sought to identify ER81 target genes, and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and the stromelysin-1, two enzymes involved in extracellular matrix degradation, were found to be transcriptionally upregulated in lactating mammary glands over-expressing ER81. Since these enzymes are involved in metastasis, this murine model could be further used to enhance mammary cancer metastatic process by crossing these animals with mice carrying non-metastatic mammary tumors. We thus created a transgenic mouse model permitting the over-expression of a functionally active Ets transcription factor in the mammary gland without perturbing its development.
Cinema, with its passive cinematic apparatus and linear narrative is often characterised as a contrast to new media narrative strategies, yet from Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera to Mike Figgis’ TimeCode and Wong Kar Wei’s 2046 cinema provides narrative strategies and spatial conceptualisations which prefigure or are contiguous with new media environments. Both our perception of what cyberspace constitutes and the technology that actualises those perceptions arise out of and are driven by fantasy and desire. This paper will explore the metaphors used to represent and understand new media aesthetics through cinematic representations of new media environments. Two key themes relevant to new media aesthetics emerge. Irigaray, Haraway, and Grosz are used to explore the de-essentialising haptic and penetrative potential of new technologies and their ability to collapse the boundary between the body and the machine. The second fantasy, of new media as a liminal space that expresses the memorialising function of technology and its relation to mourning, is analysed using Benjamin, Burgin and Rutsky. These altered spaces and perceptions of the body and memory of the post-cinematic subject are illustrated through an analysis of Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Jonze’s Being John Malkovich. [From the Author]