938 resultados para Dívida pública, administração, Brasil


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The new management models have led to the reorganization of institutions today. Much is made in improving the delivery of public services entities, and they have sought to adopt these new initiatives in order to improve the quality of the product or service offered to users. The modernization of the management model at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) strengthened by the accession of the institution to GesPública Program, which focuses on the management modernization leading institutions to seek ways to fit to meet the demands proposed the Program. Therefore, the Department of Personnel Administration (DAP) has structured its processes and procedures using the mapping tool processes. This research starts from the question: what were the results obtained with the implementation of the management and process mapping of PAD? It is proposed as a general objective to analyze the management and the mapping of that Board processes, identifying the possible benefits in improving the quality of the services provided to users. The specific objectives to achieve results, are pointed out: describe how you carried out the implementation of the management and process mapping in DAP and how it is working at the moment; examine the line in the relationship between the actions developed by the DAP and modern theories of this theme; identify the evolution of the sector with the measures adopted and the results obtained with the implementation of the mapping tool. In the theoretical framework, it was approached a brief history of the evolution of public administration in Brazil, GesPública program and its importance for process management in public institutions as well as the Management and Process Mapping. The context of the study was the DAP, and participants were managers of the institution in the survey. Data collection was done through the study of the institution's documents, bibliography analysis available on the topic, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with professionals of the institution involved with the object of study, since its inception until July 2015, when it was finished the search. As a result, were listed: the motivation, importance, benefits and innovations that management and the mapping of processes brought to the institution, point out what has been improved in the service users and the tools used. We also analyze the main problems identified during the implementation of the mapping. As a suggestion, it was analyzed how these procedures can, if possible, be extended to other sectors of UFRN.


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The new management models have led to the reorganization of institutions today. Much is made in improving the delivery of public services entities, and they have sought to adopt these new initiatives in order to improve the quality of the product or service offered to users. The modernization of the management model at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) strengthened by the accession of the institution to GesPública Program, which focuses on the management modernization leading institutions to seek ways to fit to meet the demands proposed the Program. Therefore, the Department of Personnel Administration (DAP) has structured its processes and procedures using the mapping tool processes. This research starts from the question: what were the results obtained with the implementation of the management and process mapping of PAD? It is proposed as a general objective to analyze the management and the mapping of that Board processes, identifying the possible benefits in improving the quality of the services provided to users. The specific objectives to achieve results, are pointed out: describe how you carried out the implementation of the management and process mapping in DAP and how it is working at the moment; examine the line in the relationship between the actions developed by the DAP and modern theories of this theme; identify the evolution of the sector with the measures adopted and the results obtained with the implementation of the mapping tool. In the theoretical framework, it was approached a brief history of the evolution of public administration in Brazil, GesPública program and its importance for process management in public institutions as well as the Management and Process Mapping. The context of the study was the DAP, and participants were managers of the institution in the survey. Data collection was done through the study of the institution's documents, bibliography analysis available on the topic, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with professionals of the institution involved with the object of study, since its inception until July 2015, when it was finished the search. As a result, were listed: the motivation, importance, benefits and innovations that management and the mapping of processes brought to the institution, point out what has been improved in the service users and the tools used. We also analyze the main problems identified during the implementation of the mapping. As a suggestion, it was analyzed how these procedures can, if possible, be extended to other sectors of UFRN.


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The research aimed to understand the challenges for the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP. This study aimed to explore the gap with regard to the deepening of the possible causes that may hinder the implementation of integrated working between the police in public security, through a specific analysis on the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Was based on a theoretical framework that includes policies: general concepts, the steps of a public policy, the implementation stage , public security : conceptual definitions, policies on security in Brazil, the structure of public security in Brazil and systems police, Military Police x Civil Police: Roles and conflicts , integrating public security: the challenges to be overcome, the Unified public Safety (SUSP) and the main difficulties in the integration of the police. Being classified as to the purposes as an exploratory research on how to approach ranks as qualitative. The research unit was the Center for Integrated Operations Public Safety (CIOSP) through three subjects who were the chief CIOSP, the representative of the military police acting with the CIOSP, and representative civil police also active with the CIOSP. These subjects were chosen because of the understanding that individuals occupying senior positions would have more ability to respond to questions that guide the research problem. Data were collected through a set of interviews, qualitative data analysis was performed based content analysis, based on the definition of categories of analysis, gated time cross. With the results, it was revealed that the main problems of integration between the state police are treatment protocols, lack of political will and lack of infrastructure. The relationship between the Military Police and Civil Police in Rio Grande do Norte has differing cultural aspect, but can be considered as good value, professionalism and integrated operations. The implementation of CIOSP-RN followed the characteristics of the top-down model, the main difficulties in implementing the proposals of the SUSP, lack of own resources, the lack of standardization in public safety and the lack of professional training of public safety. It was concluded that with respect to the challenges to the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP, the actions follow the characteristics of the top-down model, with no autonomy of administrators public to say in decisions, which restricts the view of the public safety of the state


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Everyone has a right to health and the State’s duty is to provide it. SUS (unified health system) main principles are universalization, integrality and equality which are based on the decentralization, regionalization and hierarchization directives and shows the importance of a territorial perspective for planning healthcare actions. Decentralization was the strategy chosen to implant SUS, since municipalities were in charge of providing and organizing the municipal healthcare services. Nevertheless regionalization, that’s to say service, institution and practice integration, was not performed satisfactorily, thus jeopardizing the health system decision making process and causing disputes between municipalities over financial resources instead of developing an interdependent and cooperative net. This way, it is important to analyze if health regionalization has a good potential for being used as public governance tool. The present study aims at giving answers to the following research problem: What are the contributions of regionalism to the State of Paraná public governance applied to health? Besides that, it also aims at assessing the State of Parana health regionalization to identify healthcare gaps and help the State actions through public governance principles applied to healthcare. Therefore, the study used a quantitative-qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, plus secondary data concerning bibliographic and documental research. The present study analyzed the current hospital bed distribution by compared to the ideal distribution allowing the identification of healthcare gaps in the regional healthcare centers, besides considering medical specialties in the State of Paraná. The study conclusion is that health regionalization is an important tool for reducing healthcare gaps concerning hospital beds permitting the use of seven to ten public governance principles applied to healthcare, as established in the present study, and shows health regionalization is an important pubic governance tool.


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The research aimed to understand the challenges for the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP. This study aimed to explore the gap with regard to the deepening of the possible causes that may hinder the implementation of integrated working between the police in public security, through a specific analysis on the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Was based on a theoretical framework that includes policies: general concepts, the steps of a public policy, the implementation stage , public security : conceptual definitions, policies on security in Brazil, the structure of public security in Brazil and systems police, Military Police x Civil Police: Roles and conflicts , integrating public security: the challenges to be overcome, the Unified public Safety (SUSP) and the main difficulties in the integration of the police. Being classified as to the purposes as an exploratory research on how to approach ranks as qualitative. The research unit was the Center for Integrated Operations Public Safety (CIOSP) through three subjects who were the chief CIOSP, the representative of the military police acting with the CIOSP, and representative civil police also active with the CIOSP. These subjects were chosen because of the understanding that individuals occupying senior positions would have more ability to respond to questions that guide the research problem. Data were collected through a set of interviews, qualitative data analysis was performed based content analysis, based on the definition of categories of analysis, gated time cross. With the results, it was revealed that the main problems of integration between the state police are treatment protocols, lack of political will and lack of infrastructure. The relationship between the Military Police and Civil Police in Rio Grande do Norte has differing cultural aspect, but can be considered as good value, professionalism and integrated operations. The implementation of CIOSP-RN followed the characteristics of the top-down model, the main difficulties in implementing the proposals of the SUSP, lack of own resources, the lack of standardization in public safety and the lack of professional training of public safety. It was concluded that with respect to the challenges to the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP, the actions follow the characteristics of the top-down model, with no autonomy of administrators public to say in decisions, which restricts the view of the public safety of the state


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O artigo problematiza o índice de Gini como instrumento de mensuração das desigualdades no Brasil, expondo dimensões fundamentais das desigualdades socioeconômicas quando a renda do trabalho; mercado de trabalho; distribuição funcional da renda; e desigualdades tributárias. A conclusão é que há poucas alterações nas desigualdades socioeconômicas do Brasil quando essa dimensões são consideradas. O mercado de trabalho não se alterou substancialmente em relação à desestruturação vivenciada nas últimas decadas do século XX, agravando as desigualdades socieconômicas intraclasses. A participação dos lucros na fatia da renda nacional aumentou e a desigualdade marcante se revela no financiamento tributário, pois o peso da carga de impostos está sobre os trabalhadores assalariados e os mais pobres, ao mesmo tempo que os recursos públicos são canalizados para os mais ricos por meio do pagamento de juros e amortização da dívida pública. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Apresenta os debates produzidos durante o Seminário "Segurança pública e democracia nos 20 anos da Constituição de 1988", promovido pela Comissão de Segurança Pública e Combate ao Crime Organizado. O evento propôs estabelecer um ambiente profícuo de discussão com ênfase nos temas "Segurança Pública e Democracia" e "Informação na Área de Segurança Pública". Abordou a complexidade do assunto com a participação de especialistas e difusão de suas experiências, além de permitir à sociedade de modo geral maior conhecimento e oportunidade de expressar sua visão no contexto do debate.


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Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira - Núcleo de Assuntos Econômico-Fiscais.


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O artigo aborda a problemática da gestão de obras públicas no Brasil, alvo de recorrentes irregularidades apontadas pelos órgãos de controle e pela imprensa nacional. A pesquisa parte do diagnóstico constante do Relatório "O Retrato do Desperdício no Brasil", apresentado em novembro de 1995 pela Comissão Temporária do Senado Federal destinada a inventariar as obras inacabadas custeadas com recursos federais, e busca cotejar os problemas apontados naquele Relatório com as medidas adotadas pelo Governo Federal e pelo Congresso Nacional para aperfeiçoar a gestão de obras públicas. O autor argumenta que as medidas adotadas, conquanto corretas, receberam prioridade, intensidade e abrangência incompatíveis com a magnitude do problema.


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O objetivo do artigo é registrar, criticamente, o processo de implantação da gestão estratégica na Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais, com o propósito de revelar seusantecedentes e motivações; os momentos-chave; as facilidades e dificuldades; os resultados alcançados e os desafios futuros. A abordagem escolhida foi a histórico-descritiva e as ações de pesquisa envolveram revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As conclusões apontam que a implantação da gestão estratégica na Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais é um processo complexo e multifacetado, diante de suas características de órgão público, hierarquizado, com alta divisão de trabalho. O avanço da implantação é lento, devido aos fatores dificultadores apontados. O caso traz elementos relevantes para a pesquisa sobre gestão estratégica no setor público, seja por apresentar o processo de forma analítica e confrontada com a teoria, seja por se tratar especificamente de um órgão do Poder Legislativo


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Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira - Núcleo de Assuntos Econômico-Fiscais.


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Estudo sobre alternativas à fixação de limites mínimos para a celebração de convênios e contratos de repasse fixados no Decreto nº 6.170, de 25 de julho de 2007, com as modificações do Decreto nº 7.594, de 31 de outubro de 2011.


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Apresenta o relatório do cumprimento de metas da União, a evolução da dívida pública e o total das despesas do orçamento público federal.


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Avalia a mudança no Cadastro de Ações Orçamentárias para 2013, promovida pela Secretaria de Orçamento Federal do Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão por intermédio do Manual Técnico de Orçamento – MTO 2013.