947 resultados para Biochar, pirolisi, Py-GC-MS


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为了确定高在鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)体内抗缺氧水成分,通过超临界萃取(SCEF)方法从高原鼢鼠肌肉提取脂溶性部分,我们对其成分通过气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用分析。为了证实高原鼢鼠肌肉脂溶性成分的抗缺氧效果,探讨其抗缺氧机制,我们以小鼠为实验动物,分为5个组,即高剂量实验组(HEG),中剂量实验组(MEG),低剂量实验组(LEG),阳性药物对照组(PEG),空白对照组(CEG),分别以浓度为20%萃取物,10%萃取物,5%萃取物,10%的红景天和蒸馏水连续饲喂10天,然后进行小鼠常压抗缺氧实验,测定小鼠血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),谷光甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX),乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性及血清丙二(MAD)含量。结果发现,高原鼢鼠肌肉脂溶性物质提取率为11.5%,共确定了17种成分,主要成分是n-十六烷酸(32.293%),n-十廿烷酸(1.109%),n-十八烷酸(6.03%),二-羟基-环十五酮(1.198%),顺十六烯酸(6.13%),反十八烯酸(27.3%),和亚油酸(81.4%),小鼠抗缺氧实验和生化指标测试结果表明,高原鼢鼠肌从脂溶性成分在20%,10%,5%时,与空白对照组相比,都不同程度地延长小鼠在缺氧条件下的存活时间,提高小鼠血清SOD和GSH-PX活性,降低血清LDH活性,减少血清MDA含量。


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高原鼢鼠是青藏高原上危害草场和农田最严重的一种害鼠, 也是青藏高原特有的动物。高原鼢鼠的全骨风干品——“塞隆骨”(藏药名) 是建国以来国家正式批准生产的第一个国家级一类动物新中药材。高原鼢鼠骨性味咸、微温、中医归肝肾两经; 有祛风散寒除湿、通经止痛、补益肝肾之功能;主治风寒湿痹引起的肢体关节疼痛、肿胀、肢体麻木、腰膝酸软。高原鼢鼠骨有与虎骨相似的性味及功能, 但其脂肪中脂肪油的化学成分尚未见报道。采用气相色谱- 质谱- 计算机(GC - MS - MSD)和气相色谱- 红外- 计算机(GC - IR - MSD) 联用技术对高原鼢鼠脂肪中脂肪油化学成分进行了分析,从40个谱峰中鉴定出27个化学成分, 占总色谱峰面积的72.56%。


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本文主要地讨论了生物标志化合物数据的处理方法,并将此应用到古沉积环境的判别方面。全文共分三大部分:第一部分主要讨论是多元统计方法对那些研究的较成熟的烃类生物标志经合物参数在重建古沉积环境方面的应用。对分别采自不同沉积环境的共46个样品中生物标志化合参数的R型因子分析和对应分析的结果表明:生物标志化合物参数可以有效地将所研究的样品分划分为:淡水湖泊相沉积环境、半咸水/淡水环境、膏盐环境和泻湖沉积具火山灰沉积的环境,与此对应,生物标志化合物参数也可以划分为相应的四大类,即:(1)反映淡水湖泊沉积环境的特征为:含较丰富的高等植物输入的生物标志化合物,如:具较高的H/L,C31/C17,C27/C17比值等;(2)半咸水/淡水沉积环境以较高的Pr,Pr/Ph和高的藿/甾比为特征;(3)生物标志化合物参数组合{Ph/nC18,植烷,升藿烷指数,伽玛蜡烷指数, iC25+iC30和Tm/Ts}是反映膏盐环境的一类生物标志化合物参数;(4)可能可以用含较高的C28甾烷和β-胡萝卜烷来区分泻湖具火山灰沉的环境。正构烷烃的分布对于划分沉积环境远不如上述的综合生物标志化合物那样有效,但是,中等链长的正烷烃(C22,C24)在主因子分析的第二主因子轴上有较大的载荷,反晨了含较高中等链长的正烷烃是膏盐环境的一个特征,对其归一化数据的主因子分析的结果还表明,它是一类较好的物源(高等植物或低等生物输入)指示生物标志化合物。第二部分讨论的是膏盐环境中含硫化合物GC/MS数据的处理方法,通过初步确定碳数、碳数的校正、计算TPI(噻吩指数,Thiophene index)和CTPI、确定噻吩代码、建立TPmaster、绘制噻吩化合物分布的“指纹图”等步骤,在大多数噻吩化合物结构不明的情况下,快速地、清楚地、有条理地将这类化合物的所有异构体表达出来,同时还实现了这类化合物在不同样品间的自动对比和直观对比;大大的方便了这类化合物在地质体中应用的研究。在理论上,可以通过TPmater寻找新的异构体和新的噻吩化合物系列。第三部分在计算同位素分子峰发布的基础上,快速地、有效地处理了卟啉的质谱数据,即:卟啉Probe-MS数据的同位素校正。这一计算程序不仅可以计算混合分子同位素峰束中单个化合物的含量(即质谱数据的同位素校正),还可以计算任意化合物和混合物的分子同位素峰的分布类型,通过对比质谱数据,有助于地质体中新的卟啉化合物的发现和鉴定。在用该计算程序处理了采自不同沉积环境的七个样品的Probe-MS数据后,再加上自由基卟啉的HPLC特征,结果表明:可以用卟啉的分布将淡水/半咸水环境的沁阳凹陷、泻湖相具火山灰沉积的准葛尔盆地和四川三叠系海相区分开来。


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Algumas práticas agrícolas como o plantio direto pode afetar a lixiviação. Para estudar os efeitos desta prática, foi instalado um experimento de campo na área do Núcleo de Agronomia da Alta Mogiana, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas/Ribeirão Preto, de onde foram coletadas amostras de solos e água para estudos de herbicidas do grupo das triazinas: atrazina, simazina e ametrina. Foi instalado um experimento em área de cana colhida mecanicamente plantada com amendoim em diferentes sistemas de cultivo (plantio direto e plantio convencional) nas quais a cada 10 cm. foram retiradas amostras de solos até atingir 90 cm. Determinaram-se os seguintes parâmetros em laboratório: a) Densidade do solo, b) Porosidade total c) Microporosidade e d) Macroporosidade. Amostras de água coletada a cada três meses em poços da Prefeitura Municipal de Ribeirão Preto foram analisadas por GC-MS (cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massa). Não houve efeito dos sistemas de plantio na macro, micro e porosidade total. Houve apenas diferença significativa na densidade, sendo maior na camada superficial nos solos com plantio direto. Em todas as amostras de poços coletadas não foram detectados resíduos de triazinas, no limite de quantificação de 10 mg/L. Foram também reconstituídos os solos em colunas em laboratório e observou-se o movimento de atrazina e simazina no máximo até 20cm de profundidade. Não foi encontrado nenhum herbicida abaixo dos 20 cm. Para melhor entender os resultados, foi utilizado o simulador CMLS-94 "Chemical Movement in Layered Soils" e observou-se também que praticamente não houve diferença entre os resultados obtidos pelas simulações realizadas para plantios direto e convencional com relação à lixiviação das triazinas e que os valores de simulação indicaram que os produtos alcançam profundidades máximas de um metro, bem mais do que o encontrado nas colunas em laboratório.


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A quantitative analysis of the individual compounds in tobacco essential oils is performed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) combined with flame ionization detector (FID). A time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF/MS) was coupled to GC x GC for the identification of the resolved peaks. The response of a flame ionization detector to different compound classes was calibrated using multiple internal standards. In total, 172 compounds were identified with good match and 61 compounds with high probability value were reliably quantified. For comparative purposes, the essential oil sample was also quantified by one-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with multiple internal standards method. The results showed that there was close agreement between the two analysis methods when the peak purity and match quality in one-dimensional GC/MS are high enough. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Douglas B. Murray, Manfred Beckmann, and Hiroaki Kitano. (2007). Regulation of yeast oscillatory dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 104 (7), 2241-2246 Sponsorship: Solution-Oriented Research for Science and Technology Agency to the Systems Biology Institute /21st Century Center of Excellence Program and Special Coordination Program of the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science, and Technology to Keio University RAE2008


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Manfred Beckmann, David P. Enot, David P. Overy, and John Draper (2007). Representation, comparison, and interpretation of metabolome fingerprint data for total composition analysis and quality trait investigation in potato cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 (9) pp.3444-3451 RAE2008


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© 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.Social complexity, often estimated by group size, is seen as driving the complexity of vocal signals, but its relation to olfactory signals, which arguably arose to function in nonsocial realms, remains underappreciated. That olfactory signals also may mediate within-group interaction, vary with social complexity and promote social cohesion underscores a potentially crucial link with sociality. To examine that link, we integrated chemical and behavioural analyses to ask whether olfactory signals facilitate reproductive coordination in a strepsirrhine primate, the Coquerel's sifaka, Propithecus coquereli. Belonging to a clade comprising primarily solitary, nocturnal species, the diurnal, group-living sifaka represents an interesting test case. Convergent with diurnal, group-living lemurids, sifakas expressed chemically rich scent signals, consistent with the social complexity hypothesis for communication. These signals minimally encoded the sex of the signaller and varied with female reproductive state. Likewise, sex and female fertility were reflected in within-group scent investigation, scent marking and overmarking. We further asked whether, within breeding pairs, the stability or quality of the pair's bond influences the composition of glandular signals and patterns of investigatory or scent-marking behaviour. Indeed, reproductively successful pairs tended to show greater similarity in their scent signals than did reproductively unsuccessful pairs, potentially through chemical convergence. Moreover, scent marking was temporally coordinated within breeding pairs and was influenced by past reproductive success. That olfactory signalling reflects social bondedness or reproductive history lends support to recent suggestions that the quality of relationships may be a more valuable proxy than group size for estimating social complexity. We suggest that olfactory signalling in sifakas is more complex than previously recognized and, as in other socially integrated species, can be a crucial mechanism for promoting group cohesion and maintaining social bonds. Thus, the evolution of sociality may well be reflected in the complexity of olfactory signalling.


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Detailed APCI LC-MS/MS analysis using an improved HPLC separation reveals the green sulphur bacterium Chlorobium phaeobacteroides strain UdG6053 to contain a wider range of distinct bacteriochlorophyll homologues than has been previously recognised in Chlorobiaceae. The diversity in the homologue distribution is confirmed as arising from differences in the extent of alkylation of the macrocycle and variation in the nature of the esterifying alcohol and a novel series of bacteriochlorophyll structures has been recognised. Homologues containing esterifying alcohols other than farnesol, a number of which have not previously been reported in Chlorobiaceae, are present in high relative abundance. Confirmation of the structures of the esterifying alcohols has been obtained by hydrolysis and analysis by GC-MS.


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A pre-concentration system has been validated for use with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC/MS/IRMS) to determine ambient air 13C/12C ratios for methyl halides (MeCl and MeBr) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The isotopic composition of specific compounds can provide useful information on their atmospheric budgets and biogeochemistry that cannot be ascertained from abundance measurements alone. Although pre-concentration systems have been previously used with a GC/MS/IRMS for atmospheric trace gas analysis, this is the first study also to report system validation tests. Validation results indicate that the pre-concentration system and subsequent separation technologies do not significantly alter the stable isotopic ratios of the target methyl halides, CFC-12 (CCl2F2) and CFC-113 (C2Cl3F3). Significant, but consistent, isotopic shifts of -27.5 to -25.6 do occur within the system for CFC-11 (CCl3F), although the shift is correctible. The method presented has the capacity to separate these target halocarbons from more than 50 other compounds in ambient air samples. Separation allows for the determination of stable carbon isotope ratios of five of these six target trace atmospheric constituents within ambient air for large volume samples (10 L). Representative urban air analyses from Belfast City are also presented which give carbon isotope results similar to published values for 13C/12C analysis of MeCl (-39.1) and CFC-113 (-28.1). However, this is the first paper reporting stable carbon isotope signatures for CFC-11 (-29.4) and CFC-12 (-37.0).