953 resultados para 13 Education


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Background Most entrepreneurial ideas do not appear ready or finished. Any business opportunity needs to be developed and improved throughout the enterprise process. Educational institutions may facilitate the ability of the students in undertaking, identifying and building business opportunities, enhancing their knowledge and formative experiences along the learning process. Objective: Evaluate business influences on the entrepreneurial ability of students of the Polytechnic. Methods Correlational quantitative study, conducted with 1,604 students from 18 institutions of the Polytechnic of Portugal. Data collection took place between July and November/2015, with a questionnaire to assess the entrepreneurial profile, the Carland Entrepreneurship Index (CEI) and sociodemographic variables of students. Results We found four business factors that influence entrepreneurship: "availability of funds" (4:13, SD = .67); "Having stable customers and incentives" (3.99, SD = .58); "Social and economic instability" (3:08, SD = 1.17) and "Opportunities in the sector and area of residence" (3:36, SD = 1.05). On a scale ranging between 1 and 5, we obtained an overall score of 3.86 (SD = .55), for the corporate influences on entrepreneurship. Conclusions For students, entrepreneurial influences are important, with a greater sense of fear with regard to economic instability, reinforcing the need for further training and academic investment in business.


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Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suíte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine


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This annual report from the Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics at the Citadel states the overall goals of the Center for 2012-13, the progress made on those goals and the mission and goals for academic year 2013-14. Included in those goals are champion The Citadel mission, establish / sustain a model leadership and ethics center, enhance The Citadel’s reputation and provide cutting edge leadership education programs for Citadel cadets, CGC students, faculty, and staff.


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Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The following paper is an action research made with a group of 6 teenagers aged 11-13 from the city of Cali. The project was carried out at a non-formal education institution and basically describes the process of a teaching intervention in which the concepts of Critical Pedagogy and Task-Based Learning were the protagonists. The results show first, that students really need to feel motivated in order to accept a critical approach; second, that the role of the teacher in the achievement of the objectives is extremely relevant; it is necessary for them to have a critical perspective before working on this field besides the constant seeking of information in order to innovate in their classes; third, that the TBL (Task Based Learning) and the critical pedagogy are processes that need some time in order to bear fruits; and fourth, that a needs analysis is essential for the quality of the intervention.


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Introduction: Every individual has a necessity to establish affective relationships throughout life in order to feel comfort and support. This need is called attachment and allows the human being to explore the world, acquiring knowledge about himself and everyone else(1) There are several changes that occur on students’ lives when enrolling and attending university, a period that is known to include a set of situational and academic transitions which might lead to mental health problems, and thus making students more vulnerable and more prone to develop suicidal behaviours. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of suicidal ideation on higher education students and to assess its relationship with attachment patterns. Methods: Quantitative, descriptive and correlational study, applied on a sample of 1074 students from a Portuguese higher education institution. Data collection was possible through an online platform that included a survey with questions regarding sociodemographical and academic profiling, the Portuguese version of the Adult Attachment Scale (EVA)(2) and the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire(3) Results: Students’ age varies between the 17 and 49 ( = 23,9 years old ± 6,107 Sd), the vast majority (64.7%) are females. Results show that the presence/severity of suicidal thoughts is low ( = 13.84; ± 20.29 Sd) on a scale from 0 to 180 and cut-off point > 41 for values that suggest potential suicidal risk, and based on that, 84 students were identified (7,8%). We verified significant relationships between suicidal ideation and anxiety and attachment (r=0.314 p=0.000). Conclusions: Although there is not a high prevalence of suicidal ideation on students, we found 84 students in our sample (7,8%) that reveal a potential risk for suicide. The results also show that young students with safe attachment patterns display less suicidal ideation. Safe attachment patterns are essential on interpersonal and social relationships and play an important role during the academic period. We cannot be indifferent towards this issue due to its individual, familiar and social repercussions. Every higher education institution should then establish student support offices and develop mental health promotion programs as well as suicide prevention campaigns.


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Sleep represents a basic human need, embodying several crucial functions in the young adult phase. Objective: To evaluate the sleep quality of higher education students. A descriptive-transversal study with a quantitative approach. Nonprobabilistic convenience sample of 358 students from Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB). Data collection tools used: Socio-demographic record and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).


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The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive effects of applying physical recreational activities to two groups of pre-school students, related to mathematics to one of the groups and recreational games to the other.  A total of 27 subjects (13 girls and 14 boys) of 5 and a half and 6 and half years of age participated in the study.  The instrument used was a questionnaire including basic math concepts such as geometry, basic operations with concrete elements, and how to read the clock, based on the topics established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education.  Once the instrument was developed, a plan of physical recreational activities related to math was prepared and applied to the experimental group (pre-school B) for one and a half months, while the other group played recreational games.  Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  Positive and significant effects were found in the physical recreational activity program regarding student performance in 10 of the 12 items that were applied to assess mastery of basic math concepts.  In conclusion, using physical education as another instrument to teach other disciplines represents an excellent alternative for pre-school teachers that try to satisfy the learning needs of children that will soon be attending school.  Using movement as part of guided and planned activities plays an indispensable role in children’s lives; therefore, learning academic subjects should be adapted to their needs to explore and know their environment.


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Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suíte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine


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The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has developed impressive machinery to produce international comparative data across more than 70 systems of education and these data have come to be used extensively in policy circles around the world. In many countries, national and international comparative data are used as the bases for significant, high-stakes policy and reform decisions. This article traces how international comparability is produced, using the example of equity measurement in OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). It focuses on the construction of the objects of comparison and traces the struggles to produce equivalence and commensurability across diverse and complex worlds. Based on conversations with a number of measurement experts who are familiar with the OECD and PISA, the article details how comparability is achieved and how it falters and fails. In performing such an analysis, this research is not concerned with ‘exposing’ the limitations of comparison or challenging their validity. Rather, based on the work of Steve Woolgar and other scholars, it attempts to mobilise a ‘sociology of measurement’ that explores the instrumentalism and performativity of the technologies of international comparisons.


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PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility and pilot a sleep education program in New Zealand high school students.

METHODS: A parallel, two-arm randomized controlled pilot trial was conducted. High school students (13 to 16 years) were randomly allocated to either a classroom-based sleep education program intervention (n = 15) or to a usual curriculum control group (n = 14). The sleep education program involved four 50-minute classroom-based education sessions with interactive groups. Students completed a 7-day sleep diary, a sleep questionnaire (including sleep hygiene, knowledge and problems) at baseline, post-intervention (4 weeks) and 10 weeks follow-up.

RESULTS: An overall treatment effect was observed for weekend sleep duration (F 1,24 = 5.21, p = 0.03). Participants in the intervention group slept longer during weekend nights at 5 weeks (1:37 h:min, p = 0.01) and 10 weeks: (1:32 h:min, p = 0.03) compared to those in the control group. No differences were found between groups for sleep duration on weekday nights. No significant differences were observed between groups for any of the secondary outcomes (sleep hygiene, sleep problems, or sleep knowledge).

CONCLUSIONS: A sleep education program appears to increase weekend sleep duration in the short term. Although this program was feasible, most schools are under time and resource pressure, thus alternative methods of delivery should be assessed for feasibility and efficacy. Larger trials of longer duration are needed to confirm these findings and determine the sustained effect of sleep education on sleep behavior and its impact on health and psychosocial outcomes.


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The Engaging Young People in Sexuality Education (EYPSE) research project addresses two questions: 1. What are young people’s views on school-based sexuality and relationships education? 2. In what ways could sexuality and relationships education be improved? This report focuses on findings from the first stage of the research project, consisting of an online survey of over 2,000 students in 31 secondary schools in South Australia and Victoria. The research was conducted in government secondary schools in South Australia (14) and Victoria (17). A detailed online survey was constructed and administered to students aged 13 to 16+ years old. The survey used similar terminology and language to that used in sexuality and relationships education classes. A total of 2,325 students undertook the survey. Demographic information about the students includes: - Age – 13 years (18%), 14 years (40%), 15 years (32%), 16+ years (10%) - Location – Victoria (63%), South Australia (37%) - Gender – Female (49%), Male (50%), ‘Other’ (1%) - Sexual attraction – opposite sex (83.5%), same sex (1.4%), both sexes (5.5%), unsure (5.2%), preferred not to disclose (4.3%) - Socio-economic status of the school – low (25.8%), middle (41.9%), high (25.8%), not ranked (6.5%)


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BACKGROUND: In the general population, excessive sedentary behaviour is associated with increased all-cause mortality. Few studies have examined this relationship in people with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Using a sample of people with CVD who were excluded from an analysis of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, we examined the relationship between sedentary behaviour and 13-year all-cause mortality.

METHODS: In the original AusDiab study, television viewing time was used as a marker of sedentary behaviour in 609 adults (≥45 years of age) with CVD. During 6,291 person-years of follow-up (median follow-up 13 years), there were 294 deaths (48% of sample). Using the time scale of attained age, the Cox proportional hazards model predicting all-cause mortality adjusted for sex, self-rated general health, leisure-time physical activity, smoking status, education, household income, body mass index, lipid levels, blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus was used.

RESULTS: Compared with a TV viewing time of <2hours per day, the fully adjusted hazard ratios for all-cause mortality were 1.18 (95% CI, 0.88 to 1.57) for ≥2 to <4hours per day and 1.52 (95% CI, 1.09 to 2.13) for >4hours per day.

CONCLUSIONS: Sedentary behaviour was associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality in people with CVD, independent of physical activity and other confounders. In addition to the promotion of regular physical activity, cardiac rehabilitation efforts which also focus on reducing sedentary behaviour may be beneficial.


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Information and communication technologies play an increasingly important role in society, in the sense that all areas and professions make use of digital resources. The school can not be brushed off this reality, aim to create full subjects and integrated in society today. Educational software can be used very early in the education of children, but they must be carefully and monitoring. This article aims to present the results of the use of educational software in English to the awareness of context with children of pre-school education in kindergarten, nursery center Redemptorist Fathers - The smallest fox in White Castle, a 21 group children under 5 years. Early awareness of foreign language such as English can be started with digital multimedia capabilities and various software available on the market. However, the small study described the case reveals some resistance from parents and educators, in the preparation of these to choose and monitor the use of ICT by children, in addition to also highlight the self-interest of the children involved and their learning a few words in English language in different contexts of daily worked. The study opens perspectives on close monitoring needs of such uses and training of educators in the field of use of resources multilingual awareness in pre-school education.