43 resultados para vasculogenesis
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) represent promising cell sources for angiogenic therapies. There are, however, conflicting reports regarding the ability of MSCs to support network formation of endothelial cells. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of human bone marrow-derived MSCs to support network formation of endothelial outgrowth cells (EOCs) derived from umbilical cord blood EPCs. We hypothesized that upon in vitro coculture, MSCs and EOCs promote a microenvironment conducive for EOC network formation without the addition of angiogenic growth supplements. EOC networks formed by coculture with MSCs underwent regression and cell loss by day 10 with a near 4-fold and 2-fold reduction in branch points and mean segment length, respectively, in comparison with networks formed by coculture vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) cocultures. EOC network regression in MSC cocultures was not caused by lack of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A or changes in TGF-β1 or Ang-2 supernatant concentrations in comparison with SMC cocultures. Removal of CD45+ cells from MSCs improved EOC network formation through a 2-fold increase in total segment length and number of branch points in comparison to unsorted MSCs by day 6. These improvements, however, were not sustained by day 10. CD45 expression in MSC cocultures correlated with EOC network regression with a 5-fold increase between day 6 and day 10 of culture. The addition of supplemental growth factors VEGF, fibroblastic growth factor-2, EGF, hydrocortisone, insulin growth factor-1, ascorbic acid, and heparin to MSC cocultures promoted stable EOC network formation over 2 weeks in vitro, without affecting CD45 expression, as evidenced by a lack of significant differences in total segment length (p=0.96). These findings demonstrate the ability of MSCs to support EOC network formation correlates with removal of CD45+ cells and improves upon the addition of soluble growth factors.
BACKGROUND - : Vascular endothelial cell growth factor plays a pivotal role in angiogenesis via regulating endothelial cell proliferation. The X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) is believed to be a signal transducer in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response. It is unknown whether there is crosstalk between vascular endothelial cell growth factor signaling and XBP1 pathway.
METHODS AND RESULTS - : We found that vascular endothelial cell growth factor induced the kinase insert domain receptor internalization and interaction through C-terminal domain with the unspliced XBP1 and the inositol requiring enzyme 1 α in the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to inositol requiring enzyme 1 α phosphorylation and XBP1 mRNA splicing, which was abolished by siRNA-mediated knockdown of kinase insert domain receptor. Spliced XBP1 regulated endothelial cell proliferation in a PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β- catenin/E2F2-dependent manner and modulated the cell size increase in a PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β-catenin/E2F2-independent manner. Knockdown of XBP1 or inositol requiring enzyme 1 α decreased endothelial cell proliferation via suppression of Akt/GSK3β phosphorylation, β-catenin nuclear translocation, and E2F2 expression. Endothelial cell-specific knockout of XBP1 (XBP1ecko) in mice retarded the retinal vasculogenesis in the first 2 postnatal weeks and impaired the angiogenesis triggered by ischemia. Reconstitution of XBP1 by Ad-XBP1s gene transfer significantly improved angiogenesis in ischemic tissue in XBP1ecko mice. Transplantation of bone marrow from wild-type o XBP1ecko mice could also slightly improve the foot blood reperfusion in ischemic XBP1ecko mice.
CONCLUSIONS - : These results suggest that XBP1 can function via growth factor signaling pathways to regulate endothelial proliferation and angiogenesis.
L’athérosclérose est à l’origine d’importantes obstructions vasculaires. La sévérité de l’ischémie tissulaire provoquée par l’athérosclérose dépend en partie de la capacité de l’organisme à former de nouveaux vaisseaux (néovascularisation). Les mécanismes de néovascularisation sont modulés par la balance oxydo-réductive. Une exacerbation du stress oxydant est retrouvée dans tous les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, et en particulier lors du vieillissement. Au niveau vasculaire, la CuZnSOD est la principale enzyme antioxydante. Cependant, son rôle spécifique dans le vieillissement vasculaire et dans le développement de nouveaux vaisseaux en réponse à l’ischémie n’est pas connu. Nos hypothèses de recherche sont: 1) qu’une absence de CuZnSOD diminue la néovascularisation réparatrice en réponse à l’ischémie 2) que cette diminution de la néovascularisation est dûe au vieillissement de la vasculature affectant à la fois les cellules endothéliales matures et les cellules progénitrices endothéliales. Nous avons démontré qu’une déficience en CuZnSOD diminue significativement la néovascularisation en réponse à l’ischémie. Cette diminution de néovascularisation est associée à une augmentation du stress oxydant et une réduction de la biodisponibilité du NO. La déficience en CuZnSOD réduit significativement le nombre de EPCs (moelle, rate). De plus, ces EPCs présentent une augmentation significative des niveaux de stress oxydant, une diminution de la production de NO et une capacité réduite à migrer et à s’intégrer à un réseau tubulaire. Fait important, il iv est possible d’améliorer la néovascularisation des souris déficientes en CuZnSOD par une supplémentation en EPCs provenant de souris contrôles. Nous avons également démontré que la récupération du flot sanguin suivant l’ischémie est significativement réduite par l’âge. À la fois chez les jeunes et les vieilles souris, la déficience en CuZnSOD mène à une réduction additionnelle de la néovascularisation. Fait intéressant, le potentiel néovasculaire des jeunes souris déficiente en CuZnSOD est similaire à celui des vieilles souris contrôles. Les niveaux de stress oxydant sont également augmentés de façon similaire dans ces deux groupes de souris. L’âge et la déficience en CuZnSOD sont tous deux associés à une réduction du nombre d’EPCs isolées de la moelle et de la rate. L’effet de l’âge seul sur la fonction des EPCs est modeste. Par contre, la déficience en CuZnSOD en condition de vieillissement est associée à d’importants effets délétères sur l’activité fonctionnelle des EPCs. En résumé, nos résultats suggèrent que la protection contre le stress oxydant par la CuZnSOD est essentielle pour préserver la fonction des EPCs et la néovascularisation réparatrice en réponse à l’ischémie. Le défaut de néovascularisation observé en absence de CuZnSOD est associé à un vieillissement vasculaire accéléré. Nos résultats suggèrent que dans le contexte du vieillissement, la CuZnSOD a un rôle encore plus important pour limiter les niveaux de stress oxydant, préserver la fonction des EPCs et maintenir l’intégrité des tissus ischémiques.
L’athérosclérose est la principale cause d’infarctus du myocarde, de mort subite d’origine cardiaque, d’accidents vasculaires cérébraux et d’ischémie des membres inférieurs. Celle-ci cause près de la moitié des décès dans les pays industrialisés. Lorsque les obstructions artérielles athérosclérotiques sont tellement importantes que les techniques de revascularisation directe ne peuvent être effectuées avec succès, la sévérité de l’ischémie tissulaire résiduelle dépendra de l’habilité de l’organisme à développer spontanément de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins (néovascularisation). La néovascularisation postnatale est le résultat de deux phénomènes : la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux à partir de la vasculature existante (angiogenèse) et la formation de vaisseaux à partir de cellules souches progénitrices (vasculogenèse). Notre laboratoire a démontré que plusieurs facteurs de risque associés aux maladies cardiovasculaires (tabagisme, vieillissement, hypercholestérolémie) diminuaient également la réponse angiogénique suite à une ischémie. Cependant, les mécanismes précis impliqués dans cette physiopathologie sont encore inconnus. Un point commun à tous ces facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire est l’augmentation du stress oxydant. Ainsi, le présent ouvrage visait à élucider l’influence de différents facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire et du stress oxydant sur la néovascularisation. Nos résultats démontrent que l’exposition à la fumée de cigarette et le vieillissement sont associés à une diminution de la néovascularisation en réponse à l’ischémie, et que ceci est au moins en partie causé par une augmentation du stress oxydant. De plus, nous démontrons que les acides gras dérivés de la diète peuvent affecter la réponse à l’ischémie tissulaire. La première étude du projet de recherche visait à évaluer l’impact de l’exposition à la fumée de cigarette sur la néovascularisation post-ischémique, et l’effet d’une thérapie antioxydante. L’exposition à la fumée de cigarette a été associée à une réduction significative de la récupération du flot sanguin et de la densité des vaisseaux dans les muscles ischémiques. Cependant, une récupération complète de la néovascularisation a été démontrée chez les souris exposées à la fumée de cigarette et traitées au probucol ou aux vitamines antioxydantes. Nous avons démontré qu’une thérapie antioxydante administrée aux souris exposées à la fumée de cigarette était associée à une réduction significative des niveaux de stress oxydant dans le plasma et dans les muscles ischémiques. De plus, les cellules endothéliales progénitrices (EPCs) exposées à de l’extrait de fumée de cigarette in vitro présentent une diminution significative de leur activité angiogénique (migration, adhésion et incorporation dans les tissus ischémiques) qui a été complètement récupérée par le probucol et les vitamines antioxydantes. La deuxième étude avait pour but d’investiguer le rôle potentiel de la NADPH oxydase (Nox2) pour la modulation de la néovascularisation post-ischémique dans le contexte du vieillissement. Nous avons trouvé que l’expression de la Nox2 est augmentée par le vieillissement dans les muscles ischémiques des souris contrôles. Ceci est associé à une réduction significative de la récupération du flot sanguin après l’ischémie chez les vieilles souris contrôles comparées aux jeunes. Nous avons aussi démontré que la densité des capillaires et des artérioles est significativement réduite dans les muscles ischémiques des animaux vieillissants alors que les niveaux de stress oxydant sont augmentés. La déficience en Nox2 réduit les niveaux de stress oxydant dans les tissus ischémiques et améliore la récupération du flot sanguin et la densité vasculaire chez les animaux vieillissants. Nous avons aussi démontré que l’activité fonctionnelle des EPCs (migration et adhésion à des cellules endothéliales matures) est significativement diminuée chez les souris vieillissantes comparée aux jeunes. Cependant, la déficience en Nox2 est associée à une récupération de l’activité fonctionnelle des EPCs chez les animaux vieillissants. Nous avons également démontré une augmentation pathologique du stress oxydant dans les EPCs isolées d’animaux vieillissants. Cette augmentation de stress oxydant dans les EPCs n’est pas présente chez les animaux déficients en Nox2. La troisième étude du projet de recherche a investigué l’effet des acides gras dérivés de la diète sur la néovascularisation postnatale. Pour ce faire, les souris ont reçu une diète comprenant 20% d’huile de maïs (riche en oméga-6) ou 20% d’huile de poisson (riche en oméga-3). Nos résultats démontrent qu’une diète riche en oméga-3 améliore la néovascularisation post-ischémique au niveau macro-vasculaire, micro-vasculaire et clinique comparée à une diète riche en oméga-6. Cette augmentation de la néovascularisation postnatale est associée à une réduction du ratio cholestérol total/cholestérol HDL dans le sérum et à une amélioration de la voie VEGF/NO dans les tissus ischémiques. De plus, une diète riche en acides gras oméga-3 est associée à une augmentation du nombre d’EPCs au niveau central (moelle osseuse) et périphérique (rate). Nous démontrons aussi que l’activité fonctionnelle des EPCs (migration et incorporation dans des tubules de cellules endothéliales matures) est améliorée et que le niveau de stress oxydant dans les EPCs est réduit par la diète riche en oméga-3. En conclusion, nos études ont permis de déterminer l’impact de différents facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire (tabagisme et vieillissement) et des acides gras dérivés de la diète (oméga-3) sur la néovascularisation post-ischémique. Nous avons aussi identifié plusieurs mécanismes qui sont impliqués dans cette physiopathologie. Globalement, nos études devraient contribuer à mieux comprendre l’effet du tabagisme, du vieillissement, des oméga-3, et du stress oxydant sur l’évolution des maladies vasculaires ischémiques.
The GATA family of transcription factors establishes genetic networks that control developmental processes including hematopoiesis, vasculogenesis, and cardiogenesis. We found that GATA-1 strongly activates transcription of the Tac-2 gene, which encodes proneurokinin-B, a precursor of neurokinin-B (NK-B). Neurokinins function through G protein-coupled transmembrane receptors to mediate diverse physiological responses including pain perception and the control of vascular tone. Whereas an elevated level of NK-B was implicated in pregnancy-associated pre-eclampsia ( Page, N. M., Woods, R. J., Gardiner, S. M., Lomthaisong, K., Gladwell, R. T., Butlin, D. J., Manyonda, I. T., and Lowry, P. J. ( 2000) Nature 405, 797 - 800), the regulation of NK-B synthesis and function are poorly understood. Tac-2 was expressed in normal murine erythroid cells and was induced upon ex vivo erythropoiesis. An estrogen receptor fusion to GATA-1 (ER-GATA-1) and endogenous GATA-1 both occupied a region of Tac-2 intron-7, which contains two conserved GATA motifs. Genetic complementation analysis in GATA-1-null G1E cells revealed that endogenous GATA-2 occupied the same region of intron-7, and expression of ER-GATA-1 displaced GATA-2 and activated Tac-2 transcription. Erythroid cells did not express neurokinin receptors, whereas aortic and yolk sac endothelial cells differentially expressed neurokinin receptor subtypes. Since NK-B induced cAMP accumulation in yolk sac endothelial cells, these results suggest a new mode of vascular regulation in which GATA-1 controls NK-B synthesis in erythroid cells.
This work examined how the conceptus modulates endometrial tissue remodeling and vascular development prior to implantation in mares. A macroscopic uterine examination was completed at day 21 of pregnancy. In situ morphology revealed that the endometrium involved in encroachment is restricted to the dorsal endometrium immediately overlying the yolk sac. The amount of stromal area occupied by blood vessels and the number of endometrial glands were increased during early pregnancy. Endometrial histomorphometry as well as the endometrial mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of VEGF, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and Ki-67 was completed at days 14 and 21 of pregnancy, at day 10 of the estrous cycle, and during estrus. No obvious differences in VEGF and VEGFR1 protein localization were detected between pregnant and cycling mares but differential staining pattern for VEGFR2 and Ki-67 was observed. VEGFR2 localized to luminal and glandular epithelium of pregnant mares, while luminal epithelium was negative in cycling mares. Ki-67 staining was weak during the luteal phase but exhibited prominent luminal epithelium staining during estrus. In pregnant mares, all endometrial layers were Ki-67 positive. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed a greater abundance of VEGF mRNA during pregnancy. VEGFR2 transcript abundance was greatest in pregnant mares on day 21. This study supports the concept that the conceptus plays an active role in directing vasculogenesis within the uterus and thereby establishing hemotrophic nutrition that supports pregnancy after implantation. Reproduction (2011) 142 593-603
Hyperglycemia occurs in a variety of conditions such as overt diabetes, gestational diabetes and mild hyperglycemia, all of which are generally defined based on the oral glucose tolerance test and glucose profiles. Whereas diabetes has received considerable attention in recent decades, few studies have examined the mechanisms of mild hyperglycemia and its associated disturbances. Mild gestational hyperglycemia is associated with macrosomia and a high risk of perinatal mortality. Morphologically, the placenta of these women is characterized by an increase in the number of terminal villi and capillaries, presumably as part of a compensatory mechanism to maintain homeostasis at the maternal-fetal interface. In this study, we analised the expression of VEGF and its receptors VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) and VEGFR-2 (KDR) in placentas from mildly hyperglycemic women. This expression was compared with that of normoglycemic women and women with gestational and overt diabetes. Immunohistochemistry revealed strong staining for VEGF and VEGFR-2 in vascular and trophoblastic cells of mildly hyperglycemic women, whereas the staining for VEGFR-1 was discrete and limited to the trophoblast. The pattern of VEGF and VEGF-receptor reactivity in placentas from women with overt diabetes was similar to that of normoglycemic women. In women with gestational diabetes, strong staining for VEGFR-1 was observed in vascular and trophoblastic cells whereas VEGF and VEGFR-2 were detected only in the trophoblast. The expression of these proteins was confirmed by western blotting, which revealed the presence of an additional band of 75 kDa. In the decidual compartment, only extravillous trophoblast reacted with all antibodies. Morphological analysis revealed collagen deposition around large arteries in all groups with altered glycemia. These findings indicate a placental response to altered glycemia that could have important consequences for the fetus. The change in the placental VEGF/VEGFR expression ratio in mild hyperglycemia may favor angiogenesis in placental tissue and could explain the hypercapillarization of villi seen in this gestational disturbance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The bovine yolk sac derives from visceral endoderm and its development occurs between days 18-23 of gestation. The study of this membrane is important for comparative data and has already been performed in rodents, sheep and in cattle, especially Bos taunts. In species Bos indicus the yolk sac has not quite been studied and is believed that there are morphological differences between these species. The yolk sac undergoes a process of involution and degeneration during embryonic development and none vestige of it is found in late gestation. The period in which occurs the involution of the yolk sac coincides with the period of increased pregnancy loss in cattle, and changes in the morphology of this membrane may indicate the reasons for such high loss rates. Thus, considering that the yolk sac is important for embryonic circulation and metabolic transmission, besides participating actively in the process of cattle placentation, this study aimed characterize morphologically the involution of the bovine yolk sac. Materials, Methods & Results: The early gestational period was determined between days 20 and 70 post-insemination (p.i), according to the exterior characteristics of embryo/fetus. For macroscopic analyzes the uterus was dissected to expose the fetal membranes and subsequently the embryo/fetus was photographed. The samples were fixed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The yolk sac that emerges from the ventral part of the embryo was prominent and composed by a central part with two thin peripheral projections of different lengths. The bovine yolk sac with about 9 cm on day 25 p. i. of pregnancy permanently decreased its total length during this study. Histologically, the yolk sac is composed of three cell layers: the mesothelium, the mesenchyme and the endoderm. In mesenchyme are found blood islets. In the endoderm are formed cells invaginations toward the mesenchyme originating small canaliculi. The ultrastructure of yolk cells presented many mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles, euchromatin and the presence of two nucleoli, Discussion: The real first blood circulation in the bovine is attached with the development of yolk sac, differently from other membranes, such as the corium, that does not present evidence of vascularization by the age of 20-30 days. The erythroblasts found in the yolk sac are related to vasculogenesis and the process of differentiation of blood cells during the erythropoiesis. It could be observed on the histology of the yolk sac, in embryos of 30-50 days old, the presence of canaliculi and small folds of the epithelium. The canaliculi collapse is associated with the degeneration of the endoderm wall of the yolk sac. The organelles present in the endoderm cells of the yolk sac are associated with the function of protein metabolism and in the exchange of substances between the mesenchyme and the mesothelium, For these findings, could be observed that the yolk sac epithelium is found active until the 50th day of gestation, and thereafter regresses. However, remnants of this membrane may be present until the 70th day, These features may represent a presence of an active chorionvitelline placenta in this period responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy whereas the chorioallantoic placenta is not definitively established.
Objetivo: o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os aspectos morfológicos e ultra-estruturais na gênese de capilares sanguíneos em músculo esquelético do membro caudal de ratos submetidos à isquemia sob a ação da Prostaglandina E1 (PGE1), administrada por via intramuscular ou endovenosa. Métodos: foram utilizados 60 ratos (Rattus norvegicus albinus), linhagem Wistar-UEM, distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de 20, redistribuídos igualmente em dois subgrupos, observados no 7o e 14o dias, sendo um grupo controle onde apenas foi provocada a isquemia no membro, outro com a isquemia e a injeção da PGE1 via intramuscular (IM), e outro com a isquemia e a injeção da PGE1 endovenosa (EV). Para análise dos resultados, foram realizadas a coloração com hematoxilina & eosina (HE), a imuno-histoquímica e a microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Resultados: constatou-se um aumento estatisticamente significante no número de capilares nos subgrupos com o uso da PGE1 IM e EV, através da contagem nos cortes corados com HE. Houve marcação de capilares e vasos de maior calibre nestes mesmos subgrupos, porém, esta reação não foi eficiente para a quantificação dos capilares. Na MET encontraram-se evidências de formação de novos capilares. Conclusões: a PGE1, administrada por via IM ou EV, promoveu, após 14 dias de observação, um aumento no número de capilares no músculo esquelético de ratos submetido à isquemia, identificáveis histologicamente com a coloração em HE. Na análise ultra-estrutural encontraram-se alterações que sugerem, nos animais sob a ação da PGE1, que a neoformação vascular possa ter ocorrido por angiogênese e vasculogênese. A imuno-coloração, apesar da marcação de capilares e vasos maiores, não permitiu estabelecer uma correlação com o aumento de vasos encontrados na coloração com HE.
In the recent years it is emerged that peripheral arterial disease (PAD) has become a growing health problem in Western countries. This is a progressive manifestation of atherothrombotic vascular disease, which results into the narrowing of the blood vessels of the lower limbs and, as final consequence, in critical leg ischemia. PAD often occurs along with other cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes mellitus (DM), low-grade inflammation, hypertension, and lipid disorders. Patients with DM have an increased risk of developing PAD, and that risk increases with the duration of DM. Moreover, there is a growing population of patients identified with insulin resistance (IR), impaired glucose tolerance, and obesity, a pathological condition known as “metabolic syndrome”, which presents increased cardiovascular risk. Atherosclerosis is the earliest symptom of PAD and is a dynamic and progressive disease arising from the combination of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. Endothelial dysfunction is a broad term that implies diminished production or availability of nitric oxide (NO) and/or an imbalance in the relative contribution of endothelium-derived relaxing factors. The secretion of these agents is considerably reduced in association with the major risks of atherosclerosis, especially hyperglycaemia and diabetes, and a reduced vascular repair has been observed in response to wound healing and to ischemia. Neovascularization does not only rely on the proliferation of local endothelial cells, but also involves bone marrow-derived stem cells, referred to as endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), since they exhibit endothelial surface markers and properties. They can promote postnatal vasculogenesis by homing to, differentiating into an endothelial phenotype, proliferating and incorporating into new vessels. Consequently, EPCs are critical to endothelium maintenance and repair and their dysfunction contributes to vascular disease. The aim of this study has been the characterization of EPCs from healthy peripheral blood, in terms of proliferation, differentiation and function. Given the importance of NO in neovascularization and homing process, it has been investigated the expression of NO synthase (NOS) isoforms, eNOS, nNOS and iNOS, and the effects of their inhibition on EPC function. Moreover, it has been examined the expression of NADPH oxidase (Nox) isoforms which are the principal source of ROS in the cell. In fact, a number of evidences showed the correlation between ROS and NO metabolism, since oxidative stress causes NOS inactivation via enzyme uncoupling. In particular, it has been studied the expression of Nox2 and Nox4, constitutively expressed in endothelium, and Nox1. The second part of this research was focused on the study of EPCs under pathological conditions. Firstly, EPCs isolated from healthy subject were cultured in a hyperglycaemic medium, in order to evaluate the effects of high glucose concentration on EPCs. Secondly, EPCs were isolated from the peripheral blood of patients affected with PAD, both diabetic or not, and it was assessed their capacity to proliferate, differentiate, and to participate to neovasculogenesis. Furthermore, it was investigated the expression of NOS and Nox in these cells. Mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood of healthy patients, if cultured under differentiating conditions, differentiate into EPCs. These cells are not able to form capillary-like structures ex novo, but participate to vasculogenesis by incorporation into the new vessels formed by mature endothelial cells, such as HUVECs. With respect to NOS expression, these cells have high levels of iNOS, the inducible isoform of NOS, 3-4 fold higher than in HUVECs. While the endothelial isoform, eNOS, is poorly expressed in EPCs. The higher iNOS expression could be a form of compensation of lower eNOS levels. Under hyperglycaemic conditions, both iNOS and eNOS expression are enhanced compared to control EPCs, as resulted from experimental studies in animal models. In patients affected with PAD, the EPCs may act in different ways. Non-diabetic patients and diabetic patients with a higher vascular damage, evidenced by a higher number of circulating endothelial cells (CECs), show a reduced proliferation and ability to participate to vasculogenesis. On the other hand, diabetic patients with lower CEC number have proliferative and vasculogenic capacity more similar to healthy EPCs. eNOS levels in both patient types are equivalent to those of control, while iNOS expression is enhanced. Interestingly, nNOS is not detected in diabetic patients, analogously to other cell types in diabetics, which show a reduced or no nNOS expression. Concerning Nox expression, EPCs present higher levels of both Nox1 and Nox2, in comparison with HUVECs, while Nox4 is poorly expressed, probably because of uncompleted differentiation into an endothelial phenotype. Nox1 is more expressed in PAD patients, diabetic or not, than in controls, suggesting an increased ROS production. Nox2, instead, is lower in patients than in controls. Being Nox2 involved in cellular response to VEGF, its reduced expression can be referable to impaired vasculogenic potential of PAD patients.
Ansatz zur Generierung einer konditionalen, reversiblen Wt1 k.o.-Maus Der Wilms-Tumor (WT, Nephroblastom) ist ein embryonaler Nierentumor, der durch die maligne Transformation von undifferenziertem Nierengewebe, sog. nephrogenen Resten, entsteht. WT treten mit einer Inzidenz von 1 in 10.000 Lebendgeburten auf. Das Hauptmanifestationsalter, der normalerweise einseitig und sporadisch auftretenden Tumore, liegt zwischen dem 3. und 4. Lebensjahr. Etwa 10 % der Patienten entwickeln jedoch bilaterale Tumore. In diesen Fällen ist eine Assoziation mit komplexen genetischen Krankheitsbildern (u. a. WAGR-, Denys-Drash-, Frasier- und Beckwith-Wiedemann-Syndrom) festzustellen. In 15 % der sporadischen WT sind Mutationen im WT1 (Wilms-Tumor 1)-Gen beschrieben. WT1 besteht aus zehn Exons und weist typische Merkmale von Transkriptionsfaktoren (z. B. vier Zinkfinger) auf. Zwei alternative Spleißereignisse betreffen Exon 5 (+/−Exon 5) und Exon 9 (Transkripte mit bzw. ohne die codierenden Sequenzen für die AS Lysin-Threonin-Serin; +/−KTS). Die Lage der drei alternativ vorhandenen AS zwischen den Zinkfingern 3 und 4 bestimmt die verschiedenen Funktionen der WT1-Proteine (4 Isoformen) als Transkriptionsfaktor (−KTS) bzw. als RNA-bindendes Protein (+KTS). Das zunächst im Zusammenhang mit WT als Tumorsuppressorgen identifizierte WT1 ist ein Entwicklungsgen mit einem sehr komplexen Expressionsmuster in der Embryonalentwicklung. Dabei ist v. a. die Bedeutung in der Urogenitalentwicklung entscheidend. Konstitutive, homozygote Wt1−/− k.o.-Mäuse sind embryonal (~ E12,5 dpc) letal und bilden u. a. keine Gonaden und keine Nieren. Aus diesem Grund existiert bisher kein Wilms-Tumormodell. Die Herstellung eines konditionalen murinen Tiermodells auf Basis des Tet on/off-Systems zur Untersuchung der Nierenentwicklung bzw. zur Analyse der Wilms-Tumorpathogenese war Ziel dieser Arbeit. Hierfür wurden drei Mauslinien generiert: Zwei transgene sog. Responder-Linien, die eine chimäre spleißbare Wt1-cDNA der Variante musWt1+Exon 5;+/−KTS unter der Kontrolle eines Tet-responsiven Promotors im Genom tragen. Dieses tTA/Dox-abhängig regulierbare Wt1-Transgen (tgWt1) sollte (exogen regulierbar) die Expression des endogenen Wt1-Lokus ausreichend nachahmen, um die kritischen Phasen der Embryogenese zu überwinden und lebensfähige Tiere zu erhalten. Parallel dazu wurde die Wt1-Effektor-Mauslinie (WE2) generiert. Diese trägt einen tetrazyklinabhängigen Transaktivator (tTA) zur Steuerung Tet-regulierbarer Transgene unter der Kontrolle des endogenen Wt1-Promotors. Die durch homologe Rekombination in ES-Zellen erreichte Integration des tTA direkt am Translationsstartpunkt des Wt1-Lokus hat in den Tieren einen heterozygoten Wt1 knock out/tTA knock in zur Folge. Die bisher vorgenommenen Verpaarungen doppelt transgener Wt1-tTA+/−/Resp-Mäuse ergaben keinen Rescue des letalen Wt1 k.o. und es konnten bislang keine Wilms-Tumore induziert werden. Alle im Verlauf der Arbeit generierten Mauslinien wurden umfassend charakterisiert. So konnte für die Tiere der Responder-Linien Wt1-Resp1 (mit zusätzlichen Isolator-Sequenzen zum Schutz des Transgens vor Positionseffekten) und Wt1-Resp2 (ohne Isolatoren) konnte die Tet-induzierbare Expression und die Spleißbarkeit des tgWt1 in MEF-Assays und mittels Effektor-Mäusen auf RNA-Ebene nachgewiesen werden. Die genomische Charakterisierung der WE2-Linie ergab eine ungeklärte etwa 120 kb große Inversion am Wt1-Lokus, die alle 5'-regulatorischen Sequenzen mitsamt des tTA vom Rest von Wt1 trennt. Tiere dieser Linie weisen aber dennoch einen funktionalen Wt1 k.o. auf: Unter den Nachkommen aus Intercross-Verpaarungen von Wt1-tTA+/−-Mäusen lassen sich auf Grund der Letalität keine Wt1−/−-Genotypen nachweisen. Die Charakterisierung der Effektor-Linie auf RNA-Ebene und mittels Reporter-Mäusen liefert ein Wt1-analoges tTA-Expressionsmuster: So findet man eine deutliche tTA-Expression u. a. in Niere (Glomeruli), Uterus, Ovar und Testis. Die hier vorgestellten Experimente ergeben darüber hinaus eindeutige Hinweise einer Beteiligung von Wt1 in der Entstehung der glatten Muskulatur bzw. in der Vaskulogenese.
Le cardiomiopatie che insorgono a seguito di infarto miocardico sono causa di elevata morbilità e mortalità dalle importanti ricadute cliniche, dovute alle patologie insorgenti a seguito dell’ischemia e della cicatrice post-infatuale. Il ventricolo sinistro danneggiato va incontro a un rimodellamento progressivo, con perdita di cardiomiociti e proliferazione dei fibroblasti, risultante in un’architettura e in una funzionalità dell’organo distorta. I fibroblasti cardiaci sono i principali responsabili della fibrosi, il processo di cicatrizzazione caratterizzato da un’eccessiva deposizione di matrice extracellulare (ECM). Negli ultimi anni gli sforzi del nostro laboratorio sono stati volti a cercare di risolvere questo problema, attraverso l’uso di una molecola da noi sintetizzata, un estere misto degli acidi butirrico, retinoico e ialuronico, HBR, capace di commissionare le cellule staminali in senso cardio-vascolare. Studi in vivo mostrano come l’iniezione diretta di HBR in cuori di animali sottoposti a infarto sperimentale, sia in grado, tra le atre cose, di diminuire la fibrosi cardiaca. Sulla base di questa evidenza abbiamo cercato di capire come e se HBR agisse direttamente sui fibroblasti, indagando i meccanismi coinvolti nella riduzione della fibrosi in vivo.. In questa tesi abbiamo dimostrato come HBR abbia un’azione diretta su fibroblasti, inibendone la proliferazione, senza effetti citotossici. Inoltre HBR induce una significativa riduzione della deposizione di collagene.. HBR agisce sull’espressione genica e sulla sintesi proteica, sopprimendo la trascrizione dei geni del collagene, così come dell’a-sma, inibendo la trasizione fibroblasti-miofibroblasti, e promuovendo la vasculogenesi (attraverso VEGF), la chemoattrazione di cellule staminali (attraverso SDF) e un’attività antifibrotica (inibendo CTGF). HBR sembra modulare l’espressione genica agendo direttamente sulle HDAC, probabilmente grazie alla subunità BU. L’abilità di HBR di ridurre la fibrosi post-infartuale, come dimostrato dai nostri studi in vivo ed in vitro, apre la strada a importanti prospettive terapeutiche.
Concomitant with the extensive growth and differentiation of the mammary epithelium during pregnancy and lactation, and epithelial involution after weaning, the vasculature of the mammary gland undergoes repeated cycles of expansion and regression. Vascular expansion is effected by sprouting angiogenesis, intussusception and conceivably also vasculogenesis. The capacity of the epithelial cells to stimulate vascular growth and differentiation is dependent on the constellation of systemic and local hormones and growth factors as well as the changing demands for oxygenation and nutrient supply. This results in the release of angiogenic factors which stimulate endothelial cell growth and regulate vascular architecture. In contrast to the angiogenic phase of the mammary gland cycle, little is known about the control of vascular regression although this would possibly offer new insights into therapeutic possibilities against breast cancer. In this review we summarize knowledge regarding the mechanisms regulating the vasculature of the mammary gland and delineate the importance of the vasculature in the attainment of organ function. In addition, we discuss the angiogenic mechanisms observed during mammary carcinogenesis and their consequences for breast cancer therapy.
The transmembrane ligand ephrinB2 and its cognate Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are important regulators of vascular morphogenesis. EphrinB2 may have an active signaling role, resulting in bi-directional signal transduction downstream of both ephrinB2 and Eph receptors. To separate the ligand and receptor-like functions of ephrinB2 in mice, we replaced the endogenous gene by cDNAs encoding either carboxyterminally truncated (ephrinB2(DeltaC)) or, as a control, full-length ligand (ephrinB2(WT)). While homozygous ephrinB2(WT/WT) animals were viable and fertile, loss of the ephrinB2 cytoplasmic domain resulted in midgestation lethality similar to ephrinB2 null mutants (ephrinB2(KO)). The truncated ligand was sufficient to restore guidance of migrating cranial neural crest cells, but ephrinB2(DeltaC/DeltaC) embryos showed defects in vasculogenesis and angiogenesis very similar to those observed in ephrinB2(KO/KO) animals. Our results indicate distinct requirements of functions mediated by the ephrinB carboxyterminus for developmental processes in the vertebrate embryo.
Previous work has shown that c-Myc is required for adequate vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. To further investigate the contribution of Myc to these processes, we conditionally expressed c-Myc in embryonic endothelial cells using a tetracycline-regulated system. Endothelial Myc overexpression resulted in severe defects in the embryonic vascular system. Myc-expressing embryos undergo widespread edema formation and multiple hemorrhagic lesions. They die between embryonic days 14.5 and 17.5. The changes in vascular permeability are not caused by deficiencies in vascular basement membrane composition or pericyte coverage. However, the overall turnover of endothelial cells is elevated as is revealed by increased levels of both proliferation and apoptosis. Whole-mount immunohistochemical analysis revealed alterations in the architecture of capillary networks. The dermal vasculature of Myc-expressing embryos is characterized by a reduction in vessel branching, which occurs despite upregulation of the proangiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth factor-A and angiopoietin-2. Thus, the net outcome of an excess of vascular endothelial growth factor-A and angiopoietin-2 in the face of an elevated cellular turnover appears to be a defect in vascular integrity.