914 resultados para social spaces


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As online social spaces continue to grow in importance, the complex relationship between users and the private providers of the platforms continues to raise increasingly difficult questions about legitimacy in online governance. This article examines two issues that go to the core of egitimate governance in online communities: how are rules enforced and punishments imposed, and how should the law support legitimate governance and protect participants from the illegitimate exercise of power? Because the rules of online communities are generally ultimately backed by contractual terms of service, the imposition of punishment for the breach of internal rules exists in a difficult conceptual gap between criminal law and the predominantly compensatory remedies of contractual doctrine. When theorists have addressed the need for the rules of virtual communities to be enforced, a dichotomy has generally emerged between the appropriate role of criminal law for 'real' crimes, and the private, internal resolution of 'virtual' or 'fantasy' crimes. In this structure, the punitive effect of internal measures is downplayed and the harm that can be caused to participants by internal sanctions is systemically undervalued.


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The Dark Ages are generally held to be a time of technological and intellectual stagnation in western development. But that is not necessarily the case. Indeed, from a certain perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. In this paper we draw historical comparisons, focusing especially on the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, between the technological and intellectual ruptures in Europe during the Dark Ages, and those of our current period. Our analysis is framed in part by Harold Innis’s2 notion of "knowledge monopolies". We give an overview of how these were affected by new media, new power struggles, and new intellectual debates that emerged in thirteenth and fourteenth century Europe. The historical salience of our focus may seem elusive. Our world has changed so much, and history seems to be an increasingly far-from-favoured method for understanding our own period and its future potentials. Yet our seemingly distant historical focus provides some surprising insights into the social dynamics that are at work today: the fracturing of established knowledge and power bases; the democratisation of certain "sacred" forms of communication and knowledge, and, conversely, the "sacrosanct" appropriation of certain vernacular forms; challenges and innovations in social and scientific method and thought; the emergence of social world-shattering media practices; struggles over control of vast networks of media and knowledge monopolies; and the enclosure of public discursive and social spaces for singular, manipulative purposes. The period between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries in Europe prefigured what we now call the Enlightenment, perhaps moreso than any other period before or after; it shaped what the Enlightenment was to become. We claim no knowledge of the future here. But in the "post-everything" society, where history is as much up for sale as it is for argument, we argue that our historical perspective provides a useful analogy for grasping the wider trends in the political economy of media, and for recognising clear and actual threats to the future of the public sphere in supposedly democratic societies.


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The Dark Ages are generally held to be a time of technological and intellectual stagnation in western development. But that is not necessarily the case. Indeed, from a certain perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. In this paper we draw historical comparisons, focusing especially on the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, between the technological and intellectual ruptures in Europe during the Dark Ages, and those of our current period. Our analysis is framed in part by Harold Innis’s2 notion of "knowledge monopolies". We give an overview of how these were affected by new media, new power struggles, and new intellectual debates that emerged in thirteenth and fourteenth century Europe. The historical salience of our focus may seem elusive. Our world has changed so much, and history seems to be an increasingly far-from-favoured method for understanding our own period and its future potentials. Yet our seemingly distant historical focus provides some surprising insights into the social dynamics that are at work today: the fracturing of established knowledge and power bases; the democratisation of certain "sacred" forms of communication and knowledge, and, conversely, the "sacrosanct" appropriation of certain vernacular forms; challenges and innovations in social and scientific method and thought; the emergence of social world-shattering media practices; struggles over control of vast networks of media and knowledge monopolies; and the enclosure of public discursive and social spaces for singular, manipulative purposes. The period between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries in Europe prefigured what we now call the Enlightenment, perhaps moreso than any other period before or after; it shaped what the Enlightenment was to become. We claim no knowledge of the future here. But in the "post-everything" society, where history is as much up for sale as it is for argument, we argue that our historical perspective provides a useful analogy for grasping the wider trends in the political economy of media, and for recognising clear and actual threats to the future of the public sphere in supposedly democratic societies.


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Mixed use typologies and pedestrian networks are two strategies commonly applied in design of the contemporary city. These approaches, aimed towards the creation of a more sustainalble urban environment, have their roots in the traditional, pre-industrial towns; they characterize urban form, articulating the tension between privaate and public realms through a series of typological variations as well as stimulating commercial activity in the city centre. Arcades, loggias and verandas are just some of the elements which can mediate this tension. Historically they have defined physical and social spaces with particular character; in the contemporary city these features are applied to deform the urban form and create a porous, dynamic morphology. This paper, comparing case studies from Italy, Japan and Australia, investigates how the design of the transition zone can define hybrid pedestrian networks, where a clear distinction between the public and private realms is no longer applicable. Pedestrians use the city in a dynamic way, combining trajectories on the public street with ones on the fringe or inside of the private built environment. In some cases, cities offer different pedestrian network possibilities at different times, as the commercial precints are subject to variations in accessibility across various timeframes. These walkable systems have an impact on the urban form and identity of places, redefining typologies and requiring an in depth analysis through plan, section and elevation diagrams.


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This article offers a critical exploration of the concept of resilience, which is largely conceptualized in the literature as an extraordinary atypical personal ability to revert or ‘bounce back’ to a point of equilibrium despite significant adversity. While resilience has been explored in a range of contexts, there is little recognition of resilience as a social process arising from mundane practices of everyday life and situated in person -environment interactions. Based on an ethnographic study among single refugee women with children in Brisbane, Australia, the women’s stories on navigating everyday tensions and opportunities revealed how resilience was a process operating inter-subjectively in the social spaces connecting them to their environment. Far beyond the simplistic binaries of resilience versus non-resilient, we concern ourselves here with the everyday processual, person environment nature of the concept. We argue that more attention should be paid to day-to-day pathways through which resilience outcomes are achieved, and that this has important implications for refugee mental health practice frameworks.


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This paper argues that food and styles of eating have become the predominant markers of social change for the Vietnamese in both Vietnam and in the diaspora. In post-socialist Vietnam the transition to a market economy has allowed for a huge growth in the number of restaurants and cafes, and in the north, a return to an earlier style of cooking. The intense interest and emphasis on food as embodied pleasure has meant that it has come to stand for the transition away from a heavily state-controlled economy. The new configurations of family and friendship are being framed by newly available ways of ‘eating out’, which are both a means of social display and distinction as well as an indicator of the tensions between reform and festivity within an authoritarian nation-state struggling to define itself in a globalising world. At the same time as food in Vietnam is undergoing rapid transformation so too has the Vietnamese diaspora enerationally changed its eating patterns. Although there as been a focus in the literature on food in the diaspora that emphasises the nostalgic and recuperative elements of ‘migrant food’, I argue that food is the prime mechanism of intercultural engagement for each diasporic generation. For older Vietnamese, Vietnamese restaurants and barbecues have been the sites of interplay between cultural tradition’ and innovation, and between Australianness and Vietnameseness, and these interstitial places continue to be important for younger Vietnamese. Within this established framework of cross-cultural interaction, for Vietnamese youth, the social settings of ‘ethnic food’, eaten at home and shared with family, have been grafted onto a sociality of eating fast food. This melding together of both invention and convention, of transgression and ordinariness provides the background against which young people from migrant backgrounds are reinvigorating the social spaces of food consumption and in the process both e-enchanting and destabilising the notion of migrant food.


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Policy makers increasingly recognise that an educated workforce with a high proportion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduates is a pre-requisite to a knowledge-based, innovative economy. Over the past ten years, the proportion of first university degrees awarded in Australia in STEM fields is below the global average and continues to decrease from 22.2% in 2002 to 18.8% in 2010 [1]. These trends are mirrored by declines between 20% and 30% in the proportions of high school students enrolled in science or maths. These trends are not unique to Australia but their impact is of concern throughout the policy-making community. To redress these demographic trends, QUT embarked upon a long-term investment strategy to integrate education and research into the physical and virtual infrastructure of the campus, recognising that expectations of students change as rapidly as technology and learning practices change. To implement this strategy, physical infrastructure refurbishment/re-building is accompanied by upgraded technologies not only for learning but also for research. QUT’s vision for its city-based campuses is to create vibrant and attractive places to learn and research and to link strongly to the wider surrounding community. Over a five year period, physical infrastructure at the Gardens Point campus was substantially reconfigured in two key stages: (a) a >$50m refurbishment of heritage-listed buildings to encompass public, retail and social spaces, learning and teaching “test beds” and research laboratories and (b) destruction of five buildings to be replaced by a $230m, >40,000m2 Science and Engineering Centre designed to accommodate retail, recreation, services, education and research in an integrated, coordinated precinct. This landmark project is characterised by (i) self-evident, collaborative spaces for learning, research and social engagement, (ii) sustainable building practices and sustainable ongoing operation and; (iii) dynamic and mobile re-configuration of spaces or staffing to meet demand. Innovative spaces allow for transformative, cohort-driven learning and the collaborative use of space to prosecute joint class projects. Research laboratories are aggregated, centralised and “on display” to the public, students and staff. A major visualisation space – the largest multi-touch, multi-user facility constructed to date – is a centrepiece feature that focuses on demonstrating scientific and engineering principles or science oriented scenes at large scale (e.g. the Great Barrier Reef). Content on this visualisation facility is integrated with the regional school curricula and supports an in-house schools program for student and teacher engagement. Researchers are accommodated in a combined open-plan and office floor-space (80% open plan) to encourage interdisciplinary engagement and cross-fertilisation of skills, ideas and projects. This combination of spaces re-invigorates the on-campus experience, extends educational engagement across all ages and rapidly enhances research collaboration.


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In this article, we investigate eight and nine year old girls’ school and home use of the popular game Minecraft and the ways in which the girls ‘bring themselves into being’ through talk and digital production in the social spaces of the classroom and within the game’s multiplayer online world. This work was conducted as part of a broader digital games in education project involving primary and secondary school-aged students in Australia and focuses specifically on data collected from an all-girls primary school in Brisbane. We investigate the processes of identity construction that occur as the girls undertake practices of curatorship (Potter, 2012) to display their knowledge of Minecraft through discussion of the game, both ‘in world’ and in face-to-face interactions, and as they assemble resources within and around the game to design, build and display their creations and share stories about their game play. The article begins with a consideration of recent scholarship focussing on children, learning and digital culture and literacy practices before explaining how Minecraft is, in many ways, an exemplary instance of a digital game that promotes and enables complex practices of digital participation. We then introduce the concepts of performativity and recognition (Butler 1990, 2004, 2005) which, we argue, provide productive ways to theorise identity work within affinity groups. The article then outlines some background to the research project and our methodology before providing analysis of the data in the second half of the article. We conclude by outlining the implications of our investigation for the conceptualisation of learning spaces as affinity groups and for considering digital participation as curatorship.


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In this paper the author considers the possibilities for establishing democratic governance in virtual worlds. He looks at the freedoms currently available to players in “Second Life”, contrasting these to those established in Raph Koster’s “A Declaration of the Rights of Avatars”, and assess whether some restrictions are more necessary in game spaces than social spaces. The author looks at the early implementations of self-governance in online spaces, and consider what lessons can be taken from these, investigating what a contemporary democratic space looks like, in the form of “A Tale in the Desert”, and finally considers how else we may think of giving players more rights in these developing social spaces.


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Tutkimus käsittelee verkko-opetusinnovaation leviämistä perusasteen ja lukion maantieteeseen vuosina 1998–2004. Työssä sovellettiin opetusinnovaation leviämismallia ja innovaatioiden diffuusioteoriaa. Aineisto hankittiin seitsemänä vuotena kyselylomakkeilla maantieteen verkko-opetuksen edelläkävijäopettajilta, jotka palauttivat 326 lomaketta. Tutkimuksen pääongelmat olivat 1) Millaisia edellytyksiä edelläkävijäopettajilla on käyttää verkko-opetusta koulun maantieteessä? 2) Mitä sovelluksia ja millä tavoin edelläkävijäopettajat käyttävät maantieteen verkko-opetuksessa? 3) Millaisia käyttökokemuksia edelläkävijäopettajat ovat saaneet maantieteen verkko-opetuksesta? Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että tietokoneiden riittämätön määrä ja puuttuminen aineluokasta vaikeuttivat maantieteen verkko-opetusta. Työssä kehitettiin opettajien digitaalisten mediataitojen kuutiomalli, johon kuuluvat tekniset taidot, informaation prosessointitaidot ja viestintätaidot. Opettajissa erotettiin kolme verkko-opetuksen käyttäjätyyppiä: informaatiohakuiset kevytkäyttäjät, viestintähakuiset peruskäyttäjät ja yhteistyöhakuiset tehokäyttäjät. Verkko-opetukseen liittyi intensiivisiä myönteisiä ja kielteisiä kokemuksia. Se toi iloa ja motivaatiota opiskeluun. Sitä pidettiin rikastuttavana lisänä, joka haluttiin integroida opetukseen hallitusti. Edelläkävijäopettajat ottivat käyttöön tietoverkoissa olevaa informaatiota ja sovelsivat työvälineohjelmia. He pääsivät alkuun todellisuutta jäljittelevien virtuaalimaailmojen: satelliittikuvien toistaman maapallon, digitaalikarttojen ja simulaatioiden käytössä. Opettajat kokeilivat verkon sosiaalisia tiloja reaaliaikaisen viestinnän, keskusteluryhmien ja ryhmätyöohjelmien avulla. Mielikuvitukseen perustuvat virtuaalimaailmat jäivät vähälle sillä opettajat eivät juuri pelanneet viihdepelejä. He omaksuivat virtuaalimaailmoista satunnaisia palasia käytettävissä olevan laite- ja ohjelmavarustuksen mukaan. Virtuaalimaailmojen valtaus eteni tutkimuksen aikana digitaalisen informaation hyödyntämisestä viestintäsovelluksiin ja aloittelevaan yhteistyöhön. Näin opettajat laajensivat virtuaalireviiriään tietoverkkojen dynaamisiksi toimijoiksi ja pääsivät uusin keinoin tyydyttämään ihmisen universaalia tarvetta yhteyteen muiden kanssa. Samalla opettajat valtautuivat informaation kuluttajista sen tuottajiksi, objekteista subjekteiksi. Verkko-opetus avaa koulun maantieteelle huomattavia mahdollisuuksia. Mobiililaitteiden avulla informaatiota voidaan kerätä ja tallentaa maasto-olosuhteissa, ohjelmilla sitä voidaan muuntaa muodosta toiseen. Internetin autenttiset ja ajantasaiset materiaalit tuovat opiskeluun konkretiaa ja kiinnostavuutta, mallit, simulaatiot ja paikkatieto havainnollistavat ilmiöitä. Viestintä- ja yhteistyövälineet sekä sosiaaliset informaatiotilat vahvistavat yhteistyötä. Avainsanat: verkko-opetus, internet, virtuaalimaailmat, maantiede, innovaatiot


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This section focuses on systems of reasoning that imagine youth as a unified whole, one that can be researched, talked about, planned for, and managed. Even research that focuses on individuals or specific contexts depends on and reproduces ideas of youth as an identifiable population. This section interrogates the rules and scaffolding of discourses that construct the social spaces in which we problematize and study youth in society. This introduction will set the agenda by addressing four elements of this process: the first addresses the rise of some of the crucial elements of contemporary governance, the instrument and practices through which the notion of the population was able to take shape. The second examines the rise of the personage of “the child,” and how new forms of governance not only utilized this new identity for the purposes of ongoing social management, but also organized its differentiation into a growing array of new social and administrative categories. The third specifically addresses “youth,” examining its various predecessors as targets for moral concern, as well as some of the recent cultural triggers for its formation. Finally, there is an assessment of the contemporary governance of populations of youth, based as it is around its twin existence as a governmental object, a target for an almost endless array of social, educational, legal, and psychological concerns and interventions, but also as an identity, a set of practices of the self.


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Little is known about beginning teachers’ political positioning experiences of the staffroom. This paper employs Bourdieu's conceptual tools of field, habitus and capital to explore beginning health and physical education teachers’ positioning experiences and learning in staffrooms, the place in which teachers spend the majority of their non-teaching school time. From an Australian context, we present beginning (or emerging) teachers’ stories from one rural general staffroom and one urban departmental staffroom. Using the narratives we reflect upon how their positioning in the politics of the staffroom as beginning teachers presented significant challenges including negotiating the professional micropolitics, negotiating capital and negotiating opportunities and risks for reflection and change in contrasting social spaces.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo averiguar os efeitos de sentido produzidos por músicas de hip hop (movimento cultural cultivado nos guetos fluminenses), com base na análise de sua expressão verbal (rap) e em uma consideração experimental de capas de disco. Objetiva-se também investigar, no material artístico de Marcelo D2 e MV Bill, relações sociais engendradas por sujeitos da periferia, em espaços sociais antagônicos (centro e periferia). Para isso, exploramos uma Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, enfatizando o conceito de etos discursivo, além de noções vinculadas à problemática da alteridade discursiva, a fim de que se analise o posicionamento de entes subjugados perante o descaso a que estão submetidos, e suas impressões sobre as imagens discursivas de marginalizadores. Buscamos apreender etos produzidos por sujeitos do rap, considerando a presença do Outro que fala nele/por ele (alteridade). Nossos procedimentos metodológicos apontam o que levou a considerar o hip hop, além da trajetória seguida na delimitação do corpus. Além disso, expõem-se os motivos que nos fizeram priorizar etos e alteridade discursiva. As análises buscam avaliações sobre a materialidade discursiva, que almejam extrair sentidos produzidos nos guetos. Como resultados, refletimos sobre aspectos inerentes ao contexto social fluminense, ao relacionamento entre sujeitos, lugares e práticas, para que se alarguem considerações sobre essas afinidades, inclusive na escola. Desse modo, ambicionamos que se aprimorem os debates sobre práticas de afirmação social de classes e, através de novas discussões, se intensifiquem as iniciativas sociopolíticas


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A presente pesquisa que ora se apresenta trata das representações sociais da comunidade cabo-verdiana residente no Rio de Janeiro sobre diversos objetos que estão implicados no processo de construção de suas identidades, no entrecruzamento das culturas e identidades cabo-verdianas e brasileiras. Nesse sentido, realizou-se um estudo comparativo entre três grupos de cabo-verdianos residentes no Rio de Janeiro. As entrevistas realizadas com 20 estudantes, 20 imigrantes e 10 brasileiros filhos de cabo-verdianos residentes no Brasil permitiram identificar conteúdos mais específicos, diversificados e detalhados das representações formadas por eles acerca do Brasil e do povo brasileiro, bem como das suas próprias relações com os países de origem e de acolhimento, bem como com os seus respectivos povos, o que, em última análise, consubstancia as identidades sociais próprias que terão reconstruído durante a sua permanência aquém do ou melhor, de parte do Oceano Atlântico. A teoria das Representações Sociais, desenvolvida por Serge Moscovici (1961) se constituiu em uma valiosa sustentação teórica para o presente estudo. Por meio da pesquisa comparativa das representações sociais dos distintos grupos de cabo-verdianos no Rio de Janeiro acerca de variados aspectos dos seus contextos sócio-culturais de origem e de acolhimento, foi possível compreender o complexo processo de construção, reconstrução e atualização das suas respectivas identidades. É isso que se acredita ter aqui demonstrado no que se refere às trajetórias dos estudantes e imigrantes cabo-verdianos, bem como às histórias de vida dos filhos destes, no Brasil e, em especial, no Rio de Janeiro. É nessa perspectiva que os cabo-verdianos no Rio de Janeiro tomados tanto como sujeitos quanto como objetos de representação, na presente pesquisa têm construído um conhecimento ao mesmo tempo, prático e reflexivo da sua inserção nos contextos brasileiro e carioca, através do contato face a face com a sociedade receptora e, no caso de dois desses grupos (estudantes e imigrantes), a partir das representações que já haviam elaborado no país de origem, sob a influência dos meios de comunicação de massa. Assim, com base na hibridização cultural e identitária dos cabo-verdianos, procurou-se compreender de forma mais ampla e circunstanciada o processo de (re) construção das identidades dos estudantes, imigrantes e dos descendentes destes no Rio de Janeiro. Tais mudanças mostraram-se mais visíveis nos convívios sociais em que os grupos cabo-verdianos participam em diferentes espaços sociais desta cidade, nas próprias residências, nas sedes de associações, as quais participam, não só cabo-verdianos, mas, também, alguns brasileiros e outros africanos. Nestes convívios, notam-se diferenças de relacionamento entre eles, estruturam-se em pequenos grupos, ocorrendo uma intensificação das aproximações identitárias e representacionais. As mudanças que foram observadas superficialmente entre os estudantes são, por conseguinte, mais intensas entre os cabo-verdianos imigrantes, em virtude do maior tempo e freqüência cotidiana da comunicação e da troca de experiências com mais variados estratos da população brasileira, o que se aproxima a uma autêntica fusão cultural. Não obstante, constatou-se que, nesse processo, a comunidade imigrante perdeu alguns elementos importantes da cultura cabo-verdiana, o principal dos quais foi a língua crioula. A perda do crioulo representa uma descontinuidade na reprodução da identidade cabo-verdiana pelos imigrantes no Brasil. Nesse sentido, os brasileiros filhos de pais cabo-verdianos não tiveram acesso a esse poderoso instrumento de comunicação e de preservação da cultura cabo-verdiana. Esses cabo-verdianos imigrantes consideram-se bem sucedidos e avaliam positivamente a sua trajetória de vida enquanto imigrantes no Brasil. De igual modo, os estudantes se consideram realizados, devido à oportunidade de estudar no Brasil, o que representa a concretização de um desejo coletivo, uma vez que a instrução escolar é amplamente valorizada no país de origem.


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O transtorno de pânico é uma das questões preocupantes em termos de saúde coletiva. Pensamos que tal transtorno se configura como uma nova forma de adoecimento psíquico, categoria que tem penetrado em diferentes espaços sociais, e suas descrições vêm sendo incorporadas ao arcabouço identitário dos sujeitos. Problematizar as matrizes culturais da emergência e difusão deste transtorno, no campo da construção de subjetividade e de identidade, é o objetivo deste estudo. Na pós-modernidade, por um lado, nos centramos nas características do que se denomina sociedade de risco, (BECK, 1998) a qual gera sentimentos de imprevisibilidade, desenraizamento e desfiliação; por outro, juntamente com o desprestígio do ideal da interioridade, observa-se um recurso a se recorrer ao registro do corpo e da biologia como âncora subjetiva. (COSTA, 2005). Com a predominância de um cenário de incerteza e de risco permanente, cria-se uma atmosfera em que a previsibilidade e a confiabilidade são constantemente ameaçadas, Ou seja, o valor da confiança no registro da ontologia refere-se à existência de um ambiente suficientemente confiável e previsível para que os sujeitos experienciem uma constância dos ambientes de ação social e material circundante (WINNICOTT, 1963). Verificaremos, em meio a um cenário de risco ambiente, como o pânico emerge e é difundido com base em matrizes desviantes. O transtorno de pânico, pretensamente radicado no cérebro e determinado pela genética, parece ser uma das entidades às quais as pessoas aderem e ao redor das quais se agregam. Nesse sentido, defendendo que os tipos de patologia, nos quais se inclui o transtorno de pânico, podem servir também como redes de pertencimento, formas de sociabilidade que se organizam em torno de predicados físicos, tanto na esfera da normalidade quanto da patologia, entre as quais o corpo anatomofisiológico se destaca como fenômeno identitário, denominado por alguns autores de bioidentidade (ORTEGA, 2000). Humanizar o conceito transtorno de pânico, portanto, é afirmar que tais sintomas já conheceram outras utilizações. Entendendo o sujeito como um conjunto de crenças podem ser alteradas, revistas, repensadas, redimensionadas (COSTA, 1994). Ao sair da esfera da universalidade e essencialidade, típicas de classificações reducionistas no campo da psiquiatria, para a perspectiva de que existem jogos de linguagem diferentes para se referir ao pânico, percebemos que em vez de o transtorno de pânico existem os pânicos, ou seja, são plurais e diversificadas as diferentes gramáticas para se falar daquilo a que se reduz hoje essa classificação psiquiátrica.