933 resultados para social interventions


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This paper presents the findings of a qualitative process evaluation of the Roots of Empathy (ROE) programme. ROE is a universal, classroom-based intervention, which aims to enhance social and emotional learning of primary (elementary) school children. Effective delivery of such complex social interventions in real-world settings requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of factors that interact to influence implementation and fidelity. A case study methodology was employed with six schools, to explore the views of key actors and stakeholders involved in the delivery and receipt of the programme. Overall, ROE was delivered with high fidelity and the programme was viewed positively across the schools. However, one issue was the varied level of interest and awareness of the programme from parents.


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Background The Well London programme used community engagement, complemented by changes to the physical and social neighbourhood environment, to improve physical activity levels, healthy eating and mental wellbeing in the most deprived communities in London. The effectiveness of Well London is being evaluated in a pair-matched cluster randomised trial (CRT). The baseline survey data are reported here. Methods The CRT involved 20 matched pairs of intervention and control communities (defined as UK census lower super output areas; ranked in the 11% most deprived LSOAs in London by Index of Multiple Deprivation) across 20 London boroughs. The primary trial outcomes, sociodemographic information and environmental neighbourhood characteristics were assessed in three quantitative components within the Well London CRT at baseline: a cross-sectional, interviewer-administered adult household survey; a self-completed, school-based adolescent questionnaire; a fieldworker completed neighbourhood environmental audit. Baseline data collection occurred in 2008. Physical activity, healthy eating and mental wellbeing were assessed using standardised, validated questionnaire tools. Multiple imputation was used to account for missing data in the outcomes and other variables in the adult and adolescent surveys. Results There were 4107 adults and 1214 adolescent respondents in the baseline surveys. The intervention and control areas were broadly comparable with respect to the primary outcomes and key sociodemographic characteristics. The environmental characteristics of the intervention and control neighbourhoods were broadly similar. There was greater between cluster variation in the primary outcomes in the adult population compared to the adolescent population. Levels of healthy eating, smoking and self-reported anxiety/depression were similar in the Well London population and the national Health Survey for England. Levels of physical activity were higher in the Well London population but this is likely to be due to the different measurement tools used in the two surveys. Conclusions Randomisation of social interventions such as Well London is acceptable and feasible and in this study the intervention and control arms are well balanced with respect to the primary outcomes and key sociodemographic characteristics. The matched design has improved the statistical efficiency of the study amongst adults but less so amongst adolescents. Follow-up data collection will be completed 2012.


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Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux expériences de femmes en processus de sortie de la prostitution. Il vise à comprendre les obstacles auxquels ces femmes sont confrontées pour pouvoir bénéficier d’interventions sociales accessibles et facilitant leur sortie de la prostitution. Cette recherche qualitative prend appui sur 11 entretiens individuels réalisés auprès de femmes âgées de 26 à 55 ans et habitant Montréal, les Laurentides et l’Abitibi. Bien que nombre de femmes aux prises avec la prostitution souhaitent en sortir, on compte peu d’interventions sociales pour les aider en ce sens. Les services publics sont largement insuffisants à la fois du point de vue de leur accessibilité et de leur réponse aux besoins de ces femmes. Peu d’études s’intéressent aux services d’aide à la sortie de la prostitution, notamment au Québec. Ce mémoire privilégie une perspective féministe abolitionniste et un cadre épistémologique de la théorie standpoint. Les résultats mettent en lumière les obstacles à l’accessibilité des interventions sociales, dont le cloisonnement des services et le refus manifeste d’offrir de l’aide aux femmes. Cette recherche rend compte également de l’expérience de pratiques d’intervention entravant le processus de sortie : 1) les pratiques punitives, 2) celles proposant une aide limitée aux femmes ou 3) leur adaptation à la prostitution. La conclusion de ce mémoire propose la mise en œuvre de pratiques sociales novatrices qui prennent en compte les contraintes sociales qui mènent les femmes à l’industrie du sexe et les y maintiennent ainsi que les conséquences de l’expérience même de la prostitution sur elles.


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L’application forcée des services de bien-être à l’enfance aux populations autochtones a eu des conséquences néfastes sur les jeunes autochtones et leur famille. Actuellement au Canada, ces jeunes sont surreprésentés dans les systèmes provinciaux de protection de l’enfance. Inspirée de la sociologie de l’expérience de Dubet (1994), cette étude s’intéresse aux significations que les jeunes autochtones donnent à leur expérience de prise en charge afin que les interventions soient pensées en fonction du sens qu’ils donnent à leur réalité. S’inscrivant dans une méthodologie qualitative, sept récits de vie ont été récoltés auprès de jeunes autochtones âgés entre 18 et 24 ans, ayant vécu une prise en charge et résidant en milieu urbain. L’analyse des témoignages a permis de faire ressortir trois types d’expérience de prise en charge : les résistants, les résignés et les résilients. L’intervention de la protection de la jeunesse représente pour ces jeunes une mesure de protection qui leur a permis de se soustraire de conditions de vie difficiles. Toutefois, leur regard se nuance pendant la prise en charge : la protection peut être vue comme « partielle », « banale » ou « totale » selon l’effet de déracinement, de détachement ou d’émancipation lié au placement. Les résultats démontrent, d’une part, que la protection de la jeunesse constitue une réponse à la pauvreté chez les populations autochtones et, d’autre part, que les liens des jeunes autochtones avec leur milieu d’origine sont essentiels si on veut favoriser leur bien-être.


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Les parents de familles vulnérables cumulent des problèmes personnels et sociaux qui complexifient l’exercice de leur rôle parental et qui ont une incidence sur le développement de leur enfant (Léveillé, Chamberland et Tremblay-Renaud, 2007). Ainsi, les interventions scolaires et sociales se multiplient auprès de ces familles. La promotion d’une participation active des parents dans l’organisation des services et dans la recherche de stratégies d’interventions scolaires et sociales est encouragée (MSSS, 2003). Pour des parents vulnérables, cette participation peut constituer un défi de taille. L’objectif de cette recherche vise à connaître le point de vue des parents de familles vulnérables sur leurs relations avec les intervenants qui participent au cheminement scolaire de leur enfant ainsi que la place qu'ils occupent dans les prises de décisions qui y sont associées. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, un sous-échantillon de 19 parents participant à la recherche évaluative de l’initiative AIDES a été créé. Des entrevues téléphoniques semi-directives ont été réalisées avec les participants. L’analyse des résultats a permis de dégager trois dimensions qui influencent la satisfaction de ces parents à l’égard de leurs relations: la place qu’ils occupent dans les prises de décisions, la qualité de leur relation et la réponse aux besoins de leur enfant. Des pistes de réflexions sont présentées afin de favoriser des pratiques qui encouragent la participation des parents dans le processus décisionnel scolaire et l’amélioration de la réponse aux besoins des enfants vivant en contexte de vulnérabilité.


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The aim of this essay was to study if social workers have a gender awareness in the social work they perform and if it appears in the assessment of needs and intervention. A qualitative vignette study with four social workers who handle adult- and addictive clients have been performed. Gender theory is used to interpret the empirical results. The results of the study show that social workers doesn´t see any differences in the clients situation, or make any different assessment of needs depending on if the client is a man or a woman. Social workers also propose the same interventions to men and women. The interviews was done in two parts, before and after the primary design of the study was unveiled. In the first part the social workers didn´t reflect about gender at all, when they assessed the introduced vignette. In the second part of the interviews, a certain attention appeared concerning gender when the social workers reflected about social interventions that is given to men and women with an addiction. Based on the definition of gender awareness, the empirical material, the analysis of the result, prior research and gender theory the conclusion is drawn that social workers have some gender awareness in the social work they perform.Keywords: Gender, sex, gender awareness, social worker, assessment, equality


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Det finns begränsat med forskning kring hur biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen arbetar med ensamhet hos äldre personer. Med anledning av detta är studiens huvudsakliga syfte att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare i Dalarnas kommuner arbetar med att utreda sociala behov till följd av ensamhet hos äldre personer samt att ta reda på vilka kommunala sociala insatser som erbjuds för dessa individer och på vilka grunder. Studien är genomförd utifrån en kvantitativ ansats, där vi har använt oss av en enkät, som innehåller frågor som avser att besvara syftet. Tolkningsramen för analysen av det empiriska materialet utgörs av Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrati. Studiens resultat visar att det finns behov av att både utöka och utveckla kommunernas utbud av sociala insatser för äldre personer samt att utveckla rutiner för hur man ska arbeta med ensamhet hos äldre personer. Studien påvisar ett behov av mer forskning, både internationell och nationell, kring hur biståndshandläggare arbetar med att identifiera ensamhet hos äldre personer.


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The freedom of concurrence, firstly conceived as a simple market fundament in productive systems that recognized the productive forces freedom of action, appears as a clear instrument of protection and fomentation of the market, recognizing the importance of the simultaneous existence of various economic forces such the proper capitalism reason of constitution. It has, thus, a directly role linked to the fundamental idea that the market and its productive forces needed of a protection against itself, because it exists inside the market situations and circumstances, provoked or not, that could prejudice and even annihilate the its existence and functioning, whilst a complex role of productive forces presents at all economic creation space. It was the primacy of the classic liberalism, the first phase of the capitalism. The Constitutions, in that historic moment, did not proclaim any interference at the economic scenario, simply because it recognized the existence of an economic freedom prepared to justify and guarantee the market forces, with its own rules. Based on the structural changes that occurred at the following historic moments, inside the constitutionally recognized capitalism, it was verified changes in the ambit of treatment of the freedom of concurrence principle that, in a progressive way, passes to present a configuration more concerned with socialist and developing ideas, as long as not only a market guarantee. It emerges a freedom of concurrence which aim is instrumental, in relation to its objectives and constitutional direction as a role, and not anymore stagnant and with isolated treatment, in special at the constitutional systems the present s clear aspects of social interventions and guarantor of fundamental rights more extensive and harmonious. That change is located at a space of state actuation much more ample and juridical important, this time comprehending the necessity of managing the productive scenario aiming to reach a national social and economic development effectively guarantor of fundamental rights for all citizens. Those Constitutions take as point of starting that the social and economic development, and not only anymore the economic growth, is the effective way for concretization of these rights. In that way it needs to be observed and crystallized by political and juridical tools that respect the ideological fundamental spirit of the Constitutional Charters. In that scenario that seeks for solutions of rights accomplishment, in special the social rights, the constitutional principle of freedom of concurrence has been seen as an instrument for reaching bigger values and directives, such as the social justice, which only can be real at a State that can implement a comprehensive and permanent social and economic development. The freedom of concurrence tries to valorize and defend something larger and consonant to the political values expressed in the Constitutional Charters with social character, which is the right to a social and economical sustainable development, guarantor of more clear and compromised collective benefits with social justice. The origin of that constitutional imposition is not only supported by vague orientations of the economic space, but as integrated to it, with basis formed of normative and principles posted and prepared to produce effects at the proper reason of the Constitution


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The elaboration of this thesis aimed at getting to know the structure of the psychological well-being (PWB) at work and analysing the differences in the PWB levels among technical-administrative servants in public and private Institutions of Higher Education (IES) in the municipality of João Pessoa. Two hundred and thirty-three public and private IES male and female servants of João Pessoa participated in the research, replying to an instrument composed of questionnaires referring to the elaborated model. Factorial and regression analyses were accomplished in order to test the hypotheses in respect of the proposed model. The results showed that the PWB related with the work is composed of indicators such as affection, vitality, anxiety, depression, satisfaction at work and aspiration for accomplishment and reduction of the self-efficiency. The observed PWB predictors at work were the IES type, presence of children, age and the escape and back-out facing strategy. These predictors possess relationship of moderation among them in the explanation of PWB. On comparing the PWB experienced by the technical-administrative servants, it was observed that those linked to private IES showed higher PWB rates. Furthermore, there are differences among PWB predictors in accordance with the IES type. The applicability of the results of this thesis is wide as regards social interventions in the search of health improvement under a psycho-sociological perspective. Eventually, the thematic of this thesis intends to reinforce the studies on the worker s health, since by knowing what would lead him into a feeling of accomplishment and well-being will result in more chances of promoting him, while creating opportunities of a sounder life for these people in psychological terms


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I attempt to articulate Jahoda's (2012) critical reflections regarding definitions of culture in recent cross-cultural studies and Moghaddam's (2012) claims of an omnicultural imperative to guide the elaboration of public policies for managing relationships among human groups from different cultural origins. For this, I will approach some aspects of the socio-historical and ontogenetic roots of the notion of culture. The notion of culture and the consequent public policies involving intercultural managing are being transformed as our global society develops. It has been proposed that some ways of dealing with the culture of the other are crucial to achieve awareness in respect of one's own cultural positioning when making science and attempting social interventions. Finally, the experience of Brazilian psychologists working on challenges faced by Amerindians dealing with the national society they live in will be presented as a pioneering work aiming to interfere in the development of public policies ethically concerned with the assurance of cultural integrity of currently marginalized social groups.


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What makes helping relationships - or social interventions in general - so sensitive to abuse? These problems are directly related to the nature of the helping relationship. The core of this relationship is the inequality, the asymmetry, between the helper and the person being helped, and the dependence of the latter. Asymmetry is the driving force behind every social intervention and at the same time its weakest point. Handling asymmetry in an appropriate manner constitutes a major part of the work of the intervening party. This asymmetry makes heavy demands on the professional attitude of the intervening party i.e. the helper. Is s/he capable of dealing with dependence in an acceptable way? Is s/he well-versed in her/his profession? This article contains a comprehensive sketch of many of the possible dangers and pitfalls which beset asymmetric intervention relations. At the end it will be argued that, for a better understanding, the proximity of helping and power has to be taken into account.


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Limited research has been conducted evaluating programs that are designed to improve the outcomes of homeless adults with mental disorders and comorbid alcohol, drug and mental disorders. This study conducted such an evaluation in a community-based day treatment setting with clients of the Harris County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority's Bristow Clinic. The study population included all clients who received treatment at the clinic for a minimum of six months between January 1, 1995 and August 31, 1996. An electronic database was used to identify clients and to track their program involvement. A profile was developed of the study participants and their level of program involvement included an examination of the amount of time spent in clinical, social and other interventions, the type of interventions encountered and the number of interventions encountered. Results were analyzed to determine whether social, demographic and mental history affected levels of program involvement and the effects of the levels of program involvement on housing status and psychiatric functioning status.^ A total of 101 clients met the inclusion criteria. Of the 101 clients, 96 had a mental disorder, and five had comorbidity. Due to the limited numbers of participants with comorbidity, only those with mental disorders were included in the analysis. The study found the Bristow Clinic population to be primarily single, Black, male, between the ages of 31 and 40 years, and with a gross family income of less than $4,000. There were more persons residing on the streets at entry and at six months following treatment than in any other residential setting. The most prevalent psychiatric diagnoses were depressive disorders and schizophrenia. The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale which was used to determine the degree of psychiatric functioning revealed a modal GAF score of 31--40 at entry and following six months in treatment. The study found that the majority of clients spent less than 17 hours in treatment, had less than 51 encounters and had clinical, social, and other encounters. In regard to social and demographic factors and levels of program involvement, there were statistically significant associations between gender and ethnicity and the types of interventions encountered as well as the number of interventions encountered. There was also a statistically significant difference between the amount of time spent in clinical interventions and gender. Relative to outcomes measured, the study found female gender to be the only background variable that was significantly associated with improved housing status and the female gender and previous MHMRA involvement to be statistically associated with improvement in GAF score. The total time in other (not clinical or social) interventions and the total number of encounters with other interventions were also significantly associated with improvement in housing outcome. The analysis of previous services and levels of program involvement revealed significant associations between time spent in social and clinical interventions and previous hospitalizations and previous MHMRA involvement.^ Major limitations of this study include the small sample size which may have resulted in very little power to detect differences and the lack of generalizability of findings due to site locations used in the study. Despite these limitations, the study makes an important contribution to the literature by documenting the levels of program involvement and the social and demographic factors necessary to produce outcomes of improved housing status and psychiatric functioning status. ^


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The investigation analyze s the role of the municipalities in the ongoing development of literacy teachers, having as a field of study the municipalities of Jaguaruana and Palhano, both in the State of Ceará. The political - educational space adopted as a sample of the study is the p eriod between the years 2003 and 2006, when the emphasis on cooperative action among the federated entities is observed in the Government’s guidelines and Brazilian educational policies, showing the municipal presence in the implementation and execution of these policies. T he historical - dialectical materialistic perspective, understood as an analysis of the social reality as historical elaboration and product of the human praxis, is expressed as the required theoretical - methodological path. The investigatio n is operationalized through interconnected stages: one that involves bibliographical and documental analysis, in which the theoretical input of the research is added, as well as the Federal, State and M unicipal documents accessed ; and another, regarding t he field work, studying the specific character of the object and its mutual rela tionships in the municipalities . The research brings the notion of intergovernmental relationships and cooperative mechanisms as central theoretical tools and, dialoguing with them, ideas such as decentralization, municipalization and municipal autonomy are inserted into a theoretical/practical body, through which the historical and logical aspects of the object are detailed. The study describes and interprets the policies of on going development of literacy teachers with focus on the national guidelines formulated since the 1990’s and on the govern mental incorporation in the national and subnational spaces. In this sense, the analysis is based on the comprehension of the interrel ationship between the municipal policies and the p olicies created by the S tate or Federal G overnments in order to offer ongoing development of literacy teachers. Considering the investigated sample, it shows how the municipal role and the relationships bet ween the State and municipalities of Ceará have emerged, as well as their characteristics regarding the education management policies, taking into account the practices of municipalization and cooperation between the State and municipalities in their histo rical composition. It shows the practices which aim at the ongoing development of literacy teachers observed in the researched municipalities, pointing out the realities and specific marks left by municipal presence in the area, demonstrating the assigned role and the role played. Based on the points of view of the managers interviewed in the municipalities of Jaguaruana e Palhano, it is possible to note the meaning and effectiveness of the policies carried out. With such elements, it discusses the municipa l asymmetries in their homogeneities and heterogeneities rega rding the execution of their federative role. The analysis shows that th e role of the municipalities vary according to the historical, political and social interventions in each municipality. In the fields of formulation and execution of educational policies, the actions of the municipal governments, situated and with expressive interferences, reveal asymmetries in the sense that some municipalities have bigger autonomy and participate more effect ively in the production and distribution of policies than others. In terms of the researched realities, the study shows that taking care of the policies of ongoing development of literacy teachers is not a task that should be assigned exclusively to the mu nicipalities, nonetheless it is a role that they play with varying degrees of success. This role is in fact a joint competence of the federated entities, in the scope the Brazilian cooperative federalism.


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This thesis developed and evaluated strategies for social and ubiquitous computing designs that can enhance connected learning and networking opportunities for users in coworking spaces. Based on a social and a technical design intervention deployed at the State Library of Queensland, the research findings illustrate the potential of combining social, spatial and digital affordances in order to nourish peer-to-peer learning, creativity, inspiration, and innovation. The study proposes a hybrid notion of placemaking as a new way of thinking about the design of coworking and interactive learning spaces.


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The objective of this review is to locate, critically appraise and synthesize evidence on the effectiveness of communication strategies for providing older people access to information regarding in-home health and social care services. The review question is: What is the effectiveness of communication interventions in providing older people with information about in-home health and social care services?