945 resultados para satisfaction at work


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The study evaluates the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care. The data were collected from patients (n=1208) having undergone abdominal surgical operations on their last day of hospitalization and nurses (n=218) working in the same wards. Three instruments originally created in Finland and adapted to the Lithuanian context were used: (1) Good Nursing Care Scale for patients and nurses (GNCS-P, GNCS-N), (2) Nurse Competence Scale (NCS), and (3) Nurse Empowerment Scale (NES). Patient and nurses’ perceptions of the quality of nursing care were evaluated. In addition, nurses’ perceptions of their competence and empowerment were evaluated. The patient and nurses' perceptions of the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care were positive, with more criticism in the nurses’ perceptions. Both patients and nurses gave the lowest evaluation to the quality in the progress of nursing care and the co-operation with significant others. The nurses gave the highest evaluation to the self-assessed level of their competence and the frequency of using competences in practice, with the highest assessment given to situation management and their role at work and the lowest to teaching-coaching and ensuring quality. The nurse perceptions of their empowerment were positive in the qualities and performance of an empowered nurse and empowerment promoting factors, with the highest evaluation in moral principles and sociability and the lowest evaluation in the future-orientedness and expertise. The empowerment-impeding factors were evaluated as negative. The perceptions of the quality of nursing care of both patients and nurses had significant correlations with patient and nurse satisfaction and nurse job independence. The nurse perceptions of their competence and empowerment correlated with their education, the type of the nurse license, completed courses of development of their knowledge and skills, nurse job independence, and nurse satisfaction. The nurse perceptions of the quality of nursing care had a positive correlation with their perceptions of competence and empowerment. Generally, the quality of nursing care was evaluated as high and had correlations with the patients' demographic and satisfaction factors and with the nurse demographic, work-related, and satisfaction factors. The study produced the knowledge that the quality in co-operation with significant others and the progress of nursing process, surgical nurse competence in teaching-coaching, and future-orientedness of surgical nurse empowerment need to be improved in order to develop the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care. The knowledge may be used to offer better services for abdominal surgical patients and increase their satisfaction with nursing care, as well as to increase nurses' satisfaction with work and independence at work. The study suggests implications for clinical practice and management, nursing education, and nursing research.


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Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares cervicobraquiales y su relación con el proceso de pasteurización de leche, en una comercializadora de lácteos en Nemocón, Cundinamarca. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en una pasteurizadora de leche, con una población de 18 trabajadores, a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta basada en el Cuestionario Nórdico y el sugerido por NIOSH en busca de morbilidad sentida osteomuscular cervicobraquial, así como de información personal incluyendo edad, actividades extralaborales, tiempo de vida laboral, grado de satisfacción laboral, peso y talla realizada para toda la población con los mismos instrumentos de medición. Se utilizaron frecuencias, porcentajes y unidades de tendencia central con base en promedios y porcentajes. Se utilizaron test de Fisher y T de student. Resultados: La población estudiada fue en su totalidad de género masculino, con una mediana de 26 años de edad. El tiempo laborado en la empresa tuvo una mediana de 3,5 años. La prevalencia de síntomas por segmentos fue muy alta, siendo menor en cuello (16,7%) y mayor en mano y muñeca (88,9%). No se encontró diferencia entre la presencia de síntomas y la realización de actividades extralaborales ni con factores individuales como edad e índice de masa corporal. Tampoco se relacionó con la satisfacción laboral ni el tiempo de vida laboral. Discusión: Los resultados de este estudio muestran una alta prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de una pasteurizadora de leche, con exposición a factores de riesgo por carga física tanto postural, por movimiento repetitivo, carga física, manipulación de cargas y exposición a frío, con la presencia de morbilidad sentida cervicobraquial osteomuscular. Dado que no se encontraron asociaciones significativas con los factores extralaborales e individuales evaluados, la alta prevalencia de sintomatología puede ser explicada por la exposición a carga física laboral. Palabras clave: desórdenes músculo esqueléticos (DME), desórdenes por trauma acumulativo (DTA), lesiones por trauma repetitivo (LTR), prevalencia, síntomas cervicobraquiales.


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Los servicios prestados por parte de una entidad como lo es la DIAN, que tiene como función garantizar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias aduaneras y cambiarias y facilitar las operaciones de comercio internacional es fundamental en el país, ya que ayudan al desarrollo competitivo del mismo. Entendiendo la importancia que tiene la satisfacción del cliente, este trabajo, que tiene carácter investigativo y descriptivo, identificó las percepciones que tienen los usuarios de la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales DIAN frente al servicio recibido por parte de esta entidad. Para lograr identificar las percepciones de los clientes se evaluaron, a través de una metodología de encuestas de percepción, diferentes aspectos de las áreas de servicio. Se pretendió confrontar las unidades conceptuales normativas propias y necesarias de la DIAN frente a las percepciones y apreciaciones por parte del ciudadano contribuyente o cliente. Como resultado de este trabajo se identificaron que áreas de servicio presentan mayores reclamos por parte de los ciudadanos contribuyentes y las razones por las cuales se dan dichos reclamos. Adicional a lo anterior, se interioriza en los mecanismos por los cuales las personas o clientes pueden generar inquietudes, quejas o reclamos y si estos mecanismos son lo suficientemente eficientes para dar respuesta a las mismas. Finalmente se identificó el tratamiento que se le da a cada problema por parte de esta institución y si la respuesta final efectivamente llena las expectativas del usuario.


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Foram objetivos do presente estudo proceder à análise das relações entre Valores de trabalho, Satisfação no trabalho e Satisfação com a vida em profissionais do sector da saúde e perceber se dimensões como antiguidade na empresa, os anos de experiência e o número de organizações, função, definição de objetivos, avaliação do desempenho, idade, escolaridade, sexo e estado civil tinham um papel nas dimensões principais do estudo. Foi recolhida uma amostra de 214 profissionais da saúde, sendo 24% do sexo masculino e com idades entre 21 e 71 anos (M=40.06; DP=10.93). Foram utilizados os instrumentos WVS (Schwartz, 1994), QSGT (Hackman & Oldham, 1975) e SWLS (Diener, 1984). Os resultados mostraram que existe uma relação positiva entre a satisfação na vida e a satisfação no trabalho; que quanto mais elevados eram os valores de trabalho Poder, Realização, Hedonismo, Estimulação, Auto direção, Benevolência, Conformismo e Segurança, maior era a Satisfação no trabalho; que quanto mais elevados são os valores de trabalho Poder, Realização, Hedonismo, Estimulação, Auto direção, Universalismo, Benevolência, Tradição, Conformismo e Segurança maior era a Satisfação com a vida; e que existem diferenças entre sexos, idade, estado civil e escolaridade ao nível dos valores de trabalho. Contudo, apesar da satisfação com a vida ser influenciada pela satisfação no trabalho e pelos valores de trabalho, estas dimensões, por si só, não explicam fortemente a satisfação com a vida.


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O interesse e a escolha do tema satisfação dos profissionais docentes acontece porque a satisfação profissional influencia por um lado o trabalhador ao nível da saúde e bem-estar, e por outro a organização, uma vez que associados à satisfação estão aspectos tão importantes como eficácia, produtividade, clima e abandono. No caso dos professores, o mal-estar vai afectar não só os docentes como também os alunos, influenciando assim negativamente o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O objectivo deste estudo consiste em identificar quais os factores que contribuem para a satisfação e insatisfação dos professores da Escola Conde de Oeiras, analisando também a influencia de variáveis sócio-demográficas como os anos de experiencia e o ciclo de ensino leccionado. Para tal foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: - o Questionário de Satisfação Profissional dos Professores (TJSQ); - e o Questionário de Satisfação Geral no Trabalho. Através dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir que, de uma forma geral os professores desta escola se encontram satisfeitos face à sua actividade profissional e que não a desejam abandonar, no entanto na dimensão recompensas pessoais existe algum mal-estar, confirmando assim a teoria de Herzeberg que afirma, que a insatisfação dos professores decorre de motivos sócio-políticos.


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This study makes an analysis of the work of nurse of the, uncovering the meaning of work and of precarious work for the nurse. aims to analyze the forms of precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy the municipality of Pau dos Ferros-RN, Brazil. This is a qualitative study with analysis of the categories that emerged from search through dialog with the authors studied in theoretical framework of the sense of human work, the world of work actual and the precariousness of work in health. Used if the methodology of thematic oral history and semi-structured interview as an instrument for data collection and information. Participated 07 nurses of. There was predominance of females, with civil state married, with age between 29 and 47 years, inserted as nurses in Family Health Strategy 1 to 9 years. All referred satisfaction with work. Emerged 02 main meanings of work, whichever the design of work as a source of human and practical transforming of reality, with the sense of perform an action by the individual facilitator and suffers change. Include the precarious work not only as the absence of links labor and social protection, unlike the thought of the Ministry of Health, similar to the design of the study, the precariousness understood yet as the absence of participation of workers in the spaces work management and running of the work and the absence of structural conditions and infra-structural where the work process takes place. evidenced the totality of nurses inserted in Family Health Strategy by public tender. Refer have labor rights guaranteed. Don´t include under which legal arrangements are governed. The researched reality does not have a policy desprecarização nursing work of Family Health Strategy. Concluded the municipality presents progress and setbacks for the precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy. The collective work in health is a challenge in researched reality and the policy of desprecarização of the work of the management of education and work was not evidenced. Despite the implementation of the public tender these professionals have a degree of precariousness of work, with the accumulation gradient of responsibilities, some lack of working conditions in structural aspects, infra-structural and means and instruments


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The elaboration of this thesis aimed at getting to know the structure of the psychological well-being (PWB) at work and analysing the differences in the PWB levels among technical-administrative servants in public and private Institutions of Higher Education (IES) in the municipality of João Pessoa. Two hundred and thirty-three public and private IES male and female servants of João Pessoa participated in the research, replying to an instrument composed of questionnaires referring to the elaborated model. Factorial and regression analyses were accomplished in order to test the hypotheses in respect of the proposed model. The results showed that the PWB related with the work is composed of indicators such as affection, vitality, anxiety, depression, satisfaction at work and aspiration for accomplishment and reduction of the self-efficiency. The observed PWB predictors at work were the IES type, presence of children, age and the escape and back-out facing strategy. These predictors possess relationship of moderation among them in the explanation of PWB. On comparing the PWB experienced by the technical-administrative servants, it was observed that those linked to private IES showed higher PWB rates. Furthermore, there are differences among PWB predictors in accordance with the IES type. The applicability of the results of this thesis is wide as regards social interventions in the search of health improvement under a psycho-sociological perspective. Eventually, the thematic of this thesis intends to reinforce the studies on the worker s health, since by knowing what would lead him into a feeling of accomplishment and well-being will result in more chances of promoting him, while creating opportunities of a sounder life for these people in psychological terms


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Die Literatur zu Arbeitszufriedenheit zeigt, dass die Bedeutung verschiedener Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit zwischen einzelnen Kulturkreisen schwankt. Um diese unterschiedlichen Befunde zu erklären, bietet die "Affective Events Theory" einen Erklärungsrahmen an, der den Einfluss affektiver Erlebnisse auf verschiedene Einstellungskomponenten abbildet. Diese Studie hatte zum Ziel, bei Beschäftigten mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergründen, den Einfluss von "daily hassles" auf Empfindungen und verschiedene Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit zu untersuchen. Da sich bei Mitgliedern independenter und interdependenter Kulturen verschiedene Interpretationen der gleichen Situationen finden, die anschließend zu unterschiedlichen affektiven und kognitive Reaktionen führen, wurden insgesamt 244 Beschäftigte aus Deutschland (independent) und Japan (interdependent) befragt. Sie erinnerten selbst erlebte, berufliche "daily hassles" hinsichtlich der kognitiven Dimensionen "Verursacher" und "Kontrollierbarkeit" und gaben ihre Reaktionen auf Fragebögen an. Allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit wurde als Konstrukt konzipiert, das aus einer affektiven und einer kognitiven Komponente besteht. Es wurde vermutet, dass die Befragten abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund und der kognitiven Struktur der "daily hassles" unterschiedliche Empfindungen zeigen, die die affektiven und kognitiven Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit unterschiedlich beeinflussen. Zudem wurde angenommen, dass allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit im jeweiligen Kulturkreis durch diese beiden Komponenten unterschiedlich stark beeinflusst wird. Die Ergebnisse der Regressionsanalysen eines grafischen Kettenmodells konnten diese Annahmen zum großen Teil bestätigen: in independenten Kulturkreisen erweist sich allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit als ein aus zwei Komponenten bestehendes Konstrukt mit einer kognitiven und einer affektiven Komponente; in interdependenten Kulturen hingegen entspricht allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit vornehmlich einer affektiven Komponente. Es zeigte sich, dass die affektive Komponente in beiden Kulturkreisen durch unterschiedliche Empfindungen beeinflusst wird. Auf den ersten Blick gleiche, berufliche Ereignisse werden abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund unterschiedlich interpretiert und lösen differierende Empfindungen aus. Diese beeinflussen ihrerseits verschiedene Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit unterschiedlich. Entgegen dem aktuellen Stand der Literatur spiegeln Angaben zu allgemeiner Arbeitszufriedenheit somit nicht ein universell einheitliches (kognitives) Phänomen wider sondern sind abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund unterschiedlich stark affektiv besetzt.


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The performance of tasks that are perceived as unnecessary or unreasonable, illegitimate tasks, represents a new stressor concept that refers to assignments that violate the norms associated with the role requirements of professional work. Research has shown that illegitimate tasks are associated with stress and counterproductive work behaviour. The purpose of this study was to provide insight into the contribution of characteristics of the organization on the prevalence of illegitimate tasks in the work of frontline and middle managers. Using the Bern Illegitimate Task Scale (BITS) in a sample of 440 local government operations managers in 28 different organizations in Sweden, this study supports the theoretical assumptions that illegitimate tasks are positively related to stress and negatively related to satisfaction with work performance. Results further show that 10% of the variance in illegitimate tasks can be attributed to the organization where the managers work. Multilevel referential analysis showed that the more the organization was characterized by competition for resources between units, unfair and arbitrary resource allocation and obscure decisional structure, the more illegitimate tasks managers reported. These results should be valuable for strategic-level management since they indicate that illegitimate tasks can be counteracted by means of the organization of work.


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Background. Racial disparities in healthcare span such areas as access, outcomes after procedures, and patient satisfaction. Previous work suggested that minorities experience less healthcare and worse survival rates. In adult orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) mixed results have been reported, with some showing African-American recipients having poor survival compared to Caucasians, and others finding no such discrepancy. ^ Purpose. This study’s purpose was to analyze the most recent United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data, both before and after the implementation of the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)/Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD) scoring system, to determine if minority racial groups still experience poor outcomes after OLT. ^ Methods. The UNOS dataset for 1992-2001 (Era I) and 2002-2007 (Era II) was used. Patient survival rates for each Era and for adult and pediatric recipients were analyzed with adjustment. A separate multivariate analysis was performed on African-American adult patients in Era II in order to identify unique predictors for poor patient survival. ^ Results. The overall study included 66,118 OLT recipients. The majority were Caucasian (78%), followed by Hispanics (13%) and African-Americans (9%). Hispanic and African-American adults were more likely to be female, have Hepatitis C, to be in the intensive care unit (ICU) or ventilated at time of OLT, to have a MELD score ≥23, to have a lower education level, and to have public insurance when compared to Caucasian adults (all p-values < 0.05). Hispanic and African-American pediatric recipients were more likely have public insurance and less likely to receive a living donor OLT than were Caucasian pediatric OLT recipients (p <0.05). There was no difference in the likelihood of having a PELD score ≥21 among racial groups (p >0.40). African-American adults in Era I and Era II had worse patient survival rates than both Caucasians and Hispanic (pair-wise p-values <0.05). This same disparity was seen for pediatric recipients in Era I, but not in Era II. Multivariate analysis of African-American recipients revealed no unique predictors of patient death. ^ Conclusions. African-American race is still a predictor of poor outcome after adult OLT, even after adjustment for multiple clinical, demographic, and liver disease severity variables. Although African-American and Hispanic subgroups share many characteristics previously thought to increase risk of post-OLT death, only African-American patients have poor survival rates when compared to Caucasians. ^


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Las rápidas y continuas transformaciones urbanas que experimentan las ciudades actuales han generado importantes cambios en la forma en que se vive, experimenta y percibe la vida en ellas. Estos procesos de transformación, a veces fruto del rápido crecimiento de los entornos urbanos, de su heterogeneidad, de sus dinámicas económicas, de la confrontación de las diferencias sociales de los habitantes o simplemente producto de nuevos usos en los entornos, han propiciado un creciente interés por comprender el efecto que un determinado contexto urbano tiene sobre el individuo y viceversa. O dicho de forma más general, se ha buscado comprender la relación entre el ser humano y el entorno. Así, más recientemente, la atención de muchos estudios se ha posado también en los patrones de uso de los espacios, los cuales van acompañados de una infinidad de cogniciones y valoraciones surgidas en los residentes producto de sus experiencias con el entorno construido. Dentro del desarrollo de estas investigaciones, han surgido una gran variedad de conceptos que han sido identificados por la trascendencia que tienen sobre el vínculo entre el individuo y el contexto, entre los cuales encontramos los conceptos de Identidad, Apropiación de lugar, Sentido de Comunidad y Satisfacción residencial. Este trabajo, tomando como base estos cuatro conceptos, se ha preocupado por comprender la forma en que éstos se relacionan con una serie de variables socio-demográficas, físico-urbanas y cognitivas en la dimensión urbana, con el propósito de valorar el poder de estos constructos —y las variables vinculadas— con los procesos de transformación urbana. La finalidad de la realización de dicho análisis se sustenta en poder identificar como estos factores son tomados en consideración en el urbanismo para así poder reconocer diversas opciones para mediar o incidir sobre estas variables desde las políticas públicas, la planificación urbana o el proyecto urbano. Esto pues, se parte del entendimiento de que la práctica urbanística tiene la opción de interceder sobre una serie de cuestiones que afectan directamente el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas, por lo cual su absoluto entendimiento sobre los efectos que fenómenos urbanos como éstos tienen sobre los entornos, es de gran transcendencia para la disciplina. Por tanto, esta investigación ha recopilado y analizado, mediante diferentes herramientas estadísticas, gran cantidad de datos provenientes de una encuesta realizada en un barrio de la ciudad de Madrid, que le han permitido identificar las variables que más peso tienen en los procesos urbanos que desembocan en una mayor Identificación, Apropiación, Sentido de Comunidad y Satisfacción Residencial en el individuo. Esta primera etapa, permitió posteriormente indagar, con ayuda de un panel de expertos urbanistas, sobre las posibilidades de la disciplina para mediar o interceder sobre esos aspectos, lo que nos permitió finalmente alcanzar algunos resultados y conclusiones que permiten valorar las opciones de las diferentes escalas de intervención urbana y los retos de cara al futuro de trabajos sobre esta temática. ABSTRACT The fast and continuous urban transformations that current major cities experience, have generated important changes in the way in which we live, experience and perceive life in them. These transformation processes, sometimes result of rapid growth of urban environments, of their heterogeneity, of their economic dynamics, of the confrontation of social differences amongst its population or just as a product of new ways environments are used, have led to a growing interest in understanding the effect that a given urban context has on the individual and vice versa. In other words, it’s sought to understand the relationship between human beings and the environment. Thus, more recently, the attention of many studies have also focused in the patterns of use of space, which are accompanied by a multitude of cognitions and valuations arising in residents product of their experiences with the built environment. Within the development of those investigations, there have been a great variety of concepts that have been identified due to the importance they have on the relationship between the individual and the context, among which are the concepts of identity, appropriation of place, sense of community and residential satisfaction. This work, based on these four concepts, has been concerned with understanding how they relate to a series of socio-demographic, physical and cognitive variables in an urban dimension, in order to assess the power of these constructs —and related variables— with urban transformation processes. The purpose of that analysis is based on being able to identify how these factors are taken into consideration in planning, in order to recognize different options to mediate or influence on these variables from public policies, urban planning or urban project. This then, is on the understanding that the planning practice has the option to intercede on a number of issues that directly affect the welfare and quality of life of people, so the absolute understanding of the effects of urban phenomena like these have over environments, is of great importance to the discipline. Therefore, this research has collected and analyzed, using different statistical tools, lots of data obtained from a survey performed in a neighborhood of the city of Madrid, which enabled it to identify the variables that have more weight in urban processes that lead in higher identification, appropriation, sense of community and residential satisfaction in the individual. This first step, then allows investigating, with the help of a panel of expert planners, on the possibility of the discipline to mediate or intercede on these aspects, which ultimately enabled us to achieve some results and conclusions that allow evaluating the options of different scales of urban intervention and challenges for the future of work on this subject.


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Bem-estar no trabalho, percepção de suporte do supervisor e estilos de liderança são temas que vêm despertando atenção crescente nos últimos tempos, de diversos pesquisadores no campo de estudos do comportamento organizacional. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o impacto da percepção do suporte do supervisor e dos estilos de liderança no bem-estar no trabalho. O construto bem-estar no trabalho no presente estudo foi representado por duas dimensões: satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra foi composta por 200 trabalhadores que atuavam em empresas privadas e públicas, situadas no Estado de São Paulo, sendo 110 mulheres e 90 homens, distribuídos entre solteiros e casados. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário composto por quatro escalas que mediram as variáveis: percepção de suporte do supervisor, estilos de lideranças, satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se um programa estatístico. Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas das variáveis do estudo (médias, desvios-padrão e correlações bivariadas) e modelos de regressão multivariada para se investigar os impactos causados por percepção do suporte do supervisor e por estilos de liderança sobre bem-estar no trabalho, representado por vínculos com o trabalho (satisfação no trabalho) e com a organização (comprometimento organizacional afetivo). Os resultados deste estudo, revelaram maiores impactos do suporte do supervisor do que de estilos de liderança sobre bem-estar no trabalho. Ao final, algumas considerações e recomendações serão feitas destacando-se a importância do bem-estar no trabalho sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores e das organizações.


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Bem-estar no trabalho, percepção de suporte do supervisor e estilos de liderança são temas que vêm despertando atenção crescente nos últimos tempos, de diversos pesquisadores no campo de estudos do comportamento organizacional. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o impacto da percepção do suporte do supervisor e dos estilos de liderança no bem-estar no trabalho. O construto bem-estar no trabalho no presente estudo foi representado por duas dimensões: satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra foi composta por 200 trabalhadores que atuavam em empresas privadas e públicas, situadas no Estado de São Paulo, sendo 110 mulheres e 90 homens, distribuídos entre solteiros e casados. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário composto por quatro escalas que mediram as variáveis: percepção de suporte do supervisor, estilos de lideranças, satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se um programa estatístico. Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas das variáveis do estudo (médias, desvios-padrão e correlações bivariadas) e modelos de regressão multivariada para se investigar os impactos causados por percepção do suporte do supervisor e por estilos de liderança sobre bem-estar no trabalho, representado por vínculos com o trabalho (satisfação no trabalho) e com a organização (comprometimento organizacional afetivo). Os resultados deste estudo, revelaram maiores impactos do suporte do supervisor do que de estilos de liderança sobre bem-estar no trabalho. Ao final, algumas considerações e recomendações serão feitas destacando-se a importância do bem-estar no trabalho sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores e das organizações.