844 resultados para professionalization, sport organizations, framework, concept, experts interviews
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa koivusahatavaran ja -puolijalosteiden potentiaalisia vientikohdemaita EU-maissa ja Norjassa. Tarkastelun kohteena olivat koivutuotteiden markkinapotentiaali ja kysyntä sekä puutuotteiden markkinointikanavavaihtoehdot Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoilla. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena lähtökohtana oli tarkastella, kuinka markkinointitutkimuksen avulla kartoitetaan tuotantohyödykemarkkinoita, miten määritetään tuotantohyödykkeen markkinapotentiaali ja kysyntä sekä mitä markkinointikanavavaihtoehtoja puutuotteita valmistavalla yrityksellä on vientimarkkinoille lähdettäessä. Empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin sekä kvantitatiivista että kvalitatiivista tietoa Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoista. Lehtipuu- ja koivusahatavaran vienti-, tuonti- ja tuotantotilastojen pohjalta tarkasteltiin koivun suurimpia vientikohdemaita ja arvioitiin kysyntää tulevaisuudessa. Tämän lisäksi puutuotteiden toimialaorganisaatioiden, asiantuntijoiden, puutuotteita valmistavien yritysten ja maahantuojien haastattelujen avulla muodostettiin kokonaiskuva koivusahatavaran ja -puolijalosteiden markkinapotentiaalista ja koivutuotteiden asemasta Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoilla. Koivu koettiin Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoilla kiinnostavana puulajina ja koivutuotteiden kysyntä onkin ollut viime vuosien aikana nousujohteista. Tämä johtuu suurimmaksi osaksi tällä hetkellä vallitsevasta vaaleiden puulajien trendistä. Markkinoilla menestyminen riippuu kuitenkin siitä, kuinka hyvin koivun tarjoaja pystyy vastaamaan asiakkaiden tuotteelle asettamiin vaatimuksiin.
This brief conclusion suggests that, although governance is an important goal for sport organizations, it must be applied by taking into consideration the type of sport organizations, in particular whether the organization is an association of moral or physical persons and whether these persons are direct beneficiaries or not of the organization.
Current e-business standards have been developed and used by large organizations to reduce clerical costs in business transactions by increased automation and higher level of business-to-business integration. Small and medium enterprises (SME's), however, cannot easily adopt these standards due to the SME's lacking the technical expertise and resources for implementing them. Still, large organizations increasingly require their business partners, most of which are SME's, to be able to interoperate by their chosen e-business standards. The research question for the study was, first, which of the existing e-business technologies are most SME-adoptable, and, second, how could those e-business technologies be made easier for SME's to implement. The study was conducted as a literature study that evaluated the available e-business frameworks and SME-oriented e-business architectures based on the implementation complexity and costs incurred for the SME adopter. The study found that only few e-business solutions are SMEadoptable. The technological approaches used in the solutions need to be improved on a number of areas, the most important of which is implementation complexity. The study revealed that this also applies to the special, SME-oriented e-business architectures, which are also still too difficult for SME's to implement. Based on these findings, a high-level e-business interoperability framework concept was proposed as the basis for future research to overcome the found implementation complexities for SME's.
Celebrity endorsement has increased in popularity over the past decades and companies are willing to spend increasingly excessive amounts of money into it. Even though multiple studies support celebrity endorsement, further research on its impact on advertising effectiveness is called for. Fur-ther, the role of consumers’ product class involvement in advertising needs to be further studied. The purpose of this study is to explore if consumers’ product class involvement and exposure to celebrity endorsers affect consumers brand recall. Supported by earlier studies, brand recall was used as a measure for advertising effectiveness in this study. In general, a psychological approach was chosen for building the theoretical framework. Concept of classical conditioning was presented in order to understand why people act how they do. Balanced theory and meaning transfer model were presented in order to study how celebrities can be used effectively in advertising context. Further, the importance of product class involvement in advertising effectiveness was evaluated. Hypotheses were formulated based on a literature review of the existing research. Because of the versatility of the research design, a mixed methods approach for this study was adopted. Empirical part of the study was conducted in three stages. First, a pre-test was conducted in order to choose suitable product endorsers for the advertisement stimuli used in the experiment. Second, an eye-tracking experiment with 30 test subjects was conducted in order to study how people view advertisements and whether the familiarity of the product endorser and consumers’ product class involvement affects brand recall. For the experiment, a fictional brand was created in order to avoid bias on brand recall. Third, qualitative interviews for 15 test subjects were conducted in the post-experiment stage in order to gain deeper understating of the phenomenon and to make sense of the findings from the experiment. Findings from this study support celebrity endorsement by suggesting that a famous spokesperson does not steal attention from brand information more than a non-celebrity product endorser. As a result, the use of a celebrity endorser did not decrease brand recall. Results support earlier research as consumer’ higher product class involvement resulted in a better brand recall. Findings from the interviews suggest that consumers have positive perceptions of celebrity endorsement in general. However, the celebrity–brand congruence is a crucial factor when creating attitudes towards the advertisement. Future research ideas were presented based on the limitations and results of this study
AN EXAMINATION OF NHL FANS' REACTIONS TO THE CANCELLED 2004- 2005 SEASON Chad Asselstine Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Brock University Gary Bettman, the Commissioner of the National Hockey League (NHL) stepped in front of the worldwide media on February 16, 2005 to announce that there would be no NHL games played during the 2004-2005 season. Two sides were prominent during the labour dispute; the NHL owners and the NHLP A, however a third side that became the forgotten party was the fans (NHLF A, 2005). The fans are the consumers of the NHL and all the brands associated with its franchises, they are the people who provide the revenues that allow owners to pay the players' salaries. The present study is situated within the sport marketing framework, particularly within the fan loyalty literature to provide an understanding of the impact of the 2004- 2005 lockout on the forgotten party, NHL fans. This study examines 16 fans' experiences in four stages: becoming a fan of the NHL, being a fan prior to the lockout, being a fan during the lockout including their anticipated reaction to the return of the NHL, and their actual reaction to the return of the NHL. Data was collected using face-to-face interviews with each ofthe participants, resulting in 16 fans' stories of how the lockout impacted them specifically. Through analysis of the data themes began to emerge including the fans' understanding that there was a need to restructure game play, the business operations of the NHL, a desire for service recovery strategies which would exceed fans' expectations, 4 and the desire for alternative forms of consumption including alternative hockey leagues as well as the growing popularity of poker playing. The study summarizes the effects that the NHL lockout had on the relationship between 16 individual fan~ and their favourite teams, and concludes with Suggestions for Future Research and Implications for Sport Marketers that emerged from this unique case in the history of North American professional sport.
Understanding and managing the knowledge transfer process in sport organizations is an essential component to enhance organizational capacity. Very little research on either capacity or knowledge transfer within a sport organization exists. Consequently, the purpos e of this qualitative case study was to, examine the transfer of knowledge process within a major games host society. Specifically, two research goals guided the study: 1) To develop a model to explain a knowledge t r ans f e r process in a non-profit ma jor games hos t organization and 2) To examine the relevance of the model to a Canada Games Hos t Society. Data we r e collected from interviews with middle and senior level volunteers as well as senior s t a f f members (n= 27), document s and observations. The findings indicated three barriers to knowledge transfer: structural, systemic, and cultural. As a result of the findings a revised model for knowledge transfer wa s proposed that included modifications related to the direction of knowledge flow, timing of the knowledge transfer process, and group inter-relations. Implications identified the importance of intuition managers, time and organizational levels for successful knowledge transfer. Recommendations for future host societies and the Canada Games Council are presented.
Within sport, a tremendous amount of effort is committed to the on-the-field performance of athletes and coaches, neglecting the off-the-field performance and development of sport managers. This study examines the impact of human resource training on the performance of five Canadian national sport organizations (NSO) and their managers (N=22). Data were collected on three outcome variables (learning, individual performance, organizational performance) and three mediating variables (motivation to transfer, training design, organizational climate) at three time measures (pre-training, post-training1, post-training2). Results indicate that training improves the learning and individual performance of sport managers, as well as the organizational performance of NSOs. Varying relationships were found at each of the three time measures, demonstrating that a progression to training-related performance change exists, while providing support for three levels of analysis (individual, organizational, systemic). Implications and future research directions are discussed and highlight the need for on-going training opportunities for Canadian sport managers.
This qualitative case study explored how the structural power imbalance in high performance sport influenced the bargaining process and resulting commercial rights and obligations of a single Canadian national sport organization’s (NSO1) Athlete Agreement. Principles comprising the doctrine of unconscionability, specifically the identification of a power imbalance between contracting parties, and the exploration of how that power imbalance influenced the terms of the contract, provided a framework to analyze factors influencing the commercial contents of NSO1’s Athlete Agreement. The results of this analysis revealed that despite the overarching influence of the inherent structural power imbalance on all aspects of NSO1 and its membership, an athletes’ level of commercial appeal can reach such heights as to balance the bargaining positions of both parties and subsequently influence the commercial contents of the Athlete Agreement.
The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Canada’s high performance athletes who have benefitted from Own the Podium (OTP)-recommended funding and support leading up to an Olympic or Paralympic Games. OTP, a nonprofit agency, is responsible for determining the overall investment strategy for high performance sport in Canada through recommendations to support national sport organizations (NSOs) with the aim to improve Canadian performances at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For this study, data were collected through in-depth interviews with eleven Canadian high performance athletes (i.e., single-sport Summer/Winter Olympians and Paralympians and recently retired athletes). Analysis of the data resulted in twelve overarching themes; resources, pressure, missing gap, results, targeting, stress, expectations, boost in confidence, OTP relationship, OTP name, pre/post OTP, and lost funding. Overall, results from this exploratory research indicate that athletes generally had a favourable perception regarding OTP-recommended funding and support.
L’objectif de cette étude était d’obtenir une meilleure compréhension du concept de force mentale appliqué dans un contexte sportif. Pour se faire, des entrevues ont été réalisées avec dix athlètes québécois francophones de niveau universitaire. L’analyse des données s’est effectuée en suivant les principes de la version abrégée de la théorisation ancrée. Les résultats appuient globalement la littérature scientifique. En somme, la force mentale serait composée de caractéristiques de base interreliées, telles que la motivation internalisée, la confiance en soi, la maturité et la détermination. La force mentale serait sollicitée non seulement lorsque l’athlète fait face à des situations difficiles comme l’adversité, mais également lorsque le contexte dans lequel il évolue est exempt de complications (à l’entraînement ou lors de victoire). Les résultats des entrevues indiquent que face à ces deux types de situation, les athlètes forts mentalement possèderaient un mode réactionnel tridimensionnel (dimension cognitive, affective et comportementale) se caractérisant par la gestion et le contrôle de l’attention, l’interprétation optimiste des situations, le contrôle de l’activation et du langage corporel, la gestion des émotions et la résilience. Contrairement à la littérature, les résultats suggèrent que la force mentale ne serait pas nécessairement liée aux athlètes performants au plus haut niveau de leur sport, mais à la capacité des athlètes à donner de bonnes performances en fonction de leur potentiel individuel. Cette étude constitue le premier pas vers le développement d’un instrument de mesure permettant d’évaluer le niveau de force mentale chez les athlètes francophones.
Problématique : L’arrivée des tests de pharmacogénétique a été annoncée dans les médias et la littérature scientifique telle une révolution, un tournant vers la médecine personnalisée. En réalité, cette révolution se fait toujours attendre. Plusieurs barrières législatives, scientifiques, professionnelles et éthiques sont décrites dans la littérature comme étant la cause du délai de la translation des tests de pharmacogénétique, du laboratoire vers la clinique. Cet optimisme quant à l’arrivée de la pharmacogénétique et ces barrières existent-elles au Québec? Quel est le contexte de translation des tests de pharmacogénétique au Québec? Actuellement, il n’existe aucune donnée sur ces questions. Il est pourtant essentiel de les évaluer. Alors que les attentes et les pressions pour l’intégration rapide de technologies génétiques sont de plus en plus élevées sur le système de santé québécois, l’absence de planification et de mécanisme de translation de ces technologies font craindre une translation et une utilisation inadéquates. Objectifs : Un premier objectif est d’éclairer et d’enrichir sur les conditions d’utilisation et de translation ainsi que sur les enjeux associés aux tests de pharmacogénétique dans le contexte québécois. Un deuxième objectif est de cerner ce qui est véhiculé sur la PGt dans différentes sources, dont les médias. Il ne s’agit pas d’évaluer si la pharmacogénétique devrait être intégrée dans la clinique, mais de mettre en perspective les espoirs véhiculés et la réalité du terrain. Ceci afin d’orienter la réflexion quant au développement de mécanismes de translation efficients et de politiques associées. Méthodologie : L’analyse des discours de plusieurs sources documentaires (n=167) du Québec et du Canada (1990-2005) et d’entretiens avec des experts québécois (n=19) a été effectuée. Quatre thèmes ont été analysés : 1) le positionnement et les perceptions envers la pharmacogénétique; 2) les avantages et les risques reliés à son utilisation; 3) les rôles et les tensions entre professionnels; 4) les barrières et les solutions de translation. Résultats : L’analyse des représentations véhiculées sur la pharmacogénétique dans les sources documentaires se cristallise autour de deux pôles. Les représentations optimistes qui révèlent une fascination envers la médecine personnalisée, créant des attentes (« Génohype ») en regard de l’arrivée de la pharmacogénétique dans la clinique. Les représentations pessimistes qui révèlent un scepticisme (« Génomythe ») envers l’arrivée de la pharmacogénétique et qui semblent imprégnés par l’historique des représentations médiatiques négatives de la génétique. Quant à l’analyse des entretiens, celle-ci a permis de mettre en lumière le contexte actuel du terrain d’accueil. En effet, selon les experts interviewés, ce contexte comporte des déficiences législatives et un dysfonctionnement organisationnel qui font en sorte que l’utilisation des tests de pharmacogénétique est limitée, fragmentée et non standardisée. S’ajoute à ceci, le manque de données probantes et de dialogue entre des acteurs mal ou peu informés, la résistance et la crainte de certains professionnels. Discussion : Plusieurs changements dans la réglementation des systèmes d’innovation ainsi que dans le contexte d’accueil seront nécessaires pour rendre accessibles les tests de pharmacogénétique dans la pratique clinique courante. Des mécanismes facilitateurs de la translation des technologies et des facteurs clés de réussite sont proposés. Enfin, quelques initiatives phares sont suggérées. Conclusion : Des efforts au niveau international, national, provincial et local sont indispensables afin de résoudre les nombreux obstacles de la translation des tests de pharmacogénétique au Québec et ainsi planifier l’avenir le plus efficacement et sûrement possible.
Consiste en la propuesta de un programa de maestría para la Universidad Del Rosario en Administración Deportiva. Esto teniendo en cuenta el espacio para la profesionalización de este campo en el país
o presente estudo faz, num primeiro momento, uma análise dos perfis profissionais dos gestores esportivos no cenário mundial, bem como das principais atribuições e competências que foram identificadas para a função, em estudos realizados nos Estados Unidos e Austrália. Posteriormente foram realizadas entrevistas com alguns dos principais dirigentes de organizações esportivas brasileiras para que, desse modo, fosse estabelecida uma análise comparativa entre as características apontadas no cenário internacional e aquela que nasce da demanda da realidade cultural do ambiente esportivo brasileiro. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar o perfil que nasce da demanda do ambiente esportivo aplicado à realidade cultural brasileira e compará-lo ao perfil ideal genérico apontado pelo ambiente esportivo mundial. II
A pesquisa aqui apresentada teve como foco e objetivo principal a gestão universitária na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), com ênfase na participação e na autonomia no processo de decisão interna, no contexto da Reforma do Estado, no período de 2001 a 2011. Constituiu-se num estudo de caso que partiu da premissa de que, no contexto de reformas neoliberais, por meio de regulações nacionais e internacionais, vem se difundindo o modelo de gestão gerencialista para os setores sociais, como as universidades que, sob consentimentos internos, seguem as orientações que a aproximam do mercado, fazendo com que a participação se restrinja à colegialidade e se desvalorize a autonomia. Na UFPA, por meio da atuação dos Conselhos Superiores, as reformulações dos marcos legais, o planejamento, a eleição para administradores centrais vêm se adequando aos princípios subjacentes àquelas orientações, produzindo o remodelamento da gestão universitária. A investigação utilizou o método do materialismo histórico dialético para analisar os conflitos e contradições presentes no modelo de gestão adotado na UFPA. Os dados foram coletados em documentos como atas, regimentos e resoluções da instituição, bem como em instrumentos legais nacionais e documentos dos organismos internacionais. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com nove sujeitos e observação direta das reuniões dos Conselhos Superiores, no período de setembro de 2010 a setembro de 2011, que possibilitaram analisar: – as concepções teóricas de gestão e sua transposição para o setor educacional no contexto da sociedade capitalista; – o modelo de gestão gerencial e sua relação com as reformas do Estado neoliberal e da Educação Superior, a partir das regulações feitas pelo governo federal de acordo com as orientações dos organismos internacionais; – os principais conflitos inerentes à gestão universitária, na UFPA, com ênfase na reformulação estatutária, na escolha de dirigentes e no planejamento institucional; e – a materialização da gestão universitária por meio da atuação dos Conselhos Superiores, na UFPA. Os resultados indicam que, na UFPA, em meio a conflitos e contradições, vem se concretizando, com o consentimento dos Conselhos Superiores, o modelo de gestão com princípios gerencialistas, manifestado nos processos de elaboração do novo Estatuto, do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) e do Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), nas escolhas dos dirigentes superiores, bem como na própria atuação dos Conselhos Superiores. Aspectos estes que demonstram relação com as orientações do Estado neoliberal e organismos internacionais que, por meio das regulações, indicam um modelo de gestão que, por um lado, não possibilita a participação coletiva e restringe a autonomia institucional na UFPA, e, por outro, promove distanciamento do debate e da implementação de um projeto emancipatório.
Im deutschsprachigen Raum wird ein hoher Anteil an Migrantinnen, die sportlich inaktiv und in Sportvereinen unterrepräsentiert sind, konstatiert (Burrmann et al., 2015; Lamprecht et al., 2014). Migrantinnen ist der Zugang zu Sportaktivitäten häufig erschwert aufgrund von Diskriminierung, Konflikten und Grenzziehungsprozessen, denen Aspekte betreffend des Geschlechts und der Ethnizität inhärent sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde bislang häufig das Potenzial der Integration in den Sport bzw. Sozialisation zum Sport von Migrantinnen in (ethnischen) Sportvereinen und im Schulsport untersucht. Wie jedoch die Integration in den Sport in interkulturellen Vereinen, welche Sportangebote offerieren, funktioniert, ist weder in der Migrations- noch in der sportbezogenen Integrationsforschung ein gängiges Thema. Basierend auf dem theoretischen Ansatz Boundary Work (Lamont & Molnár, 2002) untersucht die vorliegende Studie geschlechtsbezogene und ethnische Grenzziehungsprozesse hinsichtlich der Sportpartizipation von Migrantinnen in einem interkulturellen Verein sowie vereinsbezogene Möglichkeiten, welche die Integration in den Sport fördern. Es wurden halbstrukturierte Interviews mit acht Migrantinnen verschiedener Herkunft und zwei Leiterinnen eines interkulturellen Vereins in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz durchgeführt. Zusätzlich erfolgte eine Gruppendiskussion mit sechs Migrantinnen. Mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse und dokumentarischer Methode wurden geschlechtsbezogene und ethnische Grenzen sowie Möglichkeiten für eine Sportpartizipation durch den Verein abgeleitet. Hinsichtlich der erschwerten Sportpartizipation indizieren die Resultate vielfältige, miteinander verschränkte, sich überlagernde und durchlässige Grenzen, die das Geschlecht und die Ethnizität allgemein betreffen. Im Speziellen wirken migrationsbedingt und lebensphasenspezifisch geprägte Haltungen gegenüber „mütterlichen“ Verpflichtungen, sprachlichen- und beruflichen Aus- bzw. Weiterbildungspflichten sowie Praktiken der Körperverhüllung. Die jeweilige Struktur der Grenzverschränkungen wirkt z.T. mehrfach restriktiv und prägt zugleich die verfügbare Zeit und finanzielle Mittel der Migrantinnen, was eine Dilemma artige Situation hervorruft. Zur Überwindung der Grenzen bietet der interkulturelle Verein insbesondere professionelle Mitarbeiterinnen; Kinderbetreuung; niederschwellige, kosten- und zeitgünstige Sportangebote exklusiv für Frauen; und eine wohlwollende Atmosphäre mit gleichberechtigtem Zusammensein. Interkulturelle Vereine können somit den Zugang zu Sportangeboten für Migrantinnen erleichtern und die Integration in den Sport bzw. die Sozialisation zum Sport fördern. Dies geschieht z.B. infolge bedarfsgerechter Vereinsangebote, unverbindlicher Teilnahmebedingungen und einer integrationsorientierten Vereinskultur. Der auf Grenzziehung fokussierte theoretische Ansatz und die vorliegenden Resultate eröffnen neue Forschungsperspektiven im Bereich Sport und Sozialisation sowie Integration.