998 resultados para preference relations


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The methodology for selecting the individual numerical scale and prioritization method has recently been presented and justified in the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In this study, we further propose a novel AHP-group decision making (GDM) model in a local context (a unique criterion), based on the individual selection of the numerical scale and prioritization method. The resolution framework of the AHP-GDM with the individual numerical scale and prioritization method is first proposed. Then, based on linguistic Euclidean distance (LED) and linguistic minimum violations (LMV), the novel consensus measure is defined so that the consensus degree among decision makers who use different numerical scales and prioritization methods can be analyzed. Next, a consensus reaching model is proposed to help decision makers improve the consensus degree. In this consensus reaching model, the LED-based and LMV-based consensus rules are proposed and used. Finally, a new individual consistency index and its properties are proposed for the use of the individual numerical scale and prioritization method in the AHP-GDM. Simulation experiments and numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed model.


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Com o objetivo de verificar possíveis correlações entre níveis de predação de capítulos de B. pilosa e o tamanho das plantas, bem como com o seu grau de agrupamento, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em áreas ruderais nos arredores da cidade de Botucatu, SP. em cada coleta, foram obtidos 15 indivíduos em fase reprodutiva, sendo dez deles provenientes de agrupamentos e cinco isolados, no período de março a setembro de 1993, totalizando seis coletas. Cada planta foi caracterizada quanto a parâmetros biométricos por meio de mensurações, contagens e determinação da biomassa das diferentes estruturas, avaliando-se também a ocorrência de predação nos capítulos. Nas duas condições de agrupamento, o tamanho das plantas foi altamente variável havendo, porém, maior freqüência nas menores classes de tamanho. de modo geral, não houve diferença significativa entre plantas agrupadas e isoladas no que se refere aos parâmetros biométricos analisados. Plantas maiores produziram maior número de capítulos e o nível de predação correlacionou-se positivamente com o tamanho das plantas, independentemente do grau de agrupamento das populações. A distribuição agrupada não condicionou, portanto, maiores níveis de predação, uma vez que plantas maiores dos dois grupos foram preferencialmente atacadas. Isto corrobora a Hipótese do Vigor proposta para explicar relações de preferência entre plantas e seus herbívoros.


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La tesis estudia uno de los aspectos más importantes de la gestión de la sociedad de la información: conocer la manera en que una persona valora cualquier situación. Esto es importante para el individuo que realiza la valoración y para el entorno con el que se relaciona. La valoración es el resultado de la comparación: se asignan los mismos valores a alternativas similares y mayores valores a alternativas mejor consideradas en el proceso de comparación. Los patrones que guían al individuo a la hora de hacer la comparación se derivan de sus preferencias individuales (es decir, de sus opiniones). En la tesis se presentan varios procedimientos para establecer las relaciones de preferencia entre alternativas de una persona. La valoración progresa hasta obtener una representación numérica de sus preferencias. Cuando la representación de preferencias es homogénea permite, además, contrastar las preferencias personales con las del resto de evaluadores, lo que favorece la evaluación de políticas, la transferencia de información entre diferentes individuos y el diseño de la alternativa que mejor se adapte a las preferencias identificadas. Al mismo tiempo, con esta información se pueden construir comunidades de personas con los mismos sistemas de preferencias ante una cuestión concreta. La tesis muestra un caso de aplicación de esta metodología: optimización de las políticas laborales en un mercado real. Para apoyar a los demandantes de empleo (en su iniciación o reincorporación al mundo laboral o en el cambio de su actividad) es necesario conocer sus preferencias respecto a las ocupaciones que están dispuestos a desempeñar. Además, para que la intermediación laboral sea efectiva, las ocupaciones buscadas deben de ser ofrecidas por el mercado de trabajo y el demandante debe reunir las condiciones para acceder a esas ocupaciones. El siguiente desarrollo de estos modelos nos lleva a los procedimientos utilizados para transformar múltiples preferencias en una decisión agregada y que consideran tanto la opinión de cada uno de los individuos que participan en la decisión como las interacciones sociales, todo ello dirigido a generar una solución que se ajuste lo mejor posible al punto de vista de toda la población. Las decisiones con múltiples participantes inciden, principalmente, en: el aumento del alcance para incorporar a personas que tradicionalmente no han sido consideradas en las tomas de decisiones, la agregación de las preferencias de los múltiples participantes en las tomas de decisiones colectivas (mediante votación, utilizando aplicaciones desarrolladas para la Web2.0 y a través de comparaciones interpersonales de utilidad) y, finalmente, la auto-organización para permitir que interaccionen entre si los participantes en la valoración, de forma que hagan que el resultado final sea mejor que la mera agregación de opiniones individuales. La tesis analiza los sistemas de e-democracia o herramientas para su implantación que tienen más más utilización en la actualidad o son más avanzados. Están muy relacionados con la web 2.0 y su implantación está suponiendo una evolución de la democracia actual. También se estudian aplicaciones de software de Colaboración en la toma de decisiones (Collaborative decision-making (CDM)) que ayudan a dar sentido y significado a los datos. Pretenden coordinar las funciones y características necesarias para llegar a decisiones colectivas oportunas, lo que permite a todos los interesados participar en el proceso. La tesis finaliza con la presentación de un nuevo modelo o paradigma en la toma de decisiones con múltiples participantes. El desarrollo se apoya en el cálculo de las funciones de utilidad empática. Busca la colaboración entre los individuos para que la toma de decisiones sea más efectiva, además pretende aumentar el número de personas implicadas. Estudia las interacciones y la retroalimentación entre ciudadanos, ya que la influencia de unos ciudadanos en los otros es fundamental para los procesos de toma de decisiones colectivas y de e-democracia. También incluye métodos para detectar cuando se ha estancado el proceso y se debe interrumpir. Este modelo se aplica a la consulta de los ciudadanos de un municipio sobre la oportunidad de implantar carriles-bici y las características que deben tomar. Se simula la votación e interacción entre los votantes. ABSTRACT The thesis examines one of the most important aspects of the management of the information society: get to know how a person values every situation. This is important for the individual performing the assessment and for the environment with which he interacts. The assessment is a result of the comparison: identical values are allocated to similar alternatives and higher values are assigned to those alternatives that are more favorably considered in the comparison process. Patterns that guide the individual in making the comparison are derived from his individual preferences (ie, his opinions). In the thesis several procedures to establish preference relations between alternatives a person are presented. The assessment progresses to obtain a numerical representation of his preferences. When the representation of preferences is homogeneous, it also allows the personal preferences of each individual to be compared with those of other evaluators, favoring policy evaluation, the transfer of information between different individuals and design the alternative that best suits the identified preferences. At the same time, with this information you can build communities of people with similar systems of preferences referred to a particular issue. The thesis shows a case of application of this methodology: optimization of labour policies in a real market. To be able support jobseekers (in their initiation or reinstatement to employment or when changing area of professional activity) is necessary to know their preferences for jobs that he is willing to perform. In addition, for labour mediation to be effective occupations that are sought must be offered by the labour market and the applicant must meet the conditions for access to these occupations. Further development of these models leads us to the procedures used to transform multiple preferences in an aggregate decision and consider both the views of each of the individuals involved in the decision and the social interactions, all aimed at generating a solution that best fits of the point of view of the entire population. Decisions with multiple participants mainly focus on: increasing the scope to include people who traditionally have not been considered in decision making, aggregation of the preferences of multiple participants in collective decision making (by vote, using applications developed for the Web 2.0 and through interpersonal comparisons of utility) and, finally, self-organization to allow participants to interact with each other in the assessment, so that the final result is better than the mere aggregation of individual opinions. The thesis analyzes the systems of e-democracy or tools for implementation which are more popular or more advanced. They are closely related to the Web 2.0 and its implementation is bringing an evolution of the current way of understanding democracy. We have also studied Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM)) software applications in decision-making which help to give sense and meaning to the data. They intend to coordinate the functions and features needed to reach adequate collective decisions, allowing all stakeholders to participate in the process. The thesis concludes with the presentation of a new model or paradigm in decision-making with multiple participants. The development is based on the calculation of the empathic utility functions. It seeks collaboration between individuals to make decision-making more effective; it also aims to increase the number of people involved. It studies the interactions and feedback among citizens, because the influence of some citizens in the other is fundamental to the process of collective decision-making and e-democracy. It also includes methods for detecting when the process has stalled and should be discontinued. This model is applied to the consultation of the citizens of a municipality on the opportunity to introduce bike lanes and characteristics they should have. Voting and interaction among voters is simulated.


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In this paper we study the Debreu Gap Lemma and its generalizations to totally ordered sets more general than (R, less than or equal to). We explain why it is important in economics to study utility functions which may not be real-valued and we build the foundations of a theory of continuity of such generalized utility functions. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Mika KT Pajusen väitös "Towards 'a real reunion'?" – Archbishop Aleksi Lehtonen's efforts for closer relations with the Church of England 1945–1951 on yleiseen kirkkohistoriaan lukeutuva tutkimus Englannin kirkon ja Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon välisistä suhteista Aleksi Lehtosen arkkipiispakaudella 1945–1951. Suhteita on tutkittu kolmesta näkökulmasta: ekumeenisesta, poliittisesta ja kirkkopoliittisesta. Tutkimuskausi alkaa pastori H.M. Waddamsin joulukuussa 1944 Suomeen tekemän vierailun jälkimainingeista ja päättyy arkkipiispa Lehtosen kuolemaan pääsiäisenä 1951. Kirkollisten suhteiden kehitystä rytmittivät lukuisat vierailut, jotka osoittivat Englannin kirkon asenteen muuttumisen sodan aikaisesta neuvostomyönteisyydestä kylmän sodan aikaiseen täysin vastakkaiseen kantaan. Englantilaiset vieraat kohtasivat Suomessa sekä kirkon että yhteiskunnan ylimmän johdon. Molemmat maat olivat valmiita tukemaan hyviä kirkollisia suhteita tilanteen niin salliessa, joskaan eivät kovin suunnitelmallisesti. Suomen evankelis-luterilainen kirkko käytti hyviä suhteita Englannin kirkkoon saadakseen tukea ja ymmärrystä omalle kirkolleen ja yhteiskunnalleen kokemaansa Neuvostoliiton uhkaa vastaan erityisesti vaaran vuosina 1944–1948. Englannin kirkko halusi tukea suomalaista sisarkirkkoaan, mutta varoi, ettei tuottaisi tuellaan enemmän haittaa kuin hyötyä suhteessa Neuvostoliittoon. Sodan jälkeinen ekumeeninen jälleenrakentaminen lähensi kirkkoja toisiinsa. Lehtonen pyrki jatkamaan 1930-luvun kirkkojen välisiä, ehtoollisvieraanvaraisuuden saavuttaneita neuvotteluita kohti täyttä kirkollista yhteyttä. Häntä motivoi sekä evankelis-katolinen teologia että pyrkimys tukea oman maan ja kirkon läntisiä yhteyksiä. Tämä haastoi Englannin kirkon ekumeenisen linjan, joka Suomen kirkon sijasta pyrki jatkamaan neuvotteluja Tanskan, Norjan ja Islannin luterilaisten kirkkojen kanssa, joilla ei vielä ollut virallista ekumeenista sopimusta Englannin kirkon kanssa. Lehtosen pyrkimyksistä huolimatta Englannin kirkko päätyi jättämään Suomen tilanteen hautumaan. Sillä se tarkoitti suhteiden koetinkivenä olleen historiallisen piispuuden leviämistä läpi Suomen kirkon ennen kuin katsoi olevansa valmis jatkamaan kohti täyttä kirkollista yhteyttä. Molemmissa kirkoissa vaikutti pieni, innokkaiden, lähempiä suhteita toivoneiden kirkollisten vaikuttajien ydinjoukko. Englantilaisia Suomen-ystäviä motivoi tarve auttaa Suomea hankalassa poliittisessa tilanteessa. Suomessa arkkipiispa Lehtonen tuki korkeakirkollista liturgista liikettä, jolla oli läheinen yhteys anglikaanisuuteen, mutta joka sai vastaansa vanhoilliset pietistit. Suomen kirkon yleinen mielipide asettui etupäässä pietistiselle kannalle, jolle anglikaanisuus näyttäytyi teologisesti sekä liian katolisena että liian reformoituna. Kirkolliset suhteet tasaantuivat vuoden 1948 Lambeth-konferenssin jälkeen, joka rohkaisi anglikaanisia kirkkoja hyväksymään 1930-luvun neuvottelujen lähempiin kirkollisiin suhteisiin tähtäävät suositukset. Lehtonen näytti tyytyvän tähän. Samaan aikaan lähempää kirkollista kanssakäymistä tukenut ekumeeninen jälleenrakennus tuli tiensä päähän. Lehtonen jatkoi läheisempien suhteiden edistämistä, mutta hänen intonsa hiipui yhdessä heikkenevän terveydentilan kanssa. Osoituksena Lehtosen linjan kapeudesta Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon piispoista ei löytynyt hänen kuoltuaan ketään, joka olisi jatkanut hänen aktiivista anglikaanimyönteistä linjaansa.


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While studies examining free votes find MPs’ preferences influence their voting behaviour, most studies also show MPs tend to divide along party lines even after the whips have been withdrawn. Recent work offers a possible alternative explanation for this finding: this sustained party cohesion represents the impact of MPs’ party identification similar to party identification effects in the electorate. This argument is tested using a series of free votes on same-sex relations. Even after controlling for preferences using several direct measures, party continues to shape voting behaviour. Although indirect, this provides evidence in favour of the party-asidentification argument. 


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Le surpoids (embonpoint et obésité) chez l’enfant est un problème préoccupant qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Le rôle du parent dans cette problématique est prédominant, puisqu’il assure la disponibilité des aliments, choisit les mets présentés, joue le rôle de modèle dans l’acte alimentaire et interagit avec l’enfant durant les prises alimentaires pour guider son comportement alimentaire. Le parent offre et façonne l’environnement dans lequel évolue l’enfant. Cette thèse explore le rôle de la mère dans cet environnement. Le parent utilise diverses pratiques alimentaires pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant. Certaines sont douces, comme encourager positivement l’enfant à essayer un aliment (ex. Goûtes-y, moi je trouve ça très bon!) et d’autres plus coercitives (ex. Tu ne sors pas de table sans avoir terminé ton assiette). Les interactions parent-enfant lors de la prise alimentaire sont susceptibles d’avoir différentes conséquences sur l’alimentation de l’enfant, modifiant possiblement les apports alimentaires, les préférences, la néophobie et le statut pondéral. Les interactions parent-enfant en général, donc hors du contexte précis de l’alimentation, peuvent aussi influencer les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’explorer les relations entre les interactions parent-enfant en général, aussi nommées « styles parentaux » (SP), les interactions parent-enfant dans le contexte alimentaire, portant le nom de «styles parentaux alimentaires» (SPA), les stratégies alimentaires utilisées par les parents pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant, nommées « pratiques alimentaires parentales » (PAP), les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant et le statut pondéral de ce dernier. Cette thèse comprend 4 objectifs spécifiques. D’abord, d’examiner les relations entre les SP, les SPA et les PAP. Dans un deuxième temps, les relations entre les SPA, le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant (préférence et fréquence de consommation) et le statut pondéral de l’enfant seront explorées. Puis, l’existence de relations entre l’usage de PAP et le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant sera évaluée. Finalement, les relations entre les attitudes de la mère à l’égard de son poids et de celui de son enfant et du comportement néophobique de l’enfant seront explorées. Cent vingt-deux mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, de 3 à 5 ans, ont été recrutées par des milieux de garde de l’île de Montréal et ont complété et retourné un questionnaire auto-administré portant sur le style parental, style parental alimentaire, les PAP, les fréquences de consommation de l’enfant, les préférences de l’enfant pour certains aliments et groupe d’aliments, la néophobie de l’enfant, le poids et la taille de l’enfant, le régime actuel de la mère, la perception du poids de l’enfant, la préoccupation face au poids de l’enfant ainsi que la description du profil familial. Les SP, les SPA et les PAP montrent des corrélations. Les SPA, plus particulièrement les deux échelles qui les composent (exigence et sensibilité) montrent des corrélations avec la consommation et la préférence pour certains aliments. Des différences sont aussi notées entre les différents SPA et le statut pondéral de l’enfant et certains comportements alimentaires. La présente thèse suggère une implication de trois concepts, soient les SP, les SPA et les PAP, dans la dynamique alimentaire de la dyade mère-enfant. Des relations importantes entre les SPA et les préférences alimentaires sont suggérées. Les futures recherches dans ce domaine devront évaluer l’impact relatif des PAP, des SP et des SPA sur le comportement alimentaire (consommation et préférence) et le poids de l’enfant. Une intervention efficace visant des changements de comportements alimentaires auprès des familles devra adresser à la fois les PAP, mais aussi les SP et les SPA.


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Coarse semantic encoding and broad categorization behavior are the hallmarks of the right cerebral hemisphere's contribution to language processing. We correlated 40 healthy subjects' breadth of categorization as assessed with Pettigrew's category width scale with lateral asymmetries in perceptual and representational space. Specifically, we hypothesized broader category width to be associated with larger leftward spatial biases. For the 20 men, but not the 20 women, this hypothesis was confirmed both in a lateralized tachistoscopic task with chimeric faces and a random digit generation task; the higher a male participant's score on category width, the more pronounced were his left-visual field bias in the judgement of chimeric faces and his small-number preference in digit generation ("small" is to the left of "large" in number space). Subjects' category width was unrelated to lateral displacements in a blindfolded tactile-motor rod centering task. These findings indicate that visual-spatial functions of the right hemisphere should not be considered independent of the same hemisphere's contribution to language. Linguistic and spatial cognition may be more tightly interwoven than is currently assumed.


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Introduction Increasing evidence indicates that gender equity has a significant influence on women’s health; yet few culturally specific indicators of gender relations exist which are applicable to health. This study explores dimensions of gender relations perceived by female undergraduate students in southern Vietnamese culture, and qualitatively examines how this perceived gender inequity may influence females’ sexual or reproductive health. Methods Sixty-two female undergraduate students from two universities participated in eight focus group discussions to talk about their perspectives regarding national and local gender equity issues. Results Although overall gender gaps in the Mekong Delta were perceived to have decreased in comparison to previous times, several specific dimensions of gender relations were emergent in students’ discussions. Perceived dimensions of gender relations were comparable to theoretical structures of the Theory of Gender and Power, and to findings from several reports describing the actual inferiority of women. Allocation of housework and social paid work represented salient dimensions of labor. The most salient dimension of power related to women in positions of authority. Salient dimensions of cathexis related to son preference, women’s vulnerability to blame or criticism, and double standards or expectations. Findings also suggested that gender inequity potentially influenced women’s sexual and reproductive health as regards to health information seeking, gynecological care access, contraceptive use responsibility, and child bearing. Conclusion Further investigations of the associations between gender relations and different women’s sexual and reproductive health outcomes in this region are needed. It may be important to address gender relations as a distal determinant in health interventions in order to promote gender-based equity in sexual and reproductive health.


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In this paper, we consider Preference Inference based on a generalised form of Pareto order. Preference Inference aims at reasoning over an incomplete specification of user preferences. We focus on two problems. The Preference Deduction Problem (PDP) asks if another preference statement can be deduced (with certainty) from a set of given preference statements. The Preference Consistency Problem (PCP) asks if a set of given preference statements is consistent, i.e., the statements are not contradicting each other. Here, preference statements are direct comparisons between alternatives (strict and non-strict). It is assumed that a set of evaluation functions is known by which all alternatives can be rated. We consider Pareto models which induce order relations on the set of alternatives in a Pareto manner, i.e., one alternative is preferred to another only if it is preferred on every component of the model. We describe characterisations for deduction and consistency based on an analysis of the set of evaluation functions, and present algorithmic solutions and complexity results for PDP and PCP, based on Pareto models in general and for a special case. Furthermore, a comparison shows that the inference based on Pareto models is less cautious than some other types of well-known preference model.


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