995 resultados para post-relational DBMS


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Lorsque les alas naturels se droulent en catastrophes, les rponses des religieux, de lEtat, et dautres acteurs puissants dans une socit rvlent la fois les relations complexes entre ces parties et leur pouvoir dans la production des espaces auxquelles les survivants accdent. La rponse en cas de catastrophe comprend la cration despaces post-catastrophes, tels que des centres dvacuation, des logements de transition et des sites de rinstallation permanente, qui ciblent spcifiquement un sous-ensemble particulier de survivants, et visent les aider survivre, faire face, et se remettre de la catastrophe. Les acteurs puissants dans une socit dirigent les processus de secours, de rcupration et de reconstruction sont des acteurs puissants qui cherchent problmatiser et rendre un problme technique dans des termes quils sont idalement placs pour aborder travers une varit d'interventions. Ce projet de recherche vise rpondre la question: o les survivants d'une catastrophe reconstruisent-ils leurs vies et leurs moyens de subsistance? Il enqute sur un cas spcifique de la migration environnementale dans laquelle des dizaines de milliers d'habitants ont t dplacs de faon permanente et temporaire de leurs rsidences habituelles aprs le typhon Sendong Cagayan de Oro, Philippines en 2011. La recherche est base sur des entretiens avec les acteurs puissants et les survivants, des vidos participatives ralises par des survivants pauvres urbains, et des activits de cartographie. Ltude se fonde sur la thorie fministe, les tudes de migration, les tudes dans la gouvernementalit, la recherche sur les changements de lenvironnement plantaire, et les tudes rgionales afin de situer les diverses expriences de la migration dans un contexte gographique et historique. Cette thse propose une topographie critique dans laquelle les processus et les pratiques de production despaces post-catastrophe sont exposs. Parce que lespace est ncessairement mallable, fluide, et relationnelle en raison de l'volution constante des activits, des conflits, et des expriences qui se droulent dans le paysage, une analyse de l'espace doit tre formule en termes de relations sociales qui se produisent dans et au-del de ses frontires poreuses. En consquence, cette tude explore comment les relations sociales entre les survivants et les acteurs puissants sont lies lexclusion, la gouvernementalit, la mobilit, et la production des espaces, des lieux et des territoires. Il constate que, si les trajectoires de migration de la plupart des survivants ont t confins l'intrieur des limites de la ville, les expriences de ces survivants et leur utilisation des espaces urbains sont trs diffrentes. Ces diffrences peuvent tre expliques par des structures politiques, conomiques, et sociales, et par les diffrences religieuses, conomiques, et de genre. En outre, il fait valoir que les espaces post-catastrophe doivent tre considrs comme des espaces dexclusion o les fiduciaires exercent une rationalit gouvernementale. Cest--dire, les espaces post-catastrophe prtendument inclusives servent marginaliser davantage les populations vulnrables. Ces espaces offrent aussi des occasions pour les acteurs puissants dans la socit philippine d'effectuer des interventions gouvernementales dans lesquelles certaines personnes et les paysages sont simplifies, rendues lisibles, et amliors.


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Language is a unique aspect of human communication because it can be used to discuss itself in its own terms. For this reason, human societies potentially have superior capacities of co-ordination, reflexive self-correction, and innovation than other animal, physical or cybernetic systems. However, this analysis also reveals that language is interconnected with the economically and technologically mediated social sphere and hence is vulnerable to abstraction, objectification, reification, and therefore ideology all of which are antithetical to its reflexive function, whilst paradoxically being a fundamental part of it. In particular, in capitalism, language is increasingly commodified within the social domains created and affected by ubiquitous communication technologies. The advent of the so-called knowledge economy implicates exchangeable forms of thought (language) as the fundamental commodities of this emerging system. The historical point at which a knowledge economy emerges, then, is the critical point at which thought itself becomes a commodified thing, and language becomes its objective means of exchange. However, the processes by which such commodification and objectification occurs obscures the unique social relations within which these language commodities are produced. The latest economic phase of capitalism the knowledge economy and the obfuscating trajectory which accompanies it, we argue, is destroying the reflexive capacity of language particularly through the process of commodification. This can be seen in that the language practices that have emerged in conjunction with digital technologies are increasingly non-reflexive and therefore less capable of self-critical, conscious change.


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five:fashion musings is an upcoming 2009 publicaton to celebrate the fashion discipline's five-year milestone at the Queensland Unviesity of Technology. it represents a body of work by fashion practitioners, aceademic and educators commissioned to explore their research in fashion theory, practice and pedogogy through five key themes.


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The primary aims of scoliosis surgery are to halt the progression of the deformity, and to reduce its severity (cosmesis). Currently, deformity correction is measured in terms of posterior parameters (Cobb angles and rib hump), even though the cosmetic concern for most patients is anterior chest wall deformity. In this study, we propose a new measure for assessing anterior chest wall deformity and examine the correlation between rib hump and the new measure. 22 sets of CT scans were retrieved from the QUT/Mater Paediatric Spinal Research Database. The Image J software (NIH) was used to manipulate formatted CT scans into 3-dimensional anterior chest wall reconstructions. A chest wall angle was then measured in relation to the first sacral vertebral body. The chest wall angle was found to be a reliable tool in the analysis of chest wall deformity. No correlation was found between the new measure and rib hump angle. Since rib hump has been shown to correlate with vertebral rotation on CT, this suggests that there maybe no correlation between anterior and posterior deformity measures. While most surgical procedures will adequately address the coronal imbalance & posterior rib hump elements of scoliosis, they do not reliably alter the anterior chest wall shape. This implies that anterior chest wall deformity is to a large degree an intrinsic deformity, not directly related to vertebral rotation.


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The picturesque aesthetic in the work of Sir John Soane, architect and collector, resonates in the major work of his very personal practice the development of his house museum, now the Soane Museum in Lincolns Inn Fields in London. Soane was actively involved with the debates, practices and proponents of picturesque and classical practices in architecture and landscape and his lectures reveal these influences in the making of The Soane, which was built to contain and present diverse collections of classical and contemporary art and architecture alongside scavenged curiosities. The Soane Museum has been described as a picturesque landscape, where a pictorial style, together with a carefully defined itinerary, has resulted in the apotheosis of the Picturesque interior. Soane also experimented with making mock ruinscapes within gardens, which led him to construct faux architectures alluding to archaeological practices based upon the ruin and the fragment. These ideas framed the making of interior landscapes expressed through spatial juxtapositions of room and corridor furnished with the collected object that characterise The Soane Museum. This paper is a personal journey through the Museum which describes and then reviews aspects of Soanes work in the context of contemporary theories on new museology. It describes the underpinning picturesque practices that Soane employed to exceed the boundaries between interior and exterior landscapes and the collection. It then applies particular picturesque principles drawn from visiting The Soane to a speculative project for a house/landscape museum for the Oratunga historic property in outback South Australia, where the often, normalising effects of conservation practices are reviewed using minimal architectural intervention through a celebration of ruinous states.


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Qualitative research methods require transparency to ensure the trustworthiness of the data analysis. The intricate processes of organizing, coding and analyzing the data are often rendered invisible in the presentation of the research findings, which requires a leap of faith for the reader. Computer assisted data analysis software can be used to make the research process more transparent, without sacrificing rich, interpretive analysis by the researcher. This article describes in detail how one software package was used in a poststructural study to link and code multiple forms of data to four research questions for fine-grained analysis. This description will be useful for researchers seeking to use qualitative data analysis software as an analytic tool.


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Construction teams and construction organisations have their own distinctive cultures. There also exists an infrastructure, both social and contractual, which ensures that these projects within which the teams operate are completed successfully. It is these issues which this research has addressed. The project was instigated by Queensland Department of Main Roads, Public Works and John Holland Group in order to address how they might better implement relationship management (RM) on their construction projects. The project was devised initially in order to facilitate a change in culture which would allow the project to be run in a relational manner and would lead to effective performance in terms of the KPIs that the organisations set for themselves, described as business better than usual. This report describes the project, its outcomes and deliverable and indicates the changes that were made to the project during the research process. Hence, the initial premise of the project and the problem to investigate was the implementation of relational contracting: throughout a range of projects; with a focus on client body staff. The additions that were made to the project, and documented in the variations to the project, included two major additional areas of study: client management and stakeholder management; a live case study of an alliancing project. The context within which the research was undertaken is important. The research was driven by main roads with their desire to improve their operations by focusing on the relationship between the major project participants (however, stakeholder and client organisation management became an obvious issue as the research progressed, hence the variations). The context was initially focussed on main roads, public works and John Holland group organisations but it became clear very quickly that this was in fact an industry-wide issue and not an issue specific solely to the project participants. Hence, the context within which this research took place can be described as below: The deliverables from the project are a toolkit for determining RM needs in an organisation, a monograph describing the practical implementation of RM and the outline for a RM CPD and Masters course


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Partnering has been defined in many ways. It can be considered as an individual project mechanism or can be considered as a long term strategy. Alliancing is normally assumed to be a long term business strategy linking together client, contractor and supply chain. Relational contracting goes further than this and brings in the whole philosophy of the value chain and the linking of the interdependent parts within the construction project as a key business objective. This document aims to review existing definitions of these three concepts and present and overview of the current state of-the-art in terms of their use and implementation. The document should be useful for all of those project team members looking to sharpen their understanding of the various concepts and will also provide a platform for debating the current state of the definitions and implementations being used in Main Roads and Public Works Departments.