922 resultados para popular song
Tutkimus tarkastelee luovutetusta Karjalasta lähtöisin olevien evakkolasten tunnemuistoja ja niiden yhteyttä myöhempään hyvinvointiin. Keskiössä ovat koti- ja koulukasvatusta muistelevien ikäihmisten kokemukset. Tutkimus on kasvatushistoriallinen ja tieteidenvälinen. Se liikkuu historian sekä yhteiskunta- ja käyttäytymistieteiden rajapinnoilla. Aineiston 631 kyselyvastausta ja 11 haastattelua on analysoitu monimetodisesti tilastollisen ja sisällön analyysin avulla. Tulosten mukaan ikääntyvät evakkolapset voivat pääsääntöisesti hyvin. He ovat kotikasvatuksessaan omaksuneet vahvat selviytymis- ja sopeutumistaidot sekä sisukkuuden. Kodin kasvatusilmapiiri on menetyksistä huolimatta koettu turvalliseksi. Kasvatuksessa omaksutuissa sananlaskuissa korostuu vahvimmin tulevaisuuden toivosta kiinni pitäminen. Kasvatusmetodit myötäilevät suomalaista kasvatustraditiota, jossa lapsia on enimmäkseen palkittu hyvästä työstä sanallisesti ja rangaistu tottelemattomuudesta ruumiillisesti. Surua ja menetyksiä on käsitelty vaikenemalla. Yhdeksi elämää kannattelevaksi voimaksi ovat osoittautuneet laulut, joista suosituin oli Maan korvessa kulkevi lapsosen tie. Kasvatusperintönä evakkolapset haluavat jättää mallin työteliäästä, rehellisestä, toiset huomioivasta ja juuristaan tietoisesta kansalaisesta. Koulukokemusten osalta tutkimus osoittaa kantaväestöstä poikkeavan uskonnollisen ja kielellisen taustan olleen merkittävin syrjityksi tulemisen syy. Ortodoksitaustaisilla lapsilla oli muita evakkolapsia enemmän kiusaamiskokemuksia. Metaforien avulla kuvatuista tunnemuistoista löytyi kuusi erilaista selviytyjätyyppiä: selviytyjäsankarit, identiteetin etsijät, optimistiset toimijat, trauman työstäjät, kohtalonsa hyväksyjät ja menetysten kantajat. Valtaosa evakkolapsista kuuluu positiivista tunnemuistoa kantavien ryhmään. Kielteisillä tunnemuistoilla on tilastollisesti merkitsevä negatiivinen yhteys ikääntyvän hyvinvointiin. Tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä evakkolasten kasvukokemuksista ja tarjoaa uutta tietoa heidän selviytymisestään ja hyvinvoinnistaan. Tutkimus osoittaa evakkolasten tasapainoisen kotikasvatuksen, vastavuoroisten vertaissuhteiden ja suositun oppilaan aseman vahvistavan yhteisöön kuulumista ja sosiaalista pystyvyyttä sekä olevan hyvinvoinnin positiivisia tekijöitä. Kodin melankolisuudella, eristyneisyydellä ja koulukiusaamisella on negatiivinen yhteys hyvinvointiin. Tuloksia voidaan soveltaa nykypäivän pakolaislasten kotouttamiseen, jossa ensiarvoisen tärkeää on perheiden osallisuuden ja integroitumisen tukeminen uudessa ympäristössä. Tämän onnistumiseksi on tärkeää huomioida lasten yksilölliset selviytymisstrategiat ja käsitellä kodin menetystraumaa.
Recibido 06 de setiembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 22 de mayo de 2011 El propósito del presente ensayo es describir, desde la cotidianidad, la influencia de la palabra en las canciones populares y destacar, al mismo tiempo, cómo lo cotidiano, lo que vemos, escuchamos y vivimos son poderosas herramientas de aprendizaje duradero en la construcción de las representaciones culturales relativas al género. Se destaca la influencia de las letras de las canciones populares en la construcción de la identidad masculina. Además, cómo esto determina las relaciones entre los sujetos, sean hombres y mujeres. Se plantea la necesidad de romper con modelos sexuales estereotipados que generan la violencia contra las mujeres y algunos hombres, en un contexto de una sociedad patriarcal, en procura de una sociedad más democrática y equitativa, sobre la base del principio de igualdad.
Includes juvenile piano pieces and sketches and portraits of eminent musicians and singers.
Contains 297 numbered hymns.
«Comiat de Vic» forma part del recull de cançons populars que Jacint Verdaguer va enviar al seu amic i erudit mallorquí Marià Aguiló. La lletra de la cançó traça un itinerari a través de la ciutat que va fent menció dels edificis religiosos que es troben durant el trajecte. L’emoció acumulada i el dolor de la partença indiquen que probablement es tracta del comiat definitiu d’un condemnat a mort.
The topic of this thesis is marginaVminority popular music and the question of identity; the term "marginaVminority" specifically refers to members of racial and cultural minorities who are socially and politically marginalized. The thesis argument is that popular music produced by members of cultural and racial minorities establishes cultural identity and resists racist discourse. Three marginaVminority popular music artists and their songs have been chosen for analysis in support of the argument: Gil Scott-Heron's "Gun," Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" and Robbie Robertson's "Sacrifice." The thesis will draw from two fields of study; popular music and postcolonialism. Within the area of popular music, Theodor Adorno's "Standardization" theory is the focus. Within the area of postcolonialism, this thesis concentrates on two specific topics; 1) Stuart Hall's and Homi Bhabha's overlapping perspectives that identity is a process of cultural signification, and 2) Homi Bhabha's concept of the "Third Space." For Bhabha (1995a), the Third Space defines cultures in the moment of their use, at the moment of their exchange. The idea of identities arising out of cultural struggle suggests that identity is a process as opposed to a fixed center, an enclosed totality. Cultures arise from historical memory and memory has no center. Historical memory is de-centered and thus cultures are also de-centered, they are not enclosed totalities. This is what Bhabha means by "hybridity" of culture - that cultures are not unitary totalities, they are ways of knowing and speaking about a reality that is in constant flux. In this regard, the language of "Otherness" depends on suppressing or marginalizing the productive capacity of culture in the act of enunciation. The Third Space represents a strategy of enunciation that disrupts, interrupts and dislocates the dominant discursive construction of US and THEM, (a construction explained by Hall's concept of binary oppositions, detailed in Chapter 2). Bhabha uses the term "enunciation" as a linguistic metaphor for how cultural differences are articulated through discourse and thus how differences are discursively produced. Like Hall, Bhabha views culture as a process of understanding and of signification because Bhabha sees traditional cultures' struggle against colonizing cultures as transforming them. Adorno's theory of Standardization will be understood as a theoretical position of Western authority. The thesis will argue that Adorno's theory rests on the assumption that there is an "essence" to music, an essence that Adorno rationalizes as structure/form. The thesis will demonstrate that constructing music as possessing an essence is connected to ideology and power and in this regard, Adorno's Standardization theory is a discourse of White Western power. It will be argued that "essentialism" is at the root of Western "rationalization" of music, and that the definition of what constitutes music is an extension of Western racist "discourses" of the Other. The methodological framework of the thesis entails a) applying semiotics to each of the three songs examined and b) also applying Bhabha's model of the Third Space to each of the songs. In this thesis, semiotics specifically refers to Stuart Hall's retheorized semiotics, which recognizes the dual function of semiotics in the analysis of marginal racial/cultural identities, i.e., simultaneously represent embedded racial/cultural stereotypes, and the marginal raciaVcultural first person voice that disavows and thus reinscribes stereotyped identities. (Here, and throughout this thesis, "first person voice" is used not to denote the voice of the songwriter, but rather the collective voice of a marginal racial/cultural group). This dual function fits with Hall's and Bhabha's idea that cultural identity emerges out of cultural antagonism, cultural struggle. Bhabha's Third Space is also applied to each of the songs to show that cultural "struggle" between colonizers and colonized produces cultural hybridities, musically expressed as fusions of styles/sounds. The purpose of combining semiotics and postcolonialism in the three songs to be analyzed is to show that marginal popular music, produced by members of cultural and racial minorities, establishes cultural identity and resists racist discourse by overwriting identities of racial/cultural stereotypes with identities shaped by the first person voice enunciated in the Third Space, to produce identities of cultural hybridities. Semiotic codes of embedded "Black" and "Indian" stereotypes in each song's musical and lyrical text will be read and shown to be overwritten by the semiotic codes of the first person voice, which are decoded with the aid of postcolonial concepts such as "ambivalence," "hybridity" and "enunciation."
Television’s long-form storytelling has the potential to allow the rippling of music across episodes and seasons in interesting ways. In the integration of narrative, music and meaning found in The O.C. (Fox, FOX 2003-7), popular song’s allusive and referential qualities are drawn upon to particularly televisual ends. At times embracing its ‘disruptive’ presence, at others suturing popular music into narrative, at times doing both at once. With television studies largely lacking theories of music, this chapter draws on film music theory and close textual analysis to analyse some of the programme's music moments in detail. In particular it considers the series-spanning use of Jeff Buckley’s cover of ‘Hallelujah’ (and its subsequent oppressive presence across multiple televisual texts), the end of episode musical montage and the use of recurring song fragments as theme within single episodes. In doing so it highlights music's role in the fragmentation and flow of the television aesthetic and popular song’s structural presence in television narrative. Illustrating the multiplicity of popular song’s use in television, these moments demonstrate song’s ability to provide narrative commentary, yet also make particular use of what Ian Garwood describes as the ability of ‘a non-diegetic song to exceed the emotional range displayed by diegetic characters’ (2003:115), to ‘speak’ for characters or to their feelings, contributing to both teen TV’s melodramatic affect and narrative expression.
Weather is frequently used in music to frame events and emotions, yet quantitative analyses are rare. From a collated base set of 759 weather-related songs, 419 were analysed based on listings from a karaoke database. This article analyses the 20 weather types described, frequency of occurrence, genre, keys, mimicry, lyrics and songwriters. Vocals were the principal means of communicating weather: sunshine was the most common, followed by rain, with weather depictions linked to the emotions of the song. Bob Dylan, John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote the most weather-related songs, partly following their experiences at the time of writing.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Tralcao, situated in the Rios region, named after the various rivers that flow nearby, in Chile, is bathed by the Pichoy River and it encounters the rivers Estero Colliaico and Cruces. A cellulose company was established there back in 2004, and since the it has been dumping waste in the Cruces river, causing grave environmental issues and bringing severe consequences to the region. In the middle of the crossfire, we find Mr. Francisco Manquecho, considered to be an opinion leader according to Luis Beltrão, who assesses the real situation in the region throughout his song lyrics, acting as a propagator of the resistance against the environmental degradation occurring in Tralcao. Francisco acts as a ‘folkcommunicacional’ agent by spreading a non-hegemonic bias through his songs. The objective of this article is to show how an opinion leader acts in a context of environmental degradation in Tralcao region using the basis of the Folkcommunication Theory and the communicational processes which involve music as a concrete action of popular resistance.
Le musiche “popolaresche” urbane, in genere trascurate nella letteratura etnomusicologica, sono state quasi completamente ignorate nel caso della Romania. Il presente studio si propone di colmare almeno in parte questa lacuna, indagando questo fenomeno musicale nella Bucarest degli anni Trenta e Quaranta del Novecento. Le musiche esaminate sono tuttavia inserite entro una cornice storica più ampia, che data a partire dalla fine del XVIII secolo, e messe in relazione con alcune produzioni di origine rurale che con queste hanno uno stretto rapporto. Il caso di Maria Lătărețu (1911-1972) si è rivelato particolarmente fecondo in questo senso, dal momento che la cantante apparteneva ad entrambi i versanti musicali, rurale e urbano, e nepadroneggiava con disinvoltura i rispettivi repertori. Dopo il suo trasferimento nella capitale, negli anni Trenta, è diventata una delle figure di maggior spicco di quel fenomeno noto come muzică populară (creazione musicale eminentemente urbana e borghese con radici però nel mondo delle musiche rurali). L’analisi del repertorio (o, per meglio dire, dei due repertori) della Lătărețu, anche nel confronto con repertori limitrofi, ha permesso di comprendere più da vicino alcuni dei meccanismi musicali alla base di questa creazione. Un genere musicale che non nasce dal nulla nel dopo-guerra, ma piuttosto continua una tradizione di musica urbana, caratterizzata in senso locale, ma influenzata dal modello della canzone europea occidentale, che data almeno dagli inizi del Novecento. Attraverso procedimenti in parte già collaudati da compositori colti che sin dal XIX secolo, in Romania come altrove, si erano cimentati con la creazione di melodie in stile popolare o nell’armonizzazione di musiche di provenienza contadina, le melodie rurali nel bagaglio della cantante venivano trasformate in qualcosa di inedito. Una trasformazione che, come viene dimostrato efficacemente nell’ultimo capitolo, non investe solo il livello superficiale, ma coinvolge in modo profondo la sintassi musicale.
La intertextualidad en la lírica tradicional y popular surge como resultado de dos fenómenos: el surgimiento de una canción nueva (canciones contrahechas), en especial como parodia de la primera, y cuando una canción menciona a otra, creando una complicidad entre los intérpretes y el público durante la performance
La intertextualidad en la lírica tradicional y popular surge como resultado de dos fenómenos: el surgimiento de una canción nueva (canciones contrahechas), en especial como parodia de la primera, y cuando una canción menciona a otra, creando una complicidad entre los intérpretes y el público durante la performance