63 resultados para pastel


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Grateful Fateful Sunshine Rain is a permanent public artwork commissioned by Aria Property Group through a competitive process for the Austin apartment building in South Brisbane. Artist Statement: Residents of Brisbane have a complex relationship with weather. As the capital of the Sunshine State, weather is an integral part of the city’s cultural identity. Weather deeply affects the mood of the city – from the excitement of scantily clad partygoers on balmy December evenings and late February’s lethargy, to the deepening anxiety that emerges after 100 days of rain (or more commonly, 100 days without rain). With a brief nod to the city’s – now decommissioned – iconic MCL weather beacon, Grateful Fateful Sunshine Rain taps into this aspect of Brisbane’s psyche with poetic, illuminated visualisations of real-time weather forecasts issued by the Bureau of Meteorology. Each evening, the artwork downloads tomorrow’s forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology website. Data including, current local temperature, humidity, wind speed & direction, precipitation (rain, hail etc), are used to generate a lighting display that conveys how tomorrow will feel. The artwork’s background colour indicates the expected temperature – from cold blues through mild pastel pinks and blues to bright hot oranges and reds. White fluffy clouds roll across the artwork if cloud is predicted. The density of these clouds indicates the level of cover whilst movement indicates expected wind speed and direction. If rain is predicted, sparkles of white light will appear on top of whichever background colour is chosen for the next day’s temperature. Sparkles appear constantly before wet, drizzly days, and intermittently if scattered showers are predicted. Intermittent, but more intense sparkles appear before rain storms or thunderstorms. Research Contribution: The work has made contributions to the field in the way it rethinks approaches to the conceptualization, design and realization of illuminated urban media. This has led to new theorizations of urban media, which consider light and illumination can be used to convey meaningful data. The research has produced new methods for controlling illumination systems using tools and techniques typically employed in computation arts. It has also develop methods and processes for the design and production of illuminated urban media architectures that are connected to real time data sources, and do which not follow the assumed logics of screen based media and displays.


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Mrs. Monasch is shown as a young woman wearing a gray translucent shawl and a lace bonnet with ornate flaps coming down over the ears. Some of her black hair is showing. She is shown in a 3/4 view; the eyes are lustrous, the corners of the mouth are raised in a half smile. On backing of original frame: "Zum Andencken von Ihren Schwiegersohn, J. Wollstein d. 20th February 1839" (In memory of your son-in-law J. Wollstein Feb 20th, 1839).


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The expressionist head of a young man emerges from the dark shadows. His face is a long oval, with full lips and strongly flared nostrils, framed by black hair and small black beard.


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The sitter was Dr.Ernst Hamburgers (of the L.B.I.Executive Commitee) great grandfather, a master dyer in Berlin by profession. He is shown almost frontally, smiling, dressed up in a suit and fancy shirt.


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Steiner-Prag, was partial to tales of the fantastic, illustrated the Gustav Meyrink novel, The Golem, published in a luxury edition in Leipzig by Kurt Wolff, 1916. In most of the illustrations of the old Jeiwsh quarter of Prague is the protagonist as much as the Golem. In this later drawing, however the bulky figure of the Golem looms on the page in isolation accompanied only by what appear to be a double shadow.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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This work is a copy of a pastel oval portrait of General Brock that is supposedly the only known portrait of Brock to be done in his lifetime. The original was by William Berczy, circa 1808, and is in the possession of Captain M.H.T Mellish, a descendant of one of Brock's sisters. This portrait was completed on canvas.


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La edición de los cuentos de referencia, fue editada en colaboración con la Obra Social y Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros de Asturias en 1988 y reeditada en 1991 (Depósito legal AS-2735-88)


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Pastel sobre paper 50 x 65 cm. Treball realitzat en els tallers de l'assignatura troncal d'educació artística de 2n de Mestres d'Educació Infantil durant el curs 2007-08. Ha estat proposat, dirigit i fotografiat o escanejat per la professora Muntsa Calbó, amb l'ajut de Dayan Castañeda


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Los cuentos estan disponibles en el siguiente enlace: http://www.unamadecontes.cat/web/blog/tema/151


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El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar dentro del área de comunicación y representación la expresión plástica a través de las obras de estos tres pintores (Agustin Riancho, María Blanchard y Gloria Torner), para enriquecer y diversificar sus posibilidades expresivas mediante la utilización de los recursos y medios a su alcance, así como apreciar diferentes manifestaciones artísticas propias de su edad. Con ello se pretende acercar a los niños al mundo del arte. Conocer la vida y obra de los tres pintores Cántabros. Acostumbrar a los alumnos a la necesidad de busqueda de información en libros o enciclopedias sobre un tema concreto. Hacer creaciones plásticas inspirándose en modelos. Realizar sus propias producciones plásticas. Crear hábitos de visitas a museos y exposiciones. Aumentar la autoestima de los alumnos, para que se den cuenta de lo que son capaces de crear. Valorar sus propias producciones y las de los demás con una actitud de interés y respeto. El trabajo consiste en ver a través del proyector o libros, obras de los distintos pintores, escuchar los rasgos más característicos de la vida y obra del pintor correspondiente. Escogidas algunas obras, se les proporciona reproducciones en color, con las que harán puzzles. Con algunas de ellas como modelo, los niños dibujarán o pintarán libremente, siguiendo las diferentes técnicas a sus alcance: pastel, témpera, collaga, rotuladores, ceras, etc..


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Presenta en dos capítulos respectivamente, por un lado, un vídeo titulado 'Somos iguales y diferentes' en el que una niña de origen marroquí explica su experiencia como inmigrante; y por otro lado, un vídeo titulado 'Un pastel mal repartido' en el que dos jóvenes de ambientes diferentes se dan cuenta del problema de la desigualdad y la marginación.