998 resultados para organização internacional do trabalho


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Na presente investigação objetivei compreender a importância das instituições educativas materializadas nos Grupos Escolares criados à época do Brasil Republicano e suas incidências na unidade federativa do Pará, analisando a influência de sua implantação para a organização da sociedade e a formação do cidadão a partir da fundação do Grupo Escolar Lauro Sodré entre o período histórico de 1968 a 2008. Adotou-se como método de pesquisa a análise de documentos, tendo como referencial teórico a pesquisa fundamentada em fontes documentais, iconográficas e bibliográficas, traçando a linha histórica da institucionalização do ensino primário desenvolvido nos Grupos Escolares com sua disseminação e implantação nos municípios, interagindo e modificando as estruturas social, econômica e cultural das cidades, o que levou ao trabalho de reconstrução dos aspectos que envolveram a formação e o trabalho dos docentes pertencentes a tal contexto, a estrutura do currículo e metodologias utilizadas no processo de consolidação da formação institucional primária. Norteado pelas questões problema: Qual a importância das instituições escolares na organização da sociedade e na formação escolar do cidadão brasileiro? Como se efetivou a inserção dos Grupos Escolares no sistema de ensino do Pará e que implicações trouxeram à estrutura social dessa unidade federada segundo os Discursos Governamentais? Qual a importância geopolítica e educacional do Grupo Escolar Lauro Sodré instituído no Município de Moju? Quais eram as prescrições para o exercício do trabalho docente e como se efetivaram as práticas curriculares desses sujeitos nessa instituição? Pois, os Grupos Escolares são identificados primeiro como projeto republicano utilizado para fixar entre a população brasileira os ideais de sua filosofia e ideologias e em outra fase da história como meio de preparar a mão-de-obra para alavancar o progresso do país, destarte essas instituições de ensino tornaram-se espaços de realizações, conflitos e tensões de modo a desvelar as diversas situações que estavam envolvidas em seu contexto.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The integrated management of municipal solid waste in Brazil is held legally responsible by the city council administration. This is done since the year 2010 with the publication of the National Solid Waste Policy term. According to the policy and law, each city must encourage the implementation of selective collection and the participation of waste picker´s entities aiming social inclusion. However, these actions haven’t yet reached its legal aims. These workers are considered regarding collection actions but are stripped of certain basic labor rights not in conformation with the Decent Work concept. This type of work, according to International Labour Organization, must be seen as work that is properly paid for and must be done regarding conditions of freedom, equity, security and able to provide workers with a dignified life conditions. Thus, this work aims to investigate the implementation process regarding the Solid Waste National Policy in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. This is done considering socio-productive insertion of recyclable material collectors. The research is substantiated by a qualitative approach as well as documental and bibliographical research. A field research considering the cooperatives as well “in locco" observation and semi-structured interviews were carried out between the time span of 2013 and 2014. In order to investigate decent daily working conditions the research emphasized municipal management actions in Natal towards social inclusion that aim to reflect on the progress and difficulties experimented. It is seen that even when these cooperatives receive government support there are still important struggles that need to be overcome. The worker´s tasks are risky, the work environment in not safe or is adequate in terms of health issues. There is the stigma of it being considered an occupational task, the low individual income distancing the activity regarding parameters of the Green Employment and Decent Work concept. On the other hand, the survey showed potential as the relentless pursuit on behalf of the cooperatives that still search better work condition improvement.


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Comunicação, Media e Justiça


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In the mid-twentieth century, Portugal took the first big step towards social awareness of the Safety and Health at Work. Still later, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization were responsible for setting global guidelines that clarified the States for the way forward in inguito of safeguarding the common interests of workers, businesses and the state. All workers should be covered by the rules governing matters relating to Safety, imperative requirements established in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These also include those soldiers from National Guard who, in contemporary social conjecture face in their everyday life situations worthy of heightened risk aquidade. Ensure the identification of risk factors to which they are exposed, is, first, a big boost in the way of preserving the safety of these employees, who daily selflessly and under the most adverse working conditions fulfill the mission of the Guarda Nacional Republicana. Adverse weather conditions, and violence at work are two examples of risk factors to which the military Guard are daily exposed, and hence arise many days of absence from the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify the main risk factors to which the military from GNR are exposed during dismounted patrols, and also provide solutions on ways to mitigate and manage the risks presented. The cognitive distance traveled, throughout this study led us to demonstrate that it has been done by the GNR chain of Command, a huge effort to ensure through various forms (including emphasize the new Regulation of Uniforms), the resolution of the main factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the patrolmen, betting this Institution in the protection of the military that compose it, and the prevention of accidents at work through training and systematic monitoring that superiors expend with its employees.


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In the mid-twentieth century, Portugal took the first big step towards social awareness of the Safety and Health at Work. Still later, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization were responsible for setting global guidelines that clarified the States for the way forward in inguito of safeguarding the common interests of workers, businesses and the state. All workers should be covered by the rules governing matters relating to Safety, imperative requirements established in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These also include those soldiers from National Guard who, in contemporary social conjecture face in their everyday life situations worthy of heightened risk aquidade. Ensure the identification of risk factors to which they are exposed, is, first, a big boost in the way of preserving the safety of these employees, who daily selflessly and under the most adverse working conditions fulfill the mission of the Guarda Nacional Republicana. Adverse weather conditions, and violence at work are two examples of risk factors to which the military Guard are daily exposed, and hence arise many days of absence from the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify the main risk factors to which the military from GNR are exposed during dismounted patrols, and also provide solutions on ways to mitigate and manage the risks presented. The cognitive distance traveled, throughout this study led us to demonstrate that it has been done by the GNR chain of Command, a huge effort to ensure through various forms (including emphasize the new Regulation of Uniforms), the resolution of the main factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the patrolmen, betting this Institution in the protection of the military that compose it, and the prevention of accidents at work through training and systematic monitoring that superiors expend with its employees.


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O Diretor da FGV-DAPP, Marco Aurélio Ruediger, e pesquisadores da unidade participaram no dia 1º do seminário “Imigração como vetor de Desenvolvimento do Brasil”, em Brasília, realizado em parceria com a FGV Projetos e o Ministério do Trabalho e da Previdência Social (MTPS). Participando da sessão de abertura, o Diretor da DAPP apresentou os resultados gerais da pesquisa realizada para o Ministério, em mesa que contou ainda com a participação de Peter Poschen, Diretor da Organização Internacional do Trabalho Brasil; Beto Vasconcelos, Secretário Nacional de Justiça (Ministério da Justiça); e Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Imigração (CNIg).


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Recognizing the need to preserve a national ethnic minority, the Constitution, inspired by the pluralistic values of the Constitutional Law State, stipulated a series of rights and guarantees for the conservation of indigenous cultural singularity, disciplining in article 231 the Indians right to maintain their social organization, customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, as well as safeguarding the rights to the lands they traditionally occupy, and the exclusive use of the wealth existing in them, premise of ensuring their physical and cultural continuity, breaking decisively with the paradigm the assimilation of the Indian national civilization. However, despite the Indian policy of ethnic and cultural preservation, the Constitution allowed the exploitation of minerals in aboriginal territory, incorporated herein hydrocarbons, provided they meet certain predetermined requirements, leaving it to the legislature the discipline of ordinary matter. However, this law has not yet been published, with some projects in the National Congress, leaving thus precluding the indigenous subsurface oil exploration until the enactment of enabling legislation. Meanwhile, this paper carries out an integrated analysis of the constitutional protection of ethnic and cultural uniqueness of indigenous peoples, Convention Nº 169 of the International Labour Organization and the bill presented by Deputy Eduardo Valverde, in an attempt to consolidate sustainable development practices in the sector, through developing a system of social and environmental responsible oil exploration, aligning with national energy needs to maintain a balanced environment and preservation of socio-cultural organization of a minority so weakened and beaten over five centuries of domination


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)