932 resultados para non-participant observation
Dans l’espoir d'améliorer l'efficacité, l’efficience, la qualité et la sécurité des soins de santé, la plupart des pays investissent dans l’informatisation de leur système de santé. Malgré l’octroi de ressources substantielles, les projets d'implantation d’un Dossier médical électronique (DME) font parfois l’objet d’une résistance importante de la part des utilisateurs au moment de leur implantation sur le terrain. Pour expliquer l’adoption d’un DME par les professionnels de la santé, plusieurs modèles théoriques ont été développés et appliqués. Une diversité de facteurs agissant à différents niveaux (individuel, organisationnel et liés à la technologie elle-même) a ainsi été identifiée. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’approfondir les connaissances empiriques quant aux facteurs influençant l’utilisation du DME chez les professionnels de la santé. Le devis de recherche repose sur une étude de cas unique avec douze entrevues et une observation non participante réalisées un an suite au lancement du processus d’implantation d’un DME auprès d’un groupe de médecine famille (GMF) au sein du Centre de santé et de services sociaux du Sud-Ouest-Verdun (Montréal, Canada). Dans le cadre de cette étude, l’analyse a permis l’identification de facilitateurs et de barrières influençant l’adoption du DME. Les facilitateurs étaient l’utilité perçue, la décision du GMF d’implanter le DME, le support de la direction ainsi que la présence de champions et de superutilisateurs. Les barrières les plus importantes étaient l’impact négatif sur le travail clinique, la fragmentation de l’information dans le DME ainsi que les problèmes liés à l’infrastructure technique. Cette connaissance permettra d’alimenter des stratégies visant à mieux répondre aux défis suscités par l’implantation du dossier médical électronique.
Problématique : Implanté en 2004 au Bénin, le programme national de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME) semble globalement bien implanté. Toutefois une enquête, en 2005, révèle certaines difficultés, particulièrement au niveau de la couverture du programme: seulement 70 à 75 % des femmes enceintes vues en consultations prénatales ont été dépistées et 33 % des 1150 femmes dépistées séropositives ont accouché suivant le protocole de PTME. En outre, d’un site à un autre, on relève une grande variation dans la couverture en termes de dépistage et de suivi des femmes enceintes infectées. Cette faiblesse dans la couverture nous a amené à questionner le contexte organisationnel dans lequel le programme est implanté. Objectif : L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’analyser l'implantation de la PTME au Bénin. Le premier objectif spécifique consiste à identifier et comprendre les enjeux reliés à la façon de rejoindre les femmes enceintes dans le cadre du dépistage. Le second consiste à comprendre le contexte d’implantation et son influence sur la mise en œuvre de la PTME. Méthodologie : Cette recherche évaluative s’appuie sur une étude de cas. Six maternités ont été sélectionnées avec le souhait de représenter les différents contextes d’organisation des services. Les données ont été collectées par observation non participante, entrevues semi-dirigées (n=41) réalisées avec des prestataires de services, analyse documentaire des rapports d’activités des maternités et par questionnaires administrés aux femmes enceintes en consultations prénatales (n=371). Résultats : Le premier article a permis d'apprécier le caractère libre et éclairé du consentement au dépistage. Une majorité des femmes enceintes, suivies dans les centres privés, ont été dépistées sans être effectivement informées de la PTME alors que les femmes fréquentant les autres maternités connaissent mieux les composantes de la PTME. Le caractère volontaire du consentement des femmes est généralement respecté sur tous les sites. Le deuxième article porte sur l'analyse de la qualité du conseil pré-test. Seulement 54% des femmes enceintes ont participé à un conseil en groupe et 80% à un conseil individuel. Dans les centres où sont dispensées des séances d'information de groupe, la qualité est meilleure que dans les centres qui dispensent un conseil individuel exclusif. Le troisième article analyse l'influence du contexte d'implantation sur la mise en œuvre du programme. Parmi les facteurs qui contribuent favorablement à la mise en œuvre on relève la proximité d’un centre de référence et la coordination des activités de PTME dans une zone géographique, la responsabilisation du prestataire dédié à la PTME, la supervision formative régulière accompagnée de séances de discussion collective et l’implication des médiatrices dans la recherche active des perdues de vues. A l’opposé, la responsabilisation des médiatrices pour la réalisation du conseil individuel et du dépistage ne favorise pas une bonne mise en œuvre de la PTME. Conclusion : Nos résultats montrent qu'il est possible de jouer sur l'organisation des services de santé dans le cadre du programme du PTME pour améliorer la façon dont le programme est implanté tant dans les centres privés que publics, sans que cela ne représente un ajout net de ressources. C'est le cas de l’amélioration de la qualité du conseil et du dépistage, de l’implantation du processus interne d’apprentissage organisationnel et de la coordination des services.
Planos de emergência bem sucedidos devem ser funcionais, realistas, amigos do utilizador e inteligíveis. Este estudo descritivo tem como objetivo analisar a implementação de Medidas de Autoproteção (que passou a ser obrigatória, em Portugal, desde 2009) durante um período de cinco anos, num grande complexo escolar ocupado por 500 funcionários e 3000 crianças/alunos. Este estabelecimento de ensino consiste em vários edifícios desde a creche ao ensino secundário e está classificado numa categoria de risco de incêndio muito elevada. Desde 2009 até 2012 foram realizadas sessões de formação destinadas aos alunos e funcionários, bem como ações de formação sobre combate a incêndios e evacuação para as equipas de segurança. Como os exercícios de evacuação são cruciais para testar o plano de emergência e familiarizar o pessoal com as tarefas, todos os anos são realizados Simulacros de Incêndio. A fim de avaliar a sua eficácia foram recolhidos dados através de observação não participante, fotos e vídeos. A gestão de emergência neste estabelecimento escolar evidenciou ir para além das exigências legais e, ao dar um bom exemplo, tanto na escola como na comunidade, contribuiu para aumentar a segurança dos alunos e das suas famílias. / Successful emergency plans must be functional, realistic, user-friendly and understandable. This descriptive study aims to analyse the implementation of Fire Self-Protection Measures (which became mandatory, in Portugal, since 2009) during a five-year period in a large school compound occupied by 500 employees and 3000 children/students. This educational facility consists of several buildings from nursery school to high school and it’s classified in a very high fire risk category. Since 2009 until 2012 we carried out training sessions for students and school staff, as well as training courses about fire fighting and evacuation, for safety teams. Because evacuation drills are crucial for testing the emergency plan and to familiarize personnel with tasks, each year we do properly conducted fire drills. In order to evaluate it’s effectiveness, we collected data through non-participant observation, photos and videos. The school emergency management has proven to go beyond the legal requirements and by setting a good example both in school and community, it enhances the safety of students and their families.
Background Patients do not adhere to their medicines for a host of reasons which can include their underlying beliefs as well as the quality of their interactions with healthcare professionals. One way of measuring the outcome of pharmacy adherence services is to assess patient satisfaction but no questionnaire exists that truly captures patients' experiences with these relatively new services. Objective Our objective was to develop a conceptual framework specific to patient satisfaction with a community pharmacy adherence service based on criteria used by patients themselves. Setting The study was based in community pharmacies in one large geographical area of the UK (Surrey). All the work was conducted between October 2008 and September 2010. Methods This study involved qualitative non-participant observation and semi-structured interviewing. We observed the recruitment of patients to the Medicines Use Review (MUR) service and also actual MUR consultations (7). We also interviewed patients (15). Data collection continued until no new themes were identified during analysis. We analysed interviews to firstly create a comprehensive account of themes which had significance within the transcripts, then created sub-themes within super-ordinate categories. We used a structure-process-outcome approach to develop a conceptual framework relating to patient satisfaction with the MUR. Favourable ethical opinion for this study was received from the NHS Surrey Research Ethics Committee on 2nd June 2008. Results Five super-ordinate themes linked to patient satisfaction with the MUR service were identified, including relationships with healthcare providers; attitudes towards healthcare providers; patients' experience of health, healthcare and medicines; patients' views of the MUR service; the logistics of the MUR service. In the conceptual framework, structure was conceptualised as existing relationships, environment, and time; process was conceptualised as related to recruitment and consultation stages; and outcome as two concepts of immediate patient outcomes and satisfaction on reflection. Conclusion We identified and highlighted factors that can influence patient satisfaction with the MUR service and this led to the development of a conceptual framework of patient satisfaction with the MUR service. This can form the basis for developing a questionnaire for measuring patient satisfaction with this and similar pharmacy adherence services. Impact of findings on practice * Pharmacists and researchers can access the relevant ideas presented here in relation to patient satisfaction with pharmacy adherence services. * Researcher can use the conceptual framework as a basis for measuring the quality of pharmacy adherence services. * Community pharmacists can improve the quality of healthcare they provide by realizing concepts relevant to patient satisfaction with adherence services.
Este estudo objetivou contribuir para um melhor entendimento do processo de informatização em nossas escolas, enfatizando uma vertente ainda pouco explorada pelos pesquisadores: as possíveis mudanças organizacionais decorrentes da utilização do microcomputador. Esta temática foi introduzida, nesta dissertação, a partir da contextualização de algumas das inúmeras dimensões pedagógicas, históricas, econômicas, políticas e sociais, que entremeadas, formam o intrincado tecido da informatização da educação. Para seu desenvolvimento, tornou-se necessário adaptar-se a proposta de Robert Shirley (1976) para o exame de mudanças organizacionais e utilizou-se de algumas categorias de análise sugeridas por Sheingold e outras (1983). Realizou-se uma pesquisa, em estabelecimento educacional localizado na zona oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que pode ser classificada como um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório. Nesta pesquisa foram empregadas a observação não participante, entrevistas padronizadas e não padronizadas, questionários e análise documental. Em relação às estratégias de mudança, não se constatou o aparecimento dos novos papéis, a preparação formal dos professores não atingiu a maior parte do corpo docente e o acesso aos microcomputadores, restrito aos alunos do primeiro segmento do 12 grau, viu-se bastante limitado. Os sistemas de coordenação revelaram-se bastante centralizados e a distribuição de pOder mostrou-se hierarquizada, com forte submissão à autoridade da família proprietária. Diante de tal quadro, a participação dos professores, apesar de solicitada pela coordenação de informática, era na verdade imposta pela direção. O software adotado pela instituição foi o LOGO, utilizado ao lado da análise do discurso da criança. A síntese dos resultados evidenciou o crescente processo de mercantilização do ensino em nosso país e do uso da informática como um novo atrativo para a matrícula de novos alunos. Como conseqOência disto, surge a necessidade de novos estudos para se confirmar a relevância pedagógica da informatização do ensino ou para constatar-se, em escolas preocupadas apenas com o faturamento, sua importância comercial.
A Constituição da República, em seu artigo 215 determina que o Estado garanta a todos o pleno exercício dos direitos culturais e acesso às fontes da cultura nacional, além de apoiar e incentivar a valorização e a difusão das manifestações culturais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como a festa oficial é utilizada para fins políticos-eleitoreiros. A pesquisa de campo contou com a observação não participante nas festas juninas de Mossoró, Patos, Campina Grande, Caruaru e São Luis. A partir dos resultados da fase de observação, a coleta dos dados primários ocorreu nos municípios de São Luis e Campina Grande, sem a intenção de comparação entre os respondentes. As informações obtidas com as entrevistas foram alvo de uma análise de conteúdo, momento em que se revelaram percepções, valores e novos elementos a serem analisados a partir da categorização das falas dos informantes. Sob a alegação do apoio e incentivo às manifestações, o governo vem consolidando um processo de apropriação da cultura tradicional e popular, criando nos atores e grupos culturais uma dependência que leva à sujeição. Como resultado, o governo passa a dominar a cena cultural classificando e comandando a reprodução das manifestações da cultura tradicional e popular, com favorecimentos e discriminações, na constante campanha que se desenrola de forma explícita, em discursos e na própria atuação dos atores políticos. O governo deve agir no campo cultural, de modo que permita o pleno exercício dos direitos culturais de todos, conforme mandamento constitucional. Entretanto, sua atuação como produtor cultural prescinde da participação social, e a festa oficial, mais do que atender às necessidades e demandas culturais, vem justificando uma intervenção indevida e direcionada a questões de interesse político, principalmente para vincular a imagem do governo à cultura, na qualidade de seu protetor. Essa comprovação ajuda a responder o problema formulado e confirma a tese de que a festa oficial é o meio de apropriação da cultura tradicional e popular para fins de uso político-eleitoreiro.
The Brazilian luxury goods market has been registering substantial growth with many international brands establishing presence in the country. When entering the market, the perfect location seems for most of them to be found in Iguatemi Group’s Shopping Malls. This research focuses the topic of Luxury Market and Retail, in the form of a case study on Iguatemi Group, which tries to understand How is Iguatemi Group creating opportunities for International Luxury Brands in Brazil? To understand the context of the case, the text explores the Brazilian market evolution, its attraction factors and challenges, the location choice methodology used by international luxury brands, and finally, how is the Iguatemi Group creating opportunities for these brands in Brazil. For doing so, a multiple-methods approach was followed so to achieve a non-biased result. In-depth interviews were conducted with Iguatemi’s managers, international luxury brands’ managers and experts in luxury market and retail; non-participant observation was held, and documentation was examined. The research found that the entry of International Luxury Brands in Brazil started about 20 years ago, mainly explained by the positive structural economic reforms Brazil experienced in this period. 60% of the studied brands chose São Paulo’s Iguatemi malls as first location, in particular Iguatemi São Paulo and JK Iguatemi. The preference over these locations relies mainly on the reputation of the Iguatemi brand and on its positioning in the market which seems to be aligned to that of these brands. From its side, Iguatemi has started actively gathering international luxury brands into the market since 15 years ago, and has intensified its action by creating iRetail, an internal company to the group representing some international luxury brands in Brazil, which have, thus, exclusive locations in its malls. The role of Iguatemi, hence, goes beyond that of a real estate company, by approaching the market with a 360° strategy. These findings contribute for academic purposes, in the extent to which they propose a so far rather unexplored topic, and for managerial purposes by describing a best practice in the shopping center sector. However, the study does not mean to be generalized. Consumers’ perspectives on Iguatemi Group were not addressed; rather, the research took a business to business approach.
This thesis entitled SINAES: the different faces of the evaluation at UFRN, aims to analyze the configuration that the national policy for assessment in higher education has taken on UFRN. We assume that in recent years there are an oscillation between the concepts of evaluation, according with the logic of public administration it has preferred an approach that presents itself as a promoter of quality, sometimes with regulatory aspects, sometimes with educational ones. The text discusses the use of the new assessment tools for higher education placing them under the new demands on state reform context in which this is to promote and measure quality based on the values of excellence and competitiveness. This movement arises from the redefinition of the role of the State that has been taking features of Evaluator State. From a historical review of government initiatives in the field of evaluation, we analyze the characteristics of assessment policies outlined over the past decades. We are based on the theoretical method that aims to examine the multiple determinants that shape a particular reality from the larger movement of totality. To identify, in this case, connections and ruptures that have emerged over the history of assessment policies aimed at higher education by checking their determinants in order to better explain the reality. To investigate the object of this study we used as instruments: the research literature and research documents, the semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. The study revealed that there are different practices of evaluation and that before to establishment the SINAES program, the UFRN already had a culture of an institutional assessment, more participatory and democratic, opposing to the rigidity of the self-assessment in SINAES program that it was instituted by the Commission for assessment (CPA). We also noticed that the implementation of the SINAES at URFN has been performed very slowly and the breadth and complexity of the evaluation process has contributed to hinder its implementation in all dimensions provided by MEC. Although it was observed that in its operationalization the SINAES has assumed a more normative assessment and directed to establish rankings between courses and higher education schools than to establish a more qualitative assessment in this system. As regards the evaluation of the undergraduate course studied on this research and subjected to the three dimensions of evaluation proposed by SINAES (self-assessment, Evaluation of Courses and ENADE) it was not possible to verify an effective integration between the methods of assessing conducted. The results are considered separately, in only a partial view of the course evaluated the proposal what pits the SINAES as a system that involves the totality
This paper intents to investigate the repercussions of the Pró-Letramento - Alphabetization and Language Course Program in the practices and conceptions of alphabetization of learning teachers, according to their own perspectives. The program, part of the National Formation Network of the Education Ministry, in partnership with public universities since 2006, is destined to aid the formation of teachers acting in the first three years of public basic education, with the goal of qualifying them to work with alphabetization and improve quality of learning processes and results. This investigation adopted the qualitative research paradigm as well as the Case Study methodology, being our empirical field a Belém do Brejo do Cruz/PB public school. The subjects are five Program graduation female teachers, including the tutor-trainer and four graduated teachers that already teach in the first three years of basic education. The data, gathered with documental analysis, individual and collective semi-structured interview, and non-participant observation, were analyzed according with Speech Analysis principals. Based on those principals, we intersected teachers enunciations, observation sessions registries and the Program s propositions and built interpretations based on theorization taken as fundaments of the investigation, among which we highlight: studies on a criticalreflexive perspective of a teacher s formation; continued formation as a permanent development process; the principals of historical-cultural approach on alphabetization processes and development with the centrality of language; alphabetization in a interactionist approach. The analysis focused on the Program s repercussions: 1) in the teachers conceptions about: 1.1) learning; 1.2) Alphabetization and literacy; and in the practices and conceptions related to: 1.3) alphabetization in a literacy perspective and 1.4) appropriation of the writing system. The corpus analysis evidenced relations of continuity and discontinuity, approach and distancing between the teachers conceptions and the Program s propositions, as well as conceptions/significance of their speeches and related or observed practices. Observing teachers elaborations evidences the repercussion of the Program s formation, whilst also showing gaps and mismatches in their appropriation process in concepts/assumptions as well as teaching propositions. These mismatches involve interaction relationships between teachers and students, with their possibilities and limitations surrounding the Program s knowledge objects complexity, also linking to the social, economical, political, and cultural conditions that involve both the implementation of the Program in each context and the conditions in which alphabetization in public schools are developed, demanding permanent and accompanied formation processes, investments to improve work conditions and valuing teaching
A descriptive, quantitative approach and non-participant observation study, which was aimed at analyzing the association between knowledge and practice of inclusion and maintenance of urinary catheter by nursing professionals in the occurrence of urinary tract infection, performed in the ICU of Onofre Lopes University Hospital in Natal / RN. The original sample was composed of 42 nursing staff professional, five (5) nurses and 37 nursing technicians, 27 of them were outsourced (FUNPEC and IEL fellows) and 10 servers UFRN. Data collection was performed using two instruments, the first observation procedures used in the insertion and manipulation of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) and the second with a questionnaire that addressed the characterization data of respondents, knowledge and conduct the insertion and manipulation of the IUC. The results were tabulated in Microsoft Excel and analyzed using SPSS software, version 15.0. We found the prevalence of institutional staff members on outsourcing - IEL and FUNPEC - (64.3%) were female (69.0%), aged 21 to 35 years (59.5%) and with mid-level education (88.1%). As to knowledge, we found that the nurses had levels of good to excellent and the nursing technicians, to regulate the poor. The nurses made a mistake when choosing IUC (40.0%) and washing hands (30.0%) and technicians on hand washing (74.4%) and the contents of the tray (34.7%). In relation to the conduct of insertion of IUC, the nurses made a mistake when choosing SVD (66.7%) and washing hands (57.1%). Regarding the handling of IUC/drainage system, the technicians were wrong more about washing their hands (56.0%). Analyzing the misconduct to the categorization of knowledge, we saw that the nursing staff who had missed more had inadequate knowledge (ρ = 0.001). At the end we found the risk of a patient to acquire UTI is higher in two and a half times when there is a large number of mismatches, patient spends more time using the IUC and hospitalized in the ICU. As regards the study hypotheses, we accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis proposed at the start of this research, where the number of gaps in knowledge and behavior increases the incidence of urinary tract infection.
Nursing as a profession goes in search on quality of their care through new frameworks, trying to break postures of the health care system so fragmented in the care. To change professional practices, it is necessary to build their own knowledge grounded on Nursing Care System. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nurses' knowledge on care systematization in nursing in the University Hospital Natal-RN. It is an analytical descriptive study carried out at the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal-RN, 2010, the sample was composed of 40 active nurses working in hospitalization units of the hospital, the inclusion criteria were being in the monthly scale sector and agree to participate in the study. The non-participant observation and another interview were used for collecting data, statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential with reliability test, Pearson test, chi-square and Fischer, the variables that correlated were analyzed in a model Multiple logistic , calculating odds ratio. The results were: predominance of female professionals (90%), predominantly in the age range 39-46 years (37.5%), nurses who have the undergraduate degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (80%), and who have expertise training as a minimal degree (62.5%). Among the surveyed, the knowledge showed significance with the graduation time (p = 0.018) and time working in HUOL (p = 0.036). The majority of the professionals surveyed do not know which organ is responsible for the SAE legislation (52.5%), aware of the steps needed to build the nursing diagnosis (92.5%), understand the characteristics of nursing planning (90% ). However the same professionals do not perform physical examination in patients (50.0%) did not classify the clinical findings (68.4%), and identify the problems encountered as a classification (13.2%). The planning of nursing care is carried out by verbal order of nurses (82.5%), 41% of the professionals assess only the intervention stage, in other words, the actions taken. Regarding the practical application of nursing records 53% of nurses do not realize records, 30.8% is incomplete, the other held notes (p = 0.003). The nurses know the nursing process (90% of appropriate responses), despite the actions defined by the theory are not applied in practice. Investigators believe the condition of the hospital teacher (22.5%) could positively affect the implementation of the SAE associated with the interest of professionals (20%). Of the respondents, 17.5% accept as truth the lack of facilities to assist the SAE implementation in the hospital. It was concluded that nurses know the theory that underlies the SAE and the nursing process, but do not develop the service know as well, there is need for action to boost the SAE implementation as practice of nurses in the hospital investigated
The transplantation of organs and tissues presents itself as an important therapeutic option, both from a medical standpoint, the social or economic. Thus, the identification of variables that can interfere in the effectiveness of organs and tissues donation for transplantation needs to be investigated adequately, because it stands before increasing index of chronic and degenerative diseases in the population, what makes the waiting list for transplantation grow disproportionately and patients come to death without the opportunity of realization the treatment due to a lack of donors. In this context, has defined as objective of this study evaluate the factors associated with the effectiveness of organs and tissues donation for transplantation. It is a evaluative research, quantitative, prospective, with longitudinal design, developed at Central of Catchment, Notification and organ donation for transplant, Organ Procurement Organization and in six accredited hospitals to collect and transplantation of organs and tissues, in Natal/RN, between august 2010 and february 2011, after the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, under No. 414/10 and CAAE The probabilistic sample without replacement was composed of 65 potential donors. It was used as an instrument of data collection a structured script non-participant observation of checklist type. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables, charts, graphs and figures. For this, was used Microsoft Excel 2007 and statistical program SPSS version 20.0. To check the level of significance was chosen by applying the chi-square test (χ2) and Mann Whitney and caselas for less than five, it is considered the Fisher exact test. It was adopted as the significance level p-value <0.05. Among the surveyed it was observed that most of the individuals were male (50,8%), in the age group 45 years (53,8%), mean age of 42,3 years, minimum 5 and maximum 73 years (± 17,32 years). Single / widowers / divorced (56,9%), with up to completed elementary school (60,0%) in the exercise of professional activity (86,2%), catholic (83,1%) and residents in metropolitan region of Natal (52,3%). Was obtained donation effectiveness of 27,7%. There was no statistical significance between structure and effectiveness of the donation, but were observed inadequacies in physical resources (36,9%), materials (30,8%), organizational structure (29,2%) and human resources (18,5%). In the process, the maintenance phase (p= 0.004), diagnosis of brain death (p= 0.032), family interview (p≤ 0.001) and documentation (p= 0.001) presented statistical significance with effectiveness. Thus, it is accepts the alternative hypothesis of the study, in which is evidenced that the adequacy of the factors related to structure and process is associated to effectiveness of organs and tissues donation for transplantation. In this way, the effectiveness of organ and tissue donation ends in an essential way the rapidity and accuracy with which the donation process is conducted, requiring appropriate structure, with appropriate physical and material resources and skilled human resources to optimize the reduction of time and the suffering of those waiting for an organ or tissue transplant queued in Brazil
Descriptive research aimed at evaluating the assistance offered to patients with venous ulcers, on lower limbs, attended by the Family Health Program (FHP) team, from the municipality of Natal/RN. The target population was composed of 74 patients with venous ulcers (VU), attended by the FHP teams in the 31 FHUs. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (protocol n.55/05). The data collection was performed in patients homes and in the FHUs, through structured interviews and physical examinations of patients with VU and non-participant observation during the changing of wound dressings in these Units and in users homes. The data was organized into an Excel electronic table and transported into the SPSS 14.0 program, for descriptive analysis on 2x2 contingency tables and inferential (Qui-Square χ2, Spearman Correlation, Binomial Proportion Test and p-value <0.05). The prevalence of VU (0.36/1000) in the target population (over 20 years of age) was greater than in the population registered in FHP (0.25/1000). We detected a greater prevalence in the age area of over 60 years (2.22/1000), with 2.98/1000 for females and 1.3/1000 for males (p-value=0.008). The sociodemographical and health characteristics of patients with VU revealed predominance of females (74.5%), elders over 60 years of age (67.6%), with fundamental education (74.3%), family earnings of up to 2 minimum wages (68.9%), retired (90.5%), ortostatic position (23.0%), inadequate sleep (59,9%), presence of CVI (100.0%), hypertension (44.6%) and diabetes (25.7%). As for the time of existence of the VU, 64.9% had over 1 year, and 35.1% less than 1 year), with predominance of one wound (67.6%). The changing of wound dressings is performed mostly at home, in and inadequate way, especially with incorrect cleaning techniques, likewise incorrect use of products and substances, and reduced participation of the FHP team on the evaluation and application of the dressing and choosing of products and substances. The compressive therapy is not part of therapeutic conducts for treatment in the FHUs. As for the evaluation of assistance to patients with VU, 90.5% were inadequate and only 9.5% adequate. The main inadequacy factors were the absence of: diagnosis (47.3%), consultation with and angiologist (63.5%), compressive treatment (100.0%), adequate optical therapy (98.62%), adequate dressing kit (70.3%), training for the changing of dressings (67.6%), following by the FHP team (51.4%) and performed exams (55.4%). We ve concluded that patients with VU mostly present now socioeconomical level and associated chronic diseases. Considering that assistance offered by FHP is non-systematic, fragmented, with no diagnosis planning, continual evaluation and evolution, we qualify the assistance as inadequate and with low level of solution, directly interfering on the maintenance of the VUs chronic state
This work provides a discussion involving the development of practices in Environmental Education (EE) in Natal-RN city, taking as reference the Programa Vamos Cuidar do Brasil com as Escolas (PVCBE). The EE is emphasized by importance it takes within the context of the reforms carried out in Brazil to formal education, especially from the decade of 1980. The investigations focus the effect of PVCBE in promoting the EE. We take as theoretical - methodological base the global/national guidelines on EE, carried out the non-participant observation, document analysis, and application of questionnaires and use of statistical techniques in the data tabulation. The results indicate that there has been reasonable progress to the achieving of an implementation policy of EE clearly qualitative, with a better coordination among municipal policymakers and the schools involved. It has been also noticed that there is a gap between what the law provides for a formal EE and what is carried out in practice. Despite the limitations noted, we must remember that actions have been achieved. Even considering that they are isolated action; they already show that there are possibilities of follow ways to processes based on the criteria of integration, reflexive action, quality and autonomy
Can be declared that throughout the historical trajectory of the Brazilian Social Work, the men in the Social Work profession, women in the Social Work profession in his/her professional activity, present an educational dimension that runs through various social and occupational spaces, particularly in the area of Social Assistance Policy. Based on this premise, this present Dissertation, problematize the educational dimension present on the interventional process, in Social Work on the ambit of the Social Assistance Policy in Natal / RN city Brazil in the contemporary scene. Having thus, specific objectives that orientate the research of the interventional process of Social Work in the social assistance policy, analyzing of the apprehension of Social Work professionals on the educational dimension, in their daily work professional and the verification of the relationship between the educational dimension, to the professional action of both men in the Social Work profession and women in the Social Work profession and the concretization of social rights on the ambit of the social assistance policy. In this sense, the theoretical and methodological procedures used for this research, are substantiated on a critical-dialectical perspective and a qualitative and quantitative approach, from of the application of field research, of the non-participant observation, of the semi-structure, of the review of literature bibliographic and documental. Thus, considering that both women in the social work profession and men in the social work profession are an organic intellectuals who in their daily professional work promotes an intellectual and moral reform of their users, the results of this research, synthesize and show that the educational dimension in both professional work and social assistance, which have partner-historics, whose imbrication allows, contradictorily, by a side, a reaffirmation of the dominant culture, and by other side, a direction linked to the construction of an emancipatory culture in the pursuit of the materializing of social rights and a new sociability