937 resultados para material flow management
Graphite is a mineral commodity used as anode for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), and its global demand is doomed to increase significantly in the future due to the forecasted global market demand of electric vehicles. Currently, the graphite used to produce LIBs is a mix of synthetic and natural graphite. The first one is produced by the crystallization of petroleum by-products and the second comes from mining, which causes threats related to pollution, social acceptance, and health. This MSc work has the objective of determining compositional and textural characteristics of natural, synthetic, and recycled graphite by using SEM-EDS, XRF, XRD, and TEM analytical techniques and couple these data with dynamic Material Flow Analysis (MFA) models, which have the objective of predicting the future global use of graphite in order to test the hypothesis that natural graphite will no longer be used in the LIB market globally. The mineral analyses reveal that the synthetic graphite samples contain less impurities than the natural graphite, which has a rolled internal structure similar to the recycled one. However, recycled graphite shows fractures and discontinuities of the graphene layers caused by the recycling process, but its rolled internal structure can help the Li-ions’ migration through the fractures. Three dynamic MFA studies have been conducted to test distinct scenarios that include graphite recycling in the period 2022-2050 and it emerges that - irrespective of any considered scenario - there will be an increase of synthetic graphite demand, caused by the limited stocks of battery scrap available. Hence, I conclude that both natural and recycled graphite is doomed to be used in the LIB market in the future, at least until the year 2050 when the stock of recycled graphite production will be enough to supersede natural graphite. In addition, some new improvement in the dismantling and recycling processes are necessary to improve the quality of recycled graphite.
Tuottavuuden ja tehokkuuden parantaminen on keskeisimpiä menestystekijöitä glo-baaleilla markkinoilla. Yksi kehittämisen toimintamalli on lean manufacturing -ajattelutapa, joka perustuu imuohjaukseen. Sen lähtökohtana on asiakasarvo ja keskit-tyminen arvoa lisäävien toimintojen maksimointiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli parantaa Strömfors Electric Oy:n materiaalivirtauksia yhdellä tuotantolinjalla. Projektin oli tarkoitus olla pilotti lean-implementointiin koko tehtaalla. Projektissa otettiin käyttöön kanban-imuohjausjärjestelmä, jota varten teh-tiin analyysejä ja laskelmia arvovirtoihin, varastoihin ja ohjaukseen. Lean-ajattelutapaan ja -työkaluihin perustuvaa kirjallisuutta käytettiin pohjatietona pilotti-projektissa sekätulevien kehitysprojektien suunnittelussa. Pilottiprojektin tuloksena materiaalinohjaus tehostui ja keskeneräisen tuotannon va-rasto tasoittui käyttötarpeen mukaiseksi. Työntekijät ja työnjohtajat tutustuivat leanin perusteisiin osallistuessaan pilottiprojektiin. Pidemmän aikavälin suunnitelmissa ontoimitusvarmuuden ja laadun parantuminen ensin pilottiprojektia koskevalla linjalla ja myöhemmin koko tehtaalla imuohjauksen kokonaisvaltaisen käyttöönoton myötä.
Työn tavoitteena on esitellä suunnitelma VAASAN Oy:n Vantaan leipomon laajennetun lähettämön materiaalivirtojen hallinasta. Suunnitelma pohjautuu laskelmiin, jotka sisältävät arviot lähettämön kasvavista materiaalivirroista sekä niiden vaikutuksista lähettämön toimintaan. Laskelmien pohjalta määritetään erikokoisten varastointialueiden sijoittelu, varastointikapasiteetit sekä kunkin alueen kuormittuneisuudet. Teoriaosuus käsittelee työn taustaksi keskeisimpiä teorioita materiaalivirtojen hallinnasta, layoutsuunnittelusta sekä lähettämön toiminnoista. Kunkin osa-alueen avulla voidaan vaikuttaa yrityksen materiaalivirtojen hallintaan. Teoriaosuutta koskevaa tietoa on hankittu logistiikan alan kirjallisuudesta, erilaisista tieteellisistä julkaisuista sekä verkkomateriaaleista. Empiirisessä osuudessa esitellään aluksi Vantaan leipomon lähettämön nykyinen toimintaperiaate. Tämän jälkeen arvioidaan laajennetun lähettämön kasvavia materiaalivirtoja. Työn tuloksena esitellään laskelmia apuna käyttäen suunnitelma laajennetun lähettämön materiaalivirtojen hallinnasta.
Thesis submitted to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering
Production flow analysis (PFA) is a well-established methodology used for transforming traditional functional layout into product-oriented layout. The method uses part routings to find natural clusters of workstations forming production cells able to complete parts and components swiftly with simplified material flow. Once implemented, the scheduling system is based on period batch control aiming to establish fixed planning, production and delivery cycles for the whole production unit. PFA is traditionally applied to job-shops with functional layouts, and after reorganization within groups lead times reduce, quality improves and motivation among personnel improves. Several papers have documented this, yet no research has studied its application to service operations management. This paper aims to show that PFA can well be applied not only to job-shop and assembly operations, but also to back-office and service processes with real cases. The cases clearly show that PFA reduces non-value adding operations, introduces flow by evening out bottlenecks and diminishes process variability, all of which contribute to efficient operations management.
Työn tavoitteena oli synkronoida yleinen materiaalivirta tuotannon kanssa. Pyrkimyksenä oli virtaviivaistaa materiaalivirta, jotta materiaalin määrä, sekä turhat työvaiheet tuotantoalueella vähenisivät. Päämääränä oli vähentää materiaalilavojen määrää lattialla, sekä parantaa materiaalitoimitusten OTD (On-Time-Delivery) prosenttia.Teoreettinen osa käsittelee nykypäivän toimitusketjun tärkeimpiä elementtejä. Keskeisenä asiana perehdytään materiaalivirtaan ja sen tehokkaaseen hallintaan. Työ esittelee myös synkronisen johtamismallin periaatteet, sekä materiaalivirran synkronoimisen tuotannon kanssa.Empiirinen osuus kuvaa yrityksen materiaalihallinnan nykypäivän tilanteen, sen keskeiset ongelmat, sekä uuden toimintamalliehdotuksen. Työ esittelee kaksi pilottia, joiden tulokset varmistivat uuden virtaviivaistetun materiaalivirran ja täydennysmallin toimivuuden.Työn tulokset osoittavat, miten uusi materiaalin täydennysmalli vähentää materiaalilavojen, sekä jalostamattoman työn määrää tuotantoalueella.
The goal of this study is to create a new inventory valuation process for The Switch Drive Systems and to improve its inventory management practices. In the matter of inventories the main problems in the case company are that it doesn’t have consistent valuation methods throughout the company and that information received in ERP system isn’t trustful. The research is qualitative case study. The empirical data is gathered through observing and unstructured interviews. The research shows that material flow process and the inventory valuation must be divided and handled separately but they should interact with each other. The result is a new inventory valuation process which takes many factors of material process under the consideration in order to receive reliable value for inventories.
The role of technology management in achieving improved manufacturing performance has been receiving increased attention as enterprises are becoming more exposed to competition from around the world. In the modern market for manufactured goods the demand is now for more product variety, better quality, shorter delivery and greater flexibility, while the financial and environmental cost of resources has become an urgent concern to manufacturing managers. This issue of the International Journal of Technology Management addresses the question of how the diffusion, implementation and management of technology can improve the performance of manufacturing industries. The authors come from a large number of different countries and their contributions cover a wide range of topics within this general theme. Some papers are conceptual, others report on research carried out in a range of different industries including steel production, iron founding, electronics, robotics, machinery, precision engineering, metal working and motor manufacture. In some cases they describe situations in specific countries. Several are based on presentations made at the UK Operations Management Association's Sixth International Conference held at Aston University at which the conference theme was 'Achieving Competitive Edge: Getting Ahead Through Technology and People'. The first two papers deal with questions of advanced manufacturing technology implementation and management. Firstly Beatty describes a three year longitudinal field study carried out in ten Canadian manufacturing companies using CADICAM and CIM systems. Her findings relate to speed of implementation, choice of system type, the role of individuals in implementation, organization and job design. This is followed by a paper by Bessant in which he argues that a more a strategic approach should be taken towards the management of technology in the 1990s and beyond. Also considered in this paper are the capabilities necessary in order to deploy advanced manufacturing technology as a strategic resource and the way such capabilities might be developed within the firm. These two papers, which deal largely with the implementation of hardware, are supplemented by Samson and Sohal's contribution in which they argue that a much wider perspective should be adopted based on a new approach to manufacturing strategy formulation. Technology transfer is the topic of the following two papers. Pohlen again takes the case of advanced manufacturing technology and reports on his research which considers the factors contributing to successful realisation of AMT transfer. The paper by Lee then provides a more detailed account of technology transfer in the foundry industry. Using a case study based on a firm which has implemented a number of transferred innovations a model is illustrated in which the 'performance gap' can be identified and closed. The diffusion of technology is addressed in the next two papers. In the first of these, by Lowe and Sim, the managerial technologies of 'Just in Time' and 'Manufacturing Resource Planning' (or MRP 11) are examined. A study is described from which a number of factors are found to influence the adoption process including, rate of diffusion and size. Dahlin then considers the case of a specific item of hardware technology, the industrial robot. Her paper reviews the history of robot diffusion since the early 1960s and then tries to predict how the industry will develop in the future. The following two papers deal with the future of manufacturing in a more general sense. The future implementation of advanced manufacturing technology is the subject explored by de Haan and Peters who describe the results of their Dutch Delphi forecasting study conducted among a panel of experts including scientists, consultants, users and suppliers of AMT. Busby and Fan then consider a type of organisational model, 'the extended manufacturing enterprise', which would represent a distinct alternative pure market-led and command structures by exploiting the shared knowledge of suppliers and customers. The three country-based papers consider some strategic issues relating manufacturing technology. In a paper based on investigations conducted in China He, Liff and Steward report their findings from strategy analyses carried out in the steel and watch industries with a view to assessing technology needs and organizational change requirements. This is followed by Tang and Nam's paper which examines the case of machinery industry in Korea and its emerging importance as a key sector in the Korean economy. In his paper which focuses on Venezuela, Ernst then considers the particular problem of how this country can address the problem of falling oil revenues. He sees manufacturing as being an important contributor to Venezuela's future economy and proposes a means whereby government and private enterprise can co-operate in development of the manufacturing sector. The last six papers all deal with specific topics relating to the management manufacturing. Firstly Youssef looks at the question of manufacturing flexibility, introducing and testing a conceptual model that relates computer based technologies flexibility. Dangerfield's paper which follows is based on research conducted in the steel industry. He considers the question of scale and proposes a modelling approach determining the plant configuration necessary to meet market demand. Engstrom presents the results of a detailed investigation into the need for reorganising material flow where group assembly of products has been adopted. Sherwood, Guerrier and Dale then report the findings of a study into the effectiveness of Quality Circle implementation. Stillwagon and Burns, consider how manufacturing competitiveness can be improved individual firms by describing how the application of 'human performance engineering' can be used to motivate individual performance as well as to integrate organizational goals. Finally Sohal, Lewis and Samson describe, using a case study example, how just-in-time control can be applied within the context of computer numerically controlled flexible machining lines. The papers in this issue of the International Journal of Technology Management cover a wide range of topics relating to the general question of improving manufacturing performance through the dissemination, implementation and management of technology. Although they differ markedly in content and approach, they have the collective aim addressing the concepts, principles and practices which provide a better understanding the technology of manufacturing and assist in achieving and maintaining a competitive edge.
Different problems are daily discuss on environmental aspects such acid rain, eutrophication, global warming and an others problems. Rarely do we find some discussions about phosphorus problematic. Through the years the phosphorus as been a real problem and must be more discussed. On this thesis was done a global material flow analysis of phosphorus, based on data from the year 2004, the production of phosphate rock in that year was 18.9 million tones, almost this amount it was used as fertilizer on the soil and the plants only can uptake, on average, 20% of the input of fertilizer to grow up, the remainder is lost for the phosphorus soil. In the phosphorus soil there is equilibrium between the phosphorus available to uptake from the plants and the phosphorus associate with other compounds, this equilibrium depends of the kind of soil and is related with the soil pH. A reserve inventory was done and we have 15,000 million tones as reserve, the amount that is economical available. The reserve base is estimated in 47,000 million tones. The major reserves can be found in Morocco and Western Sahara, United Sates, China and South Africa. The reserve estimated in 2009 was 15,000 million tone of phosphate rock or 1,963 million tone of P. If every year the mined phosphate rock is around 22 Mt/yr (phosphorus production on 2008 USGS 2009), and each year the consumption of phosphorus increases because of the food demand, the reserves of phosphate rock will be finished in about 90 years, or maybe even less. About the value/impact assessment was done a qualitative analysis, if on the future we don’t have more phosphate rock to produce fertilizers, it is expected a drop on the crops yields, each depends of the kind of the soil and the impact on the humans feed and animal production will not be a relevant problem. We can recovery phosphorus from different waste streams such as ploughing crop residues back into the soil, Food processing plants and food retailers, Human and animal excreta, Meat and bone meal, Manure fibre, Sewage sludge and wastewater. Some of these examples are developed in the paper.
No âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio do 2ºano do Mestrado em Engenharia mecânica – Ramo Gestão Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, o presente trabalho de dissertação foi enquadrado num projeto industrial de melhoria com Instituto Kaizen, empresa de consultoria operacional. O projeto foi desenvolvido numa empresa de produção de componentes em ferro nodular destinados à indústria automóvel do mercado europeu, a Sakthi Portugal,SA. A realização deste projeto teve como objetivo a implementação do sistema de planeamento em Pull (produção puxada) na logística interna da Sakthi Portugal,SA recorrendo à metodologia Kaizen. Esta metodologia consiste na aplicação de ferramentas de TFM - Total Flow Management, integradas no Kaizen Management System. Neste projeto recorreu-se especialmente a um dos pilares que o constituem, o pilar do “Fluxo da Logística Interna”. Neste pilar encontram-se as várias metodologias utilizadas na otimização do fluxo de material e informação na logística interna. Estas metodologias foram aplicadas, com o objetivo do sistema produtivo operar de acordo com a necessidade do cliente, obtendo deste modo a minimização dos custo e o aumento da produtividade e qualidade. Em resultado da aplicação da metodologia seguida, foi possível atingir-se os objetivos definidos inicialmente e em alguns casos foi possível superar esses objetivos. Em função da abordagem integrada que foi seguida, conseguiu-se uma diminuição do “lead time” do processo de fabrico, redução dos produtos em curso de fabrico, libertação de espaço e redução de inventários. Estas melhorias resultaram numa movimentação interna na fábrica mais facilitada e num aumento global da produtividade. Como consequência positiva dos efeitos deste trabalho, pode-se apontar o facto de que a Sakthi Portugal SA aumentou a sua competitividade por tornar-se numa empresa mais dinâmica, mais adaptada ao mercado e com níveis de satisfação do cliente muito superiores.
The research performed a sustainability assessment of supply chains of the anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in Peru. The corresponding fisheries lands 6.5 million t per year, of which <2% is rendered into products for direct human consumption (DHC) and 98% reduced into feed ingredients (fishmeal and fish oil, FMFO), for export. Several industries compete for the anchoveta resources, generating local and global impacts. The need for understanding these dynamics, towards sustainability-improving management and policy recommendations, determined the development of a sustainability assessment framework: 1) characterisation and modelling of the systems under study (with Life Cycle Assessment and other tools) including local aquaculture, 2) calculation of sustainability indicators (i.e. energy efficiency, nutritional value, socio-economic performances), and 3) sustainability comparison of supply chains; definition and comparison of alternative exploitation scenarios. Future exploitation scenarios were defined by combining an ecosystem and a material flow models: continuation of the status quo (Scenario 1), shift towards increased proportion of DHC production (Scenario 2), and radical reduction of the anchoveta harvest in order for other fish stocks to recover and be exploited for DHC (Scenario 3). Scenario 2 was identified as the most sustainable. Management and policy recommendations include improving of: controls for compliance with management measures, sanitary conditions for DHC, landing infrastructure for small- and medium-scale (SMS) fisheries; the development of a national refrigerated distribution chain; and the assignation of flexible tolerances for discards from different DHC processes.
Sustainable resource use is one of the most important environmental issues of our times. It is closely related to discussions on the 'peaking' of various natural resources serving as energy sources, agricultural nutrients, or metals indispensable in high-technology applications. Although the peaking theory remains controversial, it is commonly recognized that a more sustainable use of resources would alleviate negative environmental impacts related to resource use. In this thesis, sustainable resource use is analysed from a practical standpoint, through several different case studies. Four of these case studies relate to resource metabolism in the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland: the aim was to model the evolution of chosen resource stocks and flows in the coming decades. The studied resources were copper (a bulk metal), phosphorus (a vital agricultural nutrient), and wood (a renewable resource). In addition, the case of lithium (a critical metal) was analysed briefly in a qualitative manner and in an electric mobility perspective. In addition to the Geneva case studies, this thesis includes a case study on the sustainability of space life support systems. Space life support systems are systems whose aim is to provide the crew of a spacecraft with the necessary metabolic consumables over the course of a mission. Sustainability was again analysed from a resource use perspective. In this case study, the functioning of two different types of life support systems, ARES and BIORAT, were evaluated and compared; these systems represent, respectively, physico-chemical and biological life support systems. Space life support systems could in fact be used as a kind of 'laboratory of sustainability' given that they represent closed and relatively simple systems compared to complex and open terrestrial systems such as the Canton of Geneva. The chosen analysis method used in the Geneva case studies was dynamic material flow analysis: dynamic material flow models were constructed for the resources copper, phosphorus, and wood. Besides a baseline scenario, various alternative scenarios (notably involving increased recycling) were also examined. In the case of space life support systems, the methodology of material flow analysis was also employed, but as the data available on the dynamic behaviour of the systems was insufficient, only static simulations could be performed. The results of the case studies in the Canton of Geneva show the following: were resource use to follow population growth, resource consumption would be multiplied by nearly 1.2 by 2030 and by 1.5 by 2080. A complete transition to electric mobility would be expected to only slightly (+5%) increase the copper consumption per capita while the lithium demand in cars would increase 350 fold. For example, phosphorus imports could be decreased by recycling sewage sludge or human urine; however, the health and environmental impacts of these options have yet to be studied. Increasing the wood production in the Canton would not significantly decrease the dependence on wood imports as the Canton's production represents only 5% of total consumption. In the comparison of space life support systems ARES and BIORAT, BIORAT outperforms ARES in resource use but not in energy use. However, as the systems are dimensioned very differently, it remains questionable whether they can be compared outright. In conclusion, the use of dynamic material flow analysis can provide useful information for policy makers and strategic decision-making; however, uncertainty in reference data greatly influences the precision of the results. Space life support systems constitute an extreme case of resource-using systems; nevertheless, it is not clear how their example could be of immediate use to terrestrial systems.
Tämän case -tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa tekstiili- ja vaatetusmateriaalien ekologista elinjakson hallintaa Talousvarikon toiminnoissa ja tutkimalla mahdollisuuksia soveltaa saatuja tuloksia. Talousvarikko on Puolustusvoimien Materiaalilaitoksen alainen järjestelmävastuuvarikko, jonka tehtävänä on varusmiesten ja kadettien vaatetuksen hankinta- ja ylläpitotoiminnot. Talousvarikko jakautuu neljälle paikkakunnalle. Hämeenlinnassa on hankinta-, hallinto- ja materiaaliosasto. Säkylässä, Mikkelissä ja Sodankylässä ovat vaatetuskorjaamot. Tekstiilimateriaalien elinkaariajattelussa tarkastellaan raaka-aineiden jaottelua ja maailman kuitutuotantoa. Tekstiilikuidut jaotellaan luonnon- ja tekokuituihin. Luonnonkuidut ovat pääosin luonnon raaka-aineita ja tekokuidut ovat synteettisesti valmistettuja. Tekstiilikuitujen- ja materiaalien vaikutus ekologiseen elinjakson hallinnan vaiheisiin on riippuvainen raaka-aineidenalkuperästä. Vaatetus- ja tekstiilimateriaalin elinkaari muodostuu tuotekehityksestä, hankinnasta, valmistuksesta, käytöstä, huollosta ja hylkäyksestä. Ekologista elinjakson hallintaa tarkastellaan materiaalivirta- ja elinkaarianalyysien kautta. Elinkaarianalyysin tarkastelu painottuu vaikutusluokkien arvottamiseen ja materiaalivirta-analyysissä tarkastellaan ainevirtoja ja sitä kautta jätteiden määrän vähentämistä. Joutsenmerkin valintakriteerien pohjana on aina tuotteiden elinkaarianalyysi. Joutsenmerkin valintakriteerien soveltaminen Talousvarikon toimintoihin vaatetus- ja tekstiilimateriaalin elinkaaren jokaisessa vaiheessa antaa mahdollisuuden lisätä ekologista elinkaaren hallintaa Talousvarikon toiminnoissa. Ympäristönäkökohtien huomioiminen tuotekehityksessä ja hankinnoissa antaa mahdollisuuden tehdä tilauksia / sopimuksia yhteiskuntavastuullisilta yrityksiltä huomioiden valmistuksen yhdeksi osaksi hankinta ja logistiikka pääprosessia.
Incap Furniture Oy on koottavien mäntyhuonekalujen sopimusvalmistaja. Yrityksen tavoitteena on saavuttaa 70 miljoonan euron liikevaihto Kärsämäen tehtaalla vuonna 2008. Suurin osa komponenttituotannosta ostetaan alihankintaverkostosta ja valmiit tuotteet pakataan logistiikkakeskuksessa. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää miten kasvavat materiaalivirrat saadaan tulevaisuudessa käsiteltyä Kärsämäen tehtaan logistiikkakeskuksessa Työn teoriaosassa on ensin käsitelty mahdollisuuksia vähentää kokoonpanon puutetilanteita ostotoimintaa kehittämällä. Teoriaosassa esitellään lisäksi varastonohjausmenetelmiä, sekä yleisesti varastoinnin tehtäväkenttää. Empiirisessä osassa analysoitiin annettujen tietojen avulla vuoden 2008 tavoitetilaa, sekä simuloitiin tavoitetilan materiaalivirtoja suhteessa logistiikkakeskuksen kapasiteettiin. Kasvavat materiaalivirrat pakottavat kehittämään logistiikkakeskuksen toimintaa. Eräluonteisen toiminnan vuoksi kaikkien komponenttien kohdalla on pyrittävä MRP ohjaukseen. Komponenttientilauseriä on pyrittävä pienentämään vastaamaan todellista tarvetta. Kriittisille A- ja B- komponenteille tarvitaan lisäksi puskurivarastot tasaamaan toimitusajan vaihtelua ulkomaantoimituksissa. Pakkauseristä yli jäävät C nimikkeet tulee varastoida jatkossa erillään logistiikkakeskuksesta ja korkeavarastosta. D- ja E-nimikkeitä ei kannata tuoda ulkomailta, eikä niitä ole kannattavaa varastoida lainkaan. Pakkaamon täytyy toimia tulevaisuudessa kolmessa vuorossa ja korkeavaraston työjonoa on lyhennettävä kolmesta vuorokaudesta 4-6 työvuoroon. Edellä mainituilla toimenpiteillä ja toimitusten aktiivisella seurannalla saavutetaan toimintaympäristö, jolloin logistiikkakeskuksen kapasiteetti riittää materiaalivirtojen kasvaessa.
Työ käsittelee Metso Paper Servicen varaosa- ja kulutusosatuotelinjojen mahdollisuuksia sähköiseen liiketoimintaan ulkoisten asiakkaiden kanssa sekä sähköisten transaktioiden vaikutuksia, etuja ja edellytyksiä. Työssä selvitetään Metson ja sen kymmenen kotimaisen asiakastehtaan myynti- ja ostoprosessin toiminta. Prosessimallin avulla arvioidaan valmiuksia sähköisiin transaktioihin nykyisessä myynti- ja ostotoiminnassa. Tarkastelu painottuu toimintoihin tarjontaketjun eri vaiheissa. Teknisiä näkökohtia käsitellään kokonaiskuvan luomiseksi. Lisäksi työssä arvioidaan muutoksia, joita sähköinen liiketoiminta aiheuttaisi. Haastatteluin tehdyssä tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan näkemyksiä sähköiseen liiketoimintaan erilaisilla organisaation tasoilla. Kokonaisnäkemys syntyy erilaisista näkökulmista sähköiseen kauppaan. Sähköiseen liiketoimintaan suhtaudutaan myönteisesti. Kokemuksia on kuitenkin vielä vähän. Vaikka hankkeita sähköisen liiketoiminnan lisäämiseksi on vireillä, yhtä tärkeää on parantaa valmiuksia tehostamalla paitsi informaatiovirtaa, myös materiaalivirtaa.