882 resultados para learning analytics framework


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The foundational concept of Network Enabled Capability relies on effective, timely information sharing. This information is used in analysis, trade and scenario studies, and ultimately decision-making. In this paper, the concept of visual analytics is explored as an enabler to facilitate rapid, defensible, and superior decision-making. By coupling analytical reasoning with the exceptional human capability to rapidly internalize and understand visual data, visual analytics allows individual and collaborative decision-making to occur in the face of vast and disparate data, time pressures, and uncertainty. An example visual analytics framework is presented in the form of a decision-making environment centered on the Lockheed C-5A and C-5M aircraft. This environment allows rapid trade studies to be conducted on design, logistics, and capability within the aircraft?s operational roles. Through this example, the use of a visual analytics decision-making environment within a military environment is demonstrated.


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Currently the world around us "reboots" every minute and “staying at the forefront” seems to be a very arduous task. The continuous and “speeded” progress of society requires, from all the actors, a dynamic and efficient attitude both in terms progress monitoring and moving adaptation. With regard to education, no matter how updated we are in relation to the contents, the didactic strategies and technological resources, we are inevitably compelled to adapt to new paradigms and rethink the traditional teaching methods. It is in this context that the contribution of e-learning platforms arises. Here teachers and students have at their disposal new ways to enhance the teaching and learning process, and these platforms are seen, at the present time, as significant virtual teaching and learning supporting environments. This paper presents a Project and attempts to illustrate the potential that new technologies present as a “backing” tool in different stages of teaching and learning at different levels and areas of knowledge, particularly in Mathematics. We intend to promote a constructive discussion moment, exposing our actual perception - that the use of the Learning Management System Moodle, by Higher Education teachers, as supplementary teaching-learning environment for virtual classroom sessions can contribute for greater efficiency and effectiveness of teaching practice and to improve student achievement. Regarding the Learning analytics experience we will present a few results obtained with some assessment Learning Analytics tools, where we profoundly felt that the assessment of students’ performance in online learning environments is a challenging and demanding task.


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This paper provides a brief introduction to the domain of ‘learning analytics’. We first explain the background and idea behind the concept. Then we give a brief overview of current research issues. We briefly list some more controversial issues before concluding.


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Teaching is a dynamic activity. It can be very effective, if its impact is constantly monitored and adjusted to the demands of changing social contexts and needs of learners. This implies that teachers need to be aware about teaching and learning processes. Moreover, they should constantly question their didactical methods and the learning resources, which they provide to their students. They should reflect if their actions are suitable, and they should regulate their teaching, e.g., by updating learning materials based on new knowledge about learners, or by motivating learners to engage in further learning activities. In the last years, a rising interest in ‘learning analytics’ is observable. This interest is motivated by the availability of massive amounts of educational data. Also, the continuously increasing processing power, and a strong motivation for discovering new information from these pools of educational data, is pushing further developments within the learning analytics research field. Learning analytics could be a method for reflective teaching practice that enables and guides teachers to investigate and evaluate their work in future learning scenarios. However, this potentially positive impact has not yet been sufficiently verified by learning analytics research. Another method that pursues these goals is ‘action research’. Learning analytics promises to initiate action research processes because it facilitates awareness, reflection and regulation of teaching activities analogous to action research. Therefore, this thesis joins both concepts, in order to improve the design of learning analytics tools. Central research question of this thesis are: What are the dimensions of learning analytics in relation to action research, which need to be considered when designing a learning analytics tool? How does a learning analytics dashboard impact the teachers of technology-enhanced university lectures regarding ‘awareness’, ‘reflection’ and ‘action’? Does it initiate action research? Which are central requirements for a learning analytics tool, which pursues such effects? This project followed design-based research principles, in order to answer these research questions. The main contributions are: a theoretical reference model that connects action research and learning analytics, the conceptualization and implementation of a learning analytics tool, a requirements catalogue for useful and usable learning analytics design based on evaluations, a tested procedure for impact analysis, and guidelines for the introduction of learning analytics into higher education.


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In recent years, learning analytics (LA) has attracted a great deal of attention in technology-enhanced learning (TEL) research as practitioners, institutions, and researchers are increasingly seeing the potential that LA has to shape the future TEL landscape. Generally, LA deals with the development of methods that harness educational data sets to support the learning process. This paper provides a foundation for future research in LA. It provides a systematic overview on this emerging field and its key concepts through a reference model for LA based on four dimensions, namely data, environments, context (what?), stakeholders (who?), objectives (why?), and methods (how?). It further identifies various challenges and research opportunities in the area of LA in relation to each dimension.


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Analysis of learning data (learning analytics) is a new research field with high growth potential. The main objective of Learning analytics is the analysis of data (interactions being the basic data unit) generated in virtual learning environments, in order to maximize the outcomes of the learning process; however, a consensus has not been reached yet on which interactions must be measured and what is their influence on learning outcomes. This research is grounded on the study of e-learning interaction typologies and their relationship with students? academic performance, by means of a comparative study between different interaction typologies (based on the agents involved, frequency of use and participation mode). The main conclusions are a) that classifications based on agents offer a better explanation of academic performance; and b) that each of the three typologies are able to explain academic performance in terms of some of their components (student-teacher and student-student interactions, evaluating students interactions and active interactions, respectively), with the other components being nonrelevant.


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Learning analytics is the analysis of static and dynamic data extracted from virtual learning environments, in order to understand and optimize the learning process. Generally, this dynamic data is generated by the interactions which take place in the virtual learning environment. At the present time, many implementations for grouping of data have been proposed, but there is no consensus yet on which interactions and groups must be measured and analyzed. There is also no agreement on what is the influence of these interactions, if any, on learning outcomes, academic performance or student success. This study presents three different extant interaction typologies in e-learning and analyzes the relation of their components with students? academic performance. The three different classifications are based on the agents involved in the learning process, the frequency of use and the participation mode, respectively. The main findings from the research are: a) that agent-based classifications offer a better explanation of student academic performance; b) that at least one component in each typology predicts academic performance; and c) that student-teacher and student-student, evaluating students, and active interactions, respectively, have a significant impact on academic performance, while the other interaction types are not significantly related to academic performance.


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La adquisición de la competencia grupal es algo básico en la docencia universitaria. Esta tarea va a suponer evaluar diferentes factores en un número elevado de alumnos, lo que puede supone gran complejidad y un esfuerzo elevado. De cara a evitar este esfuerzo se puede pensar en emplear los registros de la interacción de los usuarios almacenados en las plataformas de aprendizaje. Para ello el presente trabajo se basa en el desarrollo de un sistema de Learning Analytics que es utilizado como herramienta para analizar las evidencias individuales de los distintos miembros de un equipo de trabajo. El trabajo desarrolla un modelo teórico apoyado en la herramienta, que permite relacionar las evidencias observadas de forma empírica para cada alumno, con indicadores obtenidos tanto de la acción individual como cooperativo de los miembros de un equipo realizadas a través de los foros de trabajo. Abstract — The development of the group work competence is something basic in university teaching. It should be evaluated, but this means to analyze different issues about the participation of a high number of students which is very complex and implies a lot of effort. In order to facilitate this evaluation it is possible to analyze the logs of students’ interaction in Learning Management Systems. The present work describes the development of a Learning Analytics system that analyzes the interaction of each of the members of working group. This tool is supported by a theoretical model, which allows establishing links between the empirical evidences of each student and the indicators of their action in working forums.


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Los juegos serios (o videojuegos educativos), se consideran una herramienta importante para la educación en el futuro. Por ello, se está invirtiendo mucho esfuerzo en el análisis de su corrección e idoneidad para alcanzar los objetivos educativos pretendidos. El campo de análisis de aprendizaje con juegos pretende proporcionar herramientas que verifiquen estas características mejorando la calidad y efectividad de los juegos serios. Para ello, se necesitan normalmente tres etapas: 1), monitorizar los datos de la interacción del jugador con el juego; 2), analizar esos datos recolectados; y 3), visualizar los resultados. En este contexto, hay algunos asuntos importantes a considerar: nivel de conocimiento del juego, receptor de las visualizaciones finales o cantidad y complejidad de los datos. Estas ideas se ponen en práctica con dos ejemplos de juegos serios centrándonos en las dos últimas etapas del proceso. Se realizan varios análisis y visualizaciones con ellos considerando los diferentes aspectos antes mencionados. Entre las conclusiones que se pueden extraer, destaca que, a pesar de haber algunos aspectos aún por mejorar, el análisis de aprendizaje con juegos es una herramienta esencial para muchos usuarios con una amplia variedad de intereses en juego serios.


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The last couple of years there has been a lot of attention for MOOCs. More and more universities start offering MOOCs. Although the open dimension of MOOC indicates that it is open in every aspect, in most cases it is a course with a structure and a timeline within which learning activities are positioned. There is a contradiction there. The open aspect puts MOOCs more in the non-formal professional learning domain, while the course structure takes it into the formal, traditional education domain. Accordingly, there is no consensus yet on solid pedagogical approaches for MOOCs. Something similar can be said for learning analytics, another upcoming concept that is receiving a lot of attention. Given its nature, learning analytics offers a large potential to support learners in particular in MOOCs. Learning analytics should then be applied to assist the learners and teachers in understanding the learning process and could predict learning, provide opportunities for pro-active feedback, but should also results in interventions aimed at improving progress. This paper illustrates pedagogical and learning analytics approaches based on practices developed in formal online and distance teaching university education that have been fine-tuned for MOOCs and have been piloted in the context of the EU-funded MOOC projects ECO (Elearning, Communication, Open-Data: http://ecolearning.eu) and EMMA (European Multiple MOOC Aggregator: http://platform.europeanmoocs.eu).


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Poster presentation for our paper Brouns, F., & Firssova, O. (2016, October).The role of learning design and learning analytics in MOOCs. Paper presented at 9th EDEN Research Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany.


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Learning Analytics is an emerging field focused on analyzing learners’ interactions with educational content. One of the key open issues in learning analytics is the standardization of the data collected. This is a particularly challenging issue in serious games, which generate a diverse range of data. This paper reviews the current state of learning analytics, data standards and serious games, studying how serious games are tracking the interactions from their players and the metrics that can be distilled from them. Based on this review, we propose an interaction model that establishes a basis for applying Learning Analytics into serious games. This paper then analyzes the current standards and specifications used in the field. Finally, it presents an implementation of the model with one of the most promising specifications: Experience API (xAPI). The Experience API relies on Communities of Practice developing profiles that cover different use cases in specific domains. This paper presents the Serious Games xAPI Profile: a profile developed to align with the most common use cases in the serious games domain. The profile is applied to a case study (a demo game), which explores the technical practicalities of standardizing data acquisition in serious games. In summary, the paper presents a new interaction model to track serious games and their implementation with the xAPI specification.