986 resultados para inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase


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Preliminary study has been made of the changes in common 5' nucleotides in oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) and two Penaeid prawns of Indian waters during chill storage. The course of nucleotide degradation has been followed in the fresh fish and shell fish during ice storage. The level of inosine monophosphate (IMP) in prawns showed significant but steady decrease during ice storage and this appears to serve as useful indication of length of storage. Comparison has been made on the pattern of nucleotide changes in block frozen fish and individually quick frozen fish stored at -23°C.


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Volatile and nonvolatile compounds, which could contribute to flavor, were analyzed in salmon. One hundred twenty-three volatile compounds were identified in the headspace of two different samples of cooked salmon, including lipid-derived volatiles, Maillard-derived volatiles, sulfur volatiles, Strecker aldehydes, nitrogen heterocyclic compounds, terpenes, and trimethylamine. Significant differences between samples were found for 104 of the volatiles. Although the levels of free cysteine and methionine were low in the salmon, sulfur volatiles were formed in the cooked fish, demonstrating that there were sufficient sulfur amino acids present for their formation. Notable differences in sulfur compounds between the samples suggested that small changes in sulfur amino acids could be responsible. When this hypothesis was tested, salmon heated with cysteine had increased levels of many thiophenes, thiazoles, alicyclic sulfides, and nitrogen heterocycles. With the addition of methionine, levels of dimethyl sulfides, two alicyclic sulfides, pyrazines, some unsaturated aldehydes, and alcohols and 2-furanmethanethiol increased. The largest difference found among the nonvolatile (low molecular weight water-soluble) compounds was in inosine monophosphate.


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A ternary metal-nucleotide complex, Na2[Cu(5’-IMP)2(im)o,8(H20)l,2(H20)2h]as~ 1be2e.n4 pHr2ep0a,r ed and its structure analyzed by X-ray diffraction (5’-IMP = inosine 5’-monophos hate; im = imidazole). The complex crystallizes in space group C222, with a = 8.733 (4) A, b = 23.213 (5) A, c = 21.489 (6) 1, and Z = 4. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least-squares technique on the basis of 2008 observed reflections to a final R value of 0.087. Symmetry-related 5’-IMP anions coordinate in cis geometry through the N(7) atoms of the bases. The other cis positions of the coordination plane are statistically occupied by nitrogen atoms of disordered im groups and water oxygens with occupancies 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. Water oxygens in axial positions complete the octahedral coordination of Cu(I1). The complex is isostructural with C~S-[P~(S’-IMP),(NH~)~a] m”,o del proposed for Pt(I1) binding to DNA. The base binding observed in the present case is different from the typical ”phosphate only” binding shown from earlier studies on metal-nucleotide complexes containing various other ?r-aromatic amines.


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The crystal structures of two ternary metal nucleotide complexes of cobalt, [Co(en)2(H2O)2]-[Co(5?-IMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (1) and [Co(en)2(H2O)2][Co(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (2), have been analysed by X-ray diffraction (en = ethylenediamine, 5?-IMP = inosine 5?-monophosphate, and 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate). Both complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic space group C2221 with a= 8.725(1), b= 25.891(5), c= 21.212(5)Å, Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.733(2), b= 26.169(4), c= 21.288(4)Å, Z= 4 for (2). The structure of (1) was solved by the heavy-atom method, while that of (2) was deduced from (1). The structures were refined to R values of 0.09 and 0.10 for 1 546 and 1 572 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. The two structures are isomorphous. A novel feature is that the chelate ligand en and the nucleotide are not co-ordinated to the same metal ion. One of the metal ions lying on the two-fold a axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two chelating en molecules and two water oxygens, while the other on the two-fold b axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two N(7) atoms of symmetry-related nucleotides in a cis position and four water oxygens. The conformations of the nucleotides are C(2?)-endo, anti, and gauche�gauche. In both (1) and (2) the charge-neutralising chloride ions are disordered in the vacant space between the molecules. These structures bear similarities to the mode of nucleotide co-ordination to PtII complexes of 6-oxopurine nucleotides, which are the proposed models for intrastrand cross-linking in DNA by a metal complex.


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Aim: To investigate the effects of globular adiponectin (gAd) on gene expression and whether these effects are mediated through 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-activated protein kinase in skeletal muscle myotubes obtained from lean, obese and obese diabetic individuals.

Methods: Rectus abdominus muscle biopsies were obtained from surgical patients to establish primary skeletal muscle cell cultures. Three distinct primary cell culture groups were established (lean, obese and obese diabetic; n = 7 in each group). Once differentiated, these cultures were then exposed to gAd or 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR) for 6 h.

Results: Stimulation with gAd decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) gene expression in the obese and diabetic samples (p ≤ 0.05) and increased cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunit 4 (COXIV) gene expression in the myotubes derived from lean individuals only (p < 0.05). AICAR treatment also decreased PDK4 gene expression in the obese- and diabetic-derived myotubes (p ≤ 0.05) and increased the gene expression of the mitochondrial gene, COXIII, in the lean-derived samples only (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: This study demonstrated distinct disparity between myotubes derived from lean compared with obese and obese diabetic individuals following gAd and AICAR treatment. Further understanding of the regulation of PDK4 in obese and diabetic skeletal muscle and its interaction with adiponectin signalling is required as this appears to be an important early molecular event in these disease states that may improve blood glucose control and metabolic flux.


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An improved method for the assay of human platelet pyruvate dehydrogenase is described. By generating the substrate [1-14C]pyruvate in situ from [1-14C]lactate plus l-lactate dehydrogenase, the rate of spontaneous decarboxylation is dramatically reduced, allowing far greater sensitivity in the assay of low activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase. In addition, no special precautions are required for the storage and use of [1-14C]lactate, in contrast to those for [1-14C] pyruvate. These factors allow a 5–10-fold increase in sensitivity compared with current methods. The pyruvate dehydrogenase activity of normal subjects as determined by the [1-14C]lactate system was 215 ± 55 pmol · min−1 · mg−1 protein (n = 18). The advantages of this assay system are discussed.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by renal fibrosis that can lead to end-stage renal failure, and studies have supported a strong genetic influence on the risk of developing CKD. However, investigations of the underlying molecular mechanisms are hampered by the lack of suitable hereditary models in animals. We therefore sought to establish hereditary mouse models for CKD and renal fibrosis by investigating mice treated with the chemical mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, and identified a mouse with autosomal recessive renal failure, designated RENF. Three-week old RENF mice were smaller than their littermates, whereas at birth they had been of similar size. RENF mice, at 4-weeks of age, had elevated concentrations of plasma urea and creatinine, indicating renal failure, which was associated with small and irregularly shaped kidneys. Genetic studies using DNA from 10 affected mice and 91 single nucleotide polymorphisms mapped the Renf locus to a 5.8Mbp region on chromosome 17E1.3. DNA sequencing of the xanthine dehydrogenase (Xdh) gene revealed a nonsense mutation at codon 26 that co-segregated with affected RENF mice. The Xdh mutation resulted in loss of hepatic XDH and renal Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression. XDH mutations in man cause xanthinuria with undetectable plasma uric acid levels and three RENF mice had plasma uric acid levels below the limit of detection. Histological analysis of RENF kidney sections revealed abnormal arrangement of glomeruli, intratubular casts, cellular infiltration in the interstitial space, and interstitial fibrosis. TUNEL analysis of RENF kidney sections showed extensive apoptosis predominantly affecting the tubules. Thus, we have established a mouse model for autosomal recessive early-onset renal failure due to a nonsense mutation in Xdh that is a model for xanthinuria in man. This mouse model could help to increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated with renal fibrosis and the specific roles of XDH and uric acid. © 2012 Piret et al.


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Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) is a recently characterized cancer syndrome which predisposes to cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas as well as renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) has also been observed in certain Finnish HLRCC families. The predisposing gene for this syndrome, fumarate hydratase (FH), was identified in 2002. The well-known function of FH is in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC) in the energy metabolism of cells. As FH is a novel cancer gene, the role of FH mutations in tumours is in general unknown. Similarly, the mechanisms through which defective FH is associated with tumourigenesis are unclear. The loss of a wild type allele has been observed in virtually all HLRCC patients tumours and the FH enzyme activities are either totally lost or remarkably reduced in the tissues of mutation carrier patients. Therefore, FH is assumed to function as a tumour suppressor. Mutations in genes encoding subunits of other TCAC enzyme SDH have also been reported recently in tumours: mutations in SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD genes predispose to paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma. In the present study, mutations in the SDHB gene were observed to predispose to RCC. This was the first time that mutations in SDHB have been detected in extra-paraganglial tumours. Two different SDHB mutations were observed in two unrelated families. In the first family, the index patient was diagnosed with RCC at the age of 24 years. Additionally, his mother with a paraganglioma (PGL) of the heart and his maternal uncle with lung cancer were both carriers of the mutation. The RCC of the index patient and the PGL of his mother showed LOH. In the other family, an SDHB mutation was detected in two siblings who were both diagnosed with RCC at the ages of 24 and 26 years. Both of the siblings also suffered PGL. All these tumours showed LOH. Therefore, we concluded that mutations in SDHB predispose also for RCC in certain families. Several tumour types were analysed for FH mutations to define the role of FH mutations in these tumour types. In addition, patients with a putative cancer phenotype were analysed to identify new HLRCC families. Three FH variants were detected, of which two were novel. One of the variants was observed in a patient diagnosed with ULMS at the age of 41 years. However, LOH was not detected in the tumour tissue. The FH enzyme activity of the mutated protein was clearly reduced, being 43% of the activity of the normal protein. Together with the results from an earlier study we calculated that the prevalence of FH mutations in Finnish non-syndromic ULMS is around 2.4%. Therefore, FH mutations seem to have a minor role in the pathogenesis on non-syndromic ULMS. Two other germline variants were detected in a novel tumour type, ovarian mucinous cystadenoma. However, tumour tissues of the patients were not available for LOH studies and therefore LOH status remained unclear. Therefore, it is possible that FH mutations predispose also for ovarian tumours but further studies are needed to verify this result. A novel variant form of the FH gene (FHv) was identified and characterized in more detail. FHv contains an alternative first exon (1b), which appeared to function as 5 UTR sequence. The translation of FHv is initiated in vitro from exons two and three. The localization of FHv is both cytosolic and nuclear, in contrast to the localization of FH in mitochondria. FHv is expressed at low levels in all human tissues. Interestingly, the expression was induced after heat shock treatment and in chronic hypoxia. Therefore, FHv might have a role e.g. in the adaptation to unfavourable growth conditions. However, this remains to be elucidated.


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Germline mutations in fumarate hydratase (FH) cause hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC). FH is a nuclear encoded enzyme which functions in the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle, and homozygous mutation in FH lead to severe developmental defects. Both uterine and cutaneous leiomyomas are components of the HLRCC phenotype. Most of these tumours show loss of the wild-type allele and, also, the mutations reduce FH enzyme activity, which indicate that FH is a tumour suppressor gene. The renal cell cancers associated with HLRCC are of rare papillary type 2 histology. Other genes involved in the Krebs cycle, which are also implicated in neoplasia are 3 of the 4 subunits encoding succinate dehydrogenase (SDH); mutations in SHDB, SDHC, and SDHD predispose to paraganglioma and phaeochromocytoma. Although uterine leiomyomas (or fibroids) are very common, the estimations of affected women ranging from 25% to 77%, not much is known about their genetic background. Cytogenetic studies have revealed that rearrangements involving chromosomes 6, 7, 12 and 14 are most commonly seen in fibroids. Deletions on the long arm of chromosome 7 have been reported to be involved in about 17 to 34 % of leiomyomas and the small commonly deleted region on 7q22 suggests that there might be an underlying tumour suppressor gene in that region. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic mechanisms behind the development of tumours associated with HLRCC, both renal cell cancer and uterine fibroids. Firstly, a database search at the Finnish cancer registry was conducted in order to identify new families with early-onset RCC and to test if the family history was compatible with HLRCC. Secondly, sporadic uterine fibroids were tested for deletions on 7q in order to define the minimal deleted 7q-region, followed by mutation analysis of the candidate genes. Thirdly, oligonucleotide chips were utilised to study the global gene expression profiles of uterine fibroids in order to test whether 7q-deletions and FH mutations significantly affected fibroid biology. In the screen for early-onset RCC, 214 families were identified. Subsequently, the pedigrees were constructed and clinical data obtained. One of the index cases (RCC at the age of 28) had a mother who had been diagnosed with a heart tumour, which in further investigation turned out to be a paraganglioma. This lead to an alternative hypothesis that SDH, instead of FH, could be involved. SDHA, SDHB, SDHC and SDHD were sequenced from these individuals; a germline SDHB R27X mutation was detected with loss of the wild-type allele in both tumours. These results suggest that germline mutations in the SDHB gene predispose to early-onset RCC establishing a novel form of hereditary RCC. This has immediate clinical implications in the surveillance of patients suffering from early-onset RCC and phaeochromocytoma/paraganglioma. For the studies on sporadic uterine fibroids, a set of 166 fibroids from 51 individuals were collected. The 7q LOH mapping defined a commonly deleted region of about 3.2 mega bases in 11 of the 166 tumours. The deletion was consistent with previously reported allelotyping studies of leiomyomas and it therefore suggested the presence of a tumour suppressor gene in the deleted region. Furthermore, the high-resolution aCGH-chip analysis refined the deleted region to only 2.79Mb. When combined with previous data, the commonly deleted region was only 2.3Mb. The mutation screening of the known genes within the commonly deleted region did not reveal pathogenic mutations, however. The expression microarray analysis revealed that FH-deficient fibroids, both sporadic and familial, had their distinct gene expression profile as they formed their own group in the unsupervised clustering. On the other hand, the presence or absence of 7q-deletions did not significantly alter the global gene expression pattern of fibroids, suggesting that these two groups do not have different biological backgrounds. Multiple differentially expressed genes were identified between FH wild-type and FH-mutant fibroids, and the most significant increase was seen in the expression of carbohydrate metabolism-related and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) target genes.


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The crystal structure of the cobalt( 11) complex with 2'-deoxyinosine 5'-monophosphate (5'- dlMP), [Co(5'-dlMP) (H,0),]-2H20, has been analysed by X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallizes in the space group P2,2,2, with a = 6.877(3), b = 10.904(2), c = 25.421 (6) A, and Z = 4. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined to an R value of 0.043 using 1 776 unique reflections. The cobalt ion binds only to the 6-oxopurine base of the nucleotide at the N(7) position, the octahedral co-ordination of the metal being completed by five water oxygens. The phosphate oxygens are involved in hydrogen bonding with the co-ordinated water molecules. The structure is closely similar to that of the corresponding ribonucleotide complex. The nucleotide has the energetically preferred conformation: an anti base, a C(3') -endo sugar pucker, and a gauche-gauche conformation about the C(4')-C( 5') bond. The significance of sugar puckering in the monomeric complexes of general formula [ M (5'-nucleotide) (H20),] is explained in terms of the structural requirements for metal-water-phosphate bridging interactions.


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The purpose of this work was to identify some of the genes of the catabolic route of L-rhamnose in the yeast Pichia stipitis. There are at least two distinctly different pathways for L-rhamnose catabolism. The one described in bacteria has phosphorylated intermediates and the enzymes and the genes of this route have been described. The pathway described in yeast does not have phosphorylated intermediates. The intermediates and the enzymes of this pathway are known but none of the genes have been identified. The work was started by purifying the L-rhamnose dehydrogenase, which oxidates L-rhamnose to rhamnonic acid-gamma-lactone. NAD is used as a cofactor in this reaction. A DEAE ion exchange column was used for purification. The active fraction was further purified using a non-denaturing PAGE and the active protein identified by zymogram staining. In the last step the protein was separated in a SDS-PAGE, the protein band trypsinated and analysed by MALDI-TOF MS. This resulted in the identification of the corresponding gene, RHA1, which was then, after a codon change, expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Also C- or N-terminal histidine tags were added but as the activity of the enzyme was lost or strongly reduced these were not used. The kinetic properties of the protein were analysed in the cell extract. Substrate specifity was tested with different sugars; L-rhamnose, L-lyxose and L-mannose were oxidated by the enzyme. Vmax values were 180 nkat/mg, 160 nkat/mg and 72 nkat/mg, respectively. The highest affinity was towards L-rhamnose, the Km value being 0.9 mM. Lower affinities were obtained with L-lyxose, Km 4.3 mM, and L-mannose Km 25 mM. Northern analysis was done to study the transcription of RHA1 with different carbon sources. Transcription was observed only on L-rhamnose suggesting that RHA1 expression is L-rhamnose induced. A RHA1 deletion cassette for P. stipitis was constructed but the cassette had integrated randomly and not targeted to delete the RHA1 gene. Enzyme assays for L-lactaldehyde dehydrogenase were done similarly to L-rhamnose dehydrogenase assays. NAD is used as a cofactor also in this reaction where L-lactaldehyde is oxidised to L-lactate. The observed enzyme activities were very low and the activity was lost during the purification procedures.


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1. 1. An increase in the oxidation of succinate by hepatic mitochondria in rats exposed to hypoxia (O2-N2; 1:9, v/v) or hypobaria (0.5 atm) was observed which appears to be due to modification of the activity of the rate-limiting succinate dehydrogenase [succinate: (acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC].


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The addition of guanosine 5-monophosphate (5′-GMP) to an aqueous solution of Mn2+ ions results in a decrease in ESR signal intensity and an increase in line-width of Mn2+ ions. This can be interpreted in terms of stepwise formation of outersphere and inner-sphere complexes as When Mg2+ is added to a mixture of Mn2+ and 5′-GMP, ESR signal intensity increases, presumably due to the replacement of Mn2+ by Mg2+ in the complex. From the variation of ESR signal intensity as a function of concentration of Mg2+, the product K1K2 for the magnesium complex i s calculated as 125 M−1. This difference in stability constants may indicate that both phosphate group and guanine base are involved in the formation of Mn2+-5′-GMP complex.