998 resultados para injection modeling


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This study documents validation of vertebral band-pair formation in spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) with the use of fluorochrome injection and tagging of captive and wild sharks over a 21-year period. Growth and mortality rates of T. megalopterus were also estimated and a demographic analysis of the species was conducted. Of the 23 OTC (oxytetracycline) -marked vertebrae examined (12 from captive and 11 from wild sharks), seven vertebrae (three from captive and four from wild sharks) exhibited chelation of the OTC and fluoresced under ultraviolet light. It was concluded that a single opaque and translucent band pair was deposited annually up to at least 25 years of age, the maximum age recorded. Reader precision was assessed by using an index of average percent error calculated at 5%. No significant differences were found between male and female growth patterns (P>0.05), and von Bertalanffy growth model parameters for combined sexes were estimated to be L∞=1711.07 mm TL, k=0.11/yr and t0=–2.43 yr (n=86). Natural mortality was estimated at 0.17/yr. Age at maturity was estimated at 11 years for males and 15 years for females. Results of the demographic analysis showed that the population, in the absence of fishing mortality, was stable and not significantly different from zero and particularly sensitive to overfishing. At the current age at first capture and natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality rate required to result in negative population growth was low at F>0.004/ yr. Elasticity analysis revealed that juvenile survival was the principal factor in explaining variability in population growth rate.


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This paper describes the development of a two-dimensional transient catalyst model. Although designed primarily for two-stroke direct injection engines, the model is also applicable to four-stroke lean burn and diesel applications. The first section describes the geometries, properties and chemical processes simulated by the model and discusses the limitations and assumptions applied. A review of the modeling techniques adopted by other researchers is also included. The mathematical relationships which are used to represent the system are then described, together with the finite volume method used in the computer program. The need for a two-dimensional approach is explained and the methods used to model effects such as flow and temperature distribution are presented. The problems associated with developing surface reaction rates are discussed in detail and compared with published research. Validation and calibration of the model is achieved by comparing predictions with measurements from a flow reactor. While an extensive validation process, involving detailed measurements of gas composition and thermal gradients, has been completed, the analysis is too detailed for publication here and is the subject of a separate technical paper.


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A 2D isothermal finite element simulation of the injection stretch-blow molding (ISBM) process for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers has been developed through the commercial finite element package ABAQUS/standard. In this work, the blowing air to inflate the PET preform was modeled through two different approaches: a direct pressure input (as measured in the blowing machine) and a constant mass flow rate input (based on a pressure-volume-time relationship). The results from these two approaches were validated against free blow and free stretch-blow experiments, which were instrumented and monitored through high-speed video. Results show that simulation using a constant mass flow rate approach gave a better prediction of volume vs. time curve and preform shape evolution when compared with the direct pressure approach and hence is more appropriate in modeling the preblowing stage in the injection stretch-blow molding process


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In finite difference time domain simulation of room acoustics, source functions are subject to various constraints. These depend on the way sources are injected into the grid and on the chosen parameters of the numerical scheme being used. This paper addresses the issue of selecting and designing sources for finite difference simulation, by first reviewing associated aims and constraints, and evaluating existing source models against these criteria. The process of exciting a model is generalized by introducing a system of three cascaded filters, respectively, characterizing the driving pulse, the source mechanics, and the injection of the resulting source function into the grid. It is shown that hard, soft, and transparent sources can be seen as special cases within this unified approach. Starting from the mechanics of a small pulsating sphere, a parametric source model is formulated by specifying suitable filters. This physically constrained source model is numerically consistent, does not scatter incoming waves, and is free from zero- and low-frequency artifacts. Simulation results are employed for comparison with existing source formulations in terms of meeting the spectral and temporal requirements on the outward propagating wave.


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Ao longo das últimas décadas, a micromoldação (u-moldação) por injeção de termoplásticos ganhou um lugar de destaque no mercado de equipamentos eletrónicos e de uma ampla gama de componentes mecânicos. No entanto, quando o tamanho do componente diminui, os pressupostos geralmente aceites na moldação por injeção convencional deixam de ser válidos para descrever o comportamento reológico e termomecânico do polímero na microimpressão. Por isso, a compreensão do comportamento dinâmico do polímero à escala micro bem como da sua caraterização, análise e previsão das propriedades mecânicas exige uma investigação mais alargada. O objetivo principal deste programa doutoral passa por uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno físico intrínseco ao processo da μ-moldação por injeção. Para cumprir com o objetivo estabelecido, foi efetuado um estudo paramétrico do processo de μ-moldação por injeção, cujos resultados foram comparados com os resultados obtidos por simulação numérica. A caracterização dinâmica mecânica das μ-peças foi efetuada com o objetivo de recolher os dados necessários para a previsão do desempenho mecânico das mesmas, a longo prazo. Finalmente, depois da calibração do modelo matemático do polímero, foram realizadas análises estruturais com o intuito de prever o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças no longo prazo. Verificou-se que o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças pode ser significativamente afetado pelas tensões residuais de origem mecânica e térmica. Estas últimas, resultantes do processo de fabrico e das condições de processamento, por isso, devem ser consideradas na previsão do desempenho mecânico e do tempo de serviço das u-moldações.


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Almost everyone sketches. People use sketches day in and day out in many different and heterogeneous fields, to share their thoughts and clarify ambiguous interpretations, for example. The media used to sketch varies from analog tools like flipcharts to digital tools like smartboards. Whereas analog tools are usually affected by insufficient editing capabilities like cut/copy/paste, digital tools greatly support these scenarios. Digital tools can be grouped into informal and formal tools. Informal tools can be understood as simple drawing environments, whereas formal tools offer sophisticated support to create, optimize and validate diagrams of a certain application domain. Most digital formal tools force users to stick to a concrete syntax and editing workflow, limiting the user’s creativity. For that reason, a lot of people first sketch their ideas using the flexibility of analog or digital informal tools. Subsequently, the sketch is "portrayed" in an appropriate digital formal tool. This work presents Scribble, a highly configurable and extensible sketching framework which allows to dynamically inject sketching features into existing graphical diagram editors, based on Eclipse GEF. This allows to combine the flexibility of informal tools with the power of formal tools without any effort. No additional code is required to augment a GEF editor with sophisticated sketching features. Scribble recognizes drawn elements as well as handwritten text and automatically generates the corresponding domain elements. A local training data library is created dynamically by incrementally learning shapes, drawn by the user. Training data can be shared with others using the WebScribble web application which has been created as part of this work.


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Determination of the optimal operating condition for moulding process has been of special interest for many researchers. To determine the optimal setting, one has to derive the model of injection moulding process first which is able to map the relationship between the input process control factors and output responses. One of most popular modeling techniques is the linear least square regression due to its effectiveness and completeness. However, the least square regression was found to be very sensitive to the outliers and failed to provide a reliable model if the control variables are highly related with each other. To address this problem, a new modeling method based on principal component regression was proposed in this paper. The distinguished feature of our proposed method is it does not only consider the variance of covariance matrix of control variables but also consider the correlation coefficient between control variables and target variables to be optimised. Such a modelling method has been implemented into a commercial optimisation software and field test results demonstrated the performance of the proposed modelling method.


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Introducing haptic interface to conduct microrobotic intracellular injection has many beneficial implications. In particular, the haptic device provides force feedback to the bio-operator's hand. This paper introduces a 3D particle-based model to simulate the deformation of the cell membrane and corresponding cellular forces during microrobotic cell injection. The model is based on the kinematic and dynamic of spring – damper multi particle joints considering visco-elastic fluidic properties. It simulates the indentation force feedback as well as cell visual deformation during the microinjection. The model is verified using experimental data of zebrafish embryo microinjection. The results demonstrate that the developed cell model is capable of estimating zebrafish embryo deformation and force feedback accurately.


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Currently, the micro-robotic cell injection procedure is performed manually by expert human bio-operators. In order to be proficient at the task, lengthy and expensive dedicated training is required. As such, effective specialized training systems for this procedure can prove highly beneficial. This paper presents a comprehensive review of haptic technology relevant to cell injection training and discusses the feasibility of developing such training systems, providing researchers with an inclusive resource enabling the application of the presented approaches, or extension and advancement of the work. A brief explanation of cell injection and the challenges associated with the procedure are first presented. Important skills, such as accuracy, trajectory, speed and applied force, which need to be mastered by the bio-operator in order to achieve successful injection, are then discussed. Then an overview of various types of haptic feedback, devices and approaches is presented. This is followed by discussion on the approaches to cell modeling. Discussion of the application of haptics to skills training across various fields and haptically-enabled virtual training systems evaluation are then presented. Finally, given the findings of the review, this paper concludes that a haptically-enabled virtual cell injection training system is feasible and recommendations are made to developers of such systems.


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow (FDPF) methods have been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. It is well known that the PV and Q-theta decoupling assumptions of the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold in the vicinity of the critical point. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular at this point. However, the maximum loading point can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. In this paper it is shown that by using either theta or V as a parameter, the new fast decoupled power flow versions (XB and BX) become adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point only with a few small modifications. The possible use of reactive power injection in a selected PV bus (Q(PV)) as continuation parameter (mu) for the computation of the maximum loading point is also shown. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used in predictor step. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses) are presented and discussed in the companion paper. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that parameters can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work is to present a frequency domain model to demonstrate the operation of an electromagnetic arrangement for controlling the injection of zero-sequence currents in the electrical system. Considering the diversity of sequential distribution of harmonic components of a current, the device proposed can be used in the process of mitigation of zero-sequence components. This device, here called electromagnetic suppressor, consists of a blocker and filter both electromagnetic, whose joint operation can provide paths of high and low impedances that can be conveniently adjusted in order to search for a desired performance. This study presents physical considerations, mathematical modeling and computer simulations that clearly demonstrate the viability of this application as a more viable alternative in the conception of filtering systems. The performance analysis is based on the frequency response of harmonic transmittances. The efficacy of this technique in direct actions to maximize the harmonic mitigation process is demonstrated. ©2010 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Hydrothermal fluids are a fundamental resource for understanding and monitoring volcanic and non-volcanic systems. This thesis is focused on the study of hydrothermal system through numerical modeling with the geothermal simulator TOUGH2. Several simulations are presented, and geophysical and geochemical observables, arising from fluids circulation, are analyzed in detail throughout the thesis. In a volcanic setting, fluids feeding fumaroles and hot spring may play a key role in the hazard evaluation. The evolution of the fluids circulation is caused by a strong interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal systems. A simultaneous analysis of different geophysical and geochemical observables is a sound approach for interpreting monitored data and to infer a consistent conceptual model. Analyzed observables are ground displacement, gravity changes, electrical conductivity, amount, composition and temperature of the emitted gases at surface, and extent of degassing area. Results highlight the different temporal response of the considered observables, as well as the different radial pattern of variation. However, magnitude, temporal response and radial pattern of these signals depend not only on the evolution of fluid circulation, but a main role is played by the considered rock properties. Numerical simulations highlight differences that arise from the assumption of different permeabilities, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Rock properties affect hydrothermal fluid circulation, controlling both the range of variation and the temporal evolution of the observable signals. Low temperature fumaroles and low discharge rate may be affected by atmospheric conditions. Detailed parametric simulations were performed, aimed to understand the effects of system properties, such as permeability and gas reservoir overpressure, on diffuse degassing when air temperature and barometric pressure changes are applied to the ground surface. Hydrothermal circulation, however, is not only a characteristic of volcanic system. Hot fluids may be involved in several mankind problems, such as studies on geothermal engineering, nuclear waste propagation in porous medium, and Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS). The current concept for large-scale GCS is the direct injection of supercritical carbon dioxide into deep geological formations which typically contain brine. Upward displacement of such brine from deep reservoirs driven by pressure increases resulting from carbon dioxide injection may occur through abandoned wells, permeable faults or permeable channels. Brine intrusion into aquifers may degrade groundwater resources. Numerical results show that pressure rise drives dense water up to the conduits, and does not necessarily result in continuous flow. Rather, overpressure leads to new hydrostatic equilibrium if fluids are initially density stratified. If warm and salty fluid does not cool passing through the conduit, an oscillatory solution is then possible. Parameter studies delineate steady-state (static) and oscillatory solutions.


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The term "Brain Imaging" identi�es a set of techniques to analyze the structure and/or functional behavior of the brain in normal and/or pathological situations. These techniques are largely used in the study of brain activity. In addition to clinical usage, analysis of brain activity is gaining popularity in others recent �fields, i.e. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and the study of cognitive processes. In this context, usage of classical solutions (e.g. f MRI, PET-CT) could be unfeasible, due to their low temporal resolution, high cost and limited portability. For these reasons alternative low cost techniques are object of research, typically based on simple recording hardware and on intensive data elaboration process. Typical examples are ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), where electric potential at the patient's scalp is recorded by high impedance electrodes. In EEG potentials are directly generated from neuronal activity, while in EIT by the injection of small currents at the scalp. To retrieve meaningful insights on brain activity from measurements, EIT and EEG relies on detailed knowledge of the underlying electrical properties of the body. This is obtained from numerical models of the electric �field distribution therein. The inhomogeneous and anisotropic electric properties of human tissues make accurate modeling and simulation very challenging, leading to a tradeo�ff between physical accuracy and technical feasibility, which currently severely limits the capabilities of these techniques. Moreover elaboration of data recorded requires usage of regularization techniques computationally intensive, which influences the application with heavy temporal constraints (such as BCI). This work focuses on the parallel implementation of a work-flow for EEG and EIT data processing. The resulting software is accelerated using multi-core GPUs, in order to provide solution in reasonable times and address requirements of real-time BCI systems, without over-simplifying the complexity and accuracy of the head models.


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Deep convection by pyro-cumulonimbus clouds (pyroCb) can transport large amounts of forest fire smoke into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Here, results from numerical simulations of such deep convective smoke transport are presented. The structure, shape and injection height of the pyroCb simulated for a specific case study are in good agreement with observations. The model results confirm that substantial amounts of smoke are injected into the lower stratosphere. Small-scale mixing processes at the cloud top result in a significant enhancement of smoke injection into the stratosphere. Sensitivity studies show that the release of sensible heat by the fire plays an important role for the dynamics of the pyroCb. Furthermore, the convection is found to be very sensitive to background meteorological conditions. While the abundance of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) has a strong influence on the microphysical structure of the pyroCb, the CCN effect on the convective dynamics is rather weak. The release of latent heat dominates the overall energy budget of the pyroCb. Since most of the cloud water originates from moisture entrained from the background atmosphere, the fire-released moisture contributes only minor to convection dynamics. Sufficient fire heating, favorable meteorological conditions, and small-scale mixing processes at the cloud top are identified as the key ingredients for troposphere-to-stratosphere transport by pyroCb convection.