987 resultados para individual income


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Insurance provision against uncertainties is present in several dimensions of peoples´s lives, such as the provisions related to, inter alia, unemployment, diseases, accidents, robbery and death. Microinsurance improves the ability of low-income individuals to cope with these risks. Brazil has a fairly developed financial system but still not geared towards the poor, especially in what concerns the insurance industry. The evaluation of the microinsurance effects on well-being, and the demand for different types of microinsurance require an analysis of the dynamics of the individual income process and an assessment of substitutes and complementary institutions that condition their respective financial behavior. The evaluation of the microinsurance effects on well-being, and the demand for different types of microinsurance require an analysis of the dynamics of the individual income process and an assessment of substitutes and complementary institutions that condition their respective financial behavior. The Brazilian government provides a relatively developed social security system considering other countries of similar income level which crowds-out the demand for insurance and savings. On the other hand, this same public infrastructure may help to foster microfinance products supply. The objective of this paper is to analyze the demand for different types of private insurance by the low-income population using microdata from a National Expenditure Survey (POF/IBGE). The final objective is to help to understand the trade-offs faced for the development of an emerging industry of microinsurance in Brazil.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Vol. for 1916 issued as House document 1169, 65th Cong., 2d sess.; 1951, pt. 1, 1952-53 issued as the Service's IRS publication (varies slightly) (Law)


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Background: The seasonality of suicide has long been recognised. However, little is known about the relative importance of socio-environmental factors in the occurrence of suicide in different geographical areas. This study examined the association of climate, socioeconomic and demographic factors with suicide in Queensland, Australia, using a spatiotemporal approach. Methods: Seasonal data on suicide, demographic variables and socioeconomic indexes for areas in each Local Government Area (LGA) between 1999 and 2003 were acquired from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Climate data were supplied by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. A multivariable generalized estimating equation model was used to examine the impact of socio-environmental factors on suicide. Results: The preliminary data analyses show that far north Queensland had the highest suicide incidence (e.g., Cook and Mornington Shires), while the south-western areas had the lowest incidence (e.g., Barcoo and Bauhinia Shires) in all the seasons. Maximum temperature, unemployment rate, the proportion of Indigenous population and the proportion of population with low individual income were statistically significantly and positively associated with suicide. There were weaker but not significant associations for other variables. Conclusions: Maximum temperature, the proportion of Indigenous population and unemployment rate appeared to be major determinants of suicide at a LGA level in Queensland.


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Suicide has drawn much attention from both the scientific community and the public. Examining the impact of socio-environmental factors on suicide is essential in developing suicide prevention strategies and interventions, because it will provide health authorities with important information for their decision-making. However, previous studies did not examine the impact of socio-environmental factors on suicide using a spatial analysis approach. The purpose of this study was to identify the patterns of suicide and to examine how socio-environmental factors impact on suicide over time and space at the Local Governmental Area (LGA) level in Queensland. The suicide data between 1999 and 2003 were collected from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Socio-environmental variables at the LGA level included climate (rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature), Socioeconomic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) and demographic variables (proportion of Indigenous population, unemployment rate, proportion of population with low income and low education level). Climate data were obtained from Australian Bureau of Meteorology. SEIFA and demographic variables were acquired from ABS. A series of statistical and geographical information system (GIS) approaches were applied in the analysis. This study included two stages. The first stage used average annual data to view the spatial pattern of suicide and to examine the association between socio-environmental factors and suicide over space. The second stage examined the spatiotemporal pattern of suicide and assessed the socio-environmental determinants of suicide, using more detailed seasonal data. In this research, 2,445 suicide cases were included, with 1,957 males (80.0%) and 488 females (20.0%). In the first stage, we examined the spatial pattern and the determinants of suicide using 5-year aggregated data. Spearman correlations were used to assess associations between variables. Then a Poisson regression model was applied in the multivariable analysis, as the occurrence of suicide is a small probability event and this model fitted the data quite well. Suicide mortality varied across LGAs and was associated with a range of socio-environmental factors. The multivariable analysis showed that maximum temperature was significantly and positively associated with male suicide (relative risk [RR] = 1.03, 95% CI: 1.00 to 1.07). Higher proportion of Indigenous population was accompanied with more suicide in male population (male: RR = 1.02, 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.03). There was a positive association between unemployment rate and suicide in both genders (male: RR = 1.04, 95% CI: 1.02 to 1.06; female: RR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.00 to 1.16). No significant association was observed for rainfall, minimum temperature, SEIFA, proportion of population with low individual income and low educational attainment. In the second stage of this study, we undertook a preliminary spatiotemporal analysis of suicide using seasonal data. Firstly, we assessed the interrelations between variables. Secondly, a generalised estimating equations (GEE) model was used to examine the socio-environmental impact on suicide over time and space, as this model is well suited to analyze repeated longitudinal data (e.g., seasonal suicide mortality in a certain LGA) and it fitted the data better than other models (e.g., Poisson model). The suicide pattern varied with season and LGA. The north of Queensland had the highest suicide mortality rate in all the seasons, while there was no suicide case occurred in the southwest. Northwest had consistently higher suicide mortality in spring, autumn and winter. In other areas, suicide mortality varied between seasons. This analysis showed that maximum temperature was positively associated with suicide among male population (RR = 1.24, 95% CI: 1.04 to 1.47) and total population (RR = 1.15, 95% CI: 1.00 to 1.32). Higher proportion of Indigenous population was accompanied with more suicide among total population (RR = 1.16, 95% CI: 1.13 to 1.19) and by gender (male: RR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.13; female: RR = 1.23, 95% CI: 1.03 to 1.48). Unemployment rate was positively associated with total (RR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.24 to 1.59) and female (RR=1.09, 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.18) suicide. There was also a positive association between proportion of population with low individual income and suicide in total (RR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.10 to 1.48) and male (RR = 1.45, 95% CI: 1.23 to 1.72) population. Rainfall was only positively associated with suicide in total population (RR = 1.11, 95% CI: 1.04 to 1.19). There was no significant association for rainfall, minimum temperature, SEIFA, proportion of population with low educational attainment. The second stage is the extension of the first stage. Different spatial scales of dataset were used between the two stages (i.e., mean yearly data in the first stage, and seasonal data in the second stage), but the results are generally consistent with each other. Compared with other studies, this research explored the variety of the impact of a wide range of socio-environmental factors on suicide in different geographical units. Maximum temperature, proportion of Indigenous population, unemployment rate and proportion of population with low individual income were among the major determinants of suicide in Queensland. However, the influence from other factors (e.g. socio-culture background, alcohol and drug use) influencing suicide cannot be ignored. An in-depth understanding of these factors is vital in planning and implementing suicide prevention strategies. Five recommendations for future research are derived from this study: (1) It is vital to acquire detailed personal information on each suicide case and relevant information among the population in assessing the key socio-environmental determinants of suicide; (2) Bayesian model could be applied to compare mortality rates and their socio-environmental determinants across LGAs in future research; (3) In the LGAs with warm weather, high proportion of Indigenous population and/or unemployment rate, concerted efforts need to be made to control and prevent suicide and other mental health problems; (4) The current surveillance, forecasting and early warning system needs to be strengthened, to trace the climate and socioeconomic change over time and space and its impact on population health; (5) It is necessary to evaluate and improve the facilities of mental health care, psychological consultation, suicide prevention and control programs; especially in the areas with low socio-economic status, high unemployment rate, extreme weather events and natural disasters.


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Each year The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (ACPNS) at QUT analyses statistics on tax-deductible donations made by Australians in their individual income tax returns to Deductible Gift Recipients (DGRs). The information presented below is based on the amount and type of tax-deductible donations made by Australian taxpayers to DGRs for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 extracted from the Australian Taxation Office's publication Taxation Statistics 2010-2011.1


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Este trabalho enfoca a promoção da vida através de comportamentos saudáveis, tendo como objetivos: delinear o perfil sociodemográfico e institucional/profissional dos docentes de enfermagem e analisar seus hábitos de vida, segundo os modos adaptativos de Roy. Foi utilizada a Teoria de Sister Callista Roy, destacando-se os modos de adaptação: fisiológico, autoconceito e interdependência. Implementou-se o método descritivo, quantitativo, transversal através da técnica de autorelato em amostra de 101 docentes. Para investigar esses aspectos, utilizou-se dois questionários, um deles com a escala de Likert, adaptado para a pesquisa. A produção de dados transcorreu de janeiro a março de 2009, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, Protocolo 2187, e concordância das quatro instituições públicas de ensino universitário, do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-Brasil, selecionadas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos á estatística, aplicando-se medidas de tendência central. Quanto ao perfil docente: predomina a faixa etária de 40 a 59 anos, com 69,3%, de união estável. Relacionando cor e crença religiosa, constatou-se 37,6% de católicos brancos. Dos 50 docentes, 5% têm residência própria, na zona norte. Possuem renda individual acima de 8 salários mínimos, 67,32%, a maioria com vínculo trabalhista. No tempo de serviço, 22,94% situam-se entre 11 a 15 anos, com carga horária de 20 a 40 horas. Quanto à titulação, 42,56% são doutores e 80,2% possuem um tipo de regime estatutário. Concernente aos Modos Adaptativos de Roy foi atribuído, predominantemente, o conceito A- hábitos de vida saudável, aos modos Fisiológicos e de Autoconceito, seguindo-se o de Interdependência, que apresentou quatro conceitos B- em busca de hábitos de vida saudável, sendo o mais homogêneo dos três modos. Identificou-se que o Modo Fisiológico foi heterogêneo, pois os valores das medidas de tendência central se distanciam entre si. Concluindo-se que o pressuposto formulado atendeu parcialmente às expectativas dos docentes por utilizarem, em benefício próprio, seus saberes sobre o cuidar promovendo o bem-estar com qualidade. Considerou-se que a interdependência pode ser conquistada pelos sujeitos, visto que o enfrentamento das suas atividades profissionais, paralelamente ao viver pessoal, pode ser motivo de satisfação com o trabalho docente, remuneração recebida, ambiente institucional, relações de poder/saber no trabalho, além da possibilidade de atender sua necessidade gregária promovendo o convívio com a família e amigos. Lembra-se que lidar com pessoas cujas subjetividades devem ser objetivadas, visando sua compreensão para o atendimento de saúde, exige equilíbrio e progresso das dimensões corporais física, mental e espiritual do profissional.


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Pressupõe-se que o cotidiano do cuidar da integralidade do cliente com câncer de cavidade bucal (CCB) reveste-se de significado especial devido à sensibilidade e responsabilidade dos profissionais de enfermagem; e, do mesmo modo, exige destas pessoas competência e habilidades técnicas e sociais para atuar constantemente com o sofrimento. Portanto, foram elaboradas as questões de pesquisa: quais são os limites e possibilidades da aplicação do processo clínico de cuidar em enfermagem ao cliente com câncer na cavidade bucal? Os objetivos foram: descrever os limites e possibilidades de aplicação do Process Clinical Caritas, formulado por Jean Watson, aos clientes com câncer na cavidade bucal; identificar as características individuais e profissionais dos membros da equipe de enfermagem atuantes na área de oncologia; identificar os aspectos do cuidar componentes do Process Clinical Caritas (PCC) aplicados pela equipe de enfermagem junto aos clientes com CCB, analisando a autopercepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o seu desenvolvimento de tecnologias de cuidados, comparando-o à aplicação do PCC proposto por Jean Watson. O estudo centra-se na teorização do cuidado transpessoal, visando à compreensão dos aspectos do bem-estar propiciado, inclusive pela autêntica relação interpessoal entre profissional de enfermagem e cliente. Escolheu-se a abordagem de pesquisa quantitativa, aplicando-se o método descritivo e a técnica de autorrelato. A investigação ocorreu no período de agosto a setembro de 2012 em uma Instituição de Saúde Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, especializada em oncologia. Foram sujeitos do estudo 33 membros da equipe de enfermagem, atuantes em serviço de tratamento de CCB. Para implementar a técnica de autorrelato, utilizou-se um formulário, contendo, na primeira parte, as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais, e na segunda, uma adaptação dos 10 aspectos do PCC. Os dados quantitativos foram tratados mediante estatística descritiva simples, e as respostas sobre a aplicação do PCC foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Constatou-se que, do total de 33 sujeitos, 88% eram do sexo feminino, 37% na faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos. Predominou a renda individual de 4 a 8 salários mínimos. A maioria da equipe era composta por técnicos de enfermagem. Havia 26 especialistas em oncologia; 78% eram estatutários com carga horária de 40 horas semanais, com exercício predominante de 11 a 15 anos. Referente à aplicação dos 10 aspectos do PCC, foram delimitadas quatro categorias: respeitando as praticas espirituais e a religiosidade; proporcionando ao cliente uma relação de cuidado e conforto; ser presente e tratar o cliente com empatia e respeito; competência e orientação ao autocuidado para o cuidado integral ao cliente. Aplicando o critério de avaliação à prática dos aspectos do PCC, verificou-se que somente três: práticas de amor e gentileza; desenvolvendo relação de ajuda; e ajudar nas necessidades básicas atenderam ao PCC. Conclui-se, que além da realização dos cuidados técnicos ao cliente com CCB, é necessário que a equipe de enfermagem se conscientize da importância do cuidado transpessoal para a reconstituição do equilíbrio corporal físico, mental e espiritual do cliente, visando seu bem-estar, apesar das dificuldades do adoecimento.


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O objetivo específico da presente dissertação é estimar a elasticidade-PIB do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física (IRPF) e Imposto Renda Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ) no Brasil entre 1986 e 2012. A pesquisa também incorpora em seus objetivos uma análise técnica a respeito da tributação e seus impactos sobre o sistema econômico, tanto a nível microeconômico e macroeconômico, além de abordar o IRPF e IRPJ em seu aspecto econômico e jurídico. No tratamento metodológico são utilizados modelos de Vetor de Correção de erros (VEC) para estimar as elasticidades-PIB do IRPF e IRPJ. Os resultados apontam uma elasticidade-PIB, tanto para IRPF quanto IRPJ, acima da unidade, na maioria dos modelos estimados, e existem períodos determinados que impactam consideravelmente sobre à arrecadação desses tributos.


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The empirical association between income inequality, population health and other social problems is now well established and the research literature suggests that the relationship is not artefactual. Debate is still ongoing as to the cause of this association. Wilkinson, Marmot and colleagues have argued for some time that the relationship stems from the psycho-social effects of status comparisons. Here, income inequality is a marker of a wider status hierarchy that provokes an emotional stress response in individuals that is harmful to health and well-being. We label this the ‘status anxiety hypothesis’. If true, this would imply a structured relationship between income inequality at the societal level, individual income rank and anxiety relating to social status. This paper sets out strong and weak forms of the hypothesis and then presents three predictions concerning the structuring of ‘status anxiety’ at the individual level given different levels of national income inequality and varying individual income. We then test these predictions using data from a cross-national survey of over 34,000 individuals carried out in 2007 in 31 European countries. Respondents from low inequality countries reported less status anxiety than those in higher inequality countries at all points on the income rank curve. This is an important precondition of support for the status anxiety hypothesis and may be seen as providing support for the weaker version of the hypothesis. However, we do not find evidence to support the stronger version of the hypothesis which requires the negative effect of income rank on status anxiety to be exacerbated by increasing income inequality.


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This report was prepared as a directive to Aging and Disability Resource Centers and The Mental Health and Disability Commission to jointly develop a plan for a home modification assistance program to provide grants and individual income tax credits to assist with expenses related to the making or permanent home modifications that permit individual with a disability to remain in the homes.


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Este ensayo propone la línea de codicia para controlar el máximo nivel de consumo ética y económicamente aceptable, sobre el cual una redistribución parcial de los ingresos individuales puede eliminar la pobreza y restituir la economía hasta sus límites sustentables. El crecimiento económico actual permite superar varias veces las necesidades fundamentales de la población, sin embargo, la enorme inequidad social impide que al menos el 40% de la humanidad satisfaga sus necesidades humanas básicas, mientras que, el consumo suntuario absorbe una parte significativa del producto mundial y el tamaño de la economía ha superado la capacidad de reposición del planeta. La línea de codicia puede ser constante en un contexto histórico nacional definido, pero es variable a escalas temporales y regionales más amplias, su nivel es menor a mayor inequidad o pobreza, y a mayor actividad económica globalmente insustentable, finalmente, aumenta conforme la economía crece dentro de límites sustentables y equitativos.


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Objective: Existing evidence suggests that vocational rehabilitation services, in particular individual placement and support (IPS), are effective in assisting people with schizophrenia and related conditions gain open employment. Despite this, such services are not available to all unemployed people with schizophrenia who wish to work. Existing evidence suggests that while IPS confers no clinical advantages over routine care, it does improve the proportion of people returning to employment. The objective of the current study is to investigate the net benefit of introducing IPS services into current mental health services in Australia.

: The net benefit of IPS is assessed from a health sector perspective using cost–benefit analysis. A two-stage approach is taken to the assessment of benefit. The first stage involves a quantitative analysis of the net benefit, defined as the benefits of IPS (comprising transfer payments averted, income tax accrued and individual income earned) minus the costs. The second stage involves application of 'second-filter' criteria (including equity, strength of evidence, feasibility and acceptability to stakeholders) to results. The robustness of results is tested using the multivariate probabilistic sensitivity analysis.

Results: The costs of IPS are $A10.3M (95% uncertainty interval $A7.4M–$A13.6M), the benefits are $A4.7M ($A3.1M–$A6.5M), resulting in a negative net benefit of $A5.6M ($A8.4M–$A3.4M).

Conclusions: The current analysis suggests that IPS costs are greater than the monetary benefits. However, the evidence-base of the current analysis is weak. Structural conditions surrounding welfare payments in Australia create disincentives to full-time employment for people with disabilities.


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This paper discusses the Brazilian middle class, its definition, evolution, profile, attitudes and durability. It describes the methodology that uses per capita household income derived from household surveys to determine economic classes. It gauges their respective aggregate trends and gauges individual income risks using longitudinal data. An income-based approach is only the beginning. This initial approach is integrated with subjective data to measure expectations and attitudes of different economic classes combined with a structural approach that takes into account the roles played by human, physical and social capital in the production factors, in terms of income generation and temporal allocation of resources. In all cases, income is the chosen numeraire by which all dimensions analyzed are projected. In the end of the article, all forms of measurement proposed – current income, consumption smoothing (permanent income), productive assets and subjective aspects – are combined to discuss the design of public policies aimed at the Brazilian middle classes.