951 resultados para indigenous children


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Colegio Isabel was a project that aimed to "civilize" the indigenous children who lived in the Vale do Araguaia region, Goias Province, to educate national workers and, progressively, incorporate the lands owned by the Indians in the productive process. Colegio Isabel allowed its students a marginal integration in the society, assigning them functions that the so called "civilized" people considered degrading. The egress students lived an ambiguous and marginal life, regarding the original ethnic groups and the adopted society.


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O presente trabalho versa sobre as Concepções de Infância Indígena presentes em estudos acadêmicos produzidos no Brasil. Para os aportes deste estudo, considerou-se como questão norteadora: quais as concepções de Infância para as diversas etnias indígenas nas produções acadêmicas no Brasil no período de 2001 a 2012? O objetivo geral consistiu em investigar as concepções de infância para as diversas etnias indígenas presentes nas produções acadêmicas no Brasil no período de 2001 a 2012, visando (1) identificar e mapear essas concepções de infância indígena nas diversas etnias presentes nas produções acadêmicas; (2) descrever o processo de educação da criança indígena nas diversas etnias indígena brasileira; (3) abordar as práticas culturais da infância indígena mencionadas nesses estudos; (4) discutir a relevância, avanços e limites desses estudos para a compreensão da infância indígena no Brasil. O caminho metodológico percorrido para o desenvolvimento deste estudo foi de caráter bibliográfico tendo como fonte Dissertações e Teses coletadas no portal da CAPES no período de 2001 a 2012 sobre a infância indígena. Para efeito de sistematização do corpus de análise desse estudo e facilitar a compreensão do material, as dissertações e teses foram organizadas em três eixos temáticos: (1) Concepção étnica de infância indígena; (2) Práticas culturais da infância indígena; (3) Educação indígena. A partir da escolha dos eixos temáticos, pensou-se em categorias que pudessem facilitar o entendimento da metodologia escolhida para essa dissertação. Então foi escolhida para cada eixo temático uma categoria, a saber: (1) Liberdade; (2) Brincadeiras; (3) Educação indígena (escolar e tradicional). No que tange às categorias, foi possível perceber quão importante foi mencioná-las neste estudo, pois entendê-las nos permitiu também trazer à tona o rico arsenal que emergem ao estudar as concepções de infância ligadas à liberdade, à brincadeira e à educação. Tais concepções nos permitiu ter um novo olhar a respeito da infância nas sociedades indígenas, a partir de avanços/limites. Os resultados mostraram também que os estudos sobre a infância e/ou a criança indígena é incipiente, principalmente no estado do Pará e isso se deve ao fato de que os pesquisadores locais ainda não despertaram o interesse pela temática em questão, sendo possível elencar algumas razões para esse “não interesse”: falta de motivação de pesquisadores nessa área, a inserção desses estudos em várias áreas do conhecimento que não necessariamente no campo da educação e o difícil acesso as comunidades. Percebeu-se também que as produções realizadas em nossa região sobre a temática infância indígena são computadas no local de origem dos pesquisadores que para cá vêm realizar seus estudos deixando a região Norte no limite das produções sobre infância indígena. Ademais, urge a necessidade de investigar a infância e/ou a criança que vivem nas mais diversas sociedades indígenas. Eis aí um grande desafio e intento a ser superado para a compreensão do universo infantil e suas lógicas de pensar a realidade, o aprendizado, como sujeito complexo e pleno, de modo que suas percepções do cotidiano da aldeia, da escola, da família, dos rituais e dos símbolos constituam-se em tarefa de suma importância.


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En este trabajo abordaremos, desde una perspectiva antropológica, la “campaña por los derechos de la niñez y la adolescencia indígena” lanzada por UNICEF Argentina en 2009, con el fin de problematizar las construcciones de niñez, de la cuestión indígena y de la noción de “derechos” que allí se ponen en juego. Distanciándonos de concepciones ontológicas sobre los derechos humanos, analizaremos esta campaña en tanto dispositivo cuyo efecto es la construcción de los niños indígenas como sujetos de derechos de maneras específi cas. Para ello, indagamos en el modo en que fue ésta elaborada, así como en sus contenidos, procurando explicar qué derechos y qué representaciones de los niños indígenas se visibilizaron a través de ella y las tensiones suscitadas en su proceso de armado y presentación.


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We explore the impact of “game changers” on the dynamics of innovation over time in three problem domains, that of wilderness protection, women’s rights, and assimilation of indigenous children in Canada. Taking a specifically historical and cross-scale approach, we look at one social innovation in each problem domain. We explore the origins and history of the development of the National Parks in the USA, the legalization of contraception in the USA and Canada, and the residential school system in Canada. Based on a comparison of these cases, we identify three kinds of game changers, those that catalyze social innovation, which we define as “seminal,” those that disrupt the continuity of social innovation, which we label exogenous shocks, and those that provide opportunities for novel combinations and recombinations, which we label as endogamous game changers.


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The main objective on this research is to evaluate and detect the profile of development and possible deviations that expouses a high biological, social and / or environmental risk on Indigenous children under three years old who attend to Child Centers of Good Living in the Indigenous Community of Salasaca - Tungurahua. The study was conducted with 90 children whom attend these centers. The Bayley Scale for Infant Development III (Bayley Scales for Infant Development - BSID) was applied to the study, for it was a standardized international test for scientific research on child development. It values the state of development and identifies deficits on children from 0 to 42 months old. Two types of questionnaires were applied to the Technical Assistants Child Development and to the Daily care Child Centers. Another querionary was used for the mothers of this centers in order to establish the level of knowledge over some factors, which may influence on child development during early childhood, as well as the parenting patterns characteristic of the indigenous community of Salasaca- Tungurahua. Analytical, synthetical and statistical methods for results interpretation were used for the Theoretical framework of this work. The scope of this research is the socio educative type. It benefits generally to all society particularly to children on infant stage and to the Indigenous Community of Salasaca...


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Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de documenter les liens entre l’adoption coutumière inuit et le comportement de l’enfant adopté à l’âge scolaire. Au Nunavik, un tiers des enfants sont adoptés conformément aux pratiques d’adoption coutumière. Le premier article décrit le contexte culturel et les principales caractéristiques de cette pratique. Couramment qualifiée de « don d’enfants », elle repose sur la cession libre et volontaire d’un enfant à un proche parent (tante, oncle, grands-parents) ou à un autre membre de la communauté. Contrairement à l’adoption plénière, en vigueur ailleurs au Canada et aux États-Unis, l’adoption coutumière n’est pas confidentielle et le lien de filiation biologique est préservé. Actuellement, les informations disponibles sur le développement de l’enfant inuit adopté proviennent d’un petit nombre d’études menées auprès d’enfants inuit suivis par les services de protection de la jeunesse. Basée sur les données d’une étude longitudinale prospective menée au Nunavik, cette thèse porte sur un échantillon de 46 enfants adoptés et de 231 enfants non-adoptés suivis de la naissance à l’âge scolaire. Des informations sur l’environnement prénatal et familial ont été collectées et le comportement de l’enfant à l’âge scolaire a été mesuré à l’aide du Child Behavioral Checklist complété par le professeur. Le deuxième article compare les enfants adoptés et non-adoptés sur un ensemble de variables prénatales et familiales et détermine la contribution du statut d’adoption au développement de problèmes de comportements à l’âge scolaire. Les résultats indiquent que le statut d’adoption n’est pas associé aux problèmes de comportements, mais que les enfants adoptés et non-adoptés sont élevés dans des environnements familiaux distincts. Compte tenu de ces différences, le dernier article s’intéresse aux facteurs de risques associés aux problèmes d’attention et aux problèmes externalisés chez les enfants inuit adoptés (n=46). Les caractéristiques de l’environnement familial expliquent une part plus importante des problèmes d’attention et des problèmes externalisés que les caractéristiques prénatales. Ces résultats contrastent avec les études sur l’adoption domestique et internationale menées auprès de populations allochtones. Les points de convergences et de divergences sont discutés et certaines pistes d’explications sont proposées.


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Recibido 01 de diciembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 19 de abril de 2011   Resumen. Esta investigación analiza el desarrollo de la escritura en español de niños indígenas tarahumaras bilingües (del Estado de Chihuahua, México), desde varias perspectivas: la psicogenética, relacionada con el avance en el proceso de construcción del sistema de escritura de los niños investigados; la social, mediante al análisis del contexto familiar, cultural y el entorno del asentamiento de convivencia de los mismos; y la pedagógica, aunque más breve, a través del ambiente áulico dentro de dos escuelas muy diferentes: una regular y otra indígena. El planteamiento central de la investigación giró en torno a la percepción de los múltiples factores que se relacionan con el aprendizaje de la escritura, en un intento de escudriñar analíticamente los elementos posibles de afectación en el proceso referido. La metodología cualitativa utilizada posibilitó, mediante el estudio de casos, la observación, la entrevista, la videograbación y el análisis de los cuadernos de los niños, percibir situaciones y rescatar evidencias que, mediante el estudio transversal de eventos, personas y contextos, dieron como resultado interpretaciones sobre los factores sociales, culturales, cognitivos y pedagógicos que se percibieron asociados al aprendizaje de la escritura de una lengua que no es la materna, en niños indígenas migrantes establecidos en un medio distinto al de sus ancestros. Se atiende principalmente a la hipótesis de que, en las circunstancias de los casos estudiados, es más conveniente que aprendan a escribir primero en su segunda lengua y, posteriormente, en la materna, si así lo requieren.


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Objective: To adapt the Family Wellbeing empowerment program, which was initially designed to support adults to take greater control and responsibility for their decisions and lives, to the needs of Indigenous school children living in remote communities. Method. At the request of two schools in remote Indigenous communities in far north Queensland, a pilot personal development and empowerment program based on the adult Family Wellbeing principles was developed, conducted and evaluated in the schools. The main aims of the program were to build personal identity and to encourage students to recognise their future potential and be more aware of their place in the community and wider society. Results: Participation in the program resulted in significant social and emotional growth for the students. Outcomes described by participating students and teachers included increased analytical and reflective skills, greater ability to think for oneself and set goals, less teasing and bullying in the school environment, and an enhanced sense of identity, friendship and,social relatedness'. Conclusion: This pilot implementation of the Family Wellbeing Program adapted for schools demonstrated the program's potential to enhance Indigenous young people's personal growth and development. Challenges remain in increasing parental/ family involvement and ensuring the program's sustainability and transferability. The team has been working with relevant stakeholders to further develop and package the School-based Family Wellbeing program for Education Queensland's New Basics curriculum framework.


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Data on the prevalence of asthma in children residing in remote indigenous communities in Australia are sparse, despite the many reports of high prevalence in nonindigenous children of this country. Two previous Australian studies have had poor participation rates, limiting interpretation of their results. A study of children in the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area of Australia was conducted to document the prevalence of asthma symptoms. Five indigenous communities were randomly selected and trained interviewers, who were local indigenous health workers, recruited participants using a house-by-house approach. Information was collected by a structured face-to-face interview based on standardized questionnaire constructed from the protocol International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood; 1,650 children were included in the study with a 98% response rate. Overall, the prevalence of self-reported ever wheezing was 21%,; 12% reported wheezing in the previous year; and 16%, reported ever having asthma, There was significant variation in the prevalence of asthma symptoms between communities. It is concluded that there are significant intercommunity variations in the prevalence of asthma symptoms in remote communities and that the prevalence in these communities is as high as in nonindigenous groups.


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The present study aimed at measuring seropositivities for infection by Ascaris suum and Toxocara canis using the excretory/secretory (E/S) antigens from Ascaris suum (AES) and Toxocara canis (TES) within an indigenous population. In addition, quantification of cytokine expressions in peripheral blood cells was determined. A total of 50 Warao indigenous were included; of which 43 were adults and seven children. In adults, 44.1% were seropositive for both parasites; whereas children had only seropositivity to one or the other helminth. For ascariosis, the percentage of AES seropositivity in adults and children was high; 23.3% and 57.1%, respectively. While that for toxocariosis, the percentage of TES seropositivity in adults and children was low; 9.3% and 14.3%, respectively. The percentage of seronegativity was comparable for AES and TES antigens in adults (27.9%) and children (28.6%). When positive sera were analyzed by Western blotting technique using AES antigens; three bands of 97.2, 193.6 and 200.2 kDas were mostly recognized. When the TES antigens were used, nine major bands were mostly identified; 47.4, 52.2, 84.9, 98.2, 119.1, 131.3, 175.6, 184.4 and 193.6 kDas. Stool examinations showed that Blastocystis hominis, Hymenolepis nana and Entamoeba coli were the most commonly observed intestinal parasites. Quantification of cytokines IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6, TGF-β, TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-4 expressions showed that there was only a significant increased expression of IL-4 in indigenous with TES seropositivity (p < 0.002). Ascaris and Toxocara seropositivity was prevalent among Warao indigenous.


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Introduction Several cases of acute Chagas disease (ACD) have been reported in the Peruvian Amazon basin. Methods The objective was to describe and investigate 6 ACD cases in children from indigenous Amazon communities in the province of Datem del Marañón in Loreto department (2006-2010). Results The mean age was 3.6 years. All patients had fever, 4/6 hepatomegaly, 2/6 splenomegaly, and 5/6 had trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi on thick smears. The fatality rate was 33.3%. Rhodnius pictipes and Rhodnius robustus adults were found inside the homes and in the peri-domiciles. Conclusions All cases reported were isolated cases. We report a new focus of ACD in indigenous populations.