963 resultados para high expectations


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Pressure from study has long been identified as a significant contributor to many mental health problems in school children and adolescents. Students are often stressed by heavy workload, high academic expectation and dissatisfaction with their grades. Excessive amount of this special type of stress (academic stress or educational stress) may then lead to severe psychological symptoms, such as depressed mood, anxious feelings and even suicide thoughts and acts when coping recourses are exhausted. Chinese students are believed to have high academic burden and pressure due to high expectations of their parents and fierce competitions with their peers. Knowledge of the nature and health effects of academic stress may be useful to inform quality education and mental health promotions. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of reported literature regarding educational stress and its relationships with mental health problems worldwide and the current research progress in Chinese adolescents, and to provide directions for future research into this topic in Chinese adolescent populations.


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There have been many improvements in Australian engineering education since the 1990s. However, given the recent drive for assuring the achievement of identified academic standards, more progress needs to be made, particularly in the area of evidence-based assessment. This paper reports on initiatives gathered from the literature and engineering academics in the USA, through an Australian National Teaching Fellowship program. The program aims to establish a process to help academics in designing and implementing evidence-based assessments that meet the needs of not only students and the staff that teach them, but also industry as well as accreditation bodies. The paper also examines the kinds and levels of support necessary for engineering academics, especially early career ones, to help meet the expectations of the current drive for assured quality and standards of both research and teaching. Academics are experiencing competing demands on their time and energy with very high expectations in research performance and increased teaching responsibilities, although many are researchers who have not had much pedagogic training. Based on the literature and investigation of relevant initiatives in the USA, we conducted interviews with several identified experts and change agents who have wrought effective academic cultural change within their institutions and beyond. These reveal that assuring the standards and quality of student learning outcomes through evidence-based assessments cannot be appropriately addressed without also addressing the issue of pedagogic training for academic staff. To be sustainable, such training needs to be complemented by a culture of on-going mentoring support from senior academics, formalised through the university administration, so that mentors are afforded resources, time, and appropriate recognition.


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Early career engineering academics are encouraged to join and contribute to established research groups at the leading edge of their discipline. This is often facilitated by various staff development and support programs. Given that academics are often appointed primarily on the basis of their research skills and outputs, such an approach is justified and is likely to result in advancing the individual academic’s career. It also enhances their capacity to attract competitive research funding, while contributing to the overall research performance of their institution, with further potential for an increased share of government funding. In contrast, there is much less clarity of direction or availability of support mechanisms for those academics in their role as teachers. Following a general induction to teaching and learning at their institution, they would commonly think about preparing some lecture materials, whether for delivery in a face-to-face or on-line modality. Typically they would look for new references and textbooks to act as a guide for preparing the content. They would probably find out how the course has been taught before, and what laboratory facilities and experiments have been used. In all of these and other related tasks, the majority of newly appointed academics are guided strongly by their own experiences as students, rather than any firm knowledge of pedagogical principles. At a time of increased demands on academics’ time, and high expectations of performance and productivity in both research and teaching, it is essential to examine possible actions to support academics in enhancing their teaching performance in effective and efficient ways. Many resources have been produced over the years in engineering schools around the world, with very high intellectual and monetary costs. In Australia, the last few years have seen a surge in the number of ALTC/OLT projects and fellowships addressing a range of engineering education issues and providing many resources. There are concerns however regarding the extent to which these resources are being effectively utilised. Why are academics still re-inventing the wheel and creating their own version of teaching resources and pedagogical practice? Why do they spend so much of their precious time in such an inefficient way? A symposium examining the above issues was conducted at the AAEE2012 conference, and some pointers to possible responses to the above questions were obtained. These are explored in this paper and supplemented by the responses to a survey of a group of engineering education leaders on some of the aspects of these research questions. The outcomes of the workshop and survey results have been analysed in view of the literature and the ALTC/OLT sponsored learning and teaching projects and resources. Other factors are discussed, including how such resources can be found, how their quality might be evaluated, and how assessment may be appropriately incorporated, again using readily available resources. This study found a strong resonance between resources reuse with work on technology acceptance (Davis, 1989), suggesting that technology adoption models could be used to encourage resource sharing. Efficient use of outstanding learning materials is an enabling approach. The paper provides some insights on the factors affecting the re-use of available resources, and makes some recommendations and suggestions on how the issue of resources re-use might be incorporated in the process of applying and completing engineering education projects.


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The National Curriculum is a current innovation in Australian schooling history which is likely to have a widespread and long-term impact on schools, teachers and students. This paper has investigated educational change during the early phase of curriculum implementation in a large secondary school, north of Brisbane, Australia. Specifically, this study explored teachers’ perceptions of the principal’s transformational leadership skills during an early stage of the curriculum’s implementation along with teachers’ perceptions of implementing a National Curriculum in their classroom. For this research, sixty-nine teachers were surveyed about their perceptions of their principal’s leadership and their perceptions of the difficulty of implementation of the new curriculum. Findings indicated that teachers with positive perceptions of their principal's leadership also had positive perceptions of their capacity to implement the new National Curriculum. Specifically, teachers who perceived the principal as holding high expectations and providing intellectual stimulation believed they had the capacity to successfully implement curriculum change.


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This thesis analyses how primary teachers plan from the Australian Curriculum for students with disabilities as part of their curriculum planning to achieve equity and excellence for all. The researcher used an institutional ethnographic approach to create data maps that visually represented how these teachers navigated across thirty-one curriculum organising texts in their individual and classroom planning. By identifying the complexity of the process, types of texts that were most influential, and the everyday/night work of curriculum planning, leaders can strategically plan to support teachers to have high expectations for students with disabilities. Key themes include students with disability, curriculum entitlement and practices that promote equity.


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The study examines the term "low threshold" from the point of view of the most marginalized drug users. While using illicit drugs is criminalised and morally judged in Finland, users have special barriers to seek for care. Low threshold services aim at reaching drug users who themselves don t seek for help. "Low threshold" is a metaphor describing easy access to services. The theoretical frame of reference of the study consists of processing the term analytically and critically. The research work sets out to test the rhetoric of low threshold by making use of a qualitative multi-case study to find out, if the threshold of so called low threshold services always appears low for the most marginalized drug users. The cases are: the mobile unite offering health counselling, the day service centre for marginalized substance abusers and the low threshold project of the outpatient clinic for drug users in Helsinki and the health counselling service trial in Vyborg, Russia. The case study answer following questions: 1) How do the method of low threshold work out in the studied cases from the point of view of the most marginalized drug users? 2) How do potential thresholds appear and how did they develop? 3) How do the most marginalized drug users get into the care system through low threshold? The data consists of interviews of drug users, workers and other specialists having been accomplished in the years 2001 - 2006, patient documents and customer registers. The dissertation includes four articles published in the years 2006 - 2008 and the summary article. The study manifests that even low threshold is not always low enough for the most marginalized drug users. That expresses a highly multiproblematised and underpriviledged group of drug users, whose life and utilization of services are framed by deep marginalisation, homelessness, multi-substance use, mental and somatic illnesses and being repeatedly imprisoned. Using services is rendered difficult by many factors arising from the care system, drug users themselves and the action environment. In Finland thresholds are generally due to the execution of practical services and procedures not considering the fear of control and labelling as a drug user. When striving for further rehabilitating substance abuse care by means of low threshold services the marginalized drug users meet the biggest difficulties. They are due to inelastic structures, procedures and division of labour in the established care system and also to poor chances of drug users to be in action in the way expected by the care system. Multiproblematic multisubstance users become "wrong" customers by high expectations of care motivation and specializing in the care system. In Russia the thresholds are primarily caused by rigid control politics directed to drug users by the society and by the scantiness of care system. The ideology of reducing drug related harm is not approved and the care system is unwilling to commit to it. Low threshold turnes out to be relative as a term. The rhetoric of the care system is not enough to unilaterally define lowness of the threshold. The experiences of drug users and the actual activity to search for care determine the threshold. It does not appear the same for everybody either. Access of certain customer group to a service unit may even raise the threshold for some other group. The low threshold system also is surprisingly realized: you could not always tell in advance, what kind of customers and how many of them could be reached. Keywords: low threshold, marginalized drug users, harm reduction, barriers to services, outreach


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Nursing and midwifery students often struggle to engage with bioscience modules because they lack confidence in their ability to study science (Fell et al., 2012). Consequently many have difficulty applying anatomical and physiological information, essential to providing safe and effective patient care (Rogers, 2014; Rogers and Sterling, 2012); therefore a need exists for nurse educators to explore different methods of delivery of these important topics to enhance current curricula (Johnston, 2010). Inspired by the reported success of creative methods to enhance the teaching and learning of anatomy in medical education (Noel, 2013; Finn and McLachlan, 2010), this pilot study engaged nursing students in anatomy through the art of felt. The project was underpinned by the principles of good practice in undergraduate education, staff-student engagement, cooperation among students, active learning, prompt feedback, time on task, high expectations and respect for diverse learning styles (Chickering and Gamson, 1987).

Undergraduate student nurses from Queen’s University, Belfast, enrolled in the year one ‘Health and Wellbeing’ model were invited to participate in the project. Over a six week period the student volunteers worked in partnership with teaching staff to construct individual, unique, three dimensional felt models of the upper body. Students researched the agreed topic for each week in terms of anatomical structure, location, tissue composition and vascular access. Creativity was encouraged in relation to the colour and texture of materials used. The evaluation of the project was based on the four level model detailed by Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006) and included both quantitative and qualitative analysis:• pre and post knowledge scores• self-rated confidence• student reflections on the application of learning to practice.

At the end of the project students had created felt pieces reflective of their learning throughout the project and ‘memorable’ three dimensional mental maps of the human anatomy. Evaluation revealed not only acquisition of anatomical knowledge, but the wider benefits of actively engaging in creative learning with other students and faculty teaching staff.

The project has enabled nurse educators to assess the impact of innovative methods for delivery of these important topics.


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Vertreter der Generation Y, Personen, die in den 1980er Jahren geboren wurden, drängen verstärkt in den Arbeitsmarkt. Ihre Wert- und Erwartungshaltung ist deshalb von großem Interesse für Unternehmen, die mit Themen wie dem Fachkräftemangel und demografischen Wandel konfrontiert sind und die Leistungsträger langfristig binden müssen. Ziel dieser Hausarbeit ist herauszufinden, wie ausgeprägt die emotionale Bindung der Generation Y in Unternehmen allgemein ist und unter welcher Voraussetzung affektives Commitment bei der Generation Y entsteht. Ein weiteres Ziel ist die Erarbeitung von Handlungsempfehlungen bezüglich des Personalmanagements von Generation Y in Unternehmen. Generation Y hat hohe Erwartungen an Arbeitsinhalt, Selbstverwirklichungsmöglichkeiten, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, Unternehmenswerte und -ethik, Sinnhaftigkeit der Tätigkeit und Teamarbeit. Vertreter dieser Generation wünschen sich Wertschätzung, eine gute Beziehung zum Vorgesetzten, viele Partizipationsmöglichkeiten, regelmäßiges Feedback und Flexibilität. Weiterhin sind Work-Life-Balance, Karriereoptionen, Einkommen, digitale Vernetzung und Arbeitsplatzsicherheit wichtige Themen für diese Generation. Affektives Commitment entsteht durch Erfüllung von Erwartungen. Generation Y ist nur bedingt affektiv gebunden, tendiert zu häufigen Unternehmenswechseln und ist durch eine schwache Loyalität gekennzeichnet. Dies liegt hauptsächlich daran, dass die Erwartungen dieser Generation nicht erfüllt werden. Es wird empfohlen HR-Maßnahmen zu implementieren, die auf Erfüllung der Erwartungen von Generation Y abzielen.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Ciência e Tecnologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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La recherche en génétique est en pleine effervescence, créant ainsi plus d’information sur la susceptibilité génétique à certaines maladies et sur la préventions et les traitements potentiels. Nombre de ces informations sont considérées exploratoires et donc sans utilité clinique. Les directives officielles, qui prônent une divulgation des résultats globaux, tendent également de plus en plus vers la communication des résultats individuels quand ils sont disponibles et applicables. On parle même « d’impératif éthique » de la part du chercheur à retourner les résultats de recherche aux participants. La tâche, cependant, ne s’avère pas si simple et ce devoir moral émergent suscite de nombreuses questions, dont la responsabilité de retourner l'information, le moment, le contenu de l’information, le respect du droit du participant de ne pas savoir. Par cette étude, l’opinion et les attentes des participants à la recherche sont investiguées. Il s’agit plus précisément de documenter de façon empirique les attentes des parents d’enfants autistes qui ont fait participer leur enfant à une étude génétique sur l’autisme. Il est essentiel et important d’explorer leurs besoins et leurs attentes concernant la façon dont ils aimeraient qu’on les informe sur les résultats de l'étude et plus spécifiquement sur les résultats qui les concernent. Le but de cette étude est de proposer une réflexion éthique sur le retour d’information aux participants à la recherche. Est-ce une responsabilité éthique? Un droit? La divulgation des résultats généraux ou individuels de recherche aux participants constitue un véritable défi résultant des grandes attentes entourant la recherche en génétique et de la situation de vulnérabilité dans laquelle se retrouvent les participants à la recherche.


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La thérapie génique, qui consiste à modifier le génome d'un individu, est la progression logique de l'application de la recherche fondamentale à la médecine. Au moment où l'on célèbre le décryptage du génome humain, surgissent les premières guérisons par la thérapie génique qui soulèvent l'espoir d'un traitement par la génétique pour des maladies jusqu'ici incurables. Paradoxalement, est survenu au même moment le décès d'un adolescent au cours d'un essai clinique de thérapie génique aux Etats-Unis démontrant les risques sérieux de la thérapie génique et notre manque de connaissances scientifiques. À la lumière de ces derniers épisodes, il est important de réévaluer l'encadrement normatif des essais cliniques de la thérapie génique au Canada. Nous devons nous demander si la thérapie génique, hautement expérimentale, diffère d'un point de vue juridique, des autres types de recherche biomédicale. Une analyse comparative de différents modèles normatifs encadrant la thérapie génique permet de faire ressortir les avantages et les inconvénients de chacun. Le modèle québécois a intégré simplement la thérapie génique aux régimes normatifs préexistants (celui de l'expérimentation et celui des drogues). Le modèle français se distingue par l'insertion d'un régime d'exception dans le Code de la santé publique et le Code civil pour encadrer de façon spécifique la thérapie génique. Le Royaume-Uni offre un modèle intéressant d'auto-régulation alors que les États-Unis ont des normes spécifiques malheureusement restreintes aux recherches financées par les fonds publics. Il subsiste plusieurs lacunes dans l'encadrement canadien et québécois. Afin de l'améliorer, le Canada et le Québec devraient notamment se pencher sur la création d'une autorité nationale spécialisée et de normes spécifiques à la thérapie génique, l'implantation d'une évaluation structurée des risques de dissémination d'OGMs et l'établissement d'un suivi à long terme des participants.


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Le développement de la nutrigénétique/nutrigénomique (NGx) a suscité de nombreuses attentes puisque les retombées qui lui sont associées s’avèrent potentiellement bénéfiques autant pour les individus en santé que pour les individus malades. De grandes attentes avaient également été associées au Projet de décryptage du Génome Humain (PGH). Aujourd’hui, seules quelques attentes de celles envisagées se sont concrétisées. Le PGH a donc évolué dans un contexte marqué par du biohype, soit la promotion d’attentes exagérées, voir irréalistes. Étant donné l’importance des attentes associées avec le développement de la NGx et des limites méthodologiques auxquelles fait encore face la recherche clinique conduite dans ce domaine, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer si les publications scientifiques rapportant des résultats de recherches cliniques effectuées en NGx contribuent à l’émergence d’un phénomène de biohype. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agira également de documenter la perception des chercheurs oeuvrant dans le domaine de la NGx du phénomène de biohype, d’identifier certains facteurs qui pourraient expliquer son émergence dans la littérature scientifique propre à ce domaine et de proposer des pistes d’actions pour limiter les risques associés à ce phénomène. Nous avons tout d’abord procédé à une analyse documentaire d’articles scientifiques rapportant des résultats issus de recherches cliniques en NGx. Celle-ci nous a révélé que plusieurs bénéfices étaient promus dans cette littérature alors même que les limites méthodologiques n’étaient pas d’emblée présentées et discutées. Cette observation nous portait à croire que ces bénéfices étant potentiellement prématurés. Nous avons ensuite voulu valider notre constat auprès des chercheurs œuvrant principalement dans le domaine de la NGx. Cette enquête nous a permis de constater que les chercheurs étaient généralement en accord avec les bénéfices que nous avons recensés dans les articles scientifiques. Toutefois, ils n’envisageaient pas leur concrétisation à moyen terme. Par ailleurs, cette enquête nous a également révélé que les limitations méthodologiques actuellement rencontrées dans la conduite de recherches cliniques soulevaient des doutes quant à la faisabilité des bénéfices promut dans les articles scientifiques. Ces données viennent confirmer notre observation à savoir qu’un phénomène de biohype serait réellement en émergence dans les articles scientifiques rapportant des résultats de recherches cliniques en NGx. Outre des informations concernant les publics ciblés par les chercheurs et les éléments que doivent contenir un article scientifique, cette enquête nous a également aidés à mieux comprendre les avantages associés à la promotion de bénéfices. Selon la majorité des chercheurs interrogés, la promotion de bénéfices dans un article scientifique augmenterait les chances d’un manuscrit d’être publié et favoriserait la continuité du financement du domaine de recherche. Cette activité étant caractérisée par un environnement compétitif, la promotion de bénéfices semble être une avenue à envisager pour se démarquer. Quoique la promotion de bénéfices prématurés ou exagérés ne soit pas considérée comme de l’inconduite scientifique, elle peut causer entre autres un affaiblissement du sentiment de confiance entre le public et les chercheurs et ultimement, contrevenir à la continuité d’une saine activité de recherche. À la lumière de ces données, nous croyons qu’une des stratégies qui permettrait de prévenir l’apparition des risques associés au phénomène de biohype serait de sensibiliser les chercheurs et les éditeurs de journaux scientifiques à ces derniers. Plus particulièrement, nous encourageons l’intégration de lignes directrices portant sur la gestion du biohype dans les codes de conduites qui ont été mis en place pour favoriser les bonnes pratiques en recherche.


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La rápida modernización de la sociedad española y el gran cambio en la condición social de la mujer han modificado la vida familiar que ya no se corresponde con el de la familia tradicional. Ha crecido el número de rupturas familiares: separaciones y divorcios ¿Implica eso una verdadera crisis de la familia? Esta, sin embargo goza de buena prensa al haber adquirido en la imaginación colectiva las dimensiones de una utopía privada de felicidad. Pero se ha demostrado que el matrimonio es una institución frágil. La familia al ser un hecho social y producirse la ruptura traerá consecuencias sociales. Primero, para los hijos. Es el momento de dedicar más investigación a esta consecuencia de la crisis inicial de los niños ante la separación de los padres. Lo más factible no es evitar la ruptura, sino intentar minimizar los costes de dicha ruptura familiar en sus repercusiones sobre los hijos. Actualmente, las instituciones educativas y la familia, han de construir valores. Con esfuerzo hay que ir construyendo ámbitos donde la confianza mutua, la tolerancia ante el fracaso vayan apoyando la formación de identidades socialmente constructivas, en unas circunstancias diferentes. Y éstas pueden ser las de la ruptura familiar; socialmente inevitable, pero suponiendo el mínimo de costes para sus participantes.


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Taking Sweden into the future – Bio-objectification of new medical technology In this article, we analyze how contemporary discursive silences around new biotechnologies such as cybrids and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), have been enabled by earlier policy processes in the area, e.g. boundary work around what is human and non-human, living and non-living, subject and object. The analysis of policy processes around xenotransplantations and the use of human embryonic stem cells, shows that the stem cells’ and xenografts’ “bio-identities” become stabilized through high expectations for the future, a lack of therapeutic possibilities and struggles over definitions of life. The policy processes around human embryonic stem cells and organs from other animals, are characterized by a normalization of certain understandings of ”life”, trust in scientific progress and it’s national financial potentials and a categorization of criticism as irrational. Through these “bio-objectification processes”, debate and decision making has been moved from a political and public context into ethical committees and research funding bodies. The article concludes by discussing consequences of this political non-handling of biomedical technologies and how these bioobjects could be re-politicized.