873 resultados para handicapped people
Són objectius d'aquest Treball Final de Carrera, en primer lloc, avaluar l'accessibilitat del programari de codi lliure Dspace que utilitza la UOC per gestionar les seves publicacions digitals. En segon lloc, avaluar l'accessibilitat de cinc planes web del Repositori Institucional O2 de la UOC, a les quals s'aplicaran les directrius WCAG 1.0 i WCAG 2.0, amb l'ajut de cinc eines d'avaluació automàtica.
Occupational therapy (OT) is a profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation, by enabling handicapped people to participate in the activities of everyday life. OT is part of the clinical rehabilitation of progressive genetic neurodegenerative diseases such as spinocerebellar ataxias; however, its effects have never been determined in these diseases. Our aim was to investigate the effect of OT on both physical disabilities and depressive symptoms of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) patients. Genomically diagnosed SCA3 patients older than 18 years were invited to participate in the study. Disability, as evaluated by functional independence measurement and Barthel incapacitation score, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF), was determined at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of treatment. Twenty-six patients agreed to participate in the study. All were treated because OT prevents blinding of a control group. Fifteen sessions of rehabilitative OT were applied over a period of 6 months. Difficult access to food, clothing, personal hygiene, and leisure were some of the main disabilities focused by these patients. After this treatment, disability scores and quality of life were stable, and the Hamilton scores for depression improved. Since no medication was started up to 6 months before or during OT, this improvement was related to our intervention. No association was found between these endpoints and a CAG tract of the MJD1 gene (CAGn), age, age of onset, or neurological scores at baseline (Spearman test). Although the possibly temporary stabilization of the downhill disabilities as an effect of OT remains to be established, its clear effect on depressive symptoms confirms the recommendation of OT to any patient with SCA3 or spinocerebellar ataxia.
In den bundesweit rund 670 anerkannten Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen (WfbM) arbeiten aktuell über 290 000 Menschen mit Behinderung. Rund ein Viertel dieser Einrichtungen bieten auch landwirtschaftliche oder gartenbauliche Arbeitsplätze (`Grüne WfbM´). Die UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention fordert u. a. eine inklusive Teilhabe der Menschen mit Behinderung am Arbeitsleben in Form von Zugangsmöglichkeiten zu sozialversicherungspflichtiger Beschäftigung auf dem allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt. Gleichzeitig können arbeitswirtschaftlich immer mehr landwirtschaftliche Betriebe aufgrund wachsender Betriebsgrößen nicht mehr allein durch die Unternehmerfamilie geführt werden. Neben der Zuhilfenahme von Dienstleistungsanbietern ist die Suche nach Fremdarbeitskräften zwangsläufig. Neben dem Bedarf an qualifiziertem Fachpersonal werden auch Arbeitskräfte für einfachere, tägliche Routinearbeiten gesucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit begleitet wissenschaftlich ein vom Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz gefördertes bundesweites Modellvorhaben zur Vernetzung `Grüner WfbM´ mit landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben. Forschungsleitende Fragestellungen sind die betrieblichen Interessen und Voraussetzungen aus Sicht der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe für die Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderung sowie für bilaterale Kooperationen mit diesen Einrichtungen. Anhand von 44 Betriebsinterviews und unter Anwendung einer qualitativen, rechnerbasierten Fallstudienanalyse zeigen die Ergebnisse eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten wirtschaftlich tragfähiger Beschäftigung behinderter Menschen auch in Kernproduktionsprozessen. Unabdingbar dafür sind angepasste Sozialtugenden und ausreichende Arbeitsmotivation auf Arbeitnehmerseite sowie eine offen-innovative und sozial geprägte Grundeinstellung auf Betriebsleitungsseite. Betriebe wünschen sich dauerhafte und verlässliche Arbeitsverhältnisse. Praktika oder gar Experimente kommen für sie eher nicht in Frage. Weniger als 10% aller `Grünen WfbM´ kooperieren bilateral mit umliegenden Betrieben. Dort wo keine Kontakte bestehen, sind Vorbehalte seitens der Landwirte hinsichtlich Wettbewerbsverzerrungen durch vermeintliche Sozialsubventionierung bzw. im Wettbewerb um Ressourcen (z.B. Land) gegenüber den Einrichtungen anzutreffen. Kooperationen fördern gegenseitiges Verständnis und sind so auch idealer `Türöffner´ für Beschäftigungsverhältnisse.
La tesi s'estructura en dos grans apartats: per un costat, el Marc Teòric en el que realitzem els estudis que ens permeten delimitar la problemàtica de les persones amb disminució psíquica i fonamentar teòricament els criteris orientadors d'estratègies dirigides a potenciar la seva transició a l'edat adulta i vida activa. A partir de l'anàlisi realitzada al Marc Teòric de la tesi s'elabora una proposta d'intervenció consistent en el disseny d'un programa destinat a potenciar les habilitats perceptivo-motrius.
A caracterização de um grupo social como minoria; as peculiaridades da situação do portador de deficiência como grupo minoritário; o caso do Posto EcoBrasil em São Sebastião e a inserção dos portadores de deficiência no mercado de trabalho local.
O federalismo brasileiro é, tal como outros tantos ao longo do globo, dotado de peculiariedades. Neste sentido, equilibra-se entre a busca de uma unidade, especialmente normativa, e a promoção da autonomia dos poderes regionais e locais, algo típico do modelo federal estatal. Nesta realidade se insere a questão do portador de deficiência e do dever do estado, através de todos os seus entes componentes, de atender a essa obrigação imposta pela Constituição Federal.
Nowadays there are many reasons that aim to include people with special necessities, like those with visual deficiency, in the world of work, education, and in the society as a whole. However it is observed that when we talk about schooling inclusion, especially in High School, there is a huge gap between the theory and the practice. The lack of didactic resources, the inadequate installations, unprepared teachers, the families´ lack of information, are some of the factors that hinder the process of inclusion. Furthermore, the educators also have to deal with the roughness of the disciplinary contents and, refering to the study of Chemistry, with the use of signals related to this subject´s language. So, the objective of our research is to reflect about the apprehension of this language by the visually handicapped people, and try to contribute with their process of inclusion in the school life. On this perspective we work with the Periodic Table, which constitutes one of the indispensable tools necessary to the Chemistry learning. In order to acomplish it, the way followed by us happened in three passages. Initially, by means of a semistructured interview, we tried to get acquainted with the blind students opinion, who were participating in the research about the Periodic Table used by them throughout High School, as well as the dificulties felt when using it. After getting the answers, the Table was reelaborated to fill those students´necessities. Here, two new Tables were designed, one in Braille which shape is more compacted, and another made with high printed dots, built with sand and glue. On the third moment, the new designed Tables were tested by the students and, by means of a semi-structured interview, we tried to identify if this new resource would solve the problems concerned to the old Table. The students showed that the compacted Tables would facilitate the touch reading of the chemical elements simbols, making it clear and fast. We hope that, with the elaboration of this learning tools we can contribute with one of the elements to favor the effective participation of blind students in Chemistry classes, when studying the Periodic Table
Discussions over the topic of inclusion of handicapped people at school are considered recent, but they have become more and more frequent within the national and international scenario. Such discussion has also being inserted in the speeches and actions of the school institution and with the formation of educators. This investigation is made necessary as a way to collect elements to reconsider the actions for the inclusion of the special education need youth. In special the visually handicapped ones, at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). The creation of a support unit functions as main vehicle for the actions of the institution. It is intended to know what young people with limitations have to say regarding their experiences as a way to signal paths to be and not to be followed by the support unit. Therefore, the experience which these young boys and girls have is of crucial importance. In order to accomplish the task, it was decided to use methodological elements based upon elements supported by the life reports of two deficient students here called Borges and Stéfano. Their reports are from childhood to their arrival at IFRN. From their reports, categories appeared: childhood and the role of family; school life and, finally, related to the actions of the support unit of IFRN, being divided in inclusive actions and obstacles. The first one takes a second look at the actions of the family within the learning-teaching process of these students. The second category presents the moment in which students started to receive formal education per se. The last category constitutes the cornerstone of the investigation, for it analyses the process of inclusion in the institution, according to the perception of the students with visual limitations. The results signaled the need for shared intervention between students with Special Education Needs and school professionals in the elaboration of the Educational Planning, which guarantees the defense of the rights to an efficient teaching practice and effective in the process of inclusion of these students
This rescearch comprises a study of the life condictions of the users of the Continuous Installment Allowance in the city of Macau, RN. This benefit has been predicted by the Federal 1988 Constitution and regulated by the Social Assistance Organic Law (LOAS), but it has been carried out only since january 1996. It consists of an amount of half a minimum salary given to old-age and handicapped peoplewhose families mathch the per capita income criterion of less than 0,25 minimum salary. It is a least-income policy relud by the principle of the smallest elegibility. The study focused on aged or handicapped people who were receiving the BPC from 1996 to 2004. Through a quatitative analysis, the life reality of these users has been critically examined. In order to achieve this, it has been necessary to trace their social and economical profile. The research revealed the precarious life conditions of the aged and handicapeed people after they were given the BPC, as well as their interpretation of this politcal directive, and also the need for revision of the eligibility criteria so that a public policy of integral service to the basic needs of the social being can be accomplished
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O desenvolvimento de uma escala de atitudes sociais em relação ao trabalho da pessoa com deficiência
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A inclusão escolar é uma modalidade de ensino definida pelo discurso educacional como uma nova postura na escola regular no que se refere às ações que favoreçam a interação social e práticas heterogêneas que atendam às necessidades educacionais especiais de pessoas com “deficiência”. Este estudo situa esse movimento como uma construção social, negociada nas relações entre pessoas e que dão condições de possibilidade ao seu aparecimento, compreendendo as circunstâncias de sua constituição. Objetiva, por meio das práticas discursivas, compreender a noção de inclusão que professoras da educação básica de duas escolas públicas fazem circular em seus discursos engendrados em suas práticas pedagógicas do professor. Considera também as ressonâncias do encontro do discurso dessas professoras, suas contradições e rupturas com o discurso dos documentos públicos oficiais. Adota uma postura crítica e questionadora sobre as institucionalizações que se naturalizam no cotidiano, buscando nas práticas discursivas e produção de sentidos a possibilidade de compreender as maneiras pelas quais as pessoas instituem certas noções, versões que explicam o mundo e se posicionam em relações sociais produzindo acontecimentos no cotidiano. A investigação foi realizada em duas escolas públicas que atuam com o ensino fundamental e, em cada uma delas, foi realizada uma Roda de Conversa com quatro professoras que tinham em suas classes “pessoas portadoras de necessidades educacionais especiais”. Todo o conteúdo discursivo foi analisado usando como estratégia Mapas Dialógicos, que permitem visualizar a interanimação dialógica, o fluxo da conversação, a singularidade da produção de sentidos sobre a inclusão/exclusão nas escolas analisadas, evidenciando os efeitos do processo de implantação da educação inclusiva. Nos discursos das professoras, diferentemente do discurso oficial explicitado em documentos que define a inclusão escolar como uma modalidade educacional que busca avanços acadêmicos e a apropriação de conhecimentos, foi percebido que incluir significa, essencialmente, acolher a criança “portadora de necessidades educacionais especiais” socializando-a com as crianças ditas “normais”, estabelecem, assim, um outro objetivo para essas crianças na escola substituindo a meta de escolarizar. Esse sentido parece ser apontado como a única alternativa diante da dificuldade de assegurar competências acadêmicas, se inscrevendo como um discurso de reparação, que busca expiar uma dívida histórica pelos danos causados pela exclusão social. E ainda nesse posicionamento, o lugar da escola é questionado, pois se não desenvolve competências e habilidades necessárias para o desenvolvimento tanto maturacional como acadêmico das crianças “especiais”, não cumpre sua função social de educar, não realiza a inclusão. Dizem que na vida essas crianças aprendem e desenvolvem-se. Entende-se que a escola não é a vida, ou é a vida enclausurada. Concluem com isso que a escola mais exclui do que inclui. Dessa forma, a pesquisa apontou que a prática da educação inclusiva pode ser compreendida como negociações em redes de saberes e poderes que põem a funcionar as políticas públicas e propostas pedagógicas, como mecanismos de controle social.
This study examines the knowledge of the physical education teacher’s relation with inclusion of handicapped people in their classes. Thus, data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire administered in 23 teachers of Physical Education. The main difficulties to the implementation of inclusion concerned basically to the lack of applied knowledge. As suggestions, were highlighted: the need for guidance by a multidisciplinary team; continuing education; upgrades in infrastructure and appropriate teaching resources; previous experience of teaching students with disabilities were also related. The data allowed the identification of elements needed to accomplish the inclusive educational physical education purpose and the need of professional prepare to attend the inclusive quests.
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el estudio de la actual situación de los servicios bibliotecarios para personas ciegas y disminuidas visuales en Argentina. Se realizó una encuesta a bibliotecas que prestan servicios a personas ciegas y disminuidas visuales de todo el país. La muestra quedó conformada por 20 bibliotecas públicas y especiales en Argentina. Se confeccionó un cuestionario de 114 preguntas basadas en estándares elaborados por American Library Association (ALA) los cuales fueron preparados y enviados vía correo electrónico. Asimismo, se llevaron a cabo visitas a 10 de estas bibliotecas con el objetivo de obtener información a través de entrevistas a sus respectivos directores así como también al personal y a los usuarios que en ese momento se encontraban presentes en el lugar. El análisis de la situación de las bibliotecas para ciegos y disminuidos visuales en Argentina revela que el 70de estas bibliotecas tienen menos de 1000 ejemplares, el 40depende de donaciones y canje y el 45carecen de tecnología especial. Además presentan severas deficiencias en sus edificios. El 35atienden menos de 100 usuarios y un 40no posee ningún tipo de registro de los usuarios. Se pudieron identificar: colecciones pequeñas, servicios limitados, procesos técnicos incompletos, estructura edilicia inadecuada, escasa tiflotecnología (tecnología especial para personas ciegas y disminuidas visuales) y falta de gestión bibliotecológica, entre otras falencias. Se considera que el presente modelo de biblioteca especial posiblemente contribuya al aislamiento y al confinamiento de la persona ciega y disminuida visual, por ello se debe tener en cuenta un nuevo modelo de biblioteca integradora basado en los Manifiestos de la Unesco para bibliotecas públicas y bibliotecas escolares. Se sugiere la aplicación de este modelo de biblioteca integradora capaz de garantizar eficazmente el acceso a la información para los ciegos y disminuidos visuales de acuerdo a las nuevas recomendaciones universales. En unas pocas palabras, una biblioteca pública para todos.