57 resultados para gratification


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Aim: Individuals with intellectual disability (ID) often have difficulty with waiting, an important aspect of everyday life. Successful waiting require cognitive, emotional and behavioural self-regulation, and is an essential element in the capacity to delay gratification. Method: We developed an intervention to provide parents with the knowledge and strategies to promote their child’s capacity to wait. The intervention was grounded in previous work about the skills underpinning successful waiting, such as goal-setting, understanding time, and managing frustration. Eleven parents of children with ID (mean CA 9.4 years; mean MA 47 months) participated in an intervention trial. Following pre-testing of their child’s capacity to wait and delay gratification, parents attended a 1 day workshop that was followed by monthly phone discussions with the researchers to monitor progress and provide advice. Post-testing was undertaken 1 year later. Results: Compared with a wait-listed control group, children whose parents had completed the intervention displayed significant improvements in their capacity to wait on a delay of gratification task. Parents reported that their child had become more successful in everyday waiting situations. Conclusion: The results of this pilot study are promising and pave the way for larger-scale interventions to improve self-regulatory skills in people with ID.


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Background Impulsivity critically relates to many psychiatric disorders. Given the multifaceted construct that impulsivity represents, defining core aspects of impulsivity is vital for the assessment and understanding of clinical conditions. Choice impulsivity (CI), involving the preferential selection of smaller sooner rewards over larger later rewards, represents one important type of impulsivity. Method The International Society for Research on Impulsivity (InSRI) convened to discuss the definition and assessment of CI and provide recommendations regarding measurement across species. Results Commonly used preclinical and clinical CI behavioral tasks are described, and considerations for each task are provided to guide CI task selection. Differences in assessment of CI (self-report, behavioral) and calculating CI indices (e.g., area-under-the-curve, indifference point, steepness of discounting curve) are discussed along with properties of specific behavioral tasks used in preclinical and clinical settings. Conclusions The InSRI group recommends inclusion of measures of CI in human studies examining impulsivity. Animal studies examining impulsivity should also include assessments of CI and these measures should be harmonized in accordance with human studies of the disorders being modeled in the preclinical investigations. The choice of specific CI measures to be included should be based on the goals of the study and existing preclinical and clinical literature using established CI measures.


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This study examines the narrative construction of consumerism in Finnish consumer culture in the early 21st century. The objects of the study are consumer life stories and essays on environmentally friendly consumption, written by 15-19-year-old high school students. Moreover, group discussions were used as additional research material. The data was gathered at five high schools in different areas of Finland. Young people's consumer narratives are interpreted through cultural stories and consumer ethos such as self-control, gratification and green consumerism. The narrative research approach is used to analyse what types of consumer positions these young people construct in stories on their own consumer history, and what kinds of ideas and thought patterns they construct on green consumerism. The study creates a multifaceted image of young people as agents in consumer society. They construct archetypical stories of wastrels and scrooges, as well as prudent and environmentally friendly consumers. Consumption and expenditure are however mostly a continuous battle between self-control and giving in to gratification. This reality is illustrated among other things by clever expressions invented by young people, such as Carefree Pennywise, Prudent Hedonist and Wasteful Scrooge. In their narratives, young people also analyse the usefulness - or uselessness - of their decisions on consumption, as well as develop themselves into controlling and sensible consumers. This kind of virtuous consumer allows him/herself the joy and the gratification of consumption, as long as these are "kept in check". One's view of expenditure and consumption is not permanent. Consumerism may alter with time. A wastrel may grow up to be a young person in control of their desires, or a thrifty child may awaken to the pleasures of consumption in their teens. Consumerism may also be polyphonic: it may simultaneously - and even uncomplicatedly - be constructed upon the discourses of wastefulness, prudence, gratification and green consumerism. Young people allow for gratification to form a part of green consumerism, too: it is not simply restrictive self-denial. They also see many hurdles in the way of green consumerism, such as the elevated price of ecological products, and the difficulties of green consumer practices. The stories also show the gender division in green consumerism. For young men, ecological considerations offer elements for the construction of consumerism only on the very rare occasion, whereas striving for day-to-day green practices is typical for young women.


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This study takes as its premise the prominent social and cultural role that the couple relationship has acquired in modern society. Marriage as a social institution and romantic love as a cultural script have not lost their significance but during the last few decades the concept of relationship has taken prominence in our understanding of the love relationship. This change has taken place in a society governed by the therapeutic ethos. This study uses material ranging from in-depth interviews to various mass media texts to investigate the therapeutic logic that determines our understanding of the couple relationship. The central concept in this study is therapeutic relationship which does not refer to any particular type of relationship. In contemporary usage the relationship is, by definition, therapeutic. The therapeutic relationship is seen as an endless source of conflict and a highly complex dynamic unit in constant need of attention and treatment. Notwithstanding this emphasis on therapy and relationship work the therapeutic relationship lacks any morally or socially defined direction. Here lies the cultural power and according to critics the dubious aspect of the therapeutic ethos. For the therapeutic logic any reason for divorce is possible and plausible. Prosaically speaking the question is not whether to divorce or not, but when to divorce. In the end divorce only attests to the complexity of the relationship. The therapeutic understanding of the relationship gives the illusion that relationships with their tensions and conflicting emotions can be fully transferred to the sphere of transparency and therapeutic processing. This illusion created by relationship talk that emphasizes individual control is called omnipotence of the individual. However, the study shows that the individual omnipotence is inevitably limited and hence cracks appear in it. The cracks in the omnipotence show that while the therapeutic relationship based on the ideal of communication gives an individual a mode of speaking that stresses autonomy, equality and emotional gratification, it offers little help in expressing our fundamental dependence on other people. The study shows how strong an attraction the therapeutic ethos has with its grasp on the complexities of the relationship in a society where divorce is so common and the risk of divorce is collectively experienced.


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The aim of the study is to examine Luther s theology of music from the standpoint of pleasure. The theological assessment of musical pleasure is related to two further questions: the role of emotions in Christianity and the apprehension of beauty. The medieval discussion of these themes is portrayed in the background chapter. Significant traits were: the suspicion felt towards sensuous gratification in music, music as a mathematical discipline, the medieval theory of emotions informed by Stoic apatheia and Platonic-Aristotelian metriopatheia, the notion of beauty as an attribute of God, medieval aesthetics as the aesthetic of proportion and the aesthetic of light and the emergence of the Aristotelian view of science that is based on experience rather than speculation. The treatment of Luther s theology of music is initiated with the notion of gift. Luther says that music is the excellent (or even the best) gift of God. This has sometimes been understood as a mere music-lover s enthusiasm. Luther is, however, not likely to use the word gift loosely. His theology can be depicted as a theology of gift. The Triune God is categorically giving. The notion of gift also includes reciprocity. When we receive the gifts of God, it evokes praise in us. Praising God is predominantly a musical phenomenon. The particular benefit of music in Luther s thought is that it can move human emotions. This emphasis is connected to the overall affectivity of Luther s theology. In contrast to the medieval discussion, Luther ascribes to saints not just emotions but particularly warm and tender affections. The power of music is related to the auditory and vocal character of the Word. Faith comes through hearing the Word that is at once musical and affective perception. Faith is not a mere opinion but the affective trust of the heart. Music can touch the human heart and persuade with its sweetness, like the good news of the Gospel. Music allows us to perceive Luther s theology as a theology of joy and pleasure. Joy is for Luther a gift of the Holy Spirit that fills the heart and bursts out in voice and gestures. Pleasure appears to be a central aspect to Luther s theology. The problem of the Bondage of the Will is precisely the human inability to feel pleasure in God s will. To be pleased in the visible and tangible creation is not something a Christian should avoid. On the contrary, if one is not pleased with the world that God has created, it is a sign of unbelief and ingratitude. The pleasure of music is aesthetic perception. This in turn necessitates the investigation of Luther s aesthetics. Aesthetic evaluation is not just a part of Luther s thought. Eventually his theology as a whole could be portrayed in aesthetic terms. Luther s extremely positive appreciation of music illutrates his theology as an affective acknowledgement of the goodness of the Creation and faith as an aesthetic contentment.


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Humans are particularly adept at modifying their behavior in accordance with changing environmental demands. Through various mechanisms of cognitive control, individuals are able to tailor actions to fit complex short- and long-term goals. The research described in this thesis uses functional magnetic resonance imaging to characterize the neural correlates of cognitive control at two levels of complexity: response inhibition and self-control in intertemporal choice. First, we examined changes in neural response associated with increased experience and skill in response inhibition; successful response inhibition was associated with decreased neural response over time in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, a region widely implicated in cognitive control, providing evidence for increased neural efficiency with learned automaticity. We also examined a more abstract form of cognitive control using intertemporal choice. In two experiments, we identified putative neural substrates for individual differences in temporal discounting, or the tendency to prefer immediate to delayed rewards. Using dynamic causal models, we characterized the neural circuit between ventromedial prefrontal cortex, an area involved in valuation, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region implicated in self-control in intertemporal and dietary choice, and found that connectivity from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to ventromedial prefrontal cortex increases at the time of choice, particularly when delayed rewards are chosen. Moreover, estimates of the strength of connectivity predicted out-of-sample individual rates of temporal discounting, suggesting a neurocomputational mechanism for variation in the ability to delay gratification. Next, we interrogated the hypothesis that individual differences in temporal discounting are in part explained by the ability to imagine future reward outcomes. Using a novel paradigm, we imaged neural response during the imagining of primary rewards, and identified negative correlations between activity in regions associated the processing of both real and imagined rewards (lateral orbitofrontal cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, respectively) and the individual temporal discounting parameters estimated in the previous experiment. These data suggest that individuals who are better able to represent reward outcomes neurally are less susceptible to temporal discounting. Together, these findings provide further insight into role of the prefrontal cortex in implementing cognitive control, and propose neurobiological substrates for individual variation.


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Com um dos objetivos de conceituar e descrever as estratégias emocionais de persuasão publicitárias, levantei bibliografia da área e publicidades contidas no meio revista brasileiro. Depois, busquei analisar se os temas mais abordados e os meios de persuasão adotados são reflexos dos valores, crenças e comportamentos da cultura hipermoderna, segundo descrição dos autores escolhidos na fundamentação teórica. Fiz um levantamento dos anúncios que remetiam a um cuidado de si veiculados nas revistas Veja, Playboy e Marie Claire em 2005 e identifiquei dois tipos de estratégias emocionais. O que foi mais utilizado fomenta o hedonismo imaginativo e busca persuadir com diferentes apelos regressivos de gratificação do consumidor. A outra estratégia, também bem utilizada, com mensagens sutis, foi a repressiva. Neste caso, busca-se motivar a compra a partir da ilusão de inclusão social, com discursos que indicam como se deve ser, sentir e agir, em sua maior parte, também infantis. Outros objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar os possíveis efeitos às subjetividades contemporâneas do conteúdo das mensagens dos anúncios divulgados nas revistas de maior circulação no Brasil. Por último, apresento algumas sugestões de criação publicitária em que se fomente o laço social, e o respeito à alteridade e ao ecossistema.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é examinar as novas formas de subjetivação e de mal-estar engendradas pelas exigências da sociedade do trabalho no contexto do capitalismo contemporâneo. A emergência de uma nova e perversa forma de sociabilidade e de uma subjetividade ligada a ela está intrinsecamente associada às transformações estruturais da sociedade capitalista e suas atuais condições da acumulação de capital. Considerando o caráter social e histórico da sociedade capitalista, do sujeito e da subjetividade, o foco deste trabalho deve ser o sujeito interpelado pela ideologia, clivado pelo inconsciente e individualizado pelo mercado. Busco, portanto, articular pontos teóricos entre os conceitos de ideologia, fetiche e inconsciente referenciados no materialismo histórico e na psicanálise. Ao apresentar o Capital como droga e o Trabalho como vicio, pretende-se de forma alegórica desvelar os impasses e sintomas de um sistema em crise que, apesar das sucessivas tentativas de recuperação, colapsa historicamente, levando sua dinâmica perversa aos limites do insuportável. Ao subordinar a reprodução da vida ao trabalho assalariado, ao mesmo tempo em que para se reproduzir tem sistematicamente de aboli-lo, o capitalismo engendra, na sua crise estrutural, uma das mais sofisticadas formas de dominação, sujeição e exploração: a utilização dos componentes do psiquismo e da subjetivação em nome dos interesses da ordem mercantil. No mundo globalizado pelo mercado, vem aumentando o uso de drogas lícitas, fruto ou não de prescrição médica, como um recurso para inibir todo tipo de mal-estar e impasse psíquico ou reações indesejáveis que possam comprometer a adequação dos indivíduos aos padrões da produtividade, a permanência no ambiente de trabalho, bem como o enfrentamento de conflitos e frustrações inerentes à condição humana. Essa manipulação química da subjetividade potencializa-se na atualidade, expandindo globalmente a drogadicção, no sentido amplo do termo, privando o sujeito da capacidade de pensar. Ela aponta também para as impossibilidades de o sujeito desenvolver suas faculdades ativas e criativas, assim como o diálogo com o outro, o que nos conduz cada vez mais a atitudes de intolerância e violência ou estados compulsivos e depressivos. Ao contrário do que o capitalismo podia propiciar em seu período de ascensão, os modos de inclusão imaginária engendrados pelo capitalismo pós-moderno estão baseados no consumo conspícuo e no gozo imediato, implicando novos contornos para o sofrimento psíquico, agora marcado por transtornos narcísico-identitários e saídas não-representacionais. A partir dessa reflexão, busco a crítica do conceito de sujeito configurado pelo trabalho e pelo psicologismo, que tem contribuído para práticas legitimadoras de exclusão no interior da própria psicologia. Esta crítica representa um compromisso ético-político pela desalienação do sujeito e pela superação do capitalismo, aqui entendido como um sistema que produz mercadorias e viciados em drogas.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Mestre em Psicologia especialização em Psicologia da Saúde e Intervenção Comunitária.


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Preadolescent Internet usage is prevalent today. This thesis examined how Canadian preadolescents use the Internet, what they do when they are on the Internet, and why preadolescents are fascinated with the Internet. Eight quahtative categories were derived from the data. The categories are Downloading, Information Hunting, Consumerism, Virtual Nurturing, Gaming, Expressions of Violence, Chatting, and Music. By critically distilling and analyzing preadolescent Internet behaviour through the lens of behavioural and cognitive psychology, and explicating the amount of psychological, cognitive, and social learning that preadolescents may be exposed to on the Internet, and the attraction that is cumulatively a profound draw for a preadolescent audience, an argument will be made that Internet usage in preadolescents may impair their cognitive, social, and psychological development because of the impulse seeking and gratification priming that has been reinforced during the formative period of preadolescence.


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While many studies have been conducted on adolescent depressive symptoms and alcohol use, much of the research has examined these behaviors separately rather than examining their co-occurrence within individuals. In the present study, adolescents (N = 4412; 49% female) were surveyed at four time points (grade 9, 10, 11, and 12) and growth mixture modeling was used to identify groups of individuals reporting various patterns of depressive symptoms and alcohol use across the high school years. Four groups were identified, including co-occurrence (higher depressive symptoms and higher alcohol use relative to peers, comprising 6.1 % of boys and 7.1 % of the girls in the sample), pure depressive symptoms (higher depressive symptoms and lower alcohol use; 12.7% of boys and 12.5% of girls), pure alcohol use (higher alcohol use and lower depressive symptoms; 20.9% of boys and 19.9% of girls), and low co-occurrence (lower depressive symptoms and alcohol use, 60.3% of boys and 60.5% of girls). Groups were compared on self-regulatory (i.e., delay of gratification) and approach behaviors. For both boys and girls, delay of gratification was the strongest predictor of group membership, with the co-occurrence group scoring the lowest and the low co-occurrence group the highest. This finding emphasizes the importance of assessing delay of gratification in the identification of high risk youth.


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Ce mémoire examine l'adoption des téléphones mobiles et l'utilisation des messages texte (SMS) par les adolescents chinois, selon la théorie des usages et gratifications et de la recherche sur la communication par ordinateur. Certains champs particuliers de l'utilisation des messages textes par les adolescents chinois, comme le contrôle parental, la circulation des chaînes de messages, la popularité des messages de salutations et l'utilisation répandue des émoticônes ont été étudiés. La fonction sociale des SMS, plus particulièrement des pratiques sociales et des relations émotionnelles des adolescents chinois, a également été explorée. Cette étude est basée sur un sondage réalisé sur le terrain auprès de 100 adolescents chinois. Elle révèle que chez les adolescents chinois, les deux principales raisons pour l'adoption du téléphone mobile sont l'influence parentale et le besoin de communication sociale. Quant à l'utilisation des messages texte, elle répond à sept usages et gratifications : la flexibilité, le coût modique, l’intimité, éviter l'embarras, le divertissement, l'engouement et l'évasion. Il a également été observé que les messages texte jouent un rôle positif dans la construction et l'entretien des relations sociales des adolescents chinois.


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L’objectif de cette thèse était d’évaluer Espace de Transition (ET), un programme novateur d’intervention par les arts de la scène visant à favoriser la réadaptation psychosociale d’adolescents et de jeunes adultes présentant des troubles mentaux stabilisés et à diminuer la stigmatisation des individus aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale. Ce programme a été conçu par une équipe de cliniciens du département de psychiatrie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Ste-Justine, en collaboration avec des artistes professionnels, et est livré depuis le printemps 2009. L’évaluation du programme ET a été conduite de manière indépendante, selon des approches collaborative et naturaliste et en usant de méthodes mixtes. Les données de recherche ont été recueillies avant pendant et après le programme auprès de l’ensemble des participants à deux sessions distinctes (N = 24), de même qu’auprès des deux artistes instructeurs, de la psychoéducatrice responsable du soutien clinique, ainsi que des psychiatres et autres intervenants ayant référé des participants (N=11). Des entrevues semi-structurées individuelles et de groupe, des observations directes et des questionnaires ont servi à recueillir les données nécessaires à l’évaluation. Des analyses quantitatives de variance, ainsi que des analyses qualitatives thématiques ont été réalisées et leurs résultats ont été interprétés de manière intégrée. Le premier chapitre empirique de la thèse relate l’évaluation de la mise en œuvre du programme ET. Cette étude a permis de constater que le programme avait rejoint des participants correspondant de près à la population visée et que ceux-ci présentaient globalement des niveaux élevés d’assiduité, d’engagement et d’appréciation du programme. L’évaluation de la mise en œuvre a en outre permis de conclure que la plupart des composantes du programme identifiées a priori comme ses paramètres essentiels ont été livrées tel que prévu par les concepteurs et que la plupart d’entre elles ont été largement appréciées et jugées pertinentes par les participants et les autres répondants consultés. Le second chapitre empirique consiste en un article portant sur l’évaluation des effets du programme ET relativement à l’atteinte de trois de ses objectifs intermédiaires, soient l’amélioration 1) du fonctionnement global, 2) du confort relationnel et des compétences sociales, ainsi que 3) de la perception de soi des participants présentant des troubles mentaux. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé des changements significatifs et positifs dans le fonctionnement global des participants suite au programme, tel qu’évalué par les cliniciens référents et partiellement corroboré par les participants eux-mêmes. Des améliorations en ce qui concerne le confort relationnel, les compétences sociales et la perception de soi ont également été objectivées chez une proportion substantielle de participants, bien que celles-ci ne se soient pas traduites en des différences significatives décelées par les analyses quantitatives de groupe. Le troisième et dernier chapitre empirique de la thèse relate une étude exploratoire des mécanismes sous-tendant les effets du programme ET ayant conduit à l’élaboration inductive d’une théorie d’action de ce programme. Cette investigation qualitative a révélé quatre catégories de mécanismes, soient des processus de 1) gain d’expérience et de gratification sociales, 2) de désensibilisation par exposition graduelle, 3) de succès et de valorisation, et 4) de normalisation. Cette étude a également permis de suggérer les caractéristiques et composantes du programme qui favorisent la mise en place ou l’impact de ces mécanismes, tels l’environnement et l’animation non cliniques du programme, la composition hétérogène des groupes de participants, le recours aux arts de la scène, ainsi que la poursuite d’une réalisation collective et son partage avec un public extérieur au programme. Globalement, les études présentées dans la thèse appuient la pertinence et le caractère prometteur du programme ET, tout en suggérant des pistes d’amélioration potentielle pour ses versions ultérieures. Par extension, la thèse soutient l’efficacité potentielle d’interventions réadaptatives mettant en œuvre des composantes apparentées à celles du programme ET pour soutenir le rétablissement des jeunes aux prises avec des troubles mentaux.


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Impulsivity has been linked to three main factors: performing without direct involvement of the frontal lobe functions, an increase in the speed of response, and the acquisition of immediate gratification. This behavioral inhibition deficit involves a variety of behaviors including aspects of hyperexcitability, behavioral disinhibition and higher order decision making. Although by tradition, the definition of this executive function has been conceptualized from a psychopathological view, currently, the wide variety of neuropsychological, developmental and animal models assessment techniques encourage us to establish dialogues that integrate the knowledge of these theoretical perspectives for the interpretation and understanding of impulsivity.


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Temporal discounting (TD) matures with age, alongside other markers of increased impulse control, and coherent, self-regulated behaviour. Discounting paradigms quantify the ability to refrain from preference of immediate rewards, in favour of delayed, larger rewards. As such, they measure temporal foresight and the ability to delay gratification, functions that develop slowly into adulthood. We investigated the neural maturation that accompanies the previously observed age-related behavioural changes in discounting, from early adolescence into mid-adulthood. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging of a hypothetical discounting task with monetary rewards delayed in the week to year range. We show that age-related reductions in choice impulsivity were associated with changes in activation in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), ventral striatum (VS), insula, inferior temporal gyrus, and posterior parietal cortex. Limbic frontostriatal activation changes were specifically associated with age-dependent reductions in impulsive choice, as part of a more extensive network of brain areas showing age-related changes in activation, including dorsolateral PFC, inferior parietal cortex, and subcortical areas. The maturational pattern of functional connectivity included strengthening in activation coupling between ventromedial and dorsolateral PFC, parietal and insular cortices during selection of delayed alternatives, and between vmPFC and VS during selection of immediate alternatives. We conclude that maturational mechanisms within limbic frontostriatal circuitry underlie the observed post-pubertal reductions in impulsive choice with increasing age, and that this effect is dependent on increased activation coherence within a network of areas associated with discounting behaviour and inter-temporal decision-making.