89 resultados para gluons


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In this paper we apply to the photoproduction total cross section a model we have proposed for purely hadronic processes and which is based on QCD mini-jets and soft gluon re-summation. We compare the predictions of our model with the HERA data as well as with other models. For cosmic rays, our model predicts substantially higher cross sections at TeV energies than models based on factorization, but lower than models based on mini-jets alone, without soft gluons. We discuss the origin of this difference.


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We study soft gluon k(t)-resurnmation and the relevance of InfraRed (IR) gluons for the energy dependence of total hadronic cross-sections. In our model, consistency with the Froissart bound is directly related to the ansatz that the IR behaviour of the QCD coupling constant follows an inverse power law.


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By detecting leading protons produced in the Central Exclusive Diffractive process, p+p → p+X+p, one can measure the missing mass, and scan for possible new particle states such as the Higgs boson. This process augments - in a model independent way - the standard methods for new particle searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and will allow detailed analyses of the produced central system, such as the spin-parity properties of the Higgs boson. The exclusive central diffractive process makes possible precision studies of gluons at the LHC and complements the physics scenarios foreseen at the next e+e− linear collider. This thesis first presents the conclusions of the first systematic analysis of the expected precision measurement of the leading proton momentum and the accuracy of the reconstructed missing mass. In this initial analysis, the scattered protons are tracked along the LHC beam line and the uncertainties expected in beam transport and detection of the scattered leading protons are accounted for. The main focus of the thesis is in developing the necessary radiation hard precision detector technology for coping with the extremely demanding experimental environment of the LHC. This will be achieved by using a 3D silicon detector design, which in addition to the radiation hardness of up to 5×10^15 neutrons/cm2, offers properties such as a high signal-to- noise ratio, fast signal response to radiation and sensitivity close to the very edge of the detector. This work reports on the development of a novel semi-3D detector design that simplifies the 3D fabrication process, but conserves the necessary properties of the 3D detector design required in the LHC and in other imaging applications.


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Several excited states of Ds and Bs mesons have been discovered in the last six years: BaBar, Cleo and Belle discovered the very narrow states D(s0)*(2317)+- and D(s1)(2460)+- in 2003, and CDF and DO Collaborations reported the observation of two narrow Bs resonances, B(s1)(5830)0 and B*(s2)(5840)0 in 2007. To keep up with experiment, meson excited states should be studied from the theoretical aspect as well. The theory that describes the interaction between quarks and gluons is quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In this thesis the properties of the meson states are studied using the discretized version of the theory - lattice QCD. This allows us to perform QCD calculations from first principles, and "measure" not just energies but also the radial distributions of the states on the lattice. This gives valuable theoretical information on the excited states, as we can extract the energy spectrum of a static-light meson up to D wave states (states with orbital angular momentum L=2). We are thus able to predict where some of the excited meson states should lie. We also pay special attention to the order of the states, to detect possible inverted spin multiplets in the meson spectrum, as predicted by H. Schnitzer in 1978. This inversion is connected to the confining potential of the strong interaction. The lattice simulations can also help us understand the strong interaction better, as the lattice data can be treated as "experimental" data and used in testing potential models. In this thesis an attempt is made to explain the energies and radial distributions in terms of a potential model based on a one-body Dirac equation. The aim is to get more information about the nature of the confining potential, as well as to test how well the one-gluon exchange potential explains the short range part of the interaction.


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The description of quarks and gluons, using the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), has been known for a long time. Nevertheless, many fundamental questions in QCD remain unanswered. This is mainly due to problems in solving the theory at low energies, where the theory is strongly interacting. AdS/CFT is a duality between a specific string theory and a conformal field theory. Duality provides new tools to solve the conformal field theory in the strong coupling regime. There is also some evidence that using the duality, one can get at least qualitative understanding of how QCD behaves at strong coupling. In this thesis, we try to address some issues related to QCD and heavy ion collisions, applying the duality in various ways.


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When ordinary nuclear matter is heated to a high temperature of ~ 10^12 K, it undergoes a deconfinement transition to a new phase, strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma. While the color charged fundamental constituents of the nuclei, the quarks and gluons, are at low temperatures permanently confined inside color neutral hadrons, in the plasma the color degrees of freedom become dominant over nuclear, rather than merely nucleonic, volumes. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the accepted theory of the strong interactions, and confines quarks and gluons inside hadrons. The theory was formulated in early seventies, but deriving first principles predictions from it still remains a challenge, and novel methods of studying it are needed. One such method is dimensional reduction, in which the high temperature dynamics of static observables of the full four-dimensional theory are described using a simpler three-dimensional effective theory, having only the static modes of the various fields as its degrees of freedom. A perturbatively constructed effective theory is known to provide a good description of the plasma at high temperatures, where asymptotic freedom makes the gauge coupling small. In addition to this, numerical lattice simulations have, however, shown that the perturbatively constructed theory gives a surprisingly good description of the plasma all the way down to temperatures a few times the transition temperature. Near the critical temperature, the effective theory, however, ceases to give a valid description of the physics, since it fails to respect the approximate center symmetry of the full theory. The symmetry plays a key role in the dynamics near the phase transition, and thus one expects that the regime of validity of the dimensionally reduced theories can be significantly extended towards the deconfinement transition by incorporating the center symmetry in them. In the introductory part of the thesis, the status of dimensionally reduced effective theories of high temperature QCD is reviewed, placing emphasis on the phase structure of the theories. In the first research paper included in the thesis, the non-perturbative input required in computing the g^6 term in the weak coupling expansion of the pressure of QCD is computed in the effective theory framework at an arbitrary number of colors. The two last papers on the other hand focus on the construction of the center-symmetric effective theories, and subsequently the first non-perturbative studies of these theories are presented. Non-perturbative lattice simulations of a center-symmetric effective theory for SU(2) Yang-Mills theory show --- in sharp contrast to the perturbative setup --- that the effective theory accommodates a phase transition in the correct universality class of the full theory. This transition is seen to take place at a value of the effective theory coupling constant that is consistent with the full theory coupling at the critical temperature.


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Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory describing interaction between quarks and gluons. At low temperatures, quarks are confined forming hadrons, e.g. protons and neutrons. However, at extremely high temperatures the hadrons break apart and the matter transforms into plasma of individual quarks and gluons. In this theses the quark gluon plasma (QGP) phase of QCD is studied using lattice techniques in the framework of dimensionally reduced effective theories EQCD and MQCD. Two quantities are in particular interest: the pressure (or grand potential) and the quark number susceptibility. At high temperatures the pressure admits a generalised coupling constant expansion, where some coefficients are non-perturbative. We determine the first such contribution of order g^6 by performing lattice simulations in MQCD. This requires high precision lattice calculations, which we perform with different number of colors N_c to obtain N_c-dependence on the coefficient. The quark number susceptibility is studied by performing lattice simulations in EQCD. We measure both flavor singlet (diagonal) and non-singlet (off-diagonal) quark number susceptibilities. The finite chemical potential results are optained using analytic continuation. The diagonal susceptibility approaches the perturbative result above 20T_c$, but below that temperature we observe significant deviations. The results agree well with 4d lattice data down to temperatures 2T_c.


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When heated to high temperatures, the behavior of matter changes dramatically. The standard model fields go through phase transitions, where the strongly interacting quarks and gluons are liberated from their confinement to hadrons, and the Higgs field condensate melts, restoring the electroweak symmetry. The theoretical framework for describing matter at these extreme conditions is thermal field theory, combining relativistic field theory and quantum statistical mechanics. For static observables the physics is simplified at very high temperatures, and an effective three-dimensional theory can be used instead of the full four-dimensional one via a method called dimensional reduction. In this thesis dimensional reduction is applied to two distinct problems, the pressure of electroweak theory and the screening masses of mesonic operators in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The introductory part contains a brief review of finite-temperature field theory, dimensional reduction and the central results, while the details of the computations are contained in the original research papers. The electroweak pressure is shown to converge well to a value slightly below the ideal gas result, whereas the pressure of the full standard model is dominated by the QCD pressure with worse convergence properties. For the mesonic screening masses a small positive perturbative correction is found, and the interpretation of dimensional reduction on the fermionic sector is discussed.


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We apply to total cross-sections our model for soft gluon resummation in the infrared region. The model aims to probe large distance interactions in QCD. Our ansatz for an effective coupling for gluons and quarks in the infrared region follows an inverse power law which is singular but integrable. In the context of an eikonal formalism with QCD mini-jets, we study total hadronic cross-sections for protons, pions, photons. We estimate the total inelastic cross-section at LHC comparing with recent measurements and update previous results for survival probability.


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We use general arguments to show that colored QCD states when restricted to gauge invariant local observables are mixed. This result has important implications for confinement: a pure colorless state can never evolve into two colored states by unitary evolution. Furthermore, the mean energy in such a mixed colored state is infinite. Our arguments are confirmed in a matrix model for QCD that we have developed using the work of Narasimhan and Ramadas(3) and Singer.(2) This model, a (0 + 1)-dimensional quantum mechanical model for gluons free of divergences and capturing important topological aspects of QCD, is adapted to analytical and numerical work. It is also suitable to work on large N QCD. As applications, we show that the gluon spectrum is gapped and also estimate some low-lying levels for N = 2 and 3 (colors). Incidentally the considerations here are generic and apply to any non-Abelian gauge theory.


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Viscous modifications to the thermal distributions of quark-antiquarks and gluons have been studied in a quasiparticle description of the quark-gluon-plasma medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments. The model is described in terms of quasipartons that encode the hot QCD medium effects in their respective effective fugacities. Both shear and bulk viscosities have been taken in to account in the analysis, and the modifications to thermal distributions have been obtained by modifying the energy-momentum tensor in view of the nontrivial dispersion relations for the gluons and quarks. The interactions encoded in the equation of state induce significant modifications to the thermal distributions. As an implication, the dilepton production rate in the q (q) over bar annihilation process has been investigated. The equation of state is found to have a significant impact on the dilepton production rate along with the viscosities.


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The construction and LHC phenomenology of the razor variables MR, an event-by-event indicator of the heavy particle mass scale, and R, a dimensionless variable related to the transverse momentum imbalance of events and missing transverse energy, are presented.  The variables are used  in the analysis of the first proton-proton collisions dataset at CMS  (35 pb-1) in a search for superpartners of the quarks and gluons, targeting indirect hints of dark matter candidates in the context of supersymmetric theoretical frameworks. The analysis produced the highest sensitivity results for SUSY to date and extended the LHC reach far beyond the previous Tevatron results.  A generalized inclusive search is subsequently presented for new heavy particle pairs produced in √s = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC using 4.7±0.1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity from the second LHC run of 2011.  The selected events are analyzed in the 2D razor-space of MR and R and the analysis is performed in 12 tiers of all-hadronic, single and double leptons final states in the presence and absence of b-quarks, probing the third generation sector using the event heavy-flavor content.   The search is sensitive to generic supersymmetry models with minimal assumptions about the superpartner decay chains. No excess is observed in the number or shape of event yields relative to Standard Model predictions. Exclusion limits are derived in the CMSSM framework with  gluino masses up to 800 GeV and squark masses up to 1.35 TeV excluded at 95% confidence level, depending on the model parameters. The results are also interpreted for a collection of simplified models, in which gluinos are excluded with masses as large as 1.1 TeV, for small neutralino masses, and the first-two generation squarks, stops and sbottoms are excluded for masses up to about 800, 425 and 400 GeV, respectively.

With the discovery of a new boson by the CMS and ATLAS experiments in the γ-γ and 4 lepton final states, the identity of the putative Higgs candidate must be established through the measurements of its properties. The spin and quantum numbers are of particular importance, and we describe a method for measuring the JPC of this particle using the observed signal events in the H to ZZ* to 4 lepton channel developed before the discovery. Adaptations of the razor kinematic variables are introduced for the H to WW* to 2 lepton/2 neutrino channel, improving the resonance mass resolution and increasing the discovery significance. The prospects for incorporating this channel in an examination of the new boson JPC is discussed, with indications that this it could provide complementary information to the H to ZZ* to 4 lepton final state, particularly for measuring CP-violation in these decays.


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In this work we investigate if a small fraction of quarks and gluons, which escaped hadronization and survived as a uniformly spread perfect fluid, can play the role of both dark matter and dark energy. This fluid, as developed in [1], is characterized by two main parameters: beta, related to the amount of quarks and gluons which act as dark matter; and gamma, acting as the cosmological constant. We explore the feasibility of this model at cosmological scales using data from type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa), Long Gamma-Ray Bursts (LGRB) and direct observational Hubble data. We find that: (i) in general, beta cannot be constrained by SNeIa data nor by LGRB or H(z) data; (ii) gamma can be constrained quite well by all three data sets, contributing with approximate to 78% to the energy matter content; (iii) when a strong prior on (only) baryonic matter is assumed, the two parameters of the model are constrained successfully. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Um dos problemas teóricos mais importantes da Física de Partículas de Altas Energias é a investigação de efeitos de alta densidade na Cromodinâmica Quântica (QCD), que é a teoria que descreve as interações fortes. Tais efeitos são importantes pois determinam os observáveis em colisõesde altas energias. Em processos hadrônicos de energia suficientemente alta, espera-se a formação de sistemas densos o suficiente para que efeitos não lineares de QCD passem a ser significativos na descrição e na unitarização da seção de choque. Na descrição de processos de espalhamento de altas energias, evidências experimentais indicam que os hádrons são constituídos por partículas puntuais, as quais chamamos de pártons. Os pártons carregam uma fração x do momentum total do hádron, e são de dois tipos, quarks e glúons. Na interação entre as partículas ocorre a troca de momentum, definida como Q2. A descrição perturbativa padrão para a evolução dinâmica das distribuições de quarks q(x, Q2) e glúons g(x, Q2), pode ser dada pelas equações de evolução DGLAP, e tem obtido sucesso na descrição dos resultados experimentais para as presentes energias. Na evolução DGLAP, são considerados apenas processos de emissão, como a emissão de um glúon por um quark, o decaimento de um glúon em um par de quarks ou em um par de glúons Estes processos de emissão tendem a aumentar a densidade de pártons na região de pequeno momentum, levando a um crescimento ilimitado das distribuições partônicas para x -+ O. Assim, é esperado que o crescimento da densidade de pártons leve a interação e recombinação destas partículas, dando origem a termos não lineares nas equações de evolução. O resultado seria um processo de saturação das distribuições de pártons na região de alta energia e pequena fração de momentum. Os efeitos que dão origem à redução do crescimento das distribuições de quarks e glúons em relação a evolução linear são chamados genericamente de efeitos de sombreamento. Um dos aspectos fenomenológicosinteressantes a ser investigado no regime cinemático abordado acima é o processo Drell-Yan de alta energia, o qual consiste em processos de espalhamento pp, pA e AA com a produção de pares de léptons. Com o advento dos novos aceleradores, novos resultados experimentais estarão disponíveis na literatura relacionados com este processo. Em nosso trabalho investigamos os efeitos das correções de unitariedade em processos pp, bem como os efeitos devido a presença do meio nuclear em colisõespA e AA, nas distribuições de quarks e glúons, para a descrição da seção de choque diferencial para o processo Drell-Yan em colisõespp, pA e AA, para energias existentes nos novos aceleradores RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) e LHC (Large Ion Collider). Os efeitos de alta densidade são baseados no formalismo de Glauber-Mueller. Os resultados aqui apresentados mostram que os efeitos de alta densidade nas distribuições partônicas são importantes para altas energias, pois a descrição da seção de choque para o processo Drell-Yan, quando os efeitos de alta densidade são considerados, apresenta significativas diferenças da descrição onde não considera-se tais efeitos.


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A aplicabilidade e usos de propagadores de glúon modificados na Cromodinâmica Quântica (QCD) em diferentes espécies de processos é analisada. Os propagadores modificados de glúon são obtidos por diversos métodos, em especial, as equações de Dyson-Schwinger e simulações numéricas em teoria de campos na rede. Os processos em que estes propagadores são empregados em QCD podem ser divididos em duas classes: os difrativos e os perturbativos. Nos primeiros, a troca do pomeron é relevante e as propriedades infravermelhas da teoria são importantes, como no espalhamento elástico próton-próton e na produção de mésons vetoriais massivos. Os processos perturbativos, como o decaimento de mésons massivos e fatores de forma de mésons, aparentemente não permitem o uso de um propagador modificado, entretanto, o uso destes permite uma melhor descrição dos dados experimentais, assim como no caso dos processos difrativos.