927 resultados para general religious education (GRE)


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This paper considers the tension that can exist in the aims of religious education between the desire to encourage open-minded, critical thinking through exposure to diverse traditions, ideas and cultures and the encouragement, overt or otherwise, into uniformity whereby learners take on the values of a particular tradition, culture or ideology (say of a religion, family or school). The particular situation of teaching religious education to post-primary school pupils in Northern Ireland is considered, and evidence cited to suggest that the Northern Ireland Core Syllabus in Religious Education has tried to impose a particular non-denominational Christian uniformity on pupils and teachers through its use of religious language. This has contributed to a culture of 'avoidance' in relation to the teaching of broad Christian diversity. The article concludes that there is a need for an ongoing and meaningful dialogue to discover what kind of balance between uniformity and diversity is best in teaching religious education in Northern Ireland, and notes that this also requires the reassessment of fundamental issues such as the aims of education and the relationship between secular and religious values in publicly funded schools. © 2004 Christian Education.


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Es un recurso actualizado al nuevo plan de estudios inglés que ayuda tanto a los estudiantes que se están formando a enseñar educación religiosa como a los profesores con experiencia que han optado por asumir la responsabilidad de impartir esta materia en la escuela secundaria, en la etapa 3 (KS3) a alumnos de catorce a diecinueve años. Incluye temas como el lugar de la educación religiosa en el currículo; desarrollo de programas de estudio; lenguaje y alfabetización religiosa, enseñanza de la religión en la etapa 4 (KS4); la educación religiosa y la educación moral; el culto colectivo; educación religiosa y ciudadanía; recursos para educación religiosa y enseñanza a niños con necesidades educativas especiales.


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El libro analiza los debates surgidos entorno a la enseñanza de la religión y plantea un nuevo enfoque en la educación de la religión no basado en la fe y que se centra en los factores conceptuales y en el desarrollo de una pedagogía clara. El libro se basa en el modelo de aprendizaje 'Living Difference' desarrollado en Hampshire y adoptado en diferentes partes del Reino Unido. Proporciona la base para el desarrollo del pensamiento sobre la enseñanza de la religión, su lugar en el currículo educativo y cómo se puede implantar eficazmente en las escuelas.


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Cumple con todos los requisitos exigidos por el curriculum nacional inglés de 2009 para la materia de Ciudadanía en el primer ciclo de secundaria (KS3). El libro trata de responder a estas y otras cuestiones: ¿Cómo impacta la religión en la vida del Reino Unido hoy? ¿Qué lugar hay para la religión en la vida pública de la nación hoy? ¿Debería la ley favorecer una religión sobre otras? ¿Qué deberían enseñar las escuelas sobre religión? ¿Qué dice la ley sobre discriminación religiosa en el trabajo?.


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Internationally in secondary schools, lessons are typically taught by subject specialists, raising the question of how to accommodate teaching which bridges the sciences and humanities. This is the first study to look at how students make sense of the teaching they receive in two subjects (science and religious education) when one subject’s curriculum explicitly refers to cross-disciplinary study and the other does not. Interviews with 61 students in seven schools in England suggested that students perceive a permeable boundary between science and their learning in science lessons and also a permeable boundary between religion and their learning in RE lessons, yet perceive a firm boundary between science lessons and RE lessons. We concluded that it is unreasonable to expect students to transfer instruction about cross-disciplinary perspectives across such impermeable subject boundaries. Finally we consider the implications of these findings for the successful management of cross-disciplinary education.


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The unanticipated rise of religious diversity and the re-entry of religion to the public sphere have radically increased the need and demand for education about religions – how they contribute to social and cultural capital – and about the management of religious diversity. The global movement of people and cultures has brought religious diversity to nearly every major city. With diversity has come a renewed interest in the religious identity of others and how to incorporate religious diversity in ways that produce social cohesion. Religious diversity has also raised interest in a values discourse where once atheistic secularity prevailed, made faith-based social and health service delivery both more appealing to governments and more difficult to deliver, and has challenged societies to accommodate a wider range of religious needs and lifestyles. Policies designed to promote social justice and peace have little chance of success without taking seriously the religious dimensions to the issues involved. This context makes clear the need for opportunities to learn about the religions in a society at all levels of education – opportunities that include direct experience of the ‘other’, curricula that appreciate the worlds of faith, spirituality and religion rather than demeaning them, education that provides both historical depth and local reality. Some of this education will be in school, some in remedial work required for a generation or two of leaders who have been raised in ignorance of religion, or trained to despise it.


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