999 resultados para dilute magnetic semiconductor


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The spin-polarized transport property of a diluted magnetic semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas is investigated theoretically at low temperature. A large current polarization can be found in this system even at small magnetic fields and oscillates with increasing magnetic field while the carrier polarization is vanishingly small. The magnitude as well as the sign of the current polarization can be tuned by varying magnetic field, the electron density and the Mn concentration. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Spin-polarized tunneling through a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a tunneling barrier is investigated using the Bardeen transfer Hamiltonian. The tunneling current oscillates with an increasing magnetic field for a fixed bias. Many peaks are observed with an increasing external bias under a fixed magnetic field. Spin polarization of the tunneling current is tuned by changing the external bias under a weak magnetic field.


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The Curie temperature of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) nanowires and nanoslabs is investigated using the mean-field model. The Curie temperature in DMS nanowires can be much larger than that in corresponding bulk material due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires, and when only one conduction subband is filled, the Curie temperature is inversely proportional to the carrier density. The T-C in DMS nanoslabs is dependent on the carrier density through the number of the occupied subbands. A transverse electric field can change the DMS nanowires from the paramagnet to ferromagnet, or vice versae. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China 10674129


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The transport property of a lateral two-dimensional paramagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor electron gas under a spatially periodic magnetic field is investigated theoretically. We find that the electron Fermi velocity along the modulation direction is highly spin dependent even if the spin polarization of the carrier population is negligibly small. It turns out that this spin-polarized Fermi velocity alone can lead to a strong spin polarization of the current, which is still robust against the energy broadening effect induced by the impurity scattering. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The spin interaction and the effective g factor of a magnetic exciton (ME) are investigated theoretically in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD), including the Coulomb interaction and the sp-d exchange interaction. At low magnetic field, the ME energy decreases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and saturates at high magnetic field for high Mn concentration. The ground state of the ME exhibits an interesting crossing behavior between sigma(+)-ME and sigma(-)-ME for low Mn concentration. The g(ex) factor of the ME in a DMS QD displays a monotonic decrease with increasing magnetic field and can be tuned to zero by an external magnetic field. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The magnetoexciton polaron (MP) is investigated theoretically in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot (QD), with the Coulomb interaction and the sp-d exchange interaction included. The MP energy decreases rapidly with increasing magnetic field at low magnetic field and saturates at high magnetic field for small QDs, and the dependences of the MP energy on magnetic field are quite different for different QD radii due to the different carrier-induced magnetic fields B-MP. The competition between the sp-d exchange interaction and the band gap shrinkage results in there being a maximum exhibited by the MP energy With increasing temperature. Our numerical results are in good agreement with experiment (Maksimov A A, Bacher G, MacDonald A, Kulakovskii V D, Forchel A, Becker C R, Landwehr G and Molenkamp L W 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 R7767).


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The electronic structure of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) superlattices under an in-plane magnetic field is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory; the strain effect is also included in the calculation. The numerical results show that an increase of the in-plane magnetic field renders the DMS superlattice from the direct band-gap system to the indirect band-gap system, and spatially separates the electron and the hole by changing the type-I band alignment to a type-II band alignment. The optical transition probability changes from type I to type II and back to type I like at large magnetic field. This phenomenon arises from the interplay among the superlattice potential profile, the external magnetic field, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The shear strain induces a strong coupling of the light- and heavy-hole states and a transition of the hole ground states from "light"-hole to "heavy"-hole-like states.


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Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices is investigated theoretically. The longitudinal magnetoconductivity (MC) in such systems exhibits an oscillating behavior as function of an external magnetic field. In the weak magnetic-field region the giant Zeeman splitting plays a dominant role that leads to a large negative magnetoconductivity. In the strong magnetic-field region the MC exhibits deep dips with increasing magnetic field. The oscillating behavior is attributed to the interplay between the discrete Landau levels and the Fermi surface. The decrease of the MC at low magnetic field is caused by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron in the conduction band and the magnetic ions. The spin polarization increases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and the longitudinal current becomes spin polarized in strong magnetic field. The effect of spin-disorder scattering on MC is estimated numerically for low magnetic fields and found to be neglectible for our system.


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Ballistic spin polarized transport through diluted magnetic semiconductor single and double barrier structures is investigated theoretically using a two-component model. The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of the system exhibits oscillating behavior when the magnetic field is varied. An interesting beat pattern in the TMR and spin polarization is found for different nonmagnetic semiconductor/diluted magnetic semiconductor double barrier structures which arises from an interplay between the spin-up and spin-down electron channels which are split by the s-d exchange interaction.


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The magneto-Stark effect in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an in-plane magnetic field is investigate theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effects, in a DMS CQW the Lorenz force leads to a spatially separated exciton. The in-plane magnetic field can shift the ground state of the magnetoexciton from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM)/momentum to a finite CM momentum, and render the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We report the influence of growth parameters and post-growth annealing on the structural characterizations and magnetic properties of (Ga, Cr)As films. The crystalline quality and magnetic properties are sensitive to the growth conditions. The single-phase (Ga, Cr)As film with the Curie temperature of 10 K is synthesized at growth temperature T-s = 250 degrees C and with nominal Cr content x = 0.016. However, for the films with x > 0.02, the aggregation of Cr atoms is strongly enhanced as both T. and x increase, which not only brings strong compressive strain in the epilayer, but also roughens the surface. The origin of room-temperature ferromagnetism in (Ga, Cr)As films with nanoclusters is also discussed.


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Raman scattering measurements have been performed in diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-xMnxAs prepared by Mn-ion implantation, deposition, and post-annealing technique. It is found that the Raman spectrum measured from the implanted surface of the sample shows some new weak modes in addition to the GaAs-like modes which are observed from the unimplanted surface. The new vibrational modes observed are assigned to MnAs-like modes. The coupled LO-phonon plasmon mode, and Mn and As related vibrational modes caused by Mn-ion implantation, deposition, and post-annealing are also observed. Furthermore, the GaAs-like modes are found to be shifted by approximately 4 cm(-1) in the lower frequency side, compared with those observed from the unimplanted surface.


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The dilute magnetic semiconductor of Sn1-x-yMnxFeyO2 (0 <= x <= 0.10, 0 <= y <= 0.10) Were syhthesized with the hydrothermal method using SnCl4, Mn(CH3COO)(2) center dot 4H(2)O and FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O as the raw materials. The structure, morphologies and magnetic properties of the sample were characterized via X-ray powder diffractometer(XRD), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), Raman spectrum and superconducting and quantum interference device(SQUIT), and Mossbeaur spectrum. No secondary phase was found in the XRD spectrum. The morphology of the samples is affected by the kind or the mount of transition metal. The local vibrating model-of Mn Positioned SnO2 sites was found in Raman spectrum. The measured magnetic results indicate that when x = 0.10, y = 0, the sample exhibits strong magnetization in low-temperature (5 K), but the magnetization decrease rapidly at room. temperature; In contrast, when x = 0, y = 0.1, the sample's magnetization and coercivity are both small, but being temperature independent. Mossbeaur spectra indicates that part of the Fe is ferromagnetic coupled, and the simulating results indicate that the ferromagnetic character is intrinsic.


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Este trabalho centra-se na investigação da possibilidade de se conseguir um semicondutor magnético diluído (SMD) baseado em ZnO. Foi levado a cabo um estudo detalhado das propriedades magnéticas e estruturais de estruturas de ZnO, nomeadamente nanofios (NFs), nanocristais (NCs) e filmes finos, dopadas com metais de transição (MTs). Foram usadas várias técnicas experimentais para caracterizar estas estruturas, designadamente difracção de raios-X, microscopia electrónica de varrimento, ressonância magnética, SQUID, e medidas de transporte. Foram incorporados substitucionalmente nos sítios do Zn iões de Mn2+ e Co2+ em ambos os NFs e NCs de ZnO. Revelou-se para ambos os iões dopantes, que a incorporação é heterogénea, uma vez que parte do sinal de ressonância paramagnética electrónica (RPE) vem de iões de MTs em ambientes distorcidos ou enriquecidos com MTs. A partir das intensidades relativas dos espectros de RPE e de modificações da superfície, demonstra-se ainda que os NCs exibem uma estrutura core-shell. Os resultados, evidenciam que, com o aumento da concentração de MTs, a dimensão dos NCs diminui e aumentam as distorções da rede. Finalmente, no caso dos NCs dopados com Mn, obteve-se o resultado singular de que a espessura da shell é da ordem de 0.3 nm e de que existe uma acumulação de Mn na mesma. Com o objectivo de esclarecer o papel dos portadores de carga na medição das interacções ferromagnéticas, foram co-dopados filmes de ZnO com Mn e Al ou com Co e Al. Os filmes dopados com Mn, revelaram-se simplesmente paramagnéticos, com os iões de Mn substitucionais nos sítios do Zn. Por outro lado, os filmes dopados com Co exibem ferromagnetismo fraco não intrínseco, provavelmente devido a decomposição spinodal. Foram ainda efectuados estudos comparativos com filmes de ligas de Zn1-xFexO. Como era de esperar, detectaram-se segundas fases de espinela e de óxido de ferro nestas ligas; todas as amostras exibiam curvas de histerese a 300 K. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese de que as segundas fases são responsáveis pelo comportamento magnético observado em muitos sistemas baseados em ZnO. Não se observou nenhuma evidência de ferromagnetismo mediado por portadores de carga. As experiências mostram que a análise de RPE permite demonstrar directamente se e onde estão incorporados os iões de MTs e evidenciam a importância dos efeitos de superfície para dimensões menores que ~15 nm, para as quais se formam estruturas core-shell. As investigações realizadas no âmbito desta tese demonstram que nenhuma das amostras de ZnO estudadas exibiram propriedades de um SMD intrínseco e que, no futuro, são necessários estudos teóricos e experimentais detalhados das interacções de troca entre os iões de MTs e os átomos do ZnO para determinar a origem das propriedades magnéticas observadas.